Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 5: kill the devil

 Chapter 5 Killing the Big Demon

Among the saints-Celestine, the leader of the Ultramarines Chapter-Calgar, the Marshal of the Dark Templar-Amarich, the judge-Grayfax and many other imperial heroes, as well as many ordinary soldiers loyal to the human empire with the assistance of

  Guilliman easily suppressed the invading Chaos army, wielding the Emperor's Holy Sword in his hand, recklessly harvesting any enemy he could see.

  Whether it's plague walkers, horrors, or unicorns, they are all harvested like weeds.

  Pieces of corpses fell down and piled up together.

   Incorporating a brand new soul, the power of the Primarch has not been weakened in any way, but has become stronger.

  The revival of Guilliman has excited countless loyalists of the Empire.

  The god-like figure of the Primarch filled their hearts with courage and strength, and they faced those terrifying chaos without fear.

  The appearance of Guilliman greatly boosted the morale of the empire, and Kaur, the great sage of the Mechanicus, also joined the battlefield. He silently recited the poems of Mechanism, and sniped and killed the Chaos warriors who tried to besiege him.

  The powerful weapons inlaid in his spine are powered by the energy pile on his chest, spraying countless terrifying beams of light, and destroying the chaos army trying to stop him.

   The Chaos army retreated steadily, and the Primarch joined the battlefield, making the balance of victory constantly tilted towards the human side.

  Wherever Guilliman's eyes looked, the demons and fallen warriors would be terrified.

  The flaming holy sword in his hand has become a symbol of the battlefield. Wherever he goes, the enemies are all destroyed.

  Guilliman seemed to be in the land of no one, with the Emperor's Sword flying in his hand, and no enemy dared to confront him.

   It wasn't until the appearance of a Chaos Demon that his footsteps were slightly slowed down.

  The demon is huge, with an ape-like face and broad horns.

  The power armor built 10,000 years ago covered the demon's strong body covered with bone spurs, holding a chainsword burning with **** flames in his hand.

  The bright red skin tightened with every swing of the hand, and the blood-colored wings were covered with weird lines.

  The demon exudes a strong anger, echoing in the hearts of everyone on the battlefield, making people angry and irritable.

  The warriors who tried to stop him from going to the Primarch were all killed.

   Celestine and the others tried to make a move, but were stopped by Guilliman, who wanted to kill the demon himself.

   "Unexpectedly, I could see another Primarch appearing on the battlefield."

The demon's tawny eyes were full of mockery. He stared at Guilliman, "It's a pity that the era of the Primarch has passed, and the human empire will also be destroyed. What about the parents and children of the rotting corpse emperor? You can't stop the general trend from coming. , this universe belongs to the Chaos Gods."

  Guilliman frowned, he recognized the symbol mark on the remaining power armor on the opponent's body, the World Eaters Chapter.

  A warband that once served the Empire and ended up joining the ranks of traitors.

  Because of their genetic father, the World Eaters generally chose the camp of Blood God-Khorne.

  The demon in front of him obviously won the blood god's favor, and became a demon.

Seeing the traitor ten thousand years ago, Guilliman, holding the Emperor's Sword, replied unceremoniously, "Traitor, I really didn't beat you hard enough ten thousand years ago, how dare you come from the doghouse in the subspace run out."

  The soul in Guilliman's body is only fused, and he still has the memory of the past. For these damned traitors, he will still feel extremely angry, wishing to kill them all.

  At the end of the Great Crusade in the past, the human empire has stabilized. We only need to wait for the success of the emperor's last great project - the webway, and human beings will walk on a bright road and become the most outstanding race in the universe.

  If it weren't for the betrayal of Horus and several other Primarchs, mankind would not have fallen into the current dark situation.

  Humanity has long followed the emperor's vision, and has moved towards the path of spiritual ascension and overall sublimation.

  All the good things were wiped out with the betrayal of Horus and several others.

  The cancer of the subspace has since been deeply rooted in the human empire.

