Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 121 The Death of Calgar (for subscription)

  The voice from the communication is so clear.

   spread to everyone's ears.

   It was like a glimmer of hope emerging from despair.

   It was like a light appeared in the darkness.

  El showed an expression of disbelief, and his whole body trembled slightly because of the voice.

   "The Primarch has arrived?" El looked at the mechanical priest aside, with confusion and anxiety in his tone.

  He was a little worried about whether the voice just now was fake, or whether it was an auditory hallucination produced by himself under great pressure.

   "It should be that the Primarch's fleet was covered by the shadow of the subspace, so we have not received information." The mechanical priest said, "Inject energy into the auspicious instrument, try to establish communication, and request support."

   "Understood." The Intelligence Director yelled.

  The desperate crew showed a hint of joy.

   Their persistence has paid off, the Primarch is approaching, and victory will surely belong to humanity.

  The empty space structure of reality distorts and trembles crazily, and finally a crack is torn open.

  The prominent golden double-headed eagle emblem shines on the bow of the Glory of Macragge.

   The invincible fleet followed, diving from the chasm.

  The etheric light turned into tentacles, reluctantly sitting and watching the human fleet leave from the subspace.

  The powerful war engine is launched under the impetus of plasma engine and gravity device.

  Unprecedented giant structures dragged giant artillery onto the stage, showing the unstoppable power of human beings.

  The appearance of the Glory of Macragge and the Empire Armada made all the survivors cheer.

   Just like the light piercing the endless darkness, it gives people endless hope.

   The Zerg were caught off guard by the sudden reinforcements.

  Accompanied by countless torpedoes and laser beams, pieces of Tyranid ships were crushed.

  The Glory of Macragge took the lead, the huge bow gun rumbled, and the vibration spread throughout the entire hull.

  Huge beams of light and macro cannons shred the biological ships blocking the way.

   Numerous battleships and war engines followed, huge beams of destruction and a rain of torpedoes and missiles were thrown out.

  The momentum is majestic, and the invincible fleet that intimidates the galaxy is like an invincible iron fist. With one punch, no force can stop it.

  The Tyranids are obviously in chaos.

   It was directly dispersed by the human empire fleet that jumped out of the subspace.

  A large number of hive warships tried to turn around, forming new tactics to deal with the surprise attack of the human empire.

   Yet their efforts were in vain.

  They are facing an invincible fleet controlled by a **** of war.

Facing the most outstanding parent-child of the emperor, the holy thirteenth primarch, the savior of the empire, the savior of mankind, the only king of Ultramar, the invincible **** of war- Guilliman.

   Countless orders were issued in an instant, and Guilliman controlled every detail of the battlefield, controlling the rhythm of both the enemy and us.

  The will of the hive can only be forced to dance with his rhythm, walking towards the abyss of death.

  The theory of war from other Primarchs was fully displayed by him.

  From the crazy hunting of wolves, from the tenacious defense of Emperor Fist, from the cunning destruction of Alpha, from the iron fist firepower of Iron Warrior, from the mobile cutting of White Scar.

   Not being loyal or a traitor, Guilliman has no scruples, combining these theories into Guilliman tactics.

  On a battlefield, digital primarch-style tactics appeared at the same time.

  In the entire galaxy, perhaps only Guilliman can do it.

  The Tyranid Zerg was defeated.

  Guilliman is like a top calligraphic art master, using any brushwork in the world at will to describe the artwork in his heart.

  The Colossus of God's Punishment also appeared at this time.

  The Colossus of God's Punishment, which was destroyed by the gravity of the stars, was also sent to the battlefield after being repaired.

  In addition to this, there is a brand new Colossus of Retribution from Macragge.

  Their performance is superior to the two first joined the battlefield, and the cooling system and energy supply system are also more complete.

  Those parts and programs are also optimized based on the original combat data.

  A large number of radical mechanical sages came from all over the galaxy to join Guilliman and Caul's crazy plan.

   They brought more technology, more humans, more resources.

  The Colossus of God's Punishment has also been perfected, and the energy supply circuit and gravity array of the Star Destroyer Cannon are also more reasonable.

   This is a symbol of human might, the pinnacle of human art of war.

   Accompanied by Guilliman's attack.

  The four Colossi of God's Punishment simultaneously launched a star-destroying beam.

  The huge beam of light was bright and bright, penetrating the entire dark void universe in an instant.

  The light beam swept across, and all the biological ships that came into contact were turned into fly ash, or exploded.

  The swarm fleet is huge, but the firepower of the imperial fleet is equally terrifying, coupled with Guilliman's superb command skills.

  The swarm fleet was not an opponent at all, it was beaten back steadily, and the fleet that was rushed out was cut into pieces.

  The piecemeal counterattack of the Tyrannian ships was easily crushed by the powerful firepower of the heavily shielded imperial ships.

  Imperial lances ignite flames on the organic hulls of bio-ships.

  The empire's carrier-based aircraft group gathered into a group, flying past and tearing up the Tyranid ships that had been weakened by firepower.

   In half a day, the Tyranids paid the heaviest price.

  A large number of biological ships became scorched black corpses that slowly disintegrated and torn apart in the void.

  The reversal of the battlefield situation is so fast.

  Any counterattack by the Tyranids is suicidal and suicide.

  The huge swarm mothership tried to leave the battlefield, but was held tightly by the force field traction device of the Colossus of God's Retribution, and was finally killed by the imperial fleet.

