Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 126 Emergency (seeking subscription)

  Vitria planetary governor - Anna looked at everyone.

  Her tone was full of threats.

  The cruelty is self-evident.

  Many attendants and staff officers saw the strong, muscular body of the man in black rushing out, and the plasma ray gun in his hand, and they all kept silent knowingly.

  As the governor of Planet Vitria, killing a few people can be done without anyone noticing.

  Resistance will only bring meaningless death.

  Remaining silent is sometimes the right choice.

  Anna showed a smile, she really liked this wonderful feeling of controlling everything more and more.

  She got down from her seat and walked to the man who offered flowers.

   "How long does it take to grow this flower?" Anna asked.

   "Soon, it will only take a week at most, and it can completely catch up with the Primarch's celebration parade." The man said so.

   "Very well, I will leave this matter to you, don't let me down." Anna said.

   "I have a better suggestion," said the man.

  Anna frowned slightly, before speaking for a moment, "What suggestion?"

"Ma'am, you can use your blood to water such words. I have gained some knowledge of ancient rituals from some ancient tribes. It is said that the flowers watered in this way will have a trace of the owner's breath, which makes the corolla wear Those who are obsessed with it will never forget it. If this method is used to make the Primarch remember Madam firmly, it will definitely be a very worthwhile thing."

  The man's words made Anna slightly frown.

  But soon, she showed a smile.

   "This suggestion is good, but excessive blood loss is prone to problems." Anna looked at the man and asked.

"There is no need to worry about this at all, ma'am, I have a special method for replenishing blood. Besides, Vittoria's medical technology is not bad. Simple blood loss will not put you in danger. From the perspective of effort and benefit, this is absolutely A very good deal, ma'am."

  After hearing the man's suggestion, Anna was finally moved.

  Just a little blood can be exchanged for infinite power and wealth in the future. This is indeed a very cost-effective deal.

   "You stay in the Governor's Mansion temporarily." Anna said, "Help me cultivate this flower, and when everything is over, I promise to give you unimaginable rewards."

   "Thank you, my lord." The man said.

  Anna smiled.

  The expedition fleet stays in the Vitria galaxy.

  The members of the expedition fleet are waiting for a huge celebration. After the end, they will go to all parts of the galaxy to save the fragmented human empire with Guilliman's will.

  The celebration is of great significance, and many high-level officials and Primarchs hope to inspire the people of the empire and give them the courage to continue to fight against the darkness.

   Fleets of fleets also came from far and wide to join in the celebration.

   After the two starships broke away from the subspace, they entered the low-earth orbit of the planet Vitria, and then landed in the capital airport on the Overlord assault plane.

  Accompanied by the prompt of the tower, the assault aircraft slowly enters the landing track, and the damper and the fixed cable pop out to fix it in place.

   Ventris strode out from the assault plane with his bodyguard, followed by Vodès, one of the Gray Knights' Grand Masters.

  Wodeis just came from the chaotic battlefield.

  Blood remains on his body, the breath of fighting and killing.

  Ventries came looking for some guidance.

  He is currently in charge of staying in Ultramar, supervising those liberated worlds, and suppressing those dignitaries who are unwilling to cooperate with the reform.

   They all have their own urgency to find the Primarch.

   "Lord Ventris, Lord Wodyce."

   The unreformed internal affairs officers had already received the news of their arrival, and waited for a long time at the airport to welcome their arrival.

   "Where is the Primarch?" Ventris looked at the internal affairs officer and asked.

"Lord Guilliman is currently still in the tactical center. He is discussing military strategic arrangements with many expedition leaders. After the celebration parade, the expedition fleet will go to the Nephilim sector and several nearby star sectors to maintain stability and continue the unyielding expedition. process."

  The internal affairs officer bowed and saluted, and then answered Ventris' question.

   "My lords, maybe you should take a break. Please allow the members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take you to the room prepared for you. You should freshen up." The internal affairs officer said.

   "It's not necessary. I have something urgent to report to the Primarch." Wodaisi said.

   "The Primarch is still in a meeting." The internal affairs officer said, "He hopes that you can take a break for a while, and he will summon you when the time is right."

   "We can wait outside the meeting hall." Ventris said, "The plague is spreading in Ultramar. I need the order and authorization of the Primarch."

   "My lord." The internal affairs officer was about to say something, but Ventris interrupted him.

"I am the warlord of the Ultramara sector. My situation is urgent. If the Primarch did not personally order me to rest, then I have the right to refuse. Tell me, did the Primarch order me to rest? ?"

  The internal affairs officer looked into Ventris' eyes, and after a while, he said, "The Primarch did not issue an order."

   "Then take me to see him, now." Ventris leaned forward, put his eyes close to the short internal affairs officer, and said every word.

   The humming of servo machinery came from the power armor filled with the smell of blood.

   Ventris' eyes were cold and rational.

   Few ordinary people can keep their complexion unchanged under such oppression.

   "As you wish, my lord." The internal affairs officer said helplessly.

  Two anti-gravity hovercraft stopped near the port under the command of the interior officer.

  These hovercraft were used to transport these warriors eager to see the Primarch.

  Hives cover a vast area.

   If you walk there on foot, you will waste a lot of time.

