and they say running ain't an option.

assault rifle 100%

handcannon 7 rounds high explosive with 1 refill mag

2 grenades and 1 energy blade

exo skeleton power at 13%

i have been running for 20 min now, this damn bog of a forrest slowing me down and the screeching behind me to motivate me like my damn coach used to do

i can tell that those things are getting closer despite my damaged hearing, looks like i need to slow them down a bit... but how ?

as i run with my breath getting heavier and more labored the green stuff taking hold of my exo skeleton and power dropping fast. i have no choice left in this matter.... i grab the left arm control display and hit the evacuate button.

i come to a suddon halt and the skeleton opens up releasing my body, i hit the self destruct and set timer off and proximity detect on.

i grab my gear off the exo and run

after 3 min of flat out running i hear the blast, damn it...

i am extremely exhausted and i see a partially uprooted tree just a little of my left, i run to it and decided... this is gonna be my final stand.

i grab some wire and tie that to the grenade as i hang that in each opening, my head clears up as i stopped running and am catching my breath..... those fuckers should be here by now but still nothing, i mean its been 5 min and my flanks are set by grenades my back against the root of the tree and only one way in here.

i lay down with my head on the root behing me and holding the rifle with my knees to balance, knee protection FTW !.... i hear nothing... could be my damaged hearing tho, but i see a beak at the entrance.....

i switch to burst fire first, and as its eye locates me it was nearly comical as that eye zoomed out and in on the knife befor it dies, i hear more screeching and as they try to pass the body i empty out my hand cannon first...


i do a quick reload of my hand gun as the grenade goes off outside, with the blast the last of my hearing is gone aswel and something bigger digs out the carcasses infront of me....

assault rifle 1%

handcannon 0 rounds high explosive with 0 refill mag

0 grenades and 0 energy blade

just befor i emptied out my rifle i grabbed one round becouse i can tell i pissed off what ever the hell it is trying to eat me won't do that painlessly, it seems to be digging faster as its partner died of my assault.... loading the final round in my rifle, i grab my dog tac off my neck and toss it at the root behind me....

damn it...