Taking Hiyori's maidenhood

[Kiyotaka POV]

"Well," I stopped myself before I scared her too much.

"I'm gonna lie down. What do you think happens after that?"I tossed my shirt aside, as I worked in unbuckling my belt. Hiyori's eyes grew as wide as saucers, seeing a cock for the first time.

"Is that what I think it is?"

My head crashed into the mattress as I got comfortable. "You tell me."

Does she even know which hole it goes into? Hiyori stood up, her throat pulsing with a gulp. If it weren't so sad to see, it'd have been cute.

"So that's a penis..." I wiped my face with my hand, if I wasn't well versed in keeping my emotions in check I probably would've had a hard time holding my laughter.

"Yeah, what's the next step?" I asked the silver-haired virgin beside me.

Hiyori stared at my soldier standing at full attention. You could almost see the gears turning in her head. "That," she pointed, "goes inside me?"

"Bingo," I said, "You are on the right path."

I waited for her next move. A bead of sweat forms on her chest, flowing right between her breasts. "That...? Where does it go?"

"You tell me. Don't you already know the answer? You did read the book Fuuka gave you, right?"

"Uhmm, I think so." Despite her admirable intelligence, she sounded like an airhead for once. "C-Can it even fit in me?''

''Only one way to find out.''

I looked at the wall behind me, before stretching my arms. I could tell she was breathing hard, not sure what to do. I guess it was a moment of mercy, but I'd had enough.

"Listen," I propped myself up on my elbows, "sit in my lap."

Hiyori had no problem with the order, but hell if her face didn't clue me into all that confusion going on between her ears. Her knees landed around my thighs, the heat from her honeypot emanating against my shaft.

I put my hands on her shoulders and hoped she'd know the drill. Of course, she didn't.

"Hiyori, honey, listen." I talked to her in a sarcastic tone as I pushed every strand of hair away from her face and rubbed the back of my hand against her cheek. "This," I motioned down with my head, "goes between your legs."

She lowered her hips closer to mine, the distance so short I could have thrust right inside if I wanted to. "Are you sure this isn't wrong?"

"Does it feel wrong?"

"I don't know."Her slit pressed against my shaft, her love juice already causing a wet sensation to my skin. Fucking thrust into her already. I talked myself out of it.

"Fair warning, it'll hurt at first." Hiyori took my cock between two of her fingers, directing it right toward home. My head pressed against her hymen, begging to be unleashed and tear through it.

She bent her head down, our noses almost touching. "Kiyotaka, I'm scared."

I had to look away from her round moist eyes. I swear this girl could probably usher in an era of world peace with that level of cuteness.

My hands gripped the top of her hip bones, guiding her down until I felt the final wall of her virginity press against me. "It's alright. Take your time."

The pressure against my tip got stronger. I felt the snap as Hiyori's eyebrows shot upward. I fought against the instinct to rush all the way inside, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle it without going at her own pace.

I let Hiyori ease herself down the rest of the way. The feeling when our hips met left me in awe, like I had just explored uncharted territory.

Her tight cunt felt like a boa constrictor, the walls trying to choke the life out of my cock.

"Don't rush things. I'm not going anywhere."

She planted a hand between my chest and leaned back. Her eyes closed, the first cock she'd ever had rocking against places even her fingers hadn't explored.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, watching the corners of her mouth drift upward. Her other hand landed on me as Hiyori bent forward. "Easy, don't hurt yourself."

"Haah❤... But it feels so good❤."

She lunged forward, even more, her lips meeting my left ear. I fought against making myself thrust against her, her tight walls gripping me like a perfect mold of my shaft. "Phaah❤... Am I being a bad girl❤?"

"Do you want to be?"

Hiyori stopped in place, the back wall of her pussy crushing the head of my cock. "But isn't this wrong❤?"

Heaven would be this, right now, for-fucking-ever. I gave her a quick thrust, making Hiyori surge forward and bite into my neck to stop herself from moaning. She pulled herself back, planting both palms against my abs, not sure of what to do next.

I wrapped my arms around Hiyori's back. She slid against me, pushing the walls of her incredibly tight pussy against me. It felt different from Fuuka's. I briefly wondered if every pussy would feel different. Lowering myself I thrust back in.

Hiyori hugged around my waist, tensing her thighs until her knees knocked together. The poor girl had come so far already, but I felt like the test drive hadn't even gotten to the road. Her breath steamed against my ear. "Hyahn❤! ..Ah...Why does it feel so good❤?"

I cupped her chin and kissed her passionately, my tongue exploring her mouth. Not sure if my mind tricked me into a perfect present, but every breath I took smelled like jasmine. By the time I was done, a string of saliva was connecting us.

I stabbed another thrust into her. Hiyori collapsed against my chest, whimpering as her passage gripped me like an undersized rubber. I fought to pull it back, finally getting my length out against the pull of her honeypot.


She did.

I gently gripped Hiyori's throat between my thumb and the rest of my fingers. My index finger softly caressed her soft lips, she took it in and starts sucking on it. She probably wasn't even aware of how seductive her action was.

This is mine?

I must have been a saint in a past life.