Just Do It

In this isekai, sex slaves were private property. A man couldn't just wake up and snatch another man's sex slave. It was an unforgivable affront that came with a lot of heat.

Xzavier couldn't help but see the irony of it all. Society got enraged when another a man steals another man's sex slave, but remains placid about the whole sex slave situation!

While all these thoughts raced through Xzavier's mind, Janae started to undo the strap of her robe, saying; "My lord, if you would have me, I will give you the best service I can offer."

Xzavier was stunned. She was speaking as if her 'service' was something like a contracted artist or a party planner. Aghast, Xzavier promptly refused.

"I think you might have misunderstood. I am not here for that. I meant what I said earlier on, you're getting out of here."

Janae saw the look on Xzavier's and countered him; "Please understand sir, this is my duty."

"I get that. But I am not compelling you to do anything."