Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 85 Arrival

  Hearing what the businessman said, anger surged in Valen's heart.

  He has a feeling that he has been played by the other party.

  This damned businessman has played him from beginning to end, making him turn around.

"Go to the fortress and recite the spell to expel ghosts. If you are discovered, do you know what the consequences will be?" Warren said, "The empire will never allow such a blasphemy to happen, and everyone who does that will be greeted The most terrible punishment."

  The businessman smiled and shook his head, "Your Excellency, all you have done is to be loyal to the Emperor, to the Primarch, so what is this little risk?"

"What's more, with your identity, entering the fortress and chanting a spell will not waste any time at all. As long as you are fast enough and act carefully enough, there will be no problem. Such a small spell is insignificant, and no one will suspect you .In order for you to continue to serve the Emperor, someone has already paid the price with their lives, do you want to give up all your efforts?"

  Varen clenched his fist, he didn't want to continue.

  Something inside him told him it was wrong.

  It can be associated with the dead Yake, and has his own responsibilities.

  After struggling a bit, Valen agreed to the merchant's proposal.

   In order to continue to serve the Emperor and continue to serve humanity, a little sacrifice is no big deal.

   An unnamed star field tens of thousands of light-years away.

  Relying on his powerful authority, Magnus watched the scene where Varun was gradually degrading.

  Seeing this guy who wants to be loyal to his father, he is going to go to the lighthouse fortress to cast a spell.

   Magnus's smile grew brighter.

  He knew that his plan was about to bear fruit.

  The positions of the stars in the real universe are not fixed.

   If you want to perform long-distance teleportation, you must have a beacon.

  Warren, the planetary governor, has become Magnus's beacon at this time.

  He will go directly to Pharos, bypassing the defenses of the empire, and appear inside the opponent.

   "Get ready for the ceremony, let us open the passage to Pharos." Magnus looked at his right-hand man Sharo.

   "Understood, my lord."

   Sharo went outside.

  In the abandoned hive capital, a giant altar has been prepared.

   Various lost runes were etched on the altar, and a large number of terrified and crying humans were kept in cages, waiting to be sacrificed.

   "Start." Sha Luo said loudly.

  The wizards picked up sharp daggers, grabbed those humans out of the iron cage, wiped their necks, and threw the **** corpses on the altar.

  The desperation and pain of these beings before death will help Magnus better leverage the etheric power of the warp, and shape a path to the planet Pharos for the demon army and his subordinates.

   "I'm here." Magnus smiled.

   Planet Pharos.

  Judge Li Ji led the stormtroopers to investigate the chaos incident according to Clovis' prompt.

  In order to perform tasks better and faster.

  Judges have extremely high authority.

  The empire allows them to use any means in order to complete their tasks efficiently.

  Relying on the judge's extraordinary intuition, Li Ji was keenly aware of the connection between the missing case and the chaotic incident.

  In order to get clues, she arrested six security officers who had many cases of disappearances in the jurisdiction.

   When arrested, every sheriff said he was innocent.

   Regarding their self-defense, Li Ji didn't have time to examine it, she let the subordinates who were best at extorting confessions by torture take action.

  Five of them are indeed innocent, and one admits to being associated with the underground organization to provide some protection for them to kidnap people.

  Li Ji didn't waste any time and went straight to the underground organization.

   As for the six sheriffs.

  Sorry, no one has ever survived the torture of an Inquisitor.

  When Li Ji left, there were only six unrecognizable, **** corpses in the interrogation room.

  The location of that underground organization is a bit off.

  Worried about encountering strong resistance, Li Ji commandeered a Stormbird.

  In the cabin, she prepares the Stormtroopers.

  The speed of the Stormbird fighter is very fast.

  After arriving at the destination, the Stormtroopers airborne directly, saving the time for landing.

  The believers on the periphery were quickly controlled.

   They don't look wrong, and the building is fine, full of shrines and scriptures of the Emperor.

  Relying on the scanning equipment, Li Ji still discovered the clues underground.

   "Where do you get in?" Li Ji raised her gun and asked a believer.

"I do not.."

   Lizzie shot him through the head before letting him finish.

   "Tell me." Li Ji raised her gun and asked another man.

  The man was frightened by Li Ji's ruthlessness.

