Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

  Chapter 48 The Grouse Family 25

   "Fuck you, Grouse."

   "You should all be burned at the stake, you disgusting vampires."

   Seeing the advertisement appearing on the holographic projection, Hawke couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed viciously.

   But no matter how much he cursed, the holographic projector was still playing the relevant advertisements of Grouse No. 1 Vitality Potion.

   After a while, some time-killing TV series started to play.

  Hawk lay on the bed, trying to calm himself down and suppress his anger.

  The power of the Grouse family occupies several galaxies, and for a person like Hawk, it is an unimaginably terrifying existence.

  He can't do anything but impotent rage.

   Getting angry just made his life harder.

   Numbness is the best state.

   Enough numbness will not be too sad, and one can survive this hopeless life immersed in faith in the Emperor.

  He didn't know why he was angry.

  Everyone is like this, born, working, married, raising children, and dying early.

  The corpses were recycled by the Food Association and sent to the processing plant to become energy bars that can fill the stomach.

   For hundreds or thousands of years, people have lived like this, generation after generation.

  Why is he angry? ?

  But Hawk just wanted to be angry. He felt that he was deprived of countless precious things by this vampire-like family.

   If he bears a child, his child will accept the same fate as he.

   Not giving birth, then he will be sentenced, and then he can only be a homeless person

   This kind of life is gloomy and hopeless, a pool of stagnant water, with no chance of change in sight.

   Hawk turned over, he thought of another thing, Madara was going to die.

   And the only thing he can do is collect the body for his friend, hide in a dark room and curse a projector.

  Hawk is considering whether to commit suicide too.

  What's the use of struggling in this world? ?

   "May the holy Emperor burn you to death."

   Hawke cursed in a low voice.

   After finishing speaking, he showed bitterness.

  The pastors will not burn the Grouse family to death, they will only burn poor ghosts like Hawke who have no money for the church.

  Natal galaxy outer orbit.

  Serial Number Natal-19-18 The Divination Probe floats in the cold, silent void.

   This is a monitoring satellite belonging to the empire, constructed of machinery and human flesh and blood.

  The only function of this divination probe is to monitor the activity of the Warp Lane near the Natal system.

   This huge satellite has been hanging in the void for decades, receiving countless starships.

  With the opening of the Great Rift, fewer warpspace ships come and go.

  After all, the existence of subspace storms makes subspace navigation an extremely dangerous thing.

  The divination detector was also calm for a long time.

   Today is another calm day.

  Machine Soul just wanted to classify today as a day with no major events, when suddenly, an abnormal subspace fluctuation impacted from the highest sky into the real universe, and was captured by the divination detector

   There is a huge fleet that is rapidly approaching the Natal galaxy.

  Incoming data is automatically reviewed through the detector's artificial cortex, and the divination scanner responds to the machine spirit's commands, pulses into the warp, and receives feedback.

   The machine soul that received the feedback quickly judged it as an urgent and major event.

  Relevant information was quickly transmitted to the relevant departments of the Natal galaxy government through the array launcher engraved with the Skyhawk array.

  At this time, the clerks in charge of information collection are testing the transport ships inside and outside the galaxy.

  In front of the data console, a clerk is using a data cable to connect to the information network.

  His duty is to print out the relevant information of the data network and hand it over to other staff.

  Accompanied by a clicking sound, the brass and gold-plated console made a sound, and the indicator light lit up, indicating that the console was receiving transmission information.

  The clerk twitched as the data poured into his brain, and he began to tap the shorthand machine hanging in front of his chest with his slender fingers like bird claws, his technique was extremely skilled.

  With a bang, the printing is complete.

  The machine slave in charge of paperwork came over, collected and summarized the printed information, and handed it over to another supervisor.

  The other party just used his mechanical prosthetic eye, took a look, and ran out in a hurry.

  I can't even take care of the work at hand.

   Natal Galactic Council.

"That idiot Guilliman should open his eyes and see how much loved and respected the Grouse family is. We have ruled this planet for so many years, guiding Natal like the sun The people of the galaxy, who regard us as spiritual leaders and dedicate their allegiance to us."

   "And now, he actually wants to take back our power, regardless of the need for the guardianship of the Gross family for those lost imperial subjects."

  The governor of the galaxy sat in his seat, shouting loudly.

  But no one from the underground congressmen opened their mouths to speak.

  If these words are heard by the trial court or the people of the State Church, I am afraid that they will be sent to the stake on the spot.

  Humiliation of the Primarch is undoubtedly a very terrible crime.

   "Thinking of this, I can't help crying. What a terrible life those stupid people will live after losing the Gross family. They will be hungry, displaced, and finally usher in chaos."

  When the planetary governor said this, he even couldn't help but shed a tear.

  He waved his arms and continued to deliver his long speech.

"Guilliman is a demon. He wants to usurp his father's throne, so he suppresses us who are loyal to the Emperor, and sweeps all our families who are willing to die for the Emperor into the trash. Those who are useless, The one who will only bring humanity to ruin is promoted, simply because those people will serve him."

   "My lord, if you say this, it is easy to cause trouble."

  A councilor carefully weighed his words, trying to stop the crazy remarks of the planetary governor.

  Let this idiot continue, the entire Natal galaxy council will be killed by him.

"Let the storm come more violently, let that damned demon come, as a Primarch, he is so unqualified and so despicable. The Grouse family is never afraid, we have the most devout beliefs and beliefs in the empire Loyal, we have always believed in the Emperor and are ready to die in defense of his empire."

  The planetary governor stood up, his fat, layered body shaking, looking very excited.

  At this time, a person walked quickly from the door of the parliament hall, and said a few words in the ear of the planetary governor, which immediately made the excited planetary governor froze there.

   "What did you say?? The holy Primarch will come soon. Isn't he still on an expedition to the Connor Industrial Galaxy?" The planetary governor's complexion turned pale.

   "We also don't know that the divination instrument outside the galaxy has scanned the Glory of Macragge sailing in the subspace, and an entire fleet is approaching the Natal galaxy."

"Damn it, hurry up, let the major families prepare to welcome the Primarch, and let the planetary defense forces dispatch to drive those imperial civilians away from the main road, leaving some richer people behind, and at the same time warn them , to praise the great Grouse family."

  The planetary governor quickly made various arrangements.

  No matter how hard he scolded, he knew that the prestige of the Primarch could not be offended, otherwise the Emperor Angel would make the Grouse family disappear from this starry sky.

After instructing that person, the planetary governor glanced at the members of the council present, "You know what to do?? As long as I hear a little bad news, your entire family will disappear in the universe. The Gross family has already Standing for thousands of years, we are as immortal as this great empire, don't try to offend the Gross family, otherwise, there will be disaster."

  Leaving this sentence, the planetary governor hurried out.

  The other council members looked at each other, and then ran out.

   There are three more chapters

  (end of this chapter)