  The hundreds of kilometers long biological mothership disintegrated under fierce artillery fire, a large number of charred wreckage slowly disintegrated in the void, and pieces of Tyranids were thrown out, turning into cold corpses.

  The remaining Tyranid ships are nothing to fear.

  The imperial fleet will hunt them down until they are destroyed.

   But the war is not over yet, and the Zerg on the surface still needs to be dealt with.

  Guilliman ordered his Honor Guard and Chapter warriors to get ready.

  A total of more than 40,000 Primaris Space Marines, a large-scale Star Militia Army with tens of thousands of legions, and the Titan Legion ready to go will be airdropped or teleported to the surface.

  "Victory will belong to mankind, and any enemy who offends mankind will pay the heaviest price for it."

  Guilliman issued a declaration of war in the communication.

   Let all the troops roar with excitement.

   They are full of fighting spirit, preparing for their final battle in the Charadon sector.

  After this battle, there will be no alien scourge in the Charadon sector.

   Hive capital.

  In the church, Calgar knelt on one knee in front of the sculptures of Guilliman and the Emperor to pay his last respect.

  Apologize for not being able to complete the task.

   Then, he stood up and walked out.

  Outside the church, many original cast warriors have been waiting for a long time.

  Their battle armor has lost its original color, and has been smeared with the body fluids and blood of the Zerg, and the original color can no longer be seen.

   "We will never retreat." Calgar shouted, "May we all return to the throne and live up to Guilliman's wishes."

   Tears streamed down his face.

   This will be a fight to the death.

  He was supposed to assist Guilliman in his task of saving humanity.

   But now, his final song has sounded.

   Calgar is ready to die.

  The only thing he cares about is his genetic father, who will replace him to assist the genetic father.

  The primarch will alone bear the burden of saving the entire empire and race.

  Fight against terrifying aliens and chaos.

   also needs to fight against those imperial dignitaries who are unwilling to cooperate with his reform.

  The Primarch has so many enemies and so few helpers.

   Calgar prayed that someone would come to help his genetic father after he left.

  The Primarch who fell asleep and left, or those powerful enough Imperial heroes.

   "Whoever it is, please don't let him struggle alone." Calgar prayed.

   Then, he activated his weapon and walked towards the battlefield.

   Other fighters followed.

  Tyranid beasts are also rampant in the last core area controlled by the empire.

  Those horrible creatures howled and made crazy sounds.

   Calgar and his last guard joined the fray, smashing the heads of the tyranid creatures with a swing of his power fist.

  He grabs a Tyranid wizard and smashes his power fist into his body.

  The tentacles of the Tyranid creature rolled up and entangled Calgar's feet.

   was torn apart by Calgar.

  Then, the Power Fist smashed the Tyrann's head.

  The heavy corpse lay in the ruins.

  The victorious Calgar let out a roar of incomparable anger.

  Like a mad lion.

  He ran through the burning ruins and wreckage, fighting to his heart's content.

  The artillery manned by mortals is still rumbling, and the earth is shaking.

  They are still struggling against the Zerg swarming into the final stand.

   Shout out various slogans and die with Tyron.

  The sounds of fighting, crying, explosions, lasers piercing the air, and wailing in pain all mixed together and echoed on the battlefield.

   Calgar and numerous Primaris Space Marines fought across the battle lines.

  The Heart of Guilliman gives them endless power.

   Make them like gods of war who never tire.

  The tide of Zerg swarmed, and Calgar was unafraid. He fought back fiercely, tearing apart every monster.

   A mysterious force is empowering him.

   Calgar's strength is increasing, and the fighting is getting more and more crazy.

  He also turned a deaf ear to the sound of the dark matter engine prompting from his ear.

  He awakened in the killing, he could only feel his own power was boundless, and he didn't realize that he had activated the gift bestowed by the father of genes.

   There are also other fighters who activated the dark matter engine. Their flesh and blood bodies were rapidly strengthened, and their aura became more and more terrifying, like ferocious beasts from the barbaric era, appearing in this era with a terrifying barbaric aura and killing instinct.

  However, human beings are inevitably going to fail.

   There are too many Tyranids, overwhelming and everywhere.

  Calgar's guards are dwindling.

   Calgar, possessing endless strength and resilience, was also overwhelmed by countless Zerg.

  His battle armor is tattered.

  But his flesh and blood body is constantly healing and repairing in the crazy attack.

  The dark matter engine draws hidden power, but everything is in balance.

  The power to repair the body cannot appear out of thin air.

   Calgar's inevitable weakness.

   During the countless sieges, his eyes were a little bit blurred, his consciousness was slowly offline, and everything became blurred.

  He was fighting frantically, and gradually became weak, and was finally knocked to the ground.

   "I'm going to die." Calgar had such a thought in his heart.

  The soldier next to his ear was not sad because of his fall, but cheered instead.

   Do they hate me?

   They were glad I was dead?

   Calgar didn't know why they were cheering.

  His brain is stopping, and his thinking ability is slowly disappearing step by step.

  A golden country appeared before his eyes.

   Perhaps his spirit is returning to the Emperor's world.

  His service will end in death, will usher in the end of eternity.

   Calgar slowly closed his eyes, embracing the golden light.

  However, a firm and powerful voice pulled him back from that kingdom, returning his soul to his painful body.

   "Calgar, here I come, hold on."

   Calgar tried to open his eyes, and what greeted his eyes was azure power armor and a noble, resolute face that would dedicate infinite loyalty and soul at the first sight.

  (end of this chapter)