Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 162 Fall of the Imperial Palace (for subscription)

  Terra's sky cracked open, and scarlet gullies appeared in the sky.

  The earth has been shattered, and the once prosperous city is torn apart by cracks like an abyss.

  The wind raged like thousands of dead souls roaring and screaming.

   Bloody raindrops fell on the ground and quickly merged into the scarlet river on the ground.

  The army of demons howled.

   Eighty-eight servants of the blood **** roared to the sky at the same time, they were casted by the oldest emotion of fear in all things.

  They are the embodiment of battle rage, the incarnation of blood thirst, and the mythical Titans who represent tyranny and destruction.

  When they stood on the earth, the horizon trembled.

  Let them wave the **** bat wings, and the burning flames will become more and more violent.

  Lightning and black flames surround them, and the berserk etheric energy revolves around them at high speed.

   However, these are not the most frightening.

   What frightened the world the most was the return of Angron, the Son of Betrayal.

  The earth is shaking, the sky is crying.

  A terrifying phantom came into reality from the blood rain, and set foot on the land of the holy Terra.

he came.

   King of Red Sand, Scarlet Angel, Slave of Nukelia, King of Gladiator, Prince of Blood, Broken, Will of War and Fire, Former Betrayer, Eternal Damned.

He is back.

   Just as it was 10,000 years ago.

  He tried again to invade his father's palace.

   This time, his power is stronger and more brutal.

  The strong and powerful body was burning with flames, and the red eyes revealed endless anger and fighting spirit.

  The monstrous hatred turned into endless anger, burning blazingly in his body and the surrounding area, isolating a special area exclusive to him.

   Angron is here.

  Come for revenge, come for old grievances, come to end the emperor's rule.

  In the body of the demon, the soul of the former slave of Nukelia is still roaring.

   That was Angron's last glory.

   Fragmented, the ghost that belongs to the echo of the past drives this body with endless power to complete the final blow of revenge.

   After completion, Angron will also become a servant of the Blood God.

   When Angron looked at the palace, the deepest anger also gushed out.

   Those anger stemmed from their failure to die in the last battle as they wished.

   Of course, not the battle of Terra led by Horus.

   But on the planet Nukelia and his last brothers and sisters to face those hateful nobles.

  In Angron's heart, he never felt that those Primarchs were his brothers.

  Nor did he feel that the legionnaires he led were his heirs.

   His brothers are only those gladiators who died on the planet Nukelia.

   Fragmented memories are still tormenting Angron.

  Even if he became a demon, he kept repeating it.

  Those memory phantoms floated in his mind, telling of past sins.

  He abandoned those brothers and sisters, and fled in despair.

   Although not of his own free will, he did escape.

  He is a coward, a coward who gave up the road to freedom, a coward who was forced to submit to a tyrant.

   Angron looked up at Lion's Gate, the battle ax in his hand was burning with black flames, and he grinned a tyrannical smile.

   looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

  Countless demons also screamed.

   Then, they flocked to the Lion's Gate, and the war broke out.

   Before the original body returned to its place.

  When Horus was just retrieved by the emperor and placed beside him for teaching.

   There is such a world at the edge of the Milky Way, the planet Nukelia.

  A planet that retains most of the dark technology, but uses slavery.

  The nobles have all the power, and the bottom has become a toy for them to fool.

  The rich life has allowed them to breed some entertainment methods that ordinary people can't imagine.

  The gladiatorial fight of life and death is one of their favorite events.

   And in an earth-shattering explosion, they got a new toy.

   On this day, the arena was full of guests, and countless dignitaries and dignitaries enjoyed the **** and **** fights that excited them, and they were so immersed in it that they couldn't extricate themselves.

   One hundred slaves were put into cages.

   Every once in a while, the acid in the cage rises.

  The arena is also stepped, and only by fighting to the death can one pass upwards and gain a way to survive.

   If the winner is not determined within the specified time, the two slaves fighting will die.

  In the arena, there was a child who was only ten years old, who was particularly eye-catching.

  He held a weapon in his hand, looking sadly at the slave who was trapped in the same cage as himself.

  This boy's body is exceptionally strong, even at a very young age, he has already shown his extraordinary side.

  His face expressed empathy for the pain and fear of those slaves.

   The boy was picked up from outside by other slaves.

  The slaves found the boy among a pile of alien corpses.

  The nobles regarded him as a gladiator with great potential and sent him directly to the arena.

  No one knows that he has a special ability, that is, he can sense and absorb the pain of others.

  The boy could feel the fear of the slaves present, and he looked blankly at the dignitaries on the high platform.

  Young minds simply don't understand why those people in fine clothes get happiness from killing each other of their own kind.

  Why don't they understand and sympathize with the despair and pain of another suffering person? To use such cruel means to torture the same kind.

  Get satisfaction from the other party's screams.

   What a distorted thought and world is this?

   In order to survive, the boy was forced to kill every slave he fought against.

   But he used his special ability to try his best to make every dead person die without pain.

  In the cruel and cruel arena, such behavior is undoubtedly a kind of kindness.

"You are more qualified to live than I am, child. You are a good person. But living is often the greatest torture for a good person. In this world, good people have no good results." When the last slave fell down, he revealed A smile and a trace of regret.

