Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 8: The road of science and technology

 Chapter 8 The Road to Technology

  Guilliman was thinking about his next move, sorting out the current situation of all parties.

  According to the urine development of this universe, the gods have paid attention to him from the moment he wakes up.

  The traitorous Primarchs will soon launch a plan against him.

  Fulgrim, the traitor primarch of the Emperor's Children Legion, if I remember correctly, this guy will be the first to attack.

   This guy killed Ferus, the Primarch of the Iron Hands Legion 10,000 years ago, becoming the first renegade Primarch to kill his own brother.

  After the failure of Horus' rebellion, he severely injured himself in the pursuit of Thesara.

  The most important thing is that this guy has become the God of Chaos God-Slaanesh, who regards torture as an artistic enjoyment.

   The demons and followers of Slaanesh, what to say!

  It's quite that, very indulgent, very indulgent, with no taboos, in pursuit of happiness, you can do anything.

  Many handsome guys may think that they will be suitable for this evil god. After all, the banshees and demons under Slaanesh's command are all very hot, and they feel that they will definitely be able to do that.

   In fact, no one can bear the terror of those followers of Slaanesh.

   Would rather be hacked to death by the followers of Khorne than live under the demons and followers of Slaanesh, this is definitely an out-and-out truth.

  Khorne simply wants people to die, Tzeentch likes to play with people's fate, Nurgle wants to give those people that twisted love, and Slaanesh really wants everyone to enjoy life as much as death.

  Fulgrim's threat level: Overwhelming.

  I would rather die than fall into the hands of that guy.

  In addition to this, there is also the Primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion-Magnus, who was nicknamed Little Ma. This guy has also been ascended to the devil, becoming the God of Chaos evil **** Tzeentch's choice, mastering unparalleled magic, the strongest record of this guy is moving the entire planet across half of the galaxy.

  Thinking of this, Guilliman felt a little bit pained, moving the entire planet, spanning tens of thousands of light-years, this is put in a fantasy novel, no matter how strong he is at the fairy level.

  The more I think about it, the more speechless I become. This world is hard to describe. Technology is technology, and magic is magic.

  What does it mean to have magic in technology? ?

  Brother Xiao Ma is powerful in combat, and has the supreme true biography of the evil **** and treacherous.

  In addition to this, there is also Lorgar, the Primarch of the Word Bearers Legion who has a blood feud with the Ultramarines and wished to dismember him.

  The above two are only based on the struggle between Chaos and humans, and there is not much personal enmity between the two parties.

   Lorgar, the magician, has a personal enmity with Guilliman.

   The personal enmity between the two parties is endless, and one of them must fall.

  The reason was that Guilliman was ordered by the emperor to burn the City of Faith, and the emperor forced the entire Word Bearers Legion to kneel down and admit their mistakes, and at that time they had their revenge.

  In the early days of the Heresy on Horus, the Word Bearers staged the betrayal of Calth against the Ultramarines, burning a planet to glass.

Guilliman was also stabbed by Cole Pharron, the first company commander of the Word Bearers, and this wound became an opening. Later, he was stabbed in the same position by Fulgrim during the Battle of Thesala. sword.

  Guilliman can be said to have been pitted from the beginning to the end by the Word Bearers Legion.

In the Great Betrayal of Coss, the Ultramarines Legion was crippled by surprise. The Imperial Auxiliary Army and civilians were killed and injured countless times. The radiation of the entire galaxy exploded. They could no longer survive on the ground. up.

  Guilliman thought about the comparison of the strength of the enemy and himself, and his heart suddenly became cold.

  The traitorous original body is still alive, and the evil **** is always paying attention to him.

  Only one on my own side!

  All the loyal Primarchs are gone, the Emperor is half dead, there is also the corrupt Terra Council, the crazy state religion, the Custodian like a dead nerd and the warbands that don't listen to the announcement,

  Right now, the empire is still torn apart by the Great Rift, and the other side has lost the guidance of the Emperor's Astronomican, and it is no longer possible to contact it.

  The empire is like a patient who has lost a lot of blood, and will die at any time.

