Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 22 I have arrived

  Amidst the flames and fog, Sicarius and the other loyalists stalked from their drop pods and joined the fray.

  His power sword made a hissing sound, and with one swing of the sword, he cut the two cultists into pieces on the spot, and then rushed towards a plague warrior holding a rusty bolt gun.

  The other party tried to fire at him, but was dodged.

  Sicarius's swordsmanship is very good, and his combat awareness is top-notch among Ultramarines.

Relying on the blessing of the power armor, in just a few seconds, he faced the opponent's firepower and rushed over a distance of hundreds of meters. When he was approaching, he even bent over to avoid the opponent's tomahawk attack, and slashed at him with a backhand sword. The other's bloated belly

  The whole process was crisp and neat, without the slightest sloppiness, and contained pure beauty of killing.

   The Plague Warrior looked at the wound on his abdomen with a look of disbelief on his face. Before he recovered, Sicarius made another strike.

   This sword chopped off its head and fell to the ground, its eyes widened.

  Losing his head, the huge body of the plague warrior fell directly, making a dull sound.

   Foul-smelling pus oozes, and maggots twist and writhe in the wound.

  Sicarius held the bolt gun in the other hand and pulled the trigger continuously, and the bomb with vengeful anger hit another traitor in the chest.

  The outdated armor of the Plague Warrior burst open, spraying out foul-smelling pus and maggot-laced flesh.

  Its chainsaw sword with flesh and blood fell to the ground, the eyes on the hilt showed horror, and the weird mouth screamed silently. Without the host, the demons living on it would slowly die.

  Sicarius and other fighters rushed to the artillery position.

   "For the Lord of Ultramar." Sicarius shouted, the bolter in his hand fired continuously at the artillery and plague blasters.

   "For the Lord of Ultramar."

   "For the Emperor, for Guilliman."

   Other fighters followed suit.

  Their explosive shells burst the artillery, and the powerful impact detonated the shells or energy modules in the barrel.

  The explosion caused the shells and energy blocks placed aside to explode, forming a chain reaction, causing even more terrifying sea of ​​flames and explosions.

   Those plague blasters that were not torn apart by the hit were quickly engulfed in flames, screaming in pain.

   Soon, the enemy's artillery positions became smoking ruins.

   "The main goal is completed, now execute the secondary goals, clean them up, let us attack from the enemy's rear, and support the adults." Sicarius sent a message.

   There are not many plague warriors left behind, most of them are cultists deceived by Chaos, and cowards who sold their souls to the enemy in order to live a few more days.

  The cultists held all kinds of weapons and rushed towards the space fighters in groups. All of their faces were branded with chaos and distorted tattoos.

  Sicarius showed no mercy, he swung his power sword and killed the enemies who dared to stand against him.

  Whether it was a mortal or a plague warrior, they were all beheaded by him neatly.

   The minions of Chaos died, their frail bodies ripped to shreds by the assault bolters and power weapons of Sicarius and the other Space Marines.

  Bewitched by Chaos, more cultists who are fearless of death are pouring in from all directions.

   Replenishes so quickly.

  Sicarius and the others showed no fear. Soon, the battlefield was covered in blood and blood, and there were scattered limbs and broken arms everywhere.

  The azure power armor on his body was also completely covered by blood.

  The loyalists cooperated with each other and advanced steadily, forming a staggered firepower net, killing all enemies who tried to resist them.

   Soon, the bravest servants of Chaos were all killed in battle, only a few were still desperately throwing themselves at the space fighters, and most of them knelt down and begged for forgiveness.

   "Please, I just want to live."

  A woman kneels on the blood-soaked ground, beseeching the Emperor's Angel before her.

   "For Chaos, there is never forgiveness. It is better to die twice than to betray the Emperor. You have made a wrong choice. Your flesh will be obliterated and your soul will be banished. Die, shameless traitors."

  Sicarius pulled the trigger, and the flames that burst out of the chamber flashed past.

  The woman in front of her was turned into a pile of rotten meat under the huge impact of the bomb.

  Any kindness shown to traitors of Chaos is an insult to dead loyalists.

  The other kneeling minions of Chaos met the same fate, and the Space Marines either fired assault bolters, or with their iron fists, power weapons, attacked the traitors.