   I have never seen such a cruel person, before he finished answering, he shot directly.

   There is no such thing as loyalty among fallen men.

  Under Li Ji's threat, the threatened man brought the judge and his party to the entrance.

  The entrance is hidden in a huge shrine to the Emperor,

   "Disgusting cultist."

   Seeing the emperor's shrine slowly parting, exposing the entrance of a deep tunnel on the ground, Li Ji couldn't hide her anger.

  The cultists working behind the Emperor's shrine are unforgivable.

   Li Ji and Stormtrooper rushed in.

   Blasphemy, the evil Chaos runes are all over the basement, let Li Ji confirm that she is not in the wrong place.

   And those cultists also got news from the ground.

  They took up arms and tried to fight against the Stormtroopers led by Li Ji.

  Unfortunately, this kind of stupid behavior is undoubtedly suicidal.

  With the help of the infrared combat device, even in the basement where there is not enough light, Li Ji can easily locate the cultists.

  She fired decisively, and the laser pulse killed one cultist in an instant, leaving another cultist wailing and screaming on the ground.

  The Stormtroopers also relied on their usual training to quickly strangle the enemies in the basement.

  The situation in the basement is complicated, with many rooms.

   Such an environment may be very difficult to change to other troops.

  But for the Stormtroopers exclusive to the Inquisition, it is just a piece of cake.

   They have no mercy, after paying the price of a stormtrooper seriously injured.

  Strangled all cultists who dared to resist.

  In the huge basement, only a businessman in Chinese clothes and an old man in a long robe remained.

  They were trembling with fear on their faces.

  Li Ji does not have the power to see the warp, nor does she have psionic powers.

  She could feel the depravity of these two people.

  The souls of these two people exude a dirty stench.

   You don't need to look to see their rotten, disgusting souls.

   "Tell me everything you know, and I promise to give you a little mercy." Li Ji's tone was cold.

   "You don't want to know anything!" The old man wanted to be tough.

  Li Ji grabbed his hair, cut off his ear, and threw it in front of him, "I think you didn't understand what I just said, so I help you."

   After finishing speaking, he also injected a potion that enhances the sensitivity of the organs into the other party's body to amplify the other party's pain.

  The emaciated old man let out a heart-piercing scream.

   Several interrogators under Li Ji stepped forward and used various instruments to maintain the old man's pain, making him scream continuously.

   A stubborn traitor deserves no mercy.

   Li Ji turned to look at the businessman, "Can you tell me what you know?"

  Seeing the other party's dagger dripping with blood, and the terrifying look in his eyes, the old man next to him was screaming again, even if he begged for mercy, no one paid any attention.

  The businessman who declared that he had surrendered to the gods was also frightened and collapsed.

  1510 said what he did.

   Knowing that the planetary governor had performed the chaos ritual, Li Ji immediately felt something was wrong.

  She ordered these two guys to be taken back, and interrogated to see if they could get more things out.

  He took a guard and went straight to the Governor's Mansion, wanting to control Varun first.

   When they arrived at the Governor's Mansion, they were accidentally informed that Varen had gone to the Lighthouse Fortress.

   Said that there were some logistical support matters that he needed to handle in person.

   After interrogating several close servants of the governor, Li Ji got the book without a cover.

   All kinds of terrible witchcraft are recorded on it.

  Turn to the ceremony performed by the governor.

  Li Ji could tell at a glance that this was not a ceremony of transforming lives, but a ceremony of begging the existence of the subspace to pay attention to her.

   That is to say, Planetary Governor Varun has now become a beacon.

   Warp Demon Beacon in real universe.

  Li Ji told the news to Clovis, the gray knight mentor who was on guard duty in the lighthouse.

  When Clovis led the gray knight team to find Varen in the fortress.

  Valun has already recited the spell that the businessman said can expel ghosts.

  With his spell, the ether in the warp surged, and the storm that had not subsided for a long time became extremely violent.

  A terrifying will let out a ferocious laugh full of extreme malice.

  The entire planet of Pharos, whether it is facing the star or facing away from the star, has ushered in darkness.

  A gorgeous, huge crack that traversed the entire planet appeared in front of the public.

   Chaos has arrived.

  (end of this chapter)