Missing pieces

I went home so stressed I can't even walk so many things happen today I'm tired I just want a hot shower and wine. Master, we are here bodyguard speaks out " thanks for your hard work I'll see you tomorrow, " Yung says. I was left next to my moms room, "mom you don't know how much I miss you" he cries it has been so long please come back to me, mom if you were here you would know what to do, Yung falls asleep soundly on the ground right in front of his mom bedroom.

Master, master, are you alright the maid asks *yawn* I am, call Aries for me, calling right now master please go take a shower and come downstairs breakfast is ready the maid left sadly. This house was built as a comfort for my master all the things his mother and father used are all here most likely this means this house is like Yung's parents the maid said "when Aries comes tell her to wait in the garden" Yung says "it shall be delivered, master".

*sometime later* where is Yung, Aries asks " I'm here I told you to wait in the garden," Yung says " I'm sorry master," the maid said "it's alright Aries is always complicated," Yung says "Let's go the garden is right outside " *she follows*, " black roses my mom's favorite," Yung says " Yung sometime we need to live the past where it is and move forward," Aries says *falls* Yung falls between the roses it looked so beautiful " mom always wanted to do this, fall in between her favorite flowers being drunk on the aroma" Yung cries " Aries I already lost my parents now I lost the only person who would play with me " Yung cries " Yung please calm down you still have mom and me, you have Suzuki the maids we all love you, stop saying things like that" Aries cries.

Han come here breakfast is ready Leo yells " right, right" I'm coming *yawn* "where is Henna," Leo says probably in your room Han answers HENNA time to eat, " Leo says "Coming," she says breakfast was quite something must be wrong Han asks himself Henna finishes early and went to school " something is wrong Leo, " Han says "huh!? Everything is normal is it the baby? Leo asks " no it's Henna look *points at the food* she didn't eat much " Han says worried "maybe she is just in her puberty phase," Leo says "alright if you say so, I'm going to work see you later he says "bye ".

Mr. Han, you are here we have too much work to do the boss is not coming today he went to his house yesterday Emma says "what do you mean, is he sick? Went to his house? Does he have another house? Han asks " you are asking way too many questions please we need to work the meetings were all annulled because of his absent" Emma says "the office has been on the run today I hope everything is going to be ok" Han says.

*somewhere in England * Suzuki it's your time to shine director says "okay I will do my best " Suzuki says he walks so perfectly in there until one of the models left slime on the ground so he can slip but nothing stops Suzuki he saw it and voila *a perfect jump* the public was impressed the show must continue... *back in Yung house* How about we change the color in here Aries suggested "no thanks this is where I belong I will not change " Yung says "but everything is literally black in here *she looks around* Yung you need a change " Aries said "No I do not stop insisting *gloom* I'm going back inside " Yung says "augh my dear brother one day you will find someone that will make a change and you will see how a change always matter in life Aries says.

*calling...* Mom why are you calling Yung says " Your bodyguard told me you went home what is happening?! Ms.Sho asks " that big mouth motherf... I mean nothing mom I was just tired and I was close to my house so I slept here " he says " Yung don't lie to me what is actually happening?!.

I'm so tired my dear readers I don't have the energy to write anymore but I will do my best