   Soon, where the traitor knelt down, only bright red blood and broken corpses remained.

  The artillery positions fell, and the Plague Warriors lost their anti-aircraft firepower.

  Stormbirds, Thunderhawks and other fighters suitable for the battlefield were also launched at this time, quickly piercing through the plague clouds, rushing to the surface to start bombing attacks, and dropping space fighters.

  Dreadnoughts, heavy tanks, knight titans, and emperor titans were also put into battle, and even more terrifying firepower poured out, and the plague warriors had no way to resist.

  The situation of the battle was quickly reversed by the space fighters led by Guilliman, and the balance of victory was tilted to the human side.

   On the other side, the plague fighters, cultists and traitors who poured into the fortress are making the final kill.

  Gurlo stood quietly in the ruins of the fortress like a fat sculpture.

  Its armor was covered with fat plague flies, and as it moved, these flies were disturbed and buzzed.

   In front of it, groups of corpses were piled up, and a large number of flies covered them.

  Its offhand is pouring some special plague liquid to summon the power of Nurgle.

Gurlo looked at the desperately screaming humans in the distance, and smiled, "It's just the last bit, the ritual of the warp is about to be completed, Guilliman will find that he can't do anything, this planet belongs to Nurgle's loving father , and so are the selfish souls."

   "Protect the civilians and let them go west." Jie'an yelled, and his bodyguards armed with carbines and burst guns shot at the enemy, killing the plague walking corpses.

  Even if the line of defense fell, Jie'an was ready to die, but he didn't give up on himself and launch a suicide attack. Instead, he tried to protect the civilians as much as possible and tried to make them leave.

  Hundreds of men and women in dilapidated and stained uniforms of the Imperial Guard centered on his position, doing their best to resist the enemy.

   Their skin was pale and waxy, and plague and war had left wounds and scars on their bodies.

  Every man and woman knows that if they don't die in battle, they will die a painful death from the aftereffects.

  But they still have firm faces, even though they know their death is approaching, they still have no fear.

   "Praise him."

  During the battle, a voice containing pain and relief resounded on the chaotic battlefield.

  A female soldier who was thrown down by the plague walking corpse uttered her last prayer, and she pulled the pin of the high-energy grenade with her hand.

  The booming explosion instantly drowned out all the walking corpses and traitors within a radius of more than ten meters.

  Countless flesh and blood splattered like a rain of blood.

   "May you rest in peace, and may the emperor have mercy on your soul." Jie'an muttered silently in his heart, and the laser pistol in his hand continued to shoot at the plague corpses and cultists who were trying to rush over.

  While fighting, he kept retreating backwards.

"Do not!"

   "Run, Andy, as before, run like the wind."

  A child's terrified cry mixed with the old man's painful voice reached Jie'an's ears.

  Jie'an followed the sound and found that an old man was hugging the cultist's feet tightly, and beside him was a little boy whose head was broken and fell in a pool of blood.

  A little girl staggered forward while crying.

  Damn beast, the angry Jie'an turned his gun and shot the cultist, while running over to pick up the little girl.

  Jian didn't know why he did this. He knew very well that even if he saved the little girl, it would only make her suffer for a while longer.


  The sound of the explosion sounded, and the bodies of the two soldiers next to Jiean exploded directly.

  Two Plague Warriors appeared on the battlefield, their bolters harvesting the lives of surviving soldiers.

  As the emperor's former angels, their combat power is unquestionable, and ordinary people can only be slaughtered in front of them.

  Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, behind the two plague warriors, a fearless mech infected with plague flesh and blood followed them out.

  Jian watched the Plague Warrior and Flesh and Flesh Dreadnought stepping towards his remaining soldiers, with a look of despair on his face.

  His team is absolutely impossible to stop these terrible guys,

  Plague Warrior: "Stupid servant of the Corpse Emperor, welcome the gift of a loving father."


  Before he finished speaking, the Plague Warrior unexpectedly saw a black shadow on the ground, which was still expanding rapidly.

   Confused, it looked up, and its pupils dilated instantly.

  A giant holding a flaming golden sword fell from the sky, and a sword slashed at it.

   Before he could react, the burning golden long sword split it from top to bottom.

   "I have come." The giant let out a roar that could be clearly heard throughout the battlefield.

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  (end of this chapter)