The Only Hope

The conversers weren't even trying to hide their gist in anyway.

"…yeah mate, I don't think that's what truly happened."

"Sir, I assure you, I do not jest! The stranger Xzavier did that!"

"But he was just recently awarded the title of Baron! You're trying to tell me that orc-slayer Xzavier, physically humiliated Eadweard of the Anjou clan, all because he disrespected an ordinary maid?! Come on!"

Another man in the small group lent his voice;

"I also heard about it. My best bud personally shaves the beard of the chief servant of the Anjou family, he confirmed it word for word."

The chief contender shook his head in disbelief.

"That is impossible. How can a mere stranger publicly humiliate Eadweard, and then receive a promotion weeks later? And all for what, some girl? Bah! It's absurd!"