Nice to meet you

Warning: sexual content

Our kisses were too much even for us we felt like deep inside we were connected somehow, *stretch* " please stop stretching me there and put it in" Han says " my dear Han if I put it in like that you will cry and beg to stop and you should know that I don't stop even if you sob or beg" Yung says his fingers were extended and kept stretching me deeper but then I felt something else it- it's his tongue " Yung please stop I don't wanna cum like that put it in I beg you " but he didn't listen he went even deeper until I cummed on his face" *hiccup* I cried, I told you to stop, I told you I was coming " Han says *giggles* " I guess you get too emotional when you are drunk " Yung stopped and was cleaning me up but I didn't want to stop " Yung what are you doing" He asks " well we are done I made you come so we should stop" I was angry I pushed him in the bed and tied his hand with his necktie " What are you doing " he asks " well, dear Yung your mouth may be talking right now but your friend down there wants attention *his dick stood up* I guess Han was too sexy even his friend down there couldn't take it, Han put Yung dick inside his hole " wai-wait " Yung says but its too late Han was already inside *moan* and *moan* could hear, it was too much Yung took the necktie and said " its time for punishment" he took Han and *smash* it was too deep *slam* it went even deeper " " ahhhh st-stop I can't take it its too deep" Han says " I told you even if you beg I wouldn't quit so cry until tomorrow" he says they both moan and came together Yung cummins, deep inside him, their wild night finished with Yung and Han asleep.

One week later, at the cafe, Leo opens the entrance it was early so people don't come until later that's what he thought until *ding* a certain figure appears " Hi how may I help you" Leo turns his back and couldn't believe what he saw it was the most beautiful man he ever saw he had green hair, black eyes he dresses fancy I guess he is some rich kid but he still perfect" that's what he thought until " hey give me a coffee I have someone I need to see I know I'm handsome so stop looking at me like that it's disgusting " Suzuki said, he had a shitty personality " sir I don't know who you are I just thought you were pretty, I have never seen you before so if you want respect, you need to respect me first" Leo says it was the first time Suzuki was treated this way he knew that he angered him so he thought of apologizing but Leo was already dragging him out and gave him his coffee " please come back when you treat your shitty attitude asshole" * bang* he smashed the door, " now there it goes my mood that damn bastard I hope he already went to where he came from bastard, he is a bastard but still cute" Leo mumbles, he stopped thinking about it and went to work.

Meanwhile, Suzuki thought he was the most beautiful person he saw too inside and outside he was pretty, his beautiful red eyes were something I had never imagined finding in someone, I want him and I will get him, Suzuki Laurel always gets what he wants, " until later my prince nice to meet you" *smirks*. Suzuki enters his car and heads to his best friend's company, " hey isn't that Suzuki Laurel, girl 1 says, "yea it's him what is he doing here" girl 2 says "well, don't you guys know" Emma appears, "that's the boss childhood friend they grew up together " *wow* everyone says, he is tasty don't you think Mr.Han"Emma says *Mr. Han, Mr.Han* you don't seem good " oh Emma I'm fine just exhausted, let's go come see him he is hot Emma went ahead but Han couldn't and lost consciousness in Suzuki's hands.

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