Do you want to drink?

We went to Ms. Aries's house and as the gentleman he is, he left his girlfriend in front of the door and said " what did you tell him you better not mess up dads plan" "just shut up brother what did you do to him for him to feel so bad, he couldn't even breath you better be careful if you don't want him to give up now go to the car because he is waiting" "okay thank you tell dad I will be coming late today" "wow wait a minute what do you mean by that what are you going to do" she says "you just relax I'm just going to talk with him, okay" Yung says " alright just be patient, give me a good night kiss" she was prepared "hell no I wouldn't kiss you even if you were a toad" "oh just shut up he is looking this way," "oh okay only in the cheek " he kisses her "ah disgusting now get the hell out of here," she runs inside feeling disgusted too.

Meanwhile, in the car, why is Yung taking so long Han seeks through the window and saw the good night kiss, from Ms. Aries and his boss he saw his girlfriend looking at him with a smiling face like she was saying don't touch things that don't belong to you, his heart tightened up it hurts but he didn't know what it was he didn't feel good or he just was feeling jealous, angry he wanted that kiss to be his and no one else, but he knew he would never get a chance but he knew what to do, after all this thought Yung came into the car and said "we can go now where do you leave Mr. Han" "just around the corner," he explained "why are talking like that are feeling okay" "actually no, can we get some alcohol in the store" Yung thought a lot about it "sure wait for me, " he stopped at a near store and bought drinks sometime later "now we can go".

"This is my house," he says "oh Leo what are you doing here," "what do you mean by that I was worried did you check your phone I called you like 3 times, please be more considerate," Leo says "he was with me," Han points at Yung "with you what do you mean Han you are not doing again right," Leo says "Leo I think you need to leave just for a second," Han was angry "okay we can talk tomorrow" Leo take his bag and leaves angry too "I'm so tired right now" Han lays down on the sofa and Yung sits beside him.

"Well that was kind of awkward... so you said you are feeling lethargic I will let you sleep," Yung says, I couldn't let him go so I propose to drink. "Please stay would you like to drink with me?" Yung paused he was happy but Han couldn't see because he turned had turned his back "Of course, I mean sure if it's not a problem".

After drinking too much I did something I should never have done I took all my clothes and went to his lap he asked: "what are doing Han?" I said "what do you think I'm about to kiss you" I kissed his lips with a hungry tone while biting his lips he couldn't take it and ask "where is the bed," I said "over there" he points at his room "you are driving me crazy take my clothes off" I took his clothes and started giving him a blow job my mouth feels full the feeling that I'm going to get fucked not only in my ass but my mouth "I can't wait anymore" while Yung was trying to put his juicy dick inside me, I said "please put the condom first," "okay wait here" "please hurry," "Han you smell good what is going on?" We shared a hot kiss our bodies were connected, we faced each other our eyes met while he goes deeper I screamed his name with love, and all my problems melted away, "go harder" I screamed until my voice disappear we made love until our heart content it was only him and I in that room.... the room was silent and while sleeping I said quietly "I love you".