Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 78 The bureaucratic style of the extreme battle group? ?

   "I don't understand what kind of gift can make you so confident, my lord." Sicarius tried his best to think about Guilliman's words, but found that he had no clue at all.

  The Tyranids have always been a serious concern to the empire, but the Primarch has such confidence that he does not take the Tyranids seriously.

   There must be something in Calgar's hands that can change the situation of the battle.

"Some things are surprises, Sicarius, there is no need to say them out, just wait patiently for a while. Let's start the battle in front of you first. If you really want to know something, then I can tell you clearly , we will surely win this battle, even if the Tyranids come."

   "The Charadon sector will be a display stand for our powerful force. After this war, every race will be afraid of the power of human beings."

   Guilliman said with a smile.

  The pale white projection light illuminated the slightly dim strategy room, a large amount of complicated data flowed out from the suspended projection, and more than a dozen screens appeared simultaneously, flashing information from various battlefields.

  A large number of images display information about those battlefields.

   With the assistance of the Titan Order and the Knight Family, the Astral Army launched a full-scale offensive against the Orc Legion.

  Squads of Primaris Space Marines raided and beheaded the orc bosses.

   Artillery units and fighter formations bombarded orc fortresses and war fortifications day and night.

  The Extermination Order is launched above the orbits of planets completely infested by orcs.

  In addition to virus bombs and torpedoes, there are also extermination weapons built by the Trinity to strike.

  A large number of planets were thoroughly purified and turned into scorched earth, in order to wait for the priests and technicians of Mechanicum to restore the ecological environment of the planet.

  Guilliman collected the information of thousands of battlefields at the fastest speed, and summed it up, outlining the whole picture of the battlefield in his mind.

   Among the many Primarchs, Guilliman's talent for war is far from the strongest.

   The strongest talents in war should be Lion King Ryan and Horus.

  The other Primarchs are slightly inferior to them all.

  A Primarch is always a Primarch, and Guilliman's talent for war is not at the same level as that of ordinary people.

  Guilliman evaluated each battlefield, making sure that they would continue to win partial victories according to their plan, increasing the advantage of the human side. After confirming all the battlefields, he nodded in satisfaction.

   "We are approaching the main star of the orcs. Do you have any new information about the orc warlord? We have to prepare for a decisive battle." Guilliman turned his eyes away from the strategic projection and asked Sicarius.

"The information director has inquired about the star area database and many documents. This orc warlord is named Arsonist. He is one of the most powerful orc warlords in the galaxy today. In 989 of the 41st millennium, he launched After an expedition, in addition to the attack on the Charadon sector, six other sectors were attacked, causing a large number of casualties among the people of the empire."

"This orc warlord has amazing control of the battle situation and tactical strategies. He once attacked the world of Ryan, which is only a few weeks away from Terra. The Crimson Group used the anti-WAAAGH force field to defeat him, but they were unable to attack his base camp. "

  Sicarius introduced information about the orc warlord arsonist.

  The anti-WAAAAGH force field is to counter the orc WAAAGH by using the unique anti-psychic characteristic of the nun of silence, thereby weakening the power of the orc warlord.

   This combat method was explored during the Beast War.

   Otherwise, under the blessing of the WAAAGH force field, the strength of the orc warlord is beyond imagination.

   Tougher to kill than a Primarch.

  The Sisters of Silence were once the emperor's most important force.

   All are made up of female untouchables, who are also called soulless.

   First appeared during the Emperor's Great Crusade across the galaxy.

  They are the nemesis of psykers, slightly weaker psykers can't even use their abilities in front of them.

  Even if it can be used, it will be greatly reduced.

  The WAAAGH of the orcs are also strictly restrained by them, which will greatly weaken the combat power of the orcs.

   "My lord, we don't have the nuns of silence in our hands. Maybe we should seek their help. Only in this way can we better fight against the orc warlords." Sicarius said.

   "There is already a troop of Sisters of Silence coming from Macragge, and they will join Calgar on the battlefield." Guilliman said, "There is no need to worry about this. Is there any other information about this orc warlord?"

"There is a huge battle moon in the hands of the arsonist. It was once destroyed by the crimson battle group and thrown into the subspace by the explosion, but after the guy behind escaped from the battlefield. I don't know how to find this huge moon again. and repaired it." Sicarius looked serious.

   The Battle Moon is as big as a small celestial satellite.

  When it first appeared, it easily crushed the entire imperial fleet with the help of the gravity storm caused by its huge size.

  The combat power is terrifying, and no opponent can be found on the void battlefield. It was once a nightmare for the Imperial Navy.

   While speaking, Sicarius also turned on the holographic projection to play the relevant data.

  In the base camp of the orc warlord arsonist, in the Gorod galaxy, a huge metallic celestial body is suspended in the void, it is extremely huge, and it moves in a circle around the Gorod galaxy.

   This is an alien creation.

   Possesses the power to easily destroy a planet.

   "If we want to deal with the arsonists, this battle moon must be destroyed, otherwise the imperial fleet will suffer heavy casualties. I ask for a troop, and I can lead a raid to destroy and paralyze this battle moon."

   Sicarius asked.

   "No need, the gift Calgar brought will allow us to defeat this battle moon on the frontal battlefield." Guilliman shook his head and rejected Sicarius' suicidal proposal.

  According to the data Kaul gave him, the Colossus of Punishment can completely fight against the war moon.

   More importantly, this is an excellent opportunity for actual combat, and Guilliman does not want to let it go.

   It's time to test, the new human weapon.

   "But, my lord, can you tell me what the gift in Calgar's hand is?" Sicarius said with confusion and incomprehension in his tone.

   "Patience is the key to victory, you will see." Guilliman changed the topic, "Go out and continue to test those fighters. I need them to be ready at all times."

   "My lord." Sicarius still wanted to ask, but Guilliman shook his head, so he could only salute and leave.

   Phikris is guarding outside. He has recently served as Guilliman's guard captain, temporarily leading the Glory Guard.

  Sicarius wanted to leave directly, but after thinking for a while, he walked in front of Phikris.

   "Brother." Sicarius stared at Phikris and said solemnly.

"Your tone surprised me, Sicarius, are you looking for someone to practice your sword?" Phikris looked at Sicarius, frowning, "I need to guard the safety of the Primarch, you know, It's not that I'm afraid of you."

  Sicarius is extremely strong in swordsmanship and is one of the strongest swordsmen in the empire.

   Phikris never won.

   "I'm not talking about it," Sicarius said.

   Phikris breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he didn't want to lose to Sicarius on the flagship of the Primarch.

   Even if you fight, you have to find a private place. At least if you lose, not so many people will know.

   "Then what do you want to say?" Phikris asked.

   "I want to know, how much do you know about what Calga is doing now?" Sicarius asked, rubbing his sword hilt.

   "I know a little bit." Phikris said, "He is responsible for guarding Macragge, and now he is leading a brand new fleet to join the Primarch."

   "What gift did the Primarch say Calgar brought?" Sicarius asked.

   "Gift??" Phikris froze for a moment.

   When did this bureaucratic style become popular in Extreme Battlegroup? ?

   Yesterday, my Dao heart collapsed. I read the news all day, and I didn't even want to write a book.

  (end of this chapter)