Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 90 Victory is doomed (subscription required)

  The Black Templar-Generalissimo's question made everyone turn their attention to the mechanical sage-Regula.

   If the emperor can really communicate with the world, it will definitely be a sensation in the entire empire.

   It will even cause a shocking upheaval in the entire empire.

  Cause a storm in the political field.

  The elders and nobles of Terra are afraid that they will tremble because of this.

  During the ten thousand years the Emperor slept.

  What their family did, it would be light to be burned on the stake.

  Especially the state religion.

  The rebellion of apostasy and the **** rule of these black spots cannot be washed away.

  For the current high-level of the empire, the emperor's awakening will do nothing but harm.

  For ordinary people, it is good.

  Humanity will regain the guidance of the Emperor, and will not struggle in the dark.

  After the Great Rift appeared, the situation in the Human Empire got worse.

   There are a lot of distress messages floating in the subspace at all times.

   Alien, Mutant, Chaos.

  Many worlds are suffering from these cancers.

  The mechanical face of the mechanical sage Regula showed a trace of humanity.

  The sound of mechanical gears turning came from the neck.

  He shook his head a few times.

   "We can't do what you said. The power of the emperor is too strong. We can't guide the will of the emperor to talk to us."

   "Why not? You can all leverage his power, and guiding his will shouldn't be a problem." Amariqi asked persistently.

  The emperor's awakening is nothing but a disaster for the current imperial bureaucracy.

  For humans and various battle groups, the benefits of the Emperor's awakening are really too many.

   Before coming to Ultramar to find the Primarch, he participated in many battles.

   The power of chaos is getting stronger.

  Dark Angel's megalithic base was attacked by the Lord of Change, causing heavy casualties.

  The home planet of the Space Wolves was destroyed by Magnus, the civilians were almost wiped out, and the monastery was also in ruins.

   On the planets near the Great Rift, there are more and more supernatural events caused by chaos.

  People worry every day that their souls will be completely swallowed by chaos.

   Clovis is not saying that Guilliman cannot lead humanity.

   Rather, the enemy is too strong, and human beings face too many threats.

  No matter how powerful the original body is, there is only one person.

  If the emperor can return, the power of the human side will also be greatly enhanced.

  The pressure on the original body is not that great.

  "Being able to use his power does not mean being able to withstand his will." Regula clicked on the holographic projection, showing various monitoring data when the emperor's projection descended.

  Each item of those data far exceeds the normal value, and many items of data are displayed in red fonts representing danger.

   "These are just detected data, and there are some unquantifiable data. The appearance of that trace of the emperor's power has overwhelmed the space structure, and people's souls have shown signs of purification."

   "If the Emperor's will is allowed to come, everyone on the entire planet will be instantly vaporized because of the Emperor's powerful power."

  Mechanical Sage-Regula's words disappointed everyone who was expecting it.

  I thought that the emperor could lead the world again.

   I didn't expect it, but I still couldn't do it.

  Their mood is like a thirsty and tired traveler lost in the desert, who found an oasis, but found that the oasis was a mirage.

  How bad and lost is the mood like that.

   "Okay, now this planet has lost the value of being on duty. The traitors in the subspace are extremely cunning. They will never step into the same trap twice. It's time to perform a new duty."

  Ventris stood up and waved off the holographic projections.

  The questions have been answered, it's time to make the next step.

  The planet Pharos no longer needs to be guarded by such a huge force.

  Warp demons are not stupid enough to step into the same trap again.

   "The lighthouse can summon the power of the emperor. This is an artifact. Why do you say it has no value for guarding?"

  Judge Li Ji looked at Ventris, her tone full of confusion.

  Even if we can no longer deceive the subspace demons, it is still a good thing to keep the lighthouse here.

   If the Pharos Starfield encounters chaos invasion in the future, this lighthouse can also be used to expel the enemy.

  "The lighthouse has been overloaded, most of its components have been scrapped, and it has lost its function of maintaining a stable entrance to the subspace."

   has been silent, and Celestine, who was silent, spoke.

