'Fuuka' The first woman to be devoured by the T-rex

[Kiyotaka POV]

Grabbing her waist I pushed her to the side, swapping places until I was on top of her. In missionary position.

Once again, I can feel her grip me tighter as her insides and my cock rub against each other.

''Hey, what are you doing!.. I was supposed to take the lea-- Ahhh❤❤❤!''

My cock pushed up and inside of her again. I fucked straight through any virginal resistance she had, and almost immediately any complaints she had were replaced by beautiful, seemingly endless pleasure.

She moaned, gripping my back hard.

"Kuahhh❤! Haah❤... okay, Ayanokouji... Hmphhh❤! Let's... Mphhh❤! Go harder... This feels... ama-... Haah❤!Haahhh❤!"

I obliged her request by thrusting more forcefully, making the stream of pleasant sensations reach into her head without stopping as my entire dick keeps being rubbed in every direction by her pussy.

Fuuka is in a sort of ecstasy state, moving her hips like usual but harder than before, rubbing her insides against me.

"Uaah❤! Y-You're... Kghh❤! Going at it so hard... Kghh❤! Your dick... is... kghhh❤! Reaching deep inside me... Kyaaahn!❤❤"

I suddenly realize how she's matching my waist movements.

"Nhaah❤ Hyahn❤! Haah❤! You knew nothing about women just a moment ago... haaahn❤! And look at you now... haaah❤...! You're moving so well... Kghhh❤!"

I feel my head touch the deepest part of her, and it feels amazing. I want more.

My side rubbing against her walls and my glans pushing against that spot... The feelings are more intense than anything I've experienced before.

"Nkghh❤! Cum in me... haah❤... haah❤... inside of me... Kghhh❤! Haah❤... please fill me... haah❤! Hmphhh❤... Haah❤ Haah❤!"

"Yeah, yeah. Relax, I heard you the first time."

"You seem like... Ahh❤ Hnnn❤! You're going to... aah❤... get me pregnant... ahhh❤! Haah❤ Hmphhh❤! At any moment now...! Haaahn❤!"

I hit the brakes as soon as I heard the P-word. The dreaded P-word. For the first time since we started, I felt nervous.

The only reason I had no problem with doing it inside, was cause I was under the impression that she was on birth control or it was her safe day. I mean this is Fuuka we are talking about. She might be unconventional but not irresponsible.

She meant that in a teasing manner right? There is no way she actually wants me to impregnate her... RIGHT?

'' You got some nerve ...Ah❤... stopping, after driving a girl to this state... Haah❤~''

Fuuka wraps her legs around my waist, blocking any chance of me running away. She is having her fair share of fun, judging by her expression.

However, I'm currently in a predicament, since I stopped at the worst possible time. I feel something rushing from my waist towards my penis; I'm definitely close. It'll all come rushing out if I lose focus even for a moment.

Even though I stopped, she moved her hips on her own trying to tempt me. She looked up at me with an evil leer, but with the way her eyes were moist and her cheeks cheery red, that smile looked like the pinnacle of bewitching.

Don't do it Ayanokouji, don't fall for this witch's plan.

Fuuka arched her back, her face buried into my shoulder, as she licked and sucked my neck trying to leave hickeys.

Sex is like math, you add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and pray that you don't multiply.

She moved up and teasingly bit my earlobe.

"Screw this-" I sighed.

I roughly grabbed her waist with both hands and began pushing back into her, this time with added vigor.

Fuuka's stifled moans soon joined the cacophony of sounds that filled the room, resonating perfectly with our bodies slapping against each other and her eyes rolling up every time her pussy swallows my cock.

"Kghh❤! Your cock's hitting me so deep... Hyahhnn❤! I can't hold myself any longer...! Haah❤! I'm so close... Haahn❤ Hyahnn❤!"

I grabbed her hips and began thrusting faster, my cock probing her insides deep and hard while she tried to match my pace. Every time I sunk it into her wet hole Fuuka would cry out, feeling it stretch her pussy like never before.

"Together... Kghh❤! Haah❤... let's... haah❤... cum together...! Kuaaah❤! Ayanokouji! I'm almost there❤!"

"Can you shut up?"

"Oh please,... You and I both know you love it when I moan... Haaaah❤! Hyaahn❤! Each time I moan your dick gets bigge-----!"

I leaned in and kissed her just to shut her up.

After a few gentle kisses, I began lightly brushing my tongue along her lips. She extends her own tongue in response. We began intertwining our tongues stimulating each other's mouths for mutual sexual pleasure.

Every time our lips, tongues, and saliva came into contact, it felt like her strength was being sapped from her. She lost the will to object.

I lifted my lips just as she was struggling to breathe, allowing her to catch some fresh air. But I continued the kiss before she had a chance to complain.

Despite my full attention on that kiss, I never stopped moving. But stimulating both her upper mouth and lower mouth proved to be too much for her.

She desperately clawed her hands on my back and wrapped her legs around me even tighter.

The couch shook with every thrust I gave her. Despite the force, I put behind every hit, I still built up a rhythm that left Fuuka a quivering mess and brought her on the brink of climax.

"Well, time to finish this..." I declared.

"Haah❤... I'm gonna cum❤... Uaaah❤! I'm... gonna cuuummm❤❤❤❤❤❤!"

I tried to hold a little longer, but despite my resistance, the tide is simply too powerful for me to stop.

As a piercing sensation passes through my penis, I drive my hips into her with all my strength.

What felt like the entrance to her uterus opening, and my cock reaching even further inside her. I felt my hot load bursting out of my tip.