  He could see the dire future ahead for this strong and compassionate child.

  The despicable will ascend to the palace, and the benevolent will never recover.

   This child is a good person, but he should not have appeared in this era, let alone come to this world.

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the kid won the final victory.

  The boy received the name given to him by his slave master - Angron.

  Relying on his strong physical fitness, Angron became an undefeated gladiator in the Nukelia Arena.

   The nobles cheered his gladiatorial fight.

   But they wanted more, they wanted this invincible gladiator to be more brutal, more brutal, more invincible.

   To this end, they arranged a fight to the death between Angron and his adoptive father.

   Angron threw away his weapon in the arena and roared at countless nobles.

   "Even if you kill me, you won't make me submit, let alone let me hurt him."

  In order to resist the oppression of Nukelia nobles, Angron rushed to the guards, killed a **** path, and tried to leave with his adoptive father.

  However, the high-ranking knights of the planet Nukelia have mastered the technology of the Dark Ages.

   Angron, who fought alone, did not escape successfully.

  He was brought back by the army of the nobles.

  The nobles were very dissatisfied with the toy's resistance. They implanted an ancient device in it, so that it could only derive pleasure from anger, and other feelings would only make him feel pain.

  Apart from fighting and anger, Angron feels pain in everything he does and thinks about.

   This device is the Butcher's Nail.

  A malevolent device from the dark ages.

  They sent Angron, who was in a state of rage, back to the arena to stay with his adoptive father.

   Out of control, Angron killed his adoptive father and tore his body into countless pieces.

  The nobles gave endless cheers on the high platform.

   Cheers to this **** gladiatorial fight.

   Cheers that no one can escape their grip.

   After being excited, the nobleman left the arena.

   Angron, who was sober, let out a brutal roar that lasted for several days in the arena, holding the remains of his adoptive father.

  After that day, the boy who could feel the pain of others and absorb the negative emotions of others died.

   Only Angron, enslaved by the Butcher's Nails, survived.

   Angron, who had lost his family, hated everything in Nukelia, and he swore that he would never be a toy to please the nobles again.

  He gathered those gladiators who were willing to die after him, launched an uprising in the middle of the night, and severely damaged the nobles of Nukelia.

   Slay the nobles who cheer for the **** gladiatorial fight.

  However, the ruling class fought back equally violently.

   Angron's troops were forced to flee to the Deshyi Snow Mountain on the planet Nukelia.

  It was a very difficult day.

   But it was also Angron's most beautiful and happiest day.

   is a beautiful moment for him as a free man, fighting side by side with his brothers and sisters.

   Without food, he made the gladiators drink his blood.

  Without supplies, they leaned against each other to keep warm.

  Every gladiator is Angron's brother, his sister, and his partner.

  They were willing to die for Angron, and Angron was willing to die for them.

  Even under the torture of the Butcher's Nails, Angron tried his best to maintain his humanity.

   He will not allow that hideous implant to take the last of his possessions.

  The Butcher's Nails made Angron twisted in pain, but he still managed to show a last smile to his companion.

   On the last night of the decisive battle, he made an oath with many gladiators.

  They will fight to the death, in the name of freedom.

  In the cold snowy night, those companions snuggled up to Angron, like a real family, real brothers and sisters.

  He took out his only blanket and covered his companion's body.

  The Butcher's Nail rebuked him for his weakness and tortured him with pain.

   But Angron resisted the Butcher's Nail, even if those soft emotions would make him painful, he would not hesitate.

  Those malevolent implants took everything from him, but Angron wouldn't let it take away his most important brotherhood.

   Never will.

  They will go to death as free men.

   In the torment of regret, pain and memory.

   Angron, who stood on the land of Terra again, roared, and his reason was overwhelmed by endless anger.

  Those things were echoes of his past.

   is the remnant of Angron's old days who took care of the other gladiators, trying to keep them alive.

   is the last trace left by the little boy who could absorb the pain of others and empathize with others.

  A large part of Angron's anger comes from the fact that he will never forgive himself for his betrayal and cowardice.

   Angron should have died in Nukelia with his brother, not a Primarch of the Warhounds, much less a servant of the Blood God.

   At the beginning, he should have slashed at the Emperor firmly, even if the other party would tear him apart for this, he would not hesitate.

   That time, he was cowardly.

   Created his own sorrow.

   also created Kahn, as well as the sorrow of countless World Eaters.

   Angron will never forget that day.

   Nor would he forget what the Emperor had taken from him.

  In that final battle.

   Angron and his many gladiator brothers launched a charge against a legion hundreds of times their size.

  He knew that if he continued to fight, he would die in this battle.

   But he never felt the slightest bit afraid.

  He will die a free man, with his brothers and sisters.

  Falling down in endless battles, with an ending of chasing freedom, draw a full stop for a tortuous and tragic experience with no regrets.

   And the Emperor stripped this power.

   Angron was forcibly taken away, and the nobles of the planet Nukelia turned into loyal servants of the empire.

  The desperate battle for freedom is easily described as a small war of slaves against slave masters.

   Angron felt desperate for this.

  He never promised life, but came into this world because of the delusion of a tyrant.

  He never promised to go to the stars, but was forced to leave his comrades by the selfishness of a tyrant.