   "We can continue to repair." Amariqi said, "Being able to use the power of the emperor will give us a huge advantage and can effectively fight against the enemy of chaos."

"This is alien technology." Ventris said, "It's too dangerous. This lighthouse can not only be used to amplify the Emperor's power, but also can be used by other evil forces. Lord Guilliman has long left After the order is issued, if it is triggered, it is not recommended to continue to keep this lighthouse, but to completely destroy it."

   Hearing that Guilliman meant it, everyone who originally wanted to fight for the lighthouse to stay could only agree.

  If it was in the past, they may still object.

  But after the battle just now, they really couldn't object.

   Lord Guilliman took precautions, planned strategies, and easily played and severely injured the rebel Primarch.

   This made them adore and trust him.

  The original body must have a deep meaning in doing so.

   It's like concealing their various arrangements on Pharos, and the final result will surprise them.

  "The duty duty here is over. After dismantling the lighthouse completely and confirming that it cannot be restored, you will continue to join the expedition." Ventris said, "Bring the reform and will of the Primarch to the entire galaxy."

  Everyone did not object, and their trust in Guilliman rose in a straight line after this battle alone.

  Step by step, step by step, step by step, directly pull the other party into your own trap.

  The most important thing is that the opponent is not here yet, and it all depends on what he left behind.

  This ability to control the overall situation is really terrifying.

   All of them combined may not be able to do half of Master Guilliman.

   "Are we going to give up the lighthouse like this? How to solve the navigation problem in the dark domain of the empire, and also lose a sharp weapon against chaos."

   Clovis' tone was a little lost.

  When human beings face chaos, they have always been at a disadvantage.

  The only way is to take human life to fill, and then expel the devil.

  The same is true for the gray knights. When fighting against demons, they are better than other troops, but the casualties they pay each time they fight against demons are also not small.

   Now, the lighthouse offers them another path.

   Summon the power of the emperor to kill demons with one blow.

   It doesn't need to be as complicated as before, let alone take such big risks.

   But now, the lighthouse is about to be demolished.

   "Everything is arranged. The Primarch has already made long-term preparations. You only need to execute his orders. When the time comes, all problems will be solved."

  Ventries was full of confidence, but he didn't know much about Guilliman's overall plan.

   But he has faith in the Primarch.

   "I hope so," said Clovis.

   "Next, let's agree on the relevant expedition matters and the distribution of dismantling, destruction, etc., and settle the matter here as soon as possible, and then join the great expedition again." Ventris said.

  Everyone nodded and discussed the related work of dismantling the lighthouse.

  The disassembly is thorough, and all parts must be disassembled to ensure that it cannot be restored.

  Many heroes of the empire felt sorry, but out of trust in Guilliman, they still dismantled it.

   Many people do not understand such behavior.

   Guilliman never explained why he did this either.

  In the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, the lighthouse is indeed a sharp weapon against chaos and navigating imperial ships in subspace.

   But the problem is that the lighthouse is the creation of the star god.

  They are not so kind to build lighthouses for humans.

  Star God is a very special life form.

  According to the Eldar, the star **** is a **** in reality, which is different from the **** of subspace.

  The star gods are closely connected with reality, once the subspace invades reality, they will also perish.

  In order to deal with the invasion of the subspace, the star **** formulated a huge plan and handed it over to the space necromancers to execute.

   That is the exorcism death zone.

  By arranging black stone obelisks all over the galaxy, a large-scale exorcism dead zone that is large enough to cover the entire galaxy is built.

   This exorcism dead zone is similar to the Sister of Silence's soulless trait.

  Any individual with a soul in it will gradually become weak, just like a flower that cannot be nourished by water and slowly withers.

  The soul of a creature is like a flower, and the warp is water.

   Too much water, it will be soaked.

  The death area of ​​exorcising spirits is the desert, and flowers will die of thirst.

  Once the Exorcism Death Zone is activated, no race can be spared except the Space Necrons.

  Star God originally wanted to use this method to completely kill the creatures of the galaxy, so that the subspace could not be nourished and starved to death.

