Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 60 Pharos Planet

   Guilliman looked around at these people and smiled.

  The big rift tore apart the entire galaxy, and human beings have also ushered in the most terrifying invasion of darkness.

  Monsters and demons from the ancient night continue to emerge, wreaking havoc on the human world.

  Human fear, restlessness and despair echo in the warp.

  Humanity is on the verge of destruction, and the empire is dying and about to collapse.

   It is these people in front of them that maintain the last existence of the empire.

  At this moment when bureaucrats are corrupt and all beings are confused and panicked, they stepped forward and shouldered the responsibility of protecting mankind.

   "It's great that we can meet here."

  The voice of the Primarch does not need any amplification device, it can be transmitted to any corner of the hall, so that all commanders can hear it.

"Our race is facing an unprecedented disaster. The fall of the Cadia Fortress is just the beginning. The unprecedented darkness is gathering. Human beings are only one step away from extinction. The big rift has torn the entire galaxy, and countless planets are deeply trapped. In the midst of disaster. Our duty is of utmost importance, especially at this moment, gentlemen."

"In order to save the empire and save the fate of human beings, reforms are imminent. The reforms in the Ultramar star field have allowed us to gain the popularity of the people, and have also allowed us to obtain more troops and supplies. This has proved that The need for reform."

"But there will always be people who covet the power in their hands, try to resist changes, and put their own interests above the interests of the empire and the race. At that time, the pressure you will face will be unprecedentedly heavy, and the Chaos Gods will not let you down so easily. We have succeeded. They will deceive you and lead you on the wrong path. I just want to persuade you. When you are confused, you need to calm down and ask your heart why you are fighting."

   "Is it for the honor praised by others? Is it for the cheers of victory? Or is it for protecting my family, to protect the glory of my father, and to practice the great dream he never fulfilled?"

  Guilliman was silent for a moment, and paused skillfully for a moment to mobilize people's emotions before continuing to speak.

"No matter what the reason is, let you embark on this path. This time, I hope you will fight for mankind, fight for the Holy Empire, and also to protect the glory of my father and complete the unfulfilled great dream and fight."

   "I, Regent of the Empire, Lord of Ultramar, am with you."

   Accompanied by Guilliman's last words, the people cheered loudly.

  The thunderous shouts of the space fighters also merged into it along with the rustling sound of the loudspeaker.

  The Primarch's speech aroused people's emotions and made them aroused.

  In the following meeting, Guilliman briefly explained the mission.

   Promote the ongoing reforms in Ultramar to reorganize the political and economic environment of the empire.

  The most important point is to conquer the alien forces of Charadon,

  Charadon is currently a mix of human beings, space undead, and orcs, and small-scale conflicts continue year after year.

  If the threat can be completely eradicated, the Charadon sector will become a powerful arm of the expedition.

  A huge holographic projection is suspended above the heads of many participants.

  The projection lists in detail the various galaxies in the Charadon sector, the imperial army, the merchant families, and the garrisoned war groups.

  Guilliman assigned tasks to everyone, in order to achieve a one-hit kill and completely end the alien forces in the Charadon sector.

  The war council did not last long.

  The main purpose of holding this meeting was not to discuss it, but to encourage these imperial loyalists.

   Regarding the planning of the battle situation, Guilliman has already carried out many simulated confrontations with the help of Sicarius, Phikris, Amarici and others.

  With the power of Primaris Space Marines, it is not difficult to win this war.

   When the meeting was over, Guilliman asked Amariche, Celestine, and Clovis to stay.

  The strengths of these three people are not in fighting against aliens.

  Guilliman did not intend to let them participate in the battle of the Charadon sector.

  For the secrecy of my plan, and to say something that might sound disrespectful.

  Guilliman screened everyone, leaving the three alone to talk.

   This confused Celestine and the others.

  What kind of mission is it that makes a Primarch so cautious.

   "I have a brand new task for you." Guilliman looked at the three people who were left behind with dazed expressions, and said in a deep voice.

   "What's the matter? My lord." Amarich looked at the Primarch and asked in puzzlement.

"We have made some achievements, but a greater danger is still approaching. You should all know that the emperor's star torch light can no longer cross the great rift to illuminate the dark realm of the empire?" Guilliman looked at the three of them, "Without the Emperor's Astronomican, human navigation in the Warp is much more difficult and dangerous for the Chapters. My renegade brother is also in the Darklands, trying to build his twisted psychic empire."

  The three nodded.

  The news brought by Clovis is not top secret, they are all qualified to know.

   "We can't be led by the nose by the enemy, but that doesn't mean we don't do anything." Guilliman looked at the three of them, his eyes blurred for a moment, and then he continued, "I need you to help me defend a place."

   "Where, my lord." Celestine asked.

   "Faros, there lies our hope of reclaiming the Dark Realm and defeating Magnus."

  Guilliman stretched out his hand, and a holographic projection appeared in the air with his movement.

  A green planet is outlined by the projection, slowly rotating.

   Judging from the data, this is a colonial world with a low degree of development.

   "What's here??" Amariqi asked puzzled.

   Guilliman pondered for a moment, and finally decided to be honest.

   "Here is a device similar to a lighthouse, which can help us complete subspace navigation."

   "This isn't human technology, is it?" Clovis asked solemnly.

"This is an alien technology, I used it 10,000 years ago. At that time, the situation in the galaxy was worse than it is now, and the gods raised a terrible warp storm, trying to make humans their slaves and playthings , my father shoulders the heavy responsibility to fight against the gods."

   "At that time, the light of the Astronomican Torch disappeared, and I activated this mysterious technological device. It once helped me contact Sanguinius and Ryan, allowing us to face that shocking rebellion together."

   Guilliman is hiding some information.

  The existence of the Second Empire is not suitable for telling.

  The reason why the Second Empire was established was only to consider the possibility that the Emperor was killed by Horus.

  He must prepare for mankind to continue to fight Horus.

   But other people don't think so, they feel that they are trying to replace the Emperor.

"A brand new research team has set out. They will analyze the technological devices on Pharos, absorb their principles and apply them. In this way, we can give some help to the dark realm of the empire, help them build some lighthouses, and let the empire The fleet was freed from the warp storm."

   "Using alien technology??" Clovis showed a dignified face.

"We have no choice, and we can't simply think that this is alien technology. Knowledge doesn't belong to anyone. It's just that the alien first used this knowledge. Should we give up? For some unnecessary persistence, And let the people of the empire suffer deeply?"

"The thing that is most likely to prevent us from applying these technologies is chaos, and you are the strongest existence against chaos. Therefore, I need your help to help me guard Pharos until the scientific research team has enough data to be able to Thoroughly understand, until those alien technologies are reproduced."

  Guilliman looked at Clovis, who still had hesitation on his face.

   "It's also to defeat Magnus, Clovis. Without Pharos' lighthouse technology, what can we do to stop Magnus, the warp storm alone can kill half of the imperial army."

   Hearing Magnus and thinking of his crazy plan, Clovis finally nodded.

   "Very well, it's decided like this, then each prepares to leave."

  Guilliman smiled.

  Three days later, the imperial army assembled in the Connor galaxy was divided into several teams.

  For the Battle of Charadon, the Primarchs assigned them different tasks.

   Celestine, Amariki, and Clovis also went to the planet Pharos with their secret mission.

  (end of this chapter)