Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 108 The Evolution of Sicarius (Subscribe)

  The Dreadnought Mecha took heavy steps, rushing all the way into the depths of the tomb.

  The space ghost guards with gold-edged patterns on their withered white metal bodies are also firing wildly.

  When realizing that humans cannot be suppressed by long-range firepower.

  The Necrons also took out their phase swords, ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat with humans.

  A tomb spider in charge of maintenance jumped down from the complex tomb structure.

  The tomb spider is extremely large.

  Multiple mechanical limbs and composite vision sensors combine to create a spider-like appearance.

   A complex anti-gravity engine is needed to support the carapace-shaped oval metal body.

   Otherwise, it will be crushed alive by the heavy metal structure body.

  Sicarius raised the bolt gun in his hand and pulled the trigger again and again, trying to kill this hateful monster completely.

  The bomb hit the opponent's body, tearing out charred cracks.

   But it didn't take long for those cracks to be repaired by themselves.

  The self-healing ability possessed by the tomb spider is stronger than that possessed by other Necrons.

   "Give it to me." Standing aside, inside the scarred dreadnought mecha, came the shouts of the brothers of the battle group.

  The melta cannon fired continuously until the barrel turned red, unwilling to stop.

  The chainsaw sword on the other mechanical limb made a piercing sound, and the monomolecular blade rotated at a high speed, astonishingly ready to fight to the death.

  The tomb spider pounced on the advancing team, Fearless went straight to meet it, and chopped off the opponent's mechanical limbs with the chainsword in his hand.

  And the thick fearless armor was also scratched with a shocking scar.

   "For Guilliman's sake, get in, keep going, I can handle it."

   The voice of a comrade-in-arms came from inside the dreadnought.

  Sicarius and others who wanted to go up to help heard this, they could only turn their heads and pour their anger on the space necromancer.

   It is very important to respect the wishes of comrades-in-arms.

  The battle in the channel is extremely fierce.

   Primaris space fighters are constantly being sent out to fight against the space undead pouring in from other channels.

  Sicarius and others moved forward all the way, approaching the core room of the Saken Dynasty.

  According to King Suotai, if the core room is breached, the Saken Dynasty will also be declared dead.

  Because there, you can directly close the rebirth agreement of the high-level dynasty.

   In this way, once the high-level is killed, there is really nothing.

  Under normal circumstances, once encountering an unimaginable crisis, the tomb pyramid can be lifted into the air and choose to escape.

  However, this time the Saken Dynasty was tricked by the Sotai Dynasty.

  The speed of the human fleet is too fast. When they want to evacuate, humans have already controlled the outer space of the galaxy.

  This forced them to stay on this planet and face the wrath of human beings.

   Sicarius, who charged quickly, bent over to avoid the attack of the tomb stalker.

  Then pierced the opponent's metal head with the power sword in his hand.

   That's where their control center is.

  Crypt stalkers possess massive carapaces of living metal and necrotic skin, covered with mechanical limbs.

   It is about the size of a centipede, and its volume is as huge as a house.

  Using the mysterious phase generator, the tomb stalker can enter any part of the tomb at will, and can come and go freely in the solid underground.

   It is precisely because of this weird ability.

  Several warriors were severely injured by these tomb stalkers and were on the verge of death.

  Sicarius was also almost attacked, fortunately he was alert enough.

  Withdrawing the power sword submerged in the metal skull, coolant flowed out from the body of the tomb stalker, electric sparks flickered on the metal limbs, and the twitching continued.

   Without the control center of the skull, the Tomb Stalker also lost its super repair power and was completely destroyed.

  A burst of green light covered the fallen tomb stalker, and after a while, it disappeared without a trace.

   Obviously, it has been sent back.

   Waiting for rebirth in the furnace.

  Sicarius looked around and followed himself into this depth. There were only less than a hundred Primaris space warriors.

  Others were either scattered or injured and forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Keep going."

  Sicarius put on a magazine, stepped across the messy battlefield, and walked deeper.

  The black building material inside the pyramid has long been cracked and shattered by the artillery fire, falling to the ground like dry sand.

  The air is filled with smoke.

  Sicarius' helmet automatically switches between different vision modes to ensure that the opponent can get the best vision.

   Advance along the main passage with many combat brothers.

  After solving a group of tomb guards and space necrons who tried to block the way.

  Sicarius and others came to a magnificent gate.

   "Blow up the gate with melta," Sicarius yelled.

  The two battleband brothers stuck the melta bomb on the gate, started the countdown, and retreated.

   Some Crypt Scarabs and Crypt Spiders try to stop humans.

  Sicarius and a host of Primaris Space Marines knocked them out with ease, sending them convulsing the ground with flickering electric sparks.

   Melta Bomb also entered the final ten countdown.

   As the countdown ends.

   There was a dull crackling sound.

  The gate covered with green energy patterns.

   was blown into a pile of molten scum.

  Sicarius and the others walked in.

  Looking at the huge data computing center.

  They understand that this is the core of the pyramid.

  In the core room, a Necromancer overlord who was much taller than a Necromancer warrior sat on his throne covered with force field patterns.

   It is the French king of the Saken dynasty.

   is also the period symbol for this battle.

  Kill him and it's over.

  Seeing the human beings coming in, Saken clenched his metal fingers tightly, and his green eyes showed unwillingness and anger.