  The Pharos Lighthouse is the switch to exorcise the dead zone.

   There is not only one such lighthouse.

  Lighthouses are scattered throughout the galaxy, forming a huge navigation network.

   It's just that the other lighthouses are guarded by the Necrons.

  Although they betrayed the Star God, they still enjoyed using what the Star God left behind.

  Space Necromancer also has a plan to activate the Exorcism Dead Zone, but the time has not yet come.

  The lighthouse-related data has been sent to Macragge.

  After research, it will be absorbed into the empire's technology system.

   There is absolutely no need to leave the lighthouse made by the star god.

   Doing that will not benefit much, and will leave hidden dangers.

   When the exorcism of the dead zone is launched, it will be a terrible disaster for human beings.

   Destroying the alien lighthouses and establishing a human lighthouse system is the best strategy.

  The edge of the Charlaton star area.

   Ramiris galaxy.

   This galaxy is a little lonely.

  A brown dwarf glowing red is suspended in the void.

  Compared with its kind, this brown dwarf is much smaller and slightly dimmer.

   There is only one terrestrial planet in the Ramiris galaxy, the Ramiris 1 planet.

  This planet doesn't even have a single accompanying natural satellite, and it orbits the star alone in a circular motion, just like a father and a widow living together in a corner of the Milky Way.

   Today, this cold and silent galaxy ushered in a rare bustle.

  The imperial fleet and the orc fleet will fight here.

  The Ramiris galaxy is located on a stable warp space route.

  It is close to the Gorod galaxy controlled by the orc warlords, and it can be regarded as the hinterland of the orcs.

   It is only one Terra week away from the Gorod galaxy in the subspace.

  This galaxy has a certain strategic location.

  If you want to attack the Gorod galaxy, you must first capture this galaxy.

   Take control of this subspace channel.

  Only in this way can we ensure that the large army of the empire will not be suddenly backstabbed by orcs.

  After strategic arrangements and dispatches, the Argent Skulls and their auxiliary fleet are responsible for capturing this galaxy.

   Void battles unfold on the edge of the galaxy.

  The three naval fleets responsible for assisting the silver skull were divided into four battle groups, forming a tower-like formation.

  The strategic ship Silver Arrow acts as a mobile support unit, independent of the four battle groups.

   Battleship Silver Arrow control room.

  Navy senior admiral, the supreme commander of the naval fleet that assists the Silver Skulls, Iser is sitting on his command seat.

  A large number of nerve connection cables have been connected to her cerebral cortex.

  A large amount of data information is read by her brain through those neural cables.

  More than a dozen naval commanders sat in their own positions, surrounded by Iser, and also connected to the console with nerve cables, receiving data updates at any time.

  They each monitor every aspect of the battlefield and assist Esther to make various tactical adjustments.

   Make sure her tactics work well.

   Esther, who was sitting on the command seat, stared at the scrolling data in the holographic projection.

  All warships will pass data here.

  The control room is the brain of the entire fleet, responsible for overall strategic arrangements.

  She looked down at the holographic projection, her vision was like that of a god, gazing at a kingdom made up of data and shining images.

  The empire's fleet is marked with green runes, and each rune represents a warship.

   Orc warships are marked with red runes.

   Most of them are composed of various abandoned warships and looted civilian ships.

   There are far more of them than empires.

  On the tactical projection screen, a large dense area is full of red dots.

   It can be seen at a glance that the strength of the two parties is seriously unequal.

   "Rescan and update the enemy fleet data." Esther gave an order.

  The machine slaves lined up behind the command seat trembled slightly.

  The flashing lights indicate that the dead brains of the machine slaves are calculating and analyzing Esther's orders.

   Accompanied by the machine slave's twitching.

   The projection in front of Esther flickered for a moment.

  The number of warships and the movement range of the enemy fleet have undergone brand-new changes.

   Every few minutes, Esther would issue such an order to ensure that he could control the position of the enemy ships at any time.

  The number of enemy ships is much higher than the number of imperial ships.

