Preparing Hiyori

[Kiyotaka POV]

I gave Fuuka the heads up, making sure she doesn't come anywhere near my dorm's vicinity today. I didn't even bother making an excuse, I just told her the truth, since that's the fastest way to get her off my case. And sure enough, it worked like a charm. She even sent me the eggplant and squirt emoji.

I drop my phone as Hiyori let herself into the room, embarrassed of herself in that towel. ''I hoped you wouldn't be in here.''

I was fully clothed, wearing blue jeans and a clear purple t-shirt, finally feeling dry. ''I mean you are staying at my house. Something like this is bound to happen.''

''Could you step out there while I get dressed, please?''

Kicking me out of my own bedroom? I gave it a moment of thought. ''No, just do your thing and I'll check my emails. We're grown-ups here.''

''Kiyotaka, I'm not joking.''

''I'm not either. You told me you wanted to do the 'deed' yesterday. Don't you think losing your sense of shame in the bedroom is the first step for that?''

''I g-guess...?''

She rifled through the shopping bags looking for panties, drawing out a tiny, red flash of silk. I hoped like hell that towel would fall off. Hiyori pulled out the matching bra from the next bag and turned around.

''I'm sorry, but this is way too e-embarrassing for me'' I couldn't see her face but her ears were bright red.

I stared back, my look just as serious. ''Put those down and come over here.'' My brain hurt a little as I put energy into my thoughts. ''We need to talk.''

Hiyori hesitated, but she couldn't resist a direct request like that. ''No man's ever seen me like this. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that.''

''This is that weird thing where you don't mind being seen in a bikini at the pool, but covering yourself that much with a towel in front of me bothers you?'' I patted an area on the bed to my left. ''You're like a nervous kitten figuring out if it can swim. Spoiler alert, it can.''

Hiyori tried to hide her face with one hand, the other keeping that towel wrapped tight. She really is pure to the core, isn't she?

''Listen, stop complaining and come sit down next to me.''

She tried to say something, but she did exactly as told. Hiyori kept a little distance between us, fidgeting in place as soon as she was down to my left. I knew I had pushed her limits. Turning to stare right at her, I cupped her chin in my right hand.

She averted her eyes, pouting those plush lips. I sighed and then said, ''Look at me.''

''This is too much for me to handle, Kiyotaka.''

I never let her chin turn, even as she tried to make it. Finally, she got the message and locked eyes with me. ''Listen very carefully. When you asked me to have sex with you, I figured you and I are the same. In the sense that you wanted to do it cause you were curious.''

Hiyori relaxed, her eyes widening. ''Don't you want to explore the uncharted cave of possibilities. Who knows what sort of treasure awaits you when you enter. You already tested the waters, why not dive in?''

She caught herself cracking a smile and forced it into a disapproving frown, ''I still don't get why you even agreed to my absurd request?''

''I mean you are beautiful.''Her eyebrows slacked and her neck ended all resistance.

''I am?''

''Don't tell me you lived your whole life without knowing that.''I watched her smile return and added, ''Any straight man would climb mountains just to worship the ground you walk on.''

''Okay! now you are just exaggerating!'' She giggled. ''So you think I'm that great, huh?'' What's with this insecurity about herself? She's rockin' and doesn't even know it.

''You are worrying about non-existent issues Hiyori.''

''There are so many better options than me.''She was totally relaxed now. ''Like I don't measure up when compared to Kiryuin and Sera senpai.''

''That's a load of crap.'' I let go of her chin and moved my hand down to her shoulder.

''I don't know how to describe you other than one of the most stunning women I've ever seen.''

Hiyori's blushed with her cheeks, shoulders, and what little of her breasts I could see. ''You know my mother always told me to look out for guys like you. The ones that play with women.''

Is that what I am right now? I guess she's not entirely wrong.

Flattering that towel right off of her was kinda the goal, so at least I knew she wasn't dense despite being innocent to a fault. ''Caught me red-handed.'' Regardless of my expressionless face, I wasn't lying to Hiyori. I meant everything I said.

I moved my hand down a little more, sliding a finger underneath where the towel held onto itself. ''You're not complaining, though,'' I asked.

''I m-mean I'm the one who asked you to do this...,'' she didn't stop me as I tugged against the fold, ''But I like it.''

The friction in the towel gave way and it fell to the mattress.

Hiyori started to reach for the towel. I leaned over and put my hands on top of hers. She looked at me, her eyes trying to waver away from mine, finally settling in a direct stare.

I fought to keep the gaze intact. Those perfect small breasts seemed to be calling out my name. I grasped them with my right hand, causing her to bite her lips.

Her embarrassment came hurtling back. ''Ahh... Please, be gentle❤.'' Just talking about it turned Hiyori's face beet red.

''That goes without saying.''

The poor girl wriggled her hands lose of my own. She hurtled back, lying down turning her face my way. I stood up, my tent, clear as day behind my jeans. She was clean-shaven and smooth as a crystal ball down there.

The way it stayed smooth, all the way down to the discrete, had me excited. It was an argument for divine inspiration.

With her lying on the edge of my bed, I got down on my knees. Hiyori spread her legs just a little. Pulling her feet from the floor and resting the backs of her knees on my shoulders, I finally got the full presentation. The dainty pink line peeped out from two pillows of porcelain.

I grabbed for my phone to her left. Just like a wedding photo, I need a picture of this before I wreck it. The shutter sound from my phone almost echoed through the room. Hiyori didn't react like I thought, spreading her thighs a little wider, red as a tomato. She actually likes this.

My fingers danced from her belly button, creeping down to that wonderful mound that looked as virgin as a deep rainforest. She jerked when I spread the lips, seeing the pale membrane. I started circling a fingertip closer to home, teasing her.

I felt the barrier to her entrance. An intact hymen is a thing I hadn't broken till now. And I wasn't ready to claim it just yet.