  The last member of the pro-guard stood beside him, and the phase sword in his hand shone with a strange light.

   "Stupid human beings." King Saken said.

   "Abominable alien." Sicarius replied unceremoniously.

   Both sides have equal contempt and hatred for each other.

"You have won this victory, but you will also be revenged by the Necrons of the Space." King Saken said, "Human beings will never be able to realize the power and terror of the Necrons of the Space. The races we have fought against are beyond imagination. ."

   "Even those spirit races who play witchcraft are just the overlords of the galaxy that our race reluctantly became after they were unwilling to rule the galaxy. Otherwise, they would never be able to build a powerful empire."

   "I'm not interested in your history." Sicarius said, "This is the age of mankind, and your time has passed."

   "One day you will understand what price you will pay for today's arrogance." Saken said angrily.

   "No matter what the price you pay, you will not be able to witness. For those dead humans, now is the time to liquidate you."

  Sicarius didn't want to waste any more words, so he did it directly.

   Many primordial space warriors swarmed forward, and the members of the Fawang's guard also held phase swords to meet them.

  The tomb pyramid kept shaking, which meant that the battle outside was not over yet.

  Sicarius didn't care about that, he held his breath and concentrated all his attention on his power sword.

  The long sword swung, and the crackling power field tore everything apart.

  He dodged the attack of a member of the guard, and then he bent down to dodge, and then the long sword stabbed out, piercing the opponent's metal head.

   However, other people's battles were far less smooth than his.

  As members of the King's Guard, these metal undead possess power far beyond their kind.

  A warrior was cut off by a phase sword with the chainsaw sword in his hand, and half of his body was scratched.

   Died with the final unwilling roar.

  After one of the chapter brothers chanted Guilliman's name, the head slipped off his neck quietly.

  The undead warrior from space descended behind him at some unknown time and beheaded him.

   At the same time, King Saken also stood up.

  The scepter burst into light, and the energy wave submerged into the body of a warband brother in an instant.

  The helmet and breastplate made of plastic steel and ceramic steel were twisted and deformed under the impact of energy waves.

   became a deep pit full of ripples.

  It seems that the melted white wax is recooled and solidified after flowing and overflowing.

   Obviously, these damned aliens have mastered rare and powerful force field technology.

  Sicarius pulled the trigger again and again to provide support for his comrades.

  However, this is still difficult to stop death from coming.

  The strength of the Necromancers in Space is far superior to that of ordinary space warriors. They are agile, and rely on phase techniques to hide from sight.

  Even if many fighters concentrate on it, they cannot escape bad luck.

   Companions in arms were summoned away by the Emperor, leaving the remaining warriors enraged.

   Their fighting became more and more crazy.

  Think Tank raises his scepter.

   At all costs to induce the etheric power of the warp.

   Gather it into a terrible torrent and sweep away, sweeping away everything.

  The next second, the think tank was hit by a beam of light, flew several meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

  Looking at these, Sicarius broke free from the shackles of reason, letting anger fill his body.

   "For Guilliman." He said in a deep voice.

   Turning anger into strength, Guilliman's heart beats at a high speed, constantly improving his various physical qualities.

  The heart of Guilliman is the organ integrated with the dark matter evolution technology.

   It is the most complex and technologically terrifying organ among Primaris Space Marines.

  Dark Matter Evolution Technology is to use dark matter to make cells into editable data codes, prompting them to be continuously optimized and promoted, so that they have incredible abilities, and at the same time constantly eliminate harmful factors to ensure the loyalty of the primordial space warriors.

  The Heart of Guilliman has countless mysterious abilities, and it is the foundation established by the Primarch for the brothers of the Chapter to become true demigods.

  However, the fighters didn't develop much of it, simply thinking that the Heart of Guilliman improved their resilience and combat effectiveness.

  Guilliman didn't say anything, and let them explore the usefulness of Guilliman's heart.

  Gene enhancement is not that easy, it requires a strong will and an unyielding mind.

  Only in this way can the enhancement brought by Guilliman's Heart be controlled.

   Uncontrollable genetic enhancements turn warband warriors into twisted monsters.

  It's like the Thousand Sons Legion in the past.

   Precisely because of this, Guilliman and Kaur chose to conceal this matter.

  The gene helix is ​​complex.

  Any slight change will have unimaginable consequences.

  Taking into account the cultural level of the warband.

   Guilliman could not let them edit their data on their own initiative.

   Instead, let their subconscious mind influence the Heart of Guilliman, thereby giving them reinforcements.

  Like biological evolution, slowly map it.

   Unexpectedly, in a state of rage, Sicarius' strong will activated the deep code of Guilliman's Heart, speeding up the process, allowing him to witness the true power of Guilliman's Heart.

  Heart of Guilliman quickly analyzes his body structure and draws power from the armor to strengthen it, making him stronger.

  His eyes showed data one after another, allowing him to more intuitively understand the nature of the universe.

  [Emperor Angel combat module has been successfully activated and is being adapted to the user, genetically adapted and strengthened. ]

  [User: Second Company Commander of the Extreme Battle Group, Warlord of Ultramar, Sicarius]

  [Bones are being strengthened, 1%, 2%, 3%, 98%, 99%, 100%. ]

  [Muscle strengthening]

  [Flesh strengthening]

  (end of this chapter)