Introduced properly

"Ty videl chto sluchilos'? (Did you see what happened)" came the voice of a woman as she laughed and she seemed to be talking with the other women on the table as they ate their food.

"Poslednyaya seriya blya smeshnoy (Last episode was funny)" replied another woman as she laughed and Kira walked to the table that they were all sitting on as she sat down and Natasha was right behind her.

"Kto yeye priglasil? (Who invited her)?)" asked Vicki in spite as she looked at Natasha.

"Ya sdelal (I did)" said Kira as Vicki scoffed and she looked away.

"Natasha please sit" said Kira as she ignored Vicki's attitude as she turned to look at Natasha and she smiled.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she smiled and she sat down beside Kira.

"Natasha meet the others" said Kira as she smiled and Natasha looked at her.

"That is Sofia" said Kira as she pointed to a dark haired woman with brown eyes that was sitting at the other end of the table, Kira decided that since Natasha was now part of the team, they had to be introduced properly, like the rest of them were.

"Hello" said the woman named Sofia as she smiled and Natasha smiled at her.

"That is Olga" said Kira as she pointed to a honey blonde haired woman who smiled at Natasha and Natasha smiled back.

"That is Vicki" said Kira as she pointed the Vicki who grunted and didn't say anything as Natasha recognized her as the woman who spoke against her joining the team yesterday, and who also for some reason, was trying to get her punished today.

"Hello" said Natasha as she smiled and Vicki just did not reply to her at all as she looked away.

"And this is Tatiana" said Kira as she just ignored Vicki's attitude as she turned to look at Tatiana.

"Hello" said Tatiana as she smiled and she waved at Natasha.

"Hello" said Natasha as she smiled and she waved back.

"Over there on that table, that's Alexi" said Kira as she pointed to a dark haired man with brown eyes as he turned to look at her.

"That is Nikolai" said Kira as she pointed to a brown haired man as he looked at her.

"That is Andrei" said Kira as she pointed to a chestnut haired man with brown eyes.

"Hello" said Andrei as he smiled.

"Hello" said Natasha as she smiled at him.

"Over there is Rodion, and that is Artem over there" said Kira as she pointed to the last two men that had brown eyes and black hair.

"It is nice to meet you all" said Natasha as she smiled and the others except for Vicki all nodded their heads at her.

"it Is nice to meet you too" said Sofia as she smiled and Natasha smiled at her.

"Ahh Artem, Izvinite za raneye (Sorry for earlier)" said Tatiana as she looked at Artem and she smiled sheepishly at Artem, she did not mean to hit him with so much force back when they were training.

"Vse normal'no bez obid (It's fine, no hard feelings)" said Artem as he turned to look at Tatiana and he smiled at her, he did not blame her at all, they were only sparring after all.

Tatiana smiled as she still felt bad, she did hit him way too hard, she felt like she was a bad person, they were teammates after all.

"Yeshche bolit? (Does it still hurt?)" asked Tatiana.

"Niskol'ko (Not at all)" said Artem as he smiled and Tatiana sighed in relief.

"Ya rad (I am glad)" said Tatiana in relief.

"Perestan' tak sil'no volnovat'sya, ya v poryadke (Stop worrying so much I am fine)" said Artem as he smiled and Tatiana nodded her head as she turned back to face her table.

"Tatiana, chto ty yesh'? (Tatiana what are you eating?)" asked Kira as she looked at Tatiana who was chewing.

"Oh, nu prosto bliny (Oh just some pancakes)" replied Tatiana as she finished chewing.

"Oni ni vse zakonchilis'? (Aren't they all finished?)" asked Kira.

"Da, no ya ostavil nemnogo na obed (Yes, but I left some for lunch)" replied Tatiana happily as she nodded her head and ate her pancakes happily.

"Ty I tvoya sladkoyezhka (You and your sweet tooth)" said Olga as she looked at Tatiana and she laughed as she shook her head.

"Ostav' menya (Leave me)" said Tatiana as she laughed and she kept on eating her pancakes.

"Won't you eat anything?" asked Kira as she smiled and she turned to look at Natasha.

"Ahh no… I'm not hungry" said Natasha as she shook her head, she was not hungry, she had not had an appetite for some days now, but even if she did, she would not know what to order at all.

"Are you sure?" asked Kira.

"Yes I am, I am fine" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alright then" said Kira as she smiled and she snatched a pancake from the innocent unsuspecting Tatiana.

"Hey!, no, no, don't eat my Bliny" said Tatiana as she hit Kira's hand.

"Eto tol'ko odin (It's only one)" said Kira as she ate the pancake.

"Moy! (mine!)" said Tatiana as she moved her plate closer to her as Kira laughed.

"Hmm" said Kira as she laughed.

"You want one? I am sure Tatiana is more than happy to share with you" said Kira as she smiled and she looked at Natasha as Tatiana glared at her, she was not going to share anything with anyone, these were her pancakes.

"No thank you, I am alright" said Natasha as she gave a slight smile.

"Well, then suite yourself" said Kira as she smiled.

"Your English is very good" said Tatiana as she giggled and Natasha turned to look at her.

"Oh thank you" said Natasha as she smiled at Tatiana, she could tell that she was sweet.

"You are welcome" said Tatiana as she smiled.

"Hey, are you Russian?" asked Tatiana out of curiosity.

"I do not mean to be rude" she added as she smiled.

"No, it's not rude at all" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes, I am Russian" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Ooh, but you don't sound Russian" said Olga as Natasha turned to look at her.

"Yes I agree… you have… different accent" said Sofia as Natasha looked at her and Kira nodded her head, she had to agree, Natasha had a different accent from the rest of them.

"Ahh well, I am Russian, my mother is Russian, but my Father is American" said Natasha as she explained.

"Wow" said Tatiana in surprise as Vicky just scoffed and she ate her food.

"So you are American?" asked Tatiana in surprise.

"Well yes, I am" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Now that explains the accent" said Olga as now it made sense.

"So you grew up in America?" asked Sofia.

"Yes, I did grow up in America, I live there as well" said Natasha as she replied, she wanted to be nice, it seemed that everyone here were already very close, and she was the newcomer here, she did not want to be reserved, after all, they were all here for the same thing, well they were, but she wasn't.

"So what brought you to Russia? If you don't mind me asking" said Kira as she looked at Natasha and Natasha looked at her.

"No, not at all, I came to Russia to visit my uncle, from my mother's side" replied Natasha as she smiled.

"Ahh that is nice" said Olga as she smiled.

"So is this your first time in Russia?" asked Tatiana as she smiled.

"Well yes" replied Natasha as she smiled.

"And how do you like our country so far?" asked Tatiana with a smile.

"Well it Is very beautiful I must say" said Natasha as she smiled, and Vicki scoffed, of course It was typical of them to all fawn over a foreigner, but she was not as plain as they all were.

"Yes, it is" said Olga as she smiled and she nodded her head, the girls seemed to be the ones talking a lot, while the guys just kept quiet, and ate their lunch as they just listened to their conversation/

"Wait, so you speak Russian?" asked Tatiana.

"Da, mogu russiky moy vtoroy yazyk, khotya ya plokho na nem govoryu (Yes, I can, Russian, is my second language, although I don't speak it well)" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Ahhh you speak well, very, very well" said Tatiana as just like the rest of them, she was surprised, Natasha just constructed a whole sentence in Russian, and she claimed that she could not speak it well.

"I agree" said Olga as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"You even speak better than me" said Tatiana as Natasha laughed, she doubted that.

"Thank you, but I'm not that good, chestno (Honestly)" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Who taught you how to…" said Tatiana as she was stuck… she could did not know which words to use to express herself in English.

"Kto nauchil tebya govorit' po russki?" (Who taught you to speak Russian?)" asked Tatiana as she switched to a language that she was more comfortable with.

"Otets nashel mne repetitoria, kogda ya uchilsya v starhey skhole (My father found me a tutor when I was in high school)" replied Natasha as she smiled, she had always loved the language from a young age, she guessed maybe because of her mother, and her father knew that, so he got her a tutor when she was in high school, since he could see that she was so interested in it.

"Ahh ya vizhu, ya dumal, chto tvoya mat' nauchila tebya (Ahh I see, I thought your mother taught you)" said Tatiana as she laughed.

"Ahh, Net, moya mat' umeria, kogda ya byl malen'kim (Ah no, my mother died when I was little)" replied Natasha with a smile.