The most important thing is that the enemy of the empire is not just Chaos. In addition to Chaos, there are also Tyranids from outside the galaxy, the awakened Space Necrons, and the Tau who are about to rise. Eldar.

  Guilliman just wants to ask if he can surrender and lose half of the game!

  With so many forces and the status quo of the empire, human beings should take jujube pills properly.

  If there is no master template and database, Guilliman would want to sail away directly.

   If you can't win, why stay here!

   "Assisting spirit." Guilliman called out in his mind.

  [Yes, does the host need any help? ? ]

   "Where's my reward??" Guilliman said.

  [The first-level authority of the database has been opened to you, but you haven't opened the database yet. ]

   "Then open the database."

  [Okay, the assistant wizard will help you connect to the database. ]

   Following the words of the auxiliary elf, a light curtain appeared in front of Guilliman. He reached out and touched it, and found that it was not real, but an illusion.

   Following his thoughts, the things on the light curtain are constantly changing.

"A generation of super soldier transformation technology, a generation of angel dark matter computer engine technology, Yamato battleship construction blueprints, individual auxiliary combat suits, fang-type plasma gun shooting blueprints, curvature engine principle diagrams, interstellar battleship shooting blueprints, star destroying weapons- Death Star design blueprints, illustrations of biological gene enhancement surgery principles, illustrations of biological induction evolution techniques, biological genome remodeling, manuals for cultivating special alien plants, sow care from entry to soil, about 108 domestication methods of Erha."

  Guilliman read all the way, the knowledge of the database is very large and rich, and can even be described as horror.

   "Is this the knowledge that can be obtained with level one clearance?" Guilliman asked.

  [Yes, host, this is the knowledge that can be obtained with first-level authority. ]

  Guilliman looked at the Death Star and the first-generation angel engine dark matter engine technology, pondered for a moment, and then asked: "How many levels of authority are there in the database?"

  [There are ten levels in total, and there will be ten authentication tasks. After completing all of them, you will be able to obtain all permissions to the database. ]

"Level 1 gives the Death Star and super warrior technology. Wouldn't the second and third levels be even more terrifying, all of which are technological knowledge? Or when it comes to high authority, will they give those mysterious things?" Guilliman asked. Confusion in mind.

   Level 1 things are so powerful, what about Level 2 and Level 3! What else? ?

  Up to level 4 or 5, I am afraid that the void computer engine and the space-time annihilation bomb will come out.

   What else can I give at level seven or eight? ?

  Guilliman guessed that it should be something on the mysterious side, the kind of top-level fetish or powerful technique that makes a person immortal.

  [There is only civilization knowledge in the database, and things that are useless to the development of civilization are not included. ]

  Hearing this, Guilliman was stunned for a moment, "What's in the tenth-level database?? The inter-universe engine or the pan-universe concept weapon, or the cosmic restart device?"

  [The road of science and technology is endless, the host does not need to guess too much, please move towards the ultimate goal, civilization is detached, and control is diverse]

   Hearing the auxiliary elf's words, Guilliman smiled. He was lucky to be able to survive, and he still wanted to escape.

   Guilliman didn't bother if he couldn't get an answer about what was in the tenth-level database.

   Take your time, one day you will be able to unlock the tenth level of authority, and then you will be able to see what is in the tenth level database.

  Guilliman calmed down and checked the knowledge in the database.

  This knowledge will be an important trump card for him to reshape the empire and restore human combat effectiveness.

  Relying on the brain's terrifying computing power, Guilliman quickly selected the most important and most helpful technological knowledge.

   "Call the mechanical sages, saints, chapter masters, etc., I need to hold a meeting." Guilliman turned on the communicator in the room and ordered the guards waiting outside.

  He wants to convene a meeting to determine the tone of the development, and at the same time prepare the fleet to clean up the chaotic remnants of the five hundred worlds.

Then use the five hundred worlds as the foundation to sweep across the entire territory of the empire, eliminate chaos and aliens, and stop the empire from bleeding~www.mtlnovel.com~ Brothers who do not collect, please go to the nearest trial court to report as soon as possible, the judge has prepared for you a small gift.

  (end of this chapter)