Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 35 Are you heretics? ? 14

   Regarding the requests of the bishops, Guilliman declined them without thinking.

   Now is not the time.

   After we meet, how can we give these bishops a blow?

   "Our meeting should only be on the planet Espandor, in front of the church with the strongest faith in the emperor and the most sacred. This meeting will be held under the witness of my father, not on my flagship."

  Guilliman's voice echoed in many channels in the Espandor galaxy, making countless believers cheer for him.

  Guilliman's words represent their recognition.

  The emperor's parents and children believed that their faith was sacred, which made them extremely excited, feeling their blood rising, and their hearts seemed to be burning with a blazing flame.

  The Lord of Ultramar must also be a faithful follower of his father.

  He is the true spokesperson of the emperor, the most legitimate spokesperson of the state religion, and the embodiment of the emperor's will.

  Several bishops heard Guilliman's words, apologized for their recklessness, and personally used thorns and iron bars to beat their bodies as punishment for their arrogance and selfishness.

  The Stormbird they were riding on also joined Guilliman's fleet, heading for the starport of Espandor.

  A grand ceremony is also being prepared.

   Four hours later.

   The surface of the planet Espandor, the largest city, the capital of faith.

  Five giant horns made of gold made a sharp and hoarse sound.

  The deafening horn echoed in the huge city full of incense and prayers, resounding through every corner, ensuring that every believer could hear clearly.

  The sound of the trumpet announced the arrival of the Emperor's son, the Lord of Ultramar.

  These golden horns were forged with donations from believers, and inscribed with countless scriptures.

  Each horn weighs several tons, is placed on the strong towers and high walls of the castle, and is only used in the most important celebrations.

The hoarse roar of the   horn slowly died away, followed by the music played by the state church band composed of countless believers.

  The sounds of trumpets, trumpets, and drums came together, blowing to the rhythm of the emperor's poetry composed by a musician of extraordinary genius.

  A large group of flying objects surged out from various majestic temples amidst the sound of grand music.

  Humming servo skulls, cherubs resembling human babies, genetic creations cloned from Mechanicum technology, and old priests sitting on anti-gravity preachers flew over the crowd.

   They appeared in the smoke of incense, and the scented smoke was stirred into swirls by the gilded banners they carried.

  More than a dozen different hymns were sung at the same time with various beautiful melodies, mixed with the shouts of the priests admonishing the believers to respect the emperor.

  Thousands of senior priests came out of their respective temples. Some of them floated, some walked, some crawled, and some rode mounts. Everyone's face was full of fanaticism and excitement.

  Their servants followed closely behind, singing the Emperor's Psalms together, in order to overwhelm their peers and prove that they were the most devout believers.

  Among the crowd, the automatic preaching machines are moving forward, and the mechanical arms supporting them continue to jingle.

  The brains of the most devout believers are placed in these machines. After special processing and programming, they continue to work for the emperor.

  They use primitive loudspeakers to roar with religious language, encouraging people to devote their lives to the emperor devoutly.

  Hunchbacked scatterers were scattered among the crowd, holding incense burners with rising smoke, singing sacred emperor poems.

  On several luxurious parade cars, the bishop held a golden scepter, stood on the platform, and delivered a very fanatical speech.

  The heavy parade car was pulled by a group of naked slaves, and the heavy chain seemed to overwhelm their sinful bodies.

  The cathars beat those sinners who refused to work hard with whips, making them work harder to pull the cart.

  The welcome ceremony was unprecedentedly grand.

  Every believer is expressing the joy of the Primarch's arrival in his own way.

  With the anti-aircraft shield of Planet Espandor closed, many warships equipped with weapons capable of destroying the world appeared in the dark atmosphere.

  The huge Glory of Macragge is even more eye-catching.

  A group of Stormbirds flew out of the huge battleship. They were all azure blue, and the edges of the wings were dotted with dark green, like the color of an ancient forest.

   Behind the Stormbird is a landing fleet composed of Thunderhawks, troop carriers, and heavy gunboats.

  They were neat and orderly, maintained perfect, crossed the atmosphere, and entered the airport of the capital of faith.

   Those troop carriers docked at the wide airport, and the sound of air currents even overwhelmed the cheers of believers.

  Accompanied by the soft hiss of high-pressure gas, the troop carrier slowly opened the hatch.

  Five hundred Space Marines in crested helmets stepped out of the cabin, capes flapping behind them.

   They lined up in two rows, holding bolt guns tightly, standing on both sides of the aisle paved with red carpet, scanning around for any possible threats.

  In the eyes of everyone's anticipation, a living **** finally appeared in front of the world.

  He is wearing armor of azure blue and bright gold, with a simple and practical white cloak flying behind his back.

   In the center of the breastplate is the golden emblem of the Imperial double-headed eagle, and a green laurel wreath is worn on the flawless forehead.

  Countless believers burst into cheers following the appearance of this secular god, like the waves of the sea, the momentum was majestic and deafening.

  Guilliman smiled and waved to the crowd, causing them to cheer even more frantically.

  He stepped onto the anti-gravity suspension platform docked at the side, and walked along the wide avenue covered with red carpets.

  Amid the cheers, Guilliman and his party arrived in front of the largest church in Espandor.

  Rising hundreds of kilometers high, the sculpture of the emperor piercing through the atmosphere stands on the huge square in front of the church.

  The bishops are at the door of the church, waiting for the Primarch.

  When he got off the floating platform, they walked up one by one and saluted to show respect.

   "Such a ceremony is really grand."

   Guilliman looked at the bishops and said with a smile.

  He knew that the state religion was very rich. After all, it was the only designated religion in the empire and could collect religious tithes.

   But along the way, the wealth of the state religion still surprised Guilliman.

  The decorations and daily consumption of those churches are enough to support a large army.

   This is just a missionary planet. Counting other church planets, I am afraid that they can support an army strong enough to sweep the aliens.

   "In order to promote the glory of the emperor, some waste is necessary." A bishop stood up and explained respectfully.

   "Very well, if the Emperor wakes up and sees your piety, I'm afraid he will be very pleased." Guilliman said with a smile that he would be slapped on the spot by the Emperor.

   What the emperor hated most in his life was religion, and he wished he could tie all his sticks to the stake.

  In the early stage of the Great Crusade, wherever the emperor went, even the ant nests in the temples had to be poured with boiling water. It is conceivable what the emperor's attitude towards religion is.

  Back then, Lorgar only built a city of faith. As a Primarch, he was forced to kneel down on one knee to admit his mistakes, and the city of faith was burned to ruins.

  The current state religion is much crazier than Loga. The emperor of the Great Crusade traveled to this era, and he might be the first to promote the state religion.

  Hearing Guilliman's words, several bishops looked excited, and their bodies were trembling.

  Being recognized by the Emperor's Son is definitely beneficial to the state religion.

   Before these guys could finish their excitement, Guilliman changed his tone and raised his tone a lot.

   "However, your piety is pious, but you don't fully understand my father's original intention, and even distort my father's original intention. I can't help but feel confused. I want to know whether you are being deceived by others, or that you are heretics."

   After Guilliman finished speaking, he put his hand on the Emperor's Sword.

   This is an absolute manifestation of the will of the emperor, and it also demonstrates Guilliman's identity, the son of the emperor.

  The faces of several bishops who were flushed with excitement turned pale in a flash.

   Several of them were so frightened that their legs limp and fell to the ground.

   Asking for data, my dears, pull and read

  (end of this chapter)