  Dense red dots almost cover the entire holographic projection interface.

   Esther must tread carefully.

  Generally speaking, orc warships are not as strong as imperial warships, and their parameters are a little worse than empires.

   No matter how bad the performance is, it can't handle the opponent's quantity.

   "We need the support of an army." Esther thought.

  The Primarch promised aid when the battle began.

   But so far there is still no trace of any fleet.

   This made Esther feel a little uneasy.

   With the only troops currently available, the odds of winning against a large number of orc ships are very low.

  An inadvertent move will result in a total defeat and heavy casualties.

   "Is there any new astronomical information?" Iser opened the communication channel of the psionic communication director, with anticipation in his tone.

   Logically speaking, what the Primarch promised will definitely not break his promise.

  But where is the support she needs?

   "There is no fluctuation in the supreme sky, and we have not received any information."

  The voice of the traffic supervisor sounded on the communication channel.

   A trace of loss appeared in Iser's heart.

  Is the Primarch also like those corrupt bureaucrats, using lies to deceive the army to die!

  Iser couldn't accept this.

  She didn't believe something like this could happen.

  Primarch support must be on the way.

   Suppressing the disrespectful thoughts in his heart, Esther devoted his mind to the battlefield, searching for the weakness of the orc fleet.

  According to the Primarch's plan, she needs to launch an offensive against the orcs today.

   But so far, there is no support.

   This made her a little nervous, whether to launch an attack.

   Before she could make a decision, there was a new change in the rapidly changing battlefield.

   "It was detected that the orc fleet was approaching us. They couldn't hold on any longer. They are expected to enter the range of the light spear within 25 minutes."

   The director of battlefield intelligence, sitting behind a row of machines, shouted.

   "Synchronize now," Esther said.

   "Data is coming in," said the intelligence director.

  The constant humming of equipment dispelled the silence in the control room.

   The holographic image in front of Esther first became blurred, then flickered and then gradually focused.

   Esther blinked involuntarily as he looked at the scene in front of him.

  The edge of the rotating image is dotted with patches of scarlet, and the orc fleet is approaching.

  The strengthened brain quickly parses those marked runes and abstract data.

  She absorbed the latest battlefield data to build her comprehensive understanding of the battlefield.

  The built-in tactical logic regulator behind the neck also diverted her thinking and helped her digest the information.

  It is difficult for a mortal mind to support the huge amount of calculation required for a void battle.

  The cooperation of ships, the speed of the opponent's torpedoes, the maneuvering speed of one's own ships, and the distribution of space mines, etc.

  The information and data flow generated by the battlefield is enough to burn the heads of mortals.

   For this reason, naval generals need some specific auxiliary machinery to help divert thinking and control the variables on the battlefield.

   "Expand the scope of observation." Esther said, "Show me the whole picture of the battlefield."

  The mechanical hum that had just been silent sounded again, and the field of view of the holographic projection was raised.

  The Ramiris galaxy is shrunk down to the size of a basketball.

   At such a scale, the image loses the details of the battlefield.

  The fleet has all become points of light.

   Points of light condense all their information.

   Esther didn't care about that.

   For an admiral.

  The most important thing is to control the overall picture of the battlefield, not to pay attention to the details of the battlefield.

  Her assistants will take care of that.

"Be prepared to meet the enemy." Iser said, "Use the No. 3 combat plan - kite tactics, to lengthen their team. Also, the distance between the ships should not be too close to prevent those orcs from jumping gangs. We must use the forces in our hands as much as possible to inflict the greatest casualties on them."

  Esther has too few troops, if he confronts head-on, he will soon be defeated.

  She decided to give full play to the mobility of the Imperial fleet.

   Wandering combat.

  When the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy advances, we retreat.

   "Operation plan No. 3, mobile roaming operations." The traffic director repeated it to every numbered communication window opposite him.

  The crew of each warship got busy.

  The technicians in charge of force field maintenance calibrated the energy matrix of the stabilized hull again, adjusting the parameters for the upcoming battle.

