looking towards the future.


Thinking late at the evening just laying in my bed,

do really want to be a hero like my parents? could i really make a difference? how about the police force that has more regulations than a hero plus mandatory psychological evaluation and performance evaluation.

While at the same time we also have those organisations themselves. Cops, firefighters, doctors, the institutions are essentially there with their own quirked units and a more consistent approach and pay, yet the heroes are the first on the scene and with all the attention.

The problem is the pro hero's are oversaturated and a large number of them want to be hero's for something other than just being hero's: fame, popularity, money, etc. So many treat it like a job

my parents included and a lot of them do it for fame, then there are people like Edeavor the current nr 2 hero after All Might who is currently nr 1 hero. Endeavor who just want to be number 1 at any and all costs.

I guess I'll consider what to do when i cross that bridge.. tomorrow school day, i allow oblivion to take me to the realm om dreams.

* the next day *

-ryuko aka mama-

This couch has seen better days.... but so many good and *blush* very good memories. i fidle idly with my thee cup as i feel a pair of powerful legs land to the left and right of me and her arms wraps around my waist as i lean back against her and moan gently in contentment as i snuggle closer and release a deep sigh i didn't know i was holding.

With a little volume i whisper to my wife.

"by the goddess Rumi i love you with al of me"

-Rumi aka mommy-

Her very presence never fails to make me slightly nervous and excited in so many ways.

When i place my self behind her on the couch and wrap my arms around the woman i love so much, i get a very satisfying moan that turns me on.

And that sigh followed by her whispering she loves me i can no longer hold back. we make out a bit on the couch but soon i princess carried her to our room. as i am already sure that aiko is at school / dojo after and should be away for an few more hours.


The media was aware who i was and where i reside how ever other heroes luckily take the spotlight as i was just a kid, loads of pictures of spiky head in the local media but thanks to the rain that came down resulting in my shield temporarily blurred any image of me.

and thx to the people around me when i healed stickman they didn't get anything then either.

Once i was finished with my daily training session at the martial arts school/dojo, i was walking home when i noticed a acrobatics school.

And looking from an elevated road down through the window i was captivated by a blond girl, her skills where the real deal and after her exercise she nailed the landing. i started clapping and she looked directly at me, i should have noticed the window was partially open thus she could hear me.

she grinned and blushed then waved at me, i ran on down the hill to the side door that she opened for me, i couldn't help but gush how captivated i was by her skills and routine. Her mom was there and was very loving and supportive of her daughter, she handed her daughter a bloodbag and explained her quirk was balanced on blood.

As i nodded at this we exchanged phone numbers and met up daily after my training finished i would support her as she was getting rdy for a big competition, i even once fell asleep on her mom's lap. ^ lap pillow ftw ! ^

The following days i talked to Toga chan some more and met up after martial arts practice it seems i became her nr one fan there besides her mom, the competition was nothing to scoff at. Fierce levels of control/confidence/Stamina where needed to score the much needed points.

At break time and her mom feeding us both a light salade and blood for toga chan, her mom told me that multiple people have quirks that work with or need blood to function and that it's perfectly normal, and that other people are biased and discrimination against anything that isn't the norm. her mom also talked to us both about people without quirks and we should treat them like normal as pity is something you have for a wounded animal and not a normal healthy person.

Yes it's save to say her mom is amazing and we got along great, even as i brought up of maby becoming a hero, mother and daughter both said it is still being considered.

and with toga currently running in the competition they didn't see much options for combat training that also worries her mom about her baby girl getting hurt, as i said nothing can hurt me if i don't allowed it.

She was flabbergasted at how casual i was with this fact as i stated my quirk is just right and toga for her to mimic anyone including temporary any quirk that doesn't need alot of knowledge or experience to use aswel.

She could be a Fierce and powerful hero so once she was handed her blood bag she was thinking about it as she started drinking her bag.

At this moment i called home but there wasn't an anwser, i shrugged my shoulders and grabbing her hand once again i told her she can always visit the dojo next door and see if they like it. As wel that i recommended gun handeling and training at a fire range.

Middle school was suppose to be the place to further understand and learn about our quirks.

And for me specifically this is including learning about a law's of nature or vectors i can use. What it's al called and how it's normally applied in nature besides me to just feeling it al.

As for poor himiko toga, the place was just horrid and as she went further in details as to how she is treated at school, my own mommy and mama where behind her listening in to the sheer amount of abuse.they later told Toga chans parents And after i showed them a video taken on her phone of teachers doing nothing and eventually toga chan bolting from them, it didn't take long for my parents to take action and i had a new sister for life with toga chan.

that school toga was on wel... alot of consequences came when two heroes and her own parents with video footage proof showed to the media how bad that school was, my dear toga chan got transferred to my school.

