Ch 26

Letting go of Lilith she fell. Beneath her were Powers flying towards demon throwing their weapons at them to kill them all. Lilith landed on one of the Powers the moment she touched the Power she used demonic magic and took control of the Power.

The other Powers that were beside the one controlling Lilith were about to attack her when they also fell unto her mind control. She then jumped down again but before jumping down she had commanded the mind-controlled Powers to attack the non-mind-controlled Powers.

When Lilith hit the ground, she had landed softly as she chanted an angel spell to make the fall safe. Charlie landed beside her mother and looked at her with excited eyes and said aloud: "Mom you are amazing!".

Charlie eyes could be said to be sparkle as how she saw what her mother did. Lilith tried not laugh as seeing Charlie like this is something rare for Lilith.

`I wished Lucifer could see her face he would enjoy seeing that´.

Charlie and Lilith turned their heads then seeing a power flying to them. As the two were ready to kill it a butcher knife had hit the head of the Power getting it stuck on his head. The Power had no helm on as it had been broken.

The demon who had thrown the butcher knife was smiling. His eyes were filled with excitement, but it was not only his eyes all the other demons who witnessed that started to look at the Powers that were going around murdering demons and sinners.

In that moment, the Powers all stopped moving. The united glance of all the Sinners and demons made them all look around to see how many there are. There were about 40 000 Powers in hell with all of them split apart at all 7 rings.

Demon and Sinners started to attack the Powers with the Powers responding the same way to them. Even if some got killed neither demon nor Sinners stopped their attack which led to the Powers getting overrun as there was never a large group together in one part.

Camael was biting her nails. She was watching how the Powers were getting massacred nothing was going as Gabriel and she had planned.

"No, no this can't be happening if that continues, we will lose"

With that Gabriel started to mumble. Slowly the powers were all stopping to move letting themself simply get slaughtered by both the demon and sinners. Camael looked around she had to go up a building if she wanted to be any help to the Powers.

She still felt a lot of pain at her back because of Lilith ripping her wings off. She was breathing heavily the pain was too much for someone like her who never witnessed that much pain. She was in agony but managed to pull herself not falling unconscious.

"Don't worry" A male voice said.

Camael looked and smiled at the male voice.

"Raphael!" She said there was visible happiness in her face.

Raphael hands were glowing green. The great wound that Lilith had inflicted at Camael was healing in a tremendous rate. In seemingly mere seconds, got the wings that were torn off by pure strength regrown. Camel was in pain while it was healing, she was feeling how every cell was made, the flesh building and connecting, blood vessels moving to connect and be fixated.

The bones piercing through all the flesh and muscles to be in place with the skin and feather on top of it all. She was grasping for hair just so she could trick herself that the pain was not there. She closed her eyes and tears were falling.

"It is finished now" Raphael said to Camael with a sweet mouth.

Camael fell on her four. She barely held herself up to endure this pain, she had often seen others getting healed by him but never imagined it would be so painful.

"Now Camael what is going on here. Gabriel had sent me here in hell but didn't tell me the exact reason"

Camael looked in her brother eyes. She saw how worried he was which made her only feel more guilty, so she took all her bravery together. She opened herself up telling him why they are in hell and the war they are doing right now.

"That is treason against the lord Camael!" He grabbed her shoulders.

"Why did you agree to this you know that this isn't what our father the creator would have liked us to do"

Camael was silent for a moment. How could she have explained to her brother that just like Gabriel doubt had built in her against God. There was just no way she could tell this to Raphael her brother.

"Don't tell me.... both you and Gabriel felt doubt against our father"


A word that everyone in heaven would often use to refer to their creator some called God father while others referred to him as mother. There was no right or wrong when calling to the creator as even God said that it did not bother how anybody called upon to it.

"Raphael tell me truly don't you also feel doubt against our creator?"

"What do you mean?"