  Since the Emperor sat on the golden throne, mankind has struggled in the dark galaxy for ten thousand years.

  Every day that can survive is exchanged for the corpses and blood of countless soldiers. The price is so heavy that no one can measure it.

  Every moment the gears of history turn are filled with the lives of countless heroes.

   And all of this is thanks to these chaotic believers.

   While Guilliman was looking for the devil's weakness, trying to kill the damned traitor once and for all.

   Let the other party understand that even if they take refuge in the evil god, they should be a weak chicken or a weak chicken.

"Verbal provocations are useless. Primarchs and empires will be a thing of the past. From now on, the galaxy will only have war and slaughter. The primarch skull of a carrion emperor will be the greatest gift to our Lord. "

  The demon snorted, and scorching sparks spewed out from his nose.

  The flame on his body was burning fiercely, and the space was distorted and glowing due to the high temperature.

   "Go back and tell your stupid master that his **** throne will be my trophy. One day, I will chop off his big head and kick it like a ball."

  Guilliman has no fear in his eyes, and with the help of the dominance template, he has absolute confidence that he can defeat the opponent.

  The soldiers and civilians of the empire will become followers after seeing the Primarch, and the ruling template will help him transform the beliefs provided by these followers into strength.

  It means that the more faith God gains, the more power he gains.

  The more followers Guilliman gains, the more powerful he will gain.

  With the power of the Primarch and the belief of many followers, it is not difficult to defeat a Warp Demon.

  The Great Demon was furious that Guilliman had humiliated the God of Chaos he served. He roared, the ground shook, and thunder rumbled in the sky.

The power of the demon was released, making the imperial soldiers on the battlefield terrified, and the body holding the laser gun couldn't help shaking again. The Chaos army felt ecstatic. They howled and praised the terrible demon, hoping that the demon could lead They take over the world.

  The great demon rushed towards Guilliman with heavy steps.

  He brandished the giant sword in his hand, trying to kill Guilliman, get his skull, and enshrine it in front of the blood god's throne.

   "You have been sleeping for ten thousand years, and I have been honing my skills in the subspace day and night. Even if I am a Primarch today, I will tell you that you will definitely die."

  The demon roared, his power was extremely terrifying, and the Baneblade tanks scattered in front of him were knocked away by him with a wave of his hand at will.

  Swinging the huge sword in his hand, he slashed at Guilliman with a powerful blow.

  Guilliman swung the Emperor's Sword and blocked his attack. The collision between the two formed a wave of air that swept around.

  The demon roared, and Guilliman took advantage of the gap to punch out, the power field of the power fist was activated, and crackling arcs of blue light tore through the air.

   There was a sound of breaking through the air, and an invisible afterimage appeared in the air.

  The demon was knocked to the ground.

  The huge demon body slid out more than ten meters on the ground and hit a scrapped laser cannon before stopping.

"Is that all you have? It seems that it's useless to hone it for ten thousand years. But think about it, how can the weak who succumb to the subspace make progress. Go back and tell the blood **** Khorne, Wash the neck, and then I will fetch his head."

  Guilliman looked at the demon knocked to the ground by his punch, and turned on the mocking mode.

   Fighting, facing many evil gods and their minions, Guilliman dare not say that he will win.

   To ridicule and hate such things, he is an absolute powerhouse.

  I think back then, he was invincible and swept everyone in the post bar and in the group chat.

   As for whether mocking Chaos God will be retaliated against, this is really not a big problem.

   Chaos evil gods have certain restrictions, and cannot enter the real universe.

  The rules of the universe restrict these evil gods. At most, they can only drive the demons under their command to dispatch, and with the existence of the emperor, he will not let the evil gods come in.

   If you curse, you curse, and Khorne can't do anything to him.

   "Do you dare to humiliate my lord??" The demon roared after getting up.

   "How dare I humiliate your master, I dare to kill you." Guilliman rushed forward, and with a vertical leap, he slashed at the opponent's head.

  (end of this chapter)