  The technology priest in the engine room passed the time calibration, as well as the output standards and data of the reactor to his colleagues in the engine hall deep in the ship.

  The captains began to maneuver, speed up or slow down according to the command of the commander, in order to lure the orc fleet to disperse.

   Fighting quickly broke out.

  Thousands of warships are fighting on the huge void battlefield, chasing and hunting each other.

  The diameter of the battlefield expanded by millions of kilometers in no time.

  In the control room, the thinker array made a rapid beeping sound.

  The indicator light flashes at high speed.

  The mechanical priest chanted prayers, praying that the machine soul would not go on strike.

  The battlefield data surged, and Iser considered the value of each warship to ensure that they could gain enough benefits for the emperor before they were destroyed, laying the foundation for victory.

  The battlefield is so cruel.

  The sacrifice of the warriors has become a string of data.

  The only meaning is to let the balance of victory fall on your side as much as possible.

  Iser did her best to control the battlefield and exchange the least casualties for the greatest benefit.

   But the balance of forces was too great, and this battle was very difficult.

  As a battleship, the Silver Arrow was also regarded as the main target of attack by the orcs.

   From time to time, it will be hit by concentrated fire, and there will be waves of violent shaking.

  The alarm sounded continuously in the ship.

   System beeps loudly at all levels.

  The crew shouted and hurried to their posts.

  Battles in the void generally last for a long time.

   Unless the defender's troops are too weak, they will be destroyed by the attacker.

   The imperial fleet led by Iser is weaker than the orc fleet.

  But they are the attackers, and they don't need to bear the enemy's attack in order to protect the strategic target.

   Fight if you can, and run if you can't.

   The battle in the void lasted for a day.

  The battlefield has been expanded to a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

  The imperial warships used their greater maneuverability than the orcs to run away after firing a few shots, and fired a few more shots when the distance was far enough.

  The orcs were so angry that they screamed and kept chasing and beating them. They wanted to kill these damned shrimps, but they couldn't catch up.

  The casualties on both sides were not serious.

  The empire is powerless against the huge number of orc fleets.

  The orc fleet also has more than enough heart for the imperial fleet running around, but not enough strength.

   It was a stalemate for a day.

  Both sides can be said to be fruitless.

  Yeser looked at the tactical projection in front of him, and the fleets of the empire and the orcs were already scattered, turning into a mess.

  If there is an army going straight to planet Ramiris 1, the orcs will collapse immediately.

  The only pity is that I don't have one.

   A trace of bitterness emerged in Iser's heart. He clearly saw that the opportunity for victory was in front of him, but he couldn't grasp it.

   It's as if seeing the enemy stretching his neck in front of him and letting him cut it, but he doesn't even have a knife.

   "My lord, I found fluctuations in the subspace." The communications director looked at the shimmering tactical panel, and the subspace data captured by the bird divination instrument changed from stable to violent fluctuations.

  Hearing this, Iser suddenly showed joy.

  At this moment, a deep and powerful voice resounded through the control room.

  The voice is full of faith and strength, giving people hope and faith like a light bursting out in the dark night.

   "Hope I'm not late, my colleagues."

  At this time, a fierce battle is breaking out in the void.

  The scattered energy interfered with the communication between the ships.

   And the voice was so clear, as if the speaker was standing between them.

  Everyone in the control room was ecstatic when they heard this voice.

  Eser was even more ecstatic. She once sent a communication to the main fleet, hoping to get support so that she could seize the Ramiris galaxy by herself.

  Never thought that there would be such an honor to be able to fight side by side with that adult.

   Accompanied by a series of rapid prompts from the bird divination instruments.

   The cold and dark void seemed to have been cut open.

   Amber light gushed out from the crack, as bright as thousands of suns, impacting people's senses.

  The giant warship that cut through the barriers between reality and illusion poked its head out along the passage it created.

   Seeing that battleship appear in the real universe, everyone in the control room cheered.

  Victory has been predestined.

  Humanity will seize the Ramiris galaxy.

   There are two more updates, a little later

  (end of this chapter)