The fate of that school ? the bullies got transferred to boarding schools,

and the board of directors al got replaced

the school got reprimanded by government officials and several teachers got fired/ replaced.

It wasn't long till toga chan and her mom showed up at the dojo, and even got some practice in on moves and how to defend her self.They agreed to cut down on the acrobatics and do more with self defense, really honestly i was surprised at her mom's support and off course she and toga soon met my parents, the sleep overs and even pajamas party with lily added to the mix. (demand from her parents as not to over eat and sleep on time)

it wasn't long till we struck the subject of [future] and ours plans in said future, as i revealed to toga what happened on that day i used my quirk and lily filling in from her perspective.

Toga was wondering what she could do using her quirk, lily and i quickly filled her in on possibilities and options with a body armor shield that is retractable on one arm. shotgun on her back and handgun on her waist, prehaps some vials on her belt from multiple people she can transform in to with quirks available and some blood extraction meganism in place ?

With this i belief she can be a fighting force for anyone to be cautious off.

As for where to go for me ?

the logical choice for me was to pick U.A. academia as it's close to my home and both my parent's have graduated from that school, but this doesn't mean there aren't any other options.

such options are:

Shiketsu High School.

(After U.A., Shiketsu High School is said to have the best reputation among the hero training schools.)

Its name is derived from a Japanese word meaning "Hero," with the kanji characters reversed. Located on the western side of Japan, opposite U.A.'s location in the east, the two schools seem to have a rivalry akin to that of college sports in the U.S. Shiketsu has had the most focus after U.A

Ketsubutsu Academy.

The next major school is Ketsubutsu Academy (its name reflecting a Japanese word meaning "heroic figure"), which also claims a rivalry with U.A. The rivalry appears much more one-sided than that between U.A. and Shiketsu, if the news is to be believed.

Seiai Academy. an al girls private school

and yes if we lived closer to the school i would have probably attended this school.

Seijin High School. if the folders are any indication i would have to say that this school doesn't take being a hero seriously, student id and faces are covered and that is a plus point in my book.

but they don't seem to focus of being good all around but more of old techniques and i would even dare to claim they are lagging behind the rest of the schools.

Isami Academy. seems to be the bottom runner as it's state funded and government run, i would rather turn vigilante then go there.

And as i lay down the folders my mommy walks in to the room as she sees the folders she sits down next to me and i crawl on to her lap.

Toga currently here for another sleepover, she and mama are in the kitchen giggling about something.

She hugs me and says " i thought you made up your mind about U.A. ? " i return the hug with passion and tell her that i am scared about something that has been on my mind some time now.

If UA has a 0.2% acceptance rate like it says in the folder and online wouldn't that mean if there is 40 students in the 1st year hero program there would be 20,000 applicants for that program? Which would mean each seat has 500 students fighting for it.


giggles, "there is nothing to worry about baby girl as i have already contacted U.A. with your mama and we have had contact with your current school and as we talked it over it has been decided you wil get in with a recommendation from not only us but for some reason even All Might him self signed your papers, we even pushed for Toga aswel and you where both accepted" the worrying look transforms to one of utter surprise on her face is priceless even if she has one of the most powerful quirks ever seen.And as for toga my lover and i spoke to her parents and convinced them she can be so much more then just a hero. With weapon/fighting skills and her quirk she can be a amazing hero.


as i walk in a say :

"she's right ya know ? you have nothing to worry about sis" not only did another sister from another family but of enrollment in to U.A.academia.

" your mama and i made al our favorite sushi so eat up " aiko's mama hugs me from the side as we sit down and she pulls me in to her lap.

Our friendship is beyond precious to me as i get hugged and aiko's mama brings a bloodbag to my lips, i snuggle in to her neck in complete bliss as my sister feeds me some sushi in between sips. i have never been this happy and content befor.

< one week prior >

< 3rd person view >

- U.A. primary building, staff room 2 people present-

- unknown man nr 1-

"as i have taken statements from the heroes present and reviewed security video footage" the man gently nods as he puts the new file down labeled < unknown female >

" Just incase you want to know, i am sure she is the one that healed you"

- unknown man nr 2 -

" nedsu seriously though At the moment i still can't believe it, I'm back at 100% power." did he find the girl that healed me and changed my life ? "really? No one has an good shot of her and it's al blurred because of something swirling around her, and didn't she show some sort telekinetic ability? "

- Nedsu -

" yes i am sure All Might, we might have what you where looking for with her. Still looking for a successor? "

- All Might -

" in that regard i may have found someone els "

and i slap down a file < blurred name due to coffee stain >

" feel free to take a look at this "

- Nedsu -

" only you can tell my friend "

‐------------ author-------------

any ideas on hero names ? let me know in the comments section