Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 11:

Chapter 11 Eldar

   To some extent, the ideological stamp is a proper dark technology, which can make people firm in a certain belief through mechanical technology.

  The human brain is very wonderful, and different neuron locations are responsible for different regions.

   There are also specialized neural areas responsible for judging right or wrong.

   For example, water is poisonous, the proposition.

  This proposition requires multiple screenings, for example, what kind of water and what is in the water to get the decision of whether the water is poisonous.

  The process of thinking and decision-making is very complicated.

But the thought stamp can skip these processes and get the answer directly. When a certain information enters the brain, by exerting an influence on a certain part of the neuron network, the brain can make a judgment without thinking and believe that the information is true. .

   That is to say, once the thought stencil of poisonous water is imprinted in the brain, it means that that person will really regard all water as poison.

  Given the complexity of the empire and the uniqueness of his own identity, Guilliman decided to use this technique.

  Guilliman had no choice but to stand firmly on the human side.

  The emperor is also on the side of humans, but he may not necessarily be on the side of Guilliman.

   It's a time traveler again, and it's wearing a golden finger.

  Emperor decided that he was an enemy and might pose a threat to mankind, so he might have to deal with him.

   At that time, if a person is in Terra, if he is directly arrested, it will be a waste of time.

  The otakus of the Imperial Guards have a lot of opinions on the Primarch. They will kill Guilliman in a matter of minutes when the Emperor gives an order.

Some conservatives and diehards are very dissatisfied with the revived Guilliman's changes to the Emperor's things in the original plot line, reforms to the bloated system of the Empire, and many other measures. Some people even directly rebel and are unwilling to continue Follow Terra's orders.

   These guys are potential threats.

  In addition to these threats, the invasion of chaos is very difficult.

  We can't make weapons by ourselves, but let traitors use them to beat human beings!

   That would be really bad.

  Guilliman needs a little hole card to impress those recruits with a ideological stamp.

Let them resolutely hate Chaos and everything related to Chaos, and at the same time let their command authority be higher than the authority of the Emperor. In this way, even if the Emperor turns his face, he can at least retreat completely and will not be trapped to death in Terra.

  Kauer looked at the smiling Guilliman, and the high-speed intelligent core was stuck.

  He has already read the contents of the data storage, so he naturally knows what the thought stamp is.

   "Regent, this thought stamp technology."

  Kauer's tone was full of confusion, should such a technology really be applied?

"You know the current situation of the human empire, Kaur, we have no way out. The empire has persisted for ten thousand years, but it has been retreating steadily in the face of chaos, and it is getting weaker and weaker. The situation is worse than that of the old days of the Great Crusade. , In such a situation, how can we deal with the increasingly terrifying war? In the long run, human beings will inevitably be completely destroyed by chaos.

   Extraordinary means must be used in extraordinary times. We need an army that is absolutely loyal to mankind and to the empire. This army must be reliable and fully obey our orders and ideas. You have seen the corruption of Terra's bureaucracy, and the rigidity of the Mechanicum. If we don't make changes, do you think we can overcome the horror of Chaos? ? "

  Guilliman didn't want to tell the little Jiujiu in his heart, so he fooled around first.

  Kauer frowned slightly, and his electronic eyes shone with a strange light. After a while, he had already made a decision.

   "I will fulfill your request, Regent." Kaul bowed and saluted, and the buzzing sound of the machine followed his salute.

  Guilliman smiled.

   "This is the best, go ahead and complete the task I have given. I hope to see this army as soon as possible. I need it to stabilize the current chaotic situation in the human empire."

  After talking with the mechanical sage Caul.

  Guilliman summoned the leaders of the Death Army, Ifran and Visage, and prepared to have a face-to-face conversation with them.

   The Imperium of Man has always disliked aliens, and the people of Ultramar would not trust them to operate in their world.

  Before he led his troops out to fight against the remaining Chaos forces in the five hundred worlds of Ultramar, he had to deal with the death army, the alien army.

  The Death God Army is not an empire organization, but an army from the ancient alien race-the Eldar.

   For some reason, they chose to help Caul, Celestine and others revive Guilliman.

   They put a lot of effort into resurrecting themselves, and Guilliman couldn't kill them directly.

  The Eldar are thin and thin, and their appearance is similar to that of humans, except that the ears are a little different, very pointed.

  Extraordinarily handsome, with a temperament that cannot be learned by anthropology.