   Anti-gravity hovercraft is the best means of transportation.

   In view of the distinguished status of Ventris and Wodaisi.

  Wherever they passed, everything was smooth.

  Relevant departments had to order other vehicles to stop, or detour, to clear the way for them.

   Hives are still being rebuilt.

   The first to be completed were the monumental Plaza de Triomphe and the sculptures of the heroes of the Empire, as well as the Obelisk of the Martyrs, which Guilliman strongly requested.

  The obelisk is full of soldiers who died in the defense of Vittoria.

   Their bodies have been recycled again.

  In today's development, human beings already have a complete process for dealing with corpses.

   Instead of wasting it, use it as corpse starch.

   If the pollution is too heavy, it will also be ground and used as fertilizer.

  The only thing left is their nameplate.

   Their identification numbers and a few comments are etched on the nameplate.

  These plaques will be buried on the Obelisk of the Martyrs as a tribute to their exploits.

  The suspended airship stopped on the airborne platform of the most magnificent building in the capital.

  The Steward leads the way for two war-torn heroes of the Empire.

   "Make way for Ventris, for the Warlords of Ultramar, for the great Gray Knight Mentor."

  Two suspended servo skulls sounded through their own horns, telling people along the way to get out of the way.

  Here is crowded with all kinds of scribes and nobles, as well as military officers of all levels who come and go in a hurry.

  Hearing the sound of the servo skull, they all stepped aside.

  Some people want to rush out and seize this rare opportunity to preach their ideas, hoping to be recognized.

  As long as they are recognized, it means that they will be likely to be favored.

   This is the best way to reach the sky in one step.

  The internal affairs officer had to send soldiers to maintain order and push back those speculators.

  "Power breeds bureaucrats. Even if the Primarch whips him thousands of times, as long as he can get power, there will always be ambitious people who will be willing."

   Seeing those nobles and scribes, Wodai Si showed a trace of helplessness.

   It is well known that the Primarch has always had a very bad attitude towards the powerful.

   But everyone knows that Guilliman must have a group of officials to assist him in governing the empire.

  Why these dignitaries came, the purpose is self-evident.

   How many of them meet Guilliman requirements.

   This is worth pondering.

  Don't underestimate the action and disguise of those ambitious people.

  In order to gain the favor of the Primarch, they are often able to give up short-term benefits and make certain sacrifices to play the way the Primarch wants.

   When the Primarch doesn't pay attention to them, they will show their true colors again, showing their greedy, wealth and power-seeking side.

  The Primarch's reform campaign must be extremely difficult.

  He is facing a careerist who is capricious and unable to resist the temptation of power and materialistic enjoyment.

  They are good at disguising and deceiving, and it is difficult to tell whether they are true believers or speculators.

   Walking into the depths of the fortress, an elevator platform has already been activated, waiting for a long time.

  Ventris was taken by the elevator to a high-rise location in the building, and came to a huge reception room with a glass dome.

   Obviously, Guilliman used this place as a temporary reception room to receive loyalists from all over the galaxy.

  The reception room is tall and gorgeous, and the curved steel bars that play a supporting role converge into a slender rail at the top.

  Many petal-shaped large pieces of glass depicting many scenes of the Battle of Vitria constitute the flying dome.

   "What is the reason for the great Lord Ventris to come here?"

  Twenty members of the Honor Guard came out from all over the room.

   They wear Terminator power armor and carry heavy shields.

  , formed a defensive formation, forming a blue ceramic steel wall, decorated with skulls and wings.

  Sicarius' voice came from behind the guard members.

   "Are you treating me as an enemy? Sicarius?" Ventris looked in the direction of the voice, with a hint of cunning in his tone.

   "This is just a necessary procedure, Ventris. I dare not treat you as an enemy." Sicarius stepped out of the shadows. "I have to be responsible for the safety of the Primarch. The subspace is becoming more and more dangerous. No one knows what those guys are doing behind the curtain of reality!"

   "You doubt that a gray knight mentor was corrupted by the subspace?" Wodaisi said with a hint of resentment in his tone.

   These words are equivalent to following in front of a Khorne lord, boasting that the other party's pole dancing is very good.

   Isn't this humiliating? ?

"No one knows what's going on? Lord Wodais, the Primarch has many enemies, chaos, traitors, and nobles who want to maintain their own power. I don't know why you came here. My duty is to protect the Primarch. If I apologize for offending you, but that's all, hand over your weapons, and I will return them to you when you leave."

  Sicarius' words have something to say.

  Wodeis hesitated for a moment, and finally handed over the weapon in his hand.

  Ventries too.

   Checked it out and confirmed that there was no threat.

  Two people were allowed to enter the reception room.

   After a while.

  Accompanied by a heavy voice, Guilliman stepped in.

   "My lord." Ventris knelt on one knee and saluted Guilliman.

   "My lord." Wodes did the same.

   "Don't be too polite, I'm in a hurry, let's report to you first." Guilliman passed the two of them and sat in his seat.

  ps: It's five chapters, I'll work harder tomorrow, come out in the sixth and seventh chapters, and fill up the status.

   Ask for data, ask for subscription, brother.

  (end of this chapter)