"Hyaaaaaaaaaahn❤! Haaah❤ Haaawaaahhh❤! This... Kyaaahn❤! Hot load is... your... Aaah❤! pouring inside of me... Aaaah❤❤❤❤!"

My dick contracts and expands over and over, and each time my load bursts forth into her.

I carelessly kept on pounding her, even after I felt her entire body quake. Her thighs snapped shut, but that only made my cock feel bigger inside of her, especially since her pussy kept clenching on it.

Her juices sprayed out of her, flooding and forming a wet spot on the silk sheets of the couch.

"Even though... you finished me up so roughly❤... aaah❤ haaah❤! You're sinful to the core❤... Aaah ❤Hyaahn❤! Haah❤!"

She's doing her best to appear in control, but it seems like her climax is overpowering her resistance. She moans with a satisfied expression on her face.

She's trying to maintain a straight face, but her labored breaths and her insides wrapping tighter around my cock tell a different story.

I feel this nonstop as I finish ejaculating - she must be climaxing over and over again.

"Aaah❤! Haah❤... it's filling my belly❤... Kghhh❤! But... there's still more coming out?! Haah... It's going to... overflow❤... Mphhh❤!"

Some of it was leaking outside of her pussy. I had no idea I was even capable of this.

I mean, I'm a young man, so there's that.

Too bad; looks like fun time is over.

She puts her hand over her abdomen and caresses it lightly. Man, I just banged her without a condom and without pulling out. Now I gotta make a contingency plan.

How annoying...

I let myself fall face-first on her big breast, still clad in that purple bra. I guess sinking in them was my way of temporarily escaping reality.

"I had only planned to take your virginity in this first round, but... Nhehe, you completely blew me away with that ferocious cock of yours... Hehehe..." She gently stroked my hair.


"Looks can be deceiving, huh? At first, I thought you didn't have it in you. Do you have any idea how many chances I gave you to do ecchi things to me?..."


"Never in a million years would I have imagined you were concealing a weapon on par with holy sword Excalibur beneath your belt... Haah... I think I'm starting to fall for you, Ayanokouji..."


''You are not even listening to me, are you?''


''Ayanokouji, I'm a NAZI.''



Noticing the silence I peeked through the soft valley in her chest.

Taking it as an opportunity Fuuka used both hands to grab my cheeks, forcing me to look at her.

We're just gazing into each others' eyes, but it makes me feel vexed; that I could feel every slight twitch in her, from the leftover feelings of pleasure running throughout her body.

"The mere act of sex, shouldn't feel so amazing... Haah... Maybe it's because... I did it with you, Ayanokouji?"

She smiles at me with a smug look on her face. She must be satisfied.

I rolled my eyes at her sweet words.

"Just so you know I was only playing with you. I'm using one of the modern-day's greatest inventions. The pill. So there is a 5% chance of me actually getting pregnant. It's as rare as getting a 5 star in Genshin Impact for a broke F2P player!"

''For real?''

''Yup. I mean Come'on we are in high school. Plus can you even imagine me as a mother?''

"Oh thank God, now I don't have to work hard.'' I sighed in relief. ''I was wondering where I would hide the bodies."




It was evening by the time we finished fucking.

Fuuki and I were already cleaned and dressed up. We were ready to leave the clubroom and call it a day.

"Hey, Ayanokouji... let's make this a daily thing. And I won't take no for an answer. Only you can make me feel this way, after all. I take it you have no complaints?"

Sex with her, every single day? Feeling this good, every day? Lying with a girl as beautiful as her, every day? Man, talk about winning the lottery.

"Sounds like a drag, not interested." I refused without hesitation.

The only reason I was interested in sex in the first place, was cause it was something I haven't experienced yet. But now that I have, I see no point in continuing the practice.

Besides, I don't think free sex is worth her nagging me all day.

I wonder what I should try next... Drugs maybe?

''Stop being such a tsundere, I will take your answer as a YES. Imagine having a dick that big and not using it, that's like showing God the middle finger for his gracious gift to you.'' Fuuka smiles and nods happily upon hearing herself.


I honestly never knew if my dick was big or small, or if girls would like it or whatever. Nor did I even care.

If nothing else, Fuuka seems rather pleased with my package.

Not sure whether I should take it as a compliment or not.

I ended up having my first experience with her, and I was still in a state of wondering if I made the right decision or not.

'' BTW Sera and Hiyori is next. Let's do it serial-wise. So Sera first... and then Hiyori!''

''Do what? You mean what I did to you?''

''Oh did I give the impression that I wanted to keep you to myself?'' Fuuka looked amused when she asked the question. ''I just called first dibs on you, that's all.''

''I honestly have nothing against you banging other ladies, in fact, I encourage it. Don't you remember what I told you when we first met? I'm here to build you a harem. I don't mind as long as I'm your number 1.''

She leaned in to give me a peck in my cheek.

''Jealousy is an emotion you feel when you think of yourself as inferior. I have no need for that. And you soon find that none of the girls compares up to me.''

''Cocky aren't you?''

''Who knows? Maybe I'm going to be put in my place by some woman who is infinitely better than me in every way... But that's the best part about life, you just never know!''

This is exactly why I find Fuuka annoying. It would've been far too easy if she was one-dimensional. But the prospect of losing satisfies her the same as winning. No wonder she never gets bothered even when I'm mean with her.

''Sera likes her boobs being rubbed. And Hiyori seems like the type to enjoy the act of kissing, but she can wait.'' She continued talking. ''Make sure to show Sera a good time.''

She gave me a wink and proceeded to leave the room.

I guess she feels some sort of obligation towards Sera for this? Or do the two of them get along better than they seem? There is still so much I don't know about their relationship. However, I'm not interested in being nosy in other people's business.