Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 45 Guilliman Betrayed Us

  Phocles' words interrupted Guilliman's thinking, making him stunned for a moment, and after a while, he raised his head and asked Phicles.

   "Are they mutiny??"

"No, they just rejected your reforms, and only recognized the system established for them by the Holy Emperor. They have expelled the reform members sent by the new council, claiming that they only obey the orders of Holy Terra. And also to other worlds A circular was issued, asking other worlds to join them in rejecting it. Several families have already responded, saying that they will not recognize your reforms unless your lord can get the emperor's permission." Phikris said.

   "Let me be recognized by the Holy Emperor?" Guilliman walked a few steps, looked up at Phekris again, and asked, "Did they say anything else? Did they make any demands?"

   "This is the information I have received for the time being." Phikris said angrily, "Should we send troops to punish these families, my lord, this is disrespectful to you."

"No, this is not disrespect to me. They are testing me, Phikris. They are trying to figure out how strong and determined I am for this reform. Just wait for a while, I guess other families will speak up, Send people to collect their crimes, and then they will be liquidated together."

  Guilliman could see the true purpose of this declaration at a glance.

  The opponent did not rebel, and even stepped on a just right position.

   Neither the trial court nor other institutions can catch their conspiracy.

  The current situation in the empire is very delicate. It stands to reason that the awakened Guilliman should go to Holy Terra to obtain the power of the Terra Council, and then issue various orders.

   But now, Guilliman stays in Ultramar, issuing various orders in Macragge.

  He is the regent of the empire, appointed by the emperor himself, and is the legitimate ruler of the empire.

  But for ten thousand years, the empire has been accepting the orders of the Terra Council, and has already formed a subtle understanding that the core power of the empire lies in Terra.

   Allegiance to Guilliman and the Terra Council, on the surface, are all allegiance to the Empire.

   "Why do these guys jump out at this time? Are they so ignorant that they can't see clearly what adults are doing, are they trying to save mankind?" Phikris said indignantly.

"They can see it, that's why they object." Guilliman looked at a seraphim who was flying with its wings flapping. Mission assigned by the program.

   "Why do you say that, my lord?? Since they can see it, why are they against you?? Have they all betrayed the empire and are no longer loyal??"

   Phikris asked puzzled.

"There are many kinds of loyalty, Phikris. Loyalty to ideals, loyalty to individuals, and those who are greedy to power and power. They are also loyal to the empire, but they are not loyal to me, not loyal to what I am trying to create It's just that future."

  "I don't understand? Isn't loyalty the same as giving everything??"

  Phikri's broad, resolute face was filled with confusion.

  Guilliman withdrew his gaze, not allowing himself to look at the abominable technological creation.

"That's what you think, Phikris. More people think, if I serve this person, what will I get? If I can't get it, why should I give my allegiance? They want me to back down in exchange for their loyalty , This is what they really think, the Grouse family is just the first, and there are countless families watching."

"They have held the status of rulers for generations, enjoying wealth and luxuries that ordinary people do not have. They think they are loyal, so they are rewarded and they deserve it. I should continue to use these rewards to maintain their Loyalty, otherwise it's my fault." Guilliman said with a smile, "As for the overall situation of saving mankind, they think they are already loyal enough, and there is nothing they can do when mankind is in crisis."

   "It is absolutely impossible for them to sacrifice their own interests to maintain the overall situation of mankind."

   "Then what should we do?" Phikris asked.

"I will go to the Natal galaxy, declare the Gross family excommunication and rebellion, execute everyone in this family, and announce to the entire empire that reform must be carried out, and anyone who does not recognize it is trying to destroy mankind Chaos heresy."

  Guilliman's words were full of indifference, and he didn't care about the person who was about to be executed.

  The Grouse family is large in scale, owning numerous businesses and fleets.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a galaxy dynasty.

   There have been no traitors in this family, and they have maintained their loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire.

   But Guilliman doesn't need this kind of loyalty.

   What he needs is the kind of loyalty that obeys him and accepts his reforms.

   Many families have produced characters who are loyal to the emperor and the empire, but this does not offset some of their crimes.

  The reason why these families are willing to be loyal to the empire and the emperor is because the empire and the emperor can bring them huge benefits.

  They can use the authority of the emperor to legally rule a world.

   And when there is a rebellion in this world, ask for the protection of the Imperial Astral Army and the Imperial Navy to suppress those rebels.

  Being loyal to the emperor means that they only need to be responsible to the emperor and the empire.

   They can adopt any system to rule their world, extracting all the wealth they can extract.

  The reason why the Grouse family publicly issued such a declaration is undoubtedly that Guilliman's reforms have shaken their power base and their wealth.

   In order to defend their power and wealth, they issued such a declaration.

   The meaning is very clear, unless Guilliman backs down, they will not remain loyal to him.

  It's a pity that the long time has made them forget how the Primarchs and the Emperor built the empire.

  The Primarchs turned those dynasties and alien empires that were unwilling to surrender into ruins, and built a human empire on the wreckage of those civilizations.

   It has never been relying on political means of intrigue.

  The Grouse family tried to find out Guilliman's bottom line, wanted to strive for the greatest benefit as much as possible, and even forced Guilliman to withdraw his reform order.

  Guilliman's bottom line is to keep those nobles who cooperate with the reform alive.

  House Grouse wants more, prepare to face the wrath of a Primarch.

  Guilliman will not back down, he will respond with the strongest attitude.

   Planet Natal.

  Nik hive capital.

  Nests are divided into upper, middle and lower layers.

  The lower class belonged to the poor peasants and gangsters, the middle class belonged to the working class, the upper class with a beautiful environment and fresh air belonged to the aristocrats.

  Nobles occupy 99% of the wealth in the Natal galaxy, monopolizing medicine, medical treatment, machinery, shipping and many other fields.

   Enjoying a life of luxury that ordinary people can't imagine.

  In industrial hives, green plants and healthy food are very scarce.

  Ordinary people eat either nutrition blocks, or food such as ambulls and ground worms that are full of pollution.

  Ninety-nine percent of the people have never known what flowers and plants look like in their entire lives.

   The air in the hive capital is circulated and purified by the equipment of Mechanicus.

   It is normal for civilians living in hives to never see green plants.

   Of course, the life of the nobles was very different.

  Their manor has a garden made of green plants from all over the world.

   Eat harmless food from the agricultural world.

  Even the fruits they enjoy are specially transported from other galaxies, and the value of each one is enough to be worth a civilian's lifetime labor income.

  The gap between the rich and the poor in the empire is so large that ordinary people can't imagine it.

  If there are some merchant families with a long history, the accumulated wealth is even more astronomical.

   More than a dozen galaxies are their industries.

   Unless it is declared treason by the empire, there is no possibility of decline.

  The top of Hawk's hive.

  Many nobles gathered at a luxurious reception.

   "This is betrayal. Guilliman betrayed us. We served the empire, we died for the emperor, but he wants to deprive us of our rights." An old nobleman shouted angrily.

  (end of this chapter)