Magic trick

I didn't want to go to my dorm right away, so I opted to roam around. Explore the campus a little bit. It's about 600 square meters, so I won't be able to see everything in one day. Making up my mind I decided to go to the most popular region.

Keyaki mall.

After a good hour or two of walking around the 5-story main mall complex, I came to a halt in front of a vending machine. There were a variety of soft drinks from well-known brands. It's difficult to select when the options are this diverse, especially since I've never tried one.

Just as I was about to pick one, my gaze was drawn to a certain someone.

A few meters away, a lone girl stared through the glass window of a women's clothing store, where a bunch of hair clips was on display. She appeared to be in a daze while staring at them closely. I'm guessing she's window shopping?

She was still wearing her school uniform like me.

Like a trained assassin, I approach her, my footsteps betraying no sound.

Her back was to me, and she was completely unaware of my presence.

I took the 'Iced tea can' from my right hand and pressed it to her cheeks.

''Eeeeekkkk!!!!'' The abrupt cold metal sensation to her skin made her recoil. In her startled state, she broke through her trance and stared at me, confused.

''Hello again Ichinose.''

''Ohh Ayanokouji! what are yo----'' Before she could complete the sentence I held out the iced tea, indicating her to take it.

''Consider it an apology for this morning, you know, you being late and all.''

''I can't do that, it wasn't your fault to begin wit-------''

''I kinda figure you would say something like that, in that case...'' I cut her off once more. ''Think of it as a treat from a friend.''

''Ah...'' she seemed to think for a moment. ''Don't mind me then.'' She took the iced tea gratefully with a beaming smile on her face.

If Ichinose could be described in a single line, it would be that she is genuinely kind-hearted, compassionate, and a pacifist at heart. She has a strong sense of morality and believes in it wholeheartedly.

The fastest way to bypass those barriers is to paint yourself as her ally. Someone she can trust. A friend essentially.

Though I'm pretty sure she would even show kindness to her enemies too.

An admirable trait, but one that is easily exploitable.

Ichinose slid the can open before taking a sip, her glossy pink lips gentle to the touch. They look so soft. Speaking of soft, wasn't Ichinose the first woman I touched? Her breasts I mean? Even if it was an accident.

Also, she's the first girl I ever called a friend.

She has a benevolent personality, one that draws people in. Her body looks mature for her age, well-toned, athletic, and youthful.

If this school ever has a beauty battle royale, she would definitely rank somewhere in the top ten leaderboards.

I tilted my head while looking at the alluring strawberry blonde girl in front of me, I came to a sound decision. I want her to be my first in a couple of other things too.

''Hey Ichinose, wanna see a magic trick?'' Even though it's a question the answer is pretty obvious. Who in their right mind ever says no to magic.

''Whoa, you can do magic??'' Ichinose's eyes sparkled as she drew her face closer. Too close. Mmmm...Is it just her, or do all girls get this excited by magic?

Psychologically, people mostly act on impulse and intuition, thinking more with their guts than their brains, in a manner of speaking. Because of this, they are prone to believe in the magical rather than the logical.

I took out a small piece of paper and a pen from my pockets.

''This is a simple pen and paper,'' I handed her the items. ''Now for this to work I'm gonna need you to write down your phone number-''

''My phone number! say no more!'' She started scribbling down her digits in an excited manner.

Wait what? Is it supposed to be this easy? I even devised a couple of backup plans in case she declined.

I stood there frozen, completely taken aback by her carefree attitude; is she so fascinated by the idea of magic that she doesn't even realize what she's doing? Mmmmmmmm....oh well.

''Here you go,'' She handed me the paper, watching me intently as I took it.

''Okay make sure to keep your eyes on it.''

Placing the small paper in my palms I closed my fingers forming a fist, but when I opened my fist the paper was gone.

''Oooooohh,'' Ichinose clapped her hands.

Really? she's that impressed? Making little objects in your palm vanish isn't exactly a desirable superpower. I don't think the Avengers would be too thrilled to have me on their team.

I looked at the sun, it's probably gonna set soon.

"well Ichinose it's getting late, I should go. See you later.''

"Oh, sure!" She waved me goodbye, a bright smile planted on her face.

I continued walking till I was certain she couldn't see me anymore. Taking the paper hidden in my sleeves, I dialed her number on my phone before shredding it into a dozen pieces and tossing it in the nearest bin.

Honami Ichinose huh....

She's even the first girl in my contacts.

Can't wait to see more of her.