  Evelyn and Visage walked in from the gate, bowing slightly to salute.

   It can be regarded as my respect for the human regent.

  Guilliman watched the two of them, even though he had gone through the age of beauty, he had to admit that the Eldar were indeed very good-looking.

  The waists were unbelievably thin, and Guilliman doubted whether their waists could bear the armor on them.

   "Don't be too polite, just talk to me directly, I have many mysteries that need to be answered by you."

  Guilliman made the two of them stand up straight, and stared at them.

   It is worth mentioning that the Eldar is an important factor that induces Slaanesh, one of the four evil gods of chaos.

  The Eldar are a very ancient race, legend has it that they once participated in the Battle of Heaven.

   In the Battle for Heaven, their creators were destroyed and the hostile Necrons fell asleep.

   They obtained the position of the overlord of the galaxy and entered the most prosperous stage.

  Amid prosperity, they gradually degenerated and fell into the abyss of endless desire.

  The entire ethnic group has sunk into the sea of ​​desire, wantonly indulging themselves.

  Their indulgent thoughts and souls stirred in the warp, forming a huge echo, and awakening and nourishing an ancient and terrifying existence.

  The birth of Slaanesh set off a terrifying soul storm, which led to the immediate collapse of the huge spirit race empire.

  The real universe was torn apart by the shrieks of the nascent evil gods, forming an eye of fear that runs through the subspace and the real world.

   Countless Eldar were drained of their vitality and psionic energy, and became the nourishment of Slaanesh.

  Even the gods that the Eldar once worshiped encountered a crisis in this terrible disaster, and were either destroyed or imprisoned.

   Only those Eldar who had foresight and did not participate in the degeneration of Eldar society, and those Eldar who escaped into special space nodes and webway cities in advance survived.

  The souls of the Eldar are always watched by Slaanesh. As long as they die, they will fall into the hands of Slaanesh, tortured, become part of its nourishment, and are on the verge of destruction.

  But their technology and spiritual power are still very powerful, and they are also forces that cannot be underestimated in the galaxy.

  Ifran, the death army led by Visage assisted Kaul and others to get rid of the pursuit of the Chaos army, escape from the Cadia battlefield, and successfully reach Macragge.

"The stars have been torn apart, the most terrible disaster for the creatures of the galaxy is about to come, once the power of chaos breaks out of the subspace, the galaxy will also enter the doomsday. I am very glad that our two races can form an alliance to resist this crisis together ."

  Guilliman nodded, "I am also delighted with this alliance. It is a great honor for the empire to have your help."

"We are about to leave, but there are some things that I must warn you. Kaur's technology is powerful and has healed your body, but your real trauma lies at the level of the soul. You can truly walk among the living, rely on It is the power of the **** of death. If you cherish life, you must not take off your armor from now on. Don't have to worry about it, this armor is stronger than you imagined."

"I don't want to talk about this in detail, and I don't want to explore what is hidden behind the power that awakened me! But I still want to give you a warning. If you need human friendship, you must treat it sincerely. Any dirty means , will only wear away the kindness and trust of human beings towards you. I don't hope that one day, when we meet again, we will draw our swords on the battlefield."

   Guilliman smiled, he didn't want to explore this matter, he has been resurrected, and it doesn't matter any plans the Eldar have for him.

  With the database and the control template, he can easily handle everything.

  He just wanted to give Evelyn a warning. If he played tricks, the Death Army would definitely regret it in the future.

  Although he is a lifesaver, under the choice of his own life and the survival of human beings, he will not have any hesitation when he draws his sword against the spirit race.

   "We will keep your warning in mind, and hope that we will still be friends next time we meet, not enemies."

   After performing a courtesy, Evelyn turned and left.

   "That's it, I wish you success in the end, and give our common enemy a little color."

   "I also wish you good fortune, Roboute Guilliman." Evelyn said, "The eyes of the gods and your traitorous brothers are already watching you. Live as long as possible."

   After she finished speaking, she turned and walked out. Visage, who had been silent all this time, gave the Primarch the gift of a warrior, and then turned and left.

   Guilliman frowned, feeling very tired all of a sudden.

  This universe is full of monsters!

  Anyone who comes here is a genius, so it's not easy to fool!

  After solving the matter of the Eldar, Guilliman pressed the communicator, "Let those planetary governors and trade guild leaders who have been waiting for a long time come in. I have something to tell them."

  (end of this chapter)