Aphrodisiac Tea Part-3

[Seraphine POV]

Ayanokouji took a deep breath before reaching out for my most sensitive spot.

With my whole body controlled by a sweet sensation, I could only look at Ayanokouji's hand slowly reaching out for my own breasts.

"H-Hey we can talk this out..."

I tried to bargain with him, but Ayanokouji didn't stop.

His eyes looked rather ominous. He had the vibe of an overworked office worker who was sick of his job and just wanted to get through the day so he could retire fast. Maybe that's why I didn't resist much, because of how nonchalant he is about all this.

...Wh-What's up with this guy why does he look so disinterested?... But at this rate, I...

I clearly remember that tingle I felt, that sweet stimulus that ran through my whole body the moment he touched my breasts earlier. Soon enough I will get to feel it again. Thinking so, my body relaxed.

"A, Ahh❤..."

Finally, Ayanokouji's hand touched my breasts. At that moment, a pleasant sensation rushed through my whole body and my body trembled in response.

It was the same sensation as earlier— No, an even stronger one.

"Yah❤... Hey, calm down..Mn❤.. Not there... Ayanokouji..."

Under his body, I writhed my hips and said pleading words with an enchanting voice.

But, Ayanokouji still didn't remove his hands from my breasts.

And then— I noticed my own breasts changing shape in response to Ayanokouji's touch. I was aware of the sweet sensation, as well as how delicate and sensitive my own breasts were. My large breasts had grown to the point where they overflowed out of his palms. Accepting his five fingers despite the fact that they crowded out between his fingers on every massage, changing shape lewdly.

Yup, there is no doubt about it, what I'm feeling is definitely pleasure.

This sweet sensation robbed any notion of thoughts.

And then the moment suddenly came.

"Ah— Y- YAAAAAAH❤❤!?"

After a moment of brief blankness— A fierce pleasure sparked my vision snow-white.

A pleasant feeling gushed out from every pore of my body and I felt like I was floating.

My body stiffened up on its own and I forgot how to breathe for a moment.

"... Ah❤... Hah❤... Ahh❤..."

Before long, I started leaking a long breathing filled with a sweet heat. The white fog eventually cleared and my vision faintly came back.

...No way. Did I just? I...Just from his t-touch alone❤...No, it must be the drug

''Just so you know, the drug only increases sexual excitement, not sensitivity and stimulation'' Fukka said as if she could read my thoughts.

"But... Wh- Why...?"

I raised a confused voice. I thought for sure that this would be the end. Yet, the sweet sensation didn't vanish from my body. Not just that, it got even stronger.

"Well, this isn't working. Ayanokouji, fondle her breasts not over the clothes— but directly."


I inadvertently reacted with a shiver, Ayanokouji on the other hand seemed perfectly calm.

"—Sigh, Whatever." He shrugged his shoulders.

Saying so Ayanokouji moved his hands from my breasts to the bottom of my top. His action and face didn't match at all. In fact, the boy in question looked really bored, like he just wanted to get this over with.

"N- No way..."

While dumbfounded, I no longer had any strength to resist. I'm not even sure if I want to. I noticed Ayanokouji's two hands slipping beneath the hem of my bra top. Then those hands began to move upwards, towards my breasts. The hem was trapped at his wrist, and my bra top was gradually rolled up.

"Mm... Ahh❤, Yah...Don't, Dar- Darling❤, stop it..."


During my cornered state I inadvertently called Ayanokouji "Darling" on the spur of the moment. For the first time, Ayanokouji stopped his hands, before looking at me with a weird expression. He was certainly taken aback.

... O, Oh no. I unconsciously...

''Pfft...Hahahaha,'' Fuuka started laughing uncontrollably. '' I know what this is! You kept telling me how your mother always calls your father 'Darling'! Who could've thought it runs in the family!''

My face turned red.

'' To think you used to complain about how lovey-dovey they are, and now look at you! You know what they say- Like mother like daughter.''

I regret ever telling her that.

"Relax senpai, just ignore Fuuka."

Calmly saying so, Ayanokouji once again started to roll up my clothes.

"Mm... Ah❤, .... Yah❤... Mm."

The shame from having my upper body gradually getting exposed and the sensation from his hands gliding up my stomach made my body twist. However, that was all the resistance I could offer. Before long, my clothes had rolled up to my breasts. It meant that there no longer was anything between Ayanokouji's hand and my breasts. Unable to endure the embarrassment, I inadvertently tried to avert her face,

"...Bon Appétit."

Right after he said that— I saw my own breasts touched directly by Ayanokouji's hand. Immediately, my breasts were fondled—


I leaked the sweetest voice ever so far and fiercely shivered my body.


"Ah... Mm, Hah... Ah..."

As the sensation wasn't completely gone yet, I laid down, completely exhausted on the sofa.

As I looked to my right, I found Fuuka and Ayanokouji sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch. A joystick in both their hands. It seems both of them decided to play 'Super Smash Brothers' to pass the time.

Though I've never played it, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Ayanokouji sucks at it. He kept losing. It was as if he was playing it for the first time. Fuuka, on the other hand, doesn't seem to mind and was even teaching him all the combos.

Jeez, he's showing more interest in learning the controls than when he was touching me. For some reason that doesn't sit well with me.

Fukka paused when she noticed me staring at them.

"Eleven times... I expect nothing less from you, Seraphine. You were more persistent than I thought." Fuuka gave me a mischievous smile.

''Shut ur trap, you Tasmanian troglodyte. Before I send your ass to the gulags''

''Ah Seraphine, you have such a way with words'' Fuuka reminded undeterred to my harsh words.

Ayanokouji had continued to fondle my breasts numerous times until I felt satisfied from the bottom of her heart. After repeatedly giving my body the sensation that shivered my whole body, I soon after released a sweet voice and kept calling him "Darling" in a delirium.

After the eleventh time, I apparently blacked out.

God I wish I could bury myself.

Fuuka returned her attention back to Ayanokouji and looked at him with a roguish smile.

"And you~ Weren't you quite into it after a while."

"I was?..." He asked unfazed, lowering his gamepad.

"Oh yeah! Even though Seraphine was so against it, you never stopped your hands."

"I like to finish my chores fast."

"But every time she called you darling— you kept pausing."

"Uh... She has pink hair and uses the word darling. It's not my fault that she reminds me of zero two."

After they were done ranting, Ayanokouji stared at me silently, before-

'' Senpai, If you want, I can buy you lunch to make it up to you. Of course, I understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore.''

I don't get why he's so apologetic, when the actual culprit is right next to him, smiling as if she just won the lottery. One of these days I'm going to shove a pole up her ass.

He didn't appear to be having fun when he was touching me, so it didn't feel like he was taking advantage of me. He seems to have a reliable and cool demeanor. Also, he's kinda good looking too.

Not to mention he's the first to touch me like that........

'' Fine tomorrow at three. You owe me big time. Also.....'' I started unconsciously twirling my hair around my finger. ''Call me Sera.''

For some reason, I couldn't look him in the eye.