The message

*previously* Suzuki went to Han's house to beg for help so he could win his best friend's heart, "No I don't want to play with his heart I just really like him " he says " I can't promise anything but I will do what I can" Han says, "really thank you, you are the best" he hugs Han " mmm, too close" Han says " ah sorry anyways let's go if I don't go Yung will be worried" Suki says They both came down from the terrace Suzuki says bye to Leo but he was completely ignored he was treated like he never existed he was sad but nothing he could they both started in the wrong foot.

*Office* Mr.Yung here are the papers you wanted the president of L product would like to have a meeting in two days Emma says "please if you have time call him and set the time" Yung says sure I will do so, now please I need to leave Suzuki have a fashion show today and I need to be present" He says sure young master have fun Emma says, " thanks Emma you are the best" she blushes "Young master the car is here" bodyguard says "then let's go Suzuki is waiting".

* at the red carpet* Aries I'm here he says " I'm sorry my fiance is here so we need to go " she tells the reporters " Ms.Aries do you have any message for those who want to climb to the top and be on your skin right now" they ask, she looks back and says " oh what an excellent question I do have something to say, my dears be aware that you will never be or climb to the top because I will always be there to make sure you fall I hope you got my message " She smirks " wow that was scary I hope the person she is talking don't mess with her" they said, " My dear Aries this is a fashion show you need to be calm and don't stress " Ah Suki you look wonderful I hope you catch fishes today and Yung you need to smile more you look like you came to kill everybody today is a special day " she says, " she is right your chairs are right in front so see you in ten min" bye boo Suki says while leaving", Yung let's go I need to sit I'm tired.

The fashion was awesome Suzuki gave his best and he looked handsome in every L's clothes the show was successful. *meanwhile* in Han House everything looks bored they were lethargy no one could dare to take the remote so they called " Henna" can you come and pass the remote " you guys the remote is right beside you " we know we just don't want to take it so please " They beg, " fine you brats" she says "hey be careful we still older than you " they said "Hey Han what did that bastard wanted to talk" Leo asks " well I can't tell you but don't worry is nothing serious " Han replies "right if you say so, wait now that I think about it do you know his name " Leo asks " right I don't know then.." They both are thinking " mmm guys I think you guys need to see this " Henna says, " What?" They both said, Leo and Han, were surprised they didn't expect the person who just knocked on their door was the man who won second place on the most beautiful man in the world Suzuki Laurel their jaw dropped.

Tha-that incredible who knew that he would be this outstanding" Han says " that's nothing he may be a popular, handsome, and attractive person but he better not expect me to be all sweet just because he is famous " *hmph* Leo left upset " Brother why is he angry " Henna asks " You know just Leo being Leo" He says "more like he just doesn't want to admit that Suzuki is handsome" Han mumbles " are you okay brother" Henna asks " yeah nothing to worry let's keep watching" and in less than a minute the message Aries left reached Han after that, he too left upset he already knew that the message was more like a warning for him to leave Yung but he knew that he carries Yung baby so this was not the end it only has started. Henna was left confused.