The war has begun Chapter 24

`They are here´

The eyes had widened from Nicky seeing the Powers coming down from the sky. He saw them often even if he was just a mere angel.

He had the chances to meet the ones who were closer to God. He knew that the Powers were extremely skilled warriors even the most skilled Warriors from the entire heaven if it's about fighting head-on.

`Can I even do something against them´

Doubt was filling the mind of Nicky. He was just thinking to himself he knew what was going to happen he knew if he attacked them know many would go after him, but it was a hunt.

This hunt was something that Nicky wanted to do even if it cost his life. As every hunter needs to sacrifice something when going after his prey.

Nicky aimed at the oncoming Powers the rifle shotgun was loaded he aimed at one. He could tell that he had not been noticed yet, all the Powers were not fixated on him why should they all he was, was a small demon among the many others.

However, he would get their attention even if it would cost his life most certainly, he wanted to get their attention as this way he could kill more.

`8 bullets I shall try to kill multiple at the same time´

The trigger was pulled. The bullets flew against the Powers, but it didn't go as Nicky thought it would the bullet was cut in half from one of the Powers and that Power threw its weapon against the Nicky.

The weapon was a spear the spear was clean so clean that it reflected everything perfectly. Nicky knew he couldn't dodge it, but he could also not deflect the spear with a normal bullet. Still Nicky smiled he may not have expected this scenario, but he tried something else. He aimed once again and pulled the trigger while looking at the spear.

The bullet didn't get cut in half rather the spear flew off in a straight line in the sky and to the ground being stuck there. Camael stopped her movement, and so did all the Powers behind her Nicky get the interest from all of them the moment they saw the spear getting deflected. They stopped for some seconds Camael mumbled some words silently.

Multiple Powers than flew at Nicky while all other Powers spread around hell. The Powers hunted all the demon and sinners down that they could see in the Pride ring. Nicky flew away from the Powers that were after him.

Nicky turned around and pulled the trigger two more times trying to hit the Powers which did fail miserably.

None of the bullets were aimed right which made it easier for the Powers to dodge them. The Powers did notice that the bullets were differently when the first bullet was shot, they felt the presence of it and weak magic. The ones that he was shooting now had a stronger presence and the magic in them were also more powerful.

The speed of the Powers increased in total 5 were chasing Nicky. Nicky noticed how they came closer to him he knew he could not dodge them. How could he compare to them who were fighting for a far longer time than anybody in heaven.

When one of the Power was beside him, he saw Nicky smiling he was smiling in a situation where he could die. The Power couldn't understand in that situation exactly why Nicky was smiling he thought that Nicky may just be insane when in all a sudden, the wings of Nicky gone back in his back.

Nicky opened his mouth and moved his lips. The Powers read his lips and when he was finished talking, they all shivered in fear. As when in the next moment they got caught from black tentacles that crushed them easily dead.

Nicky got his wings back out and landed on the ground slowly. He looked at the person who did it and it was none other but Alastor.

Alastor was smiling like usual but this smile of his was not happiness neither excitement no, he was smiling from enjoyment. It was a long time since he would make such a massacre especially one where he could fully enjoy himself to heart contest.

"Oh, my dear boy this is a great hunting place for all of us"

He said with a voice that was showing that he was ready to kill all the Powers. In the far of the sky Nicky could see bright lights that were going to the Powers. While flames as big as skyscrapers consumed many of the Powers.

The one doing the flames was Charlie herself. She went to help her father to fight the Powers as hell was more important right now for her. It was the place she was born and raised and the place she would have ruled in the future as the future queen.

"Now let us do some damage to heaven right boy?"

Nicky nod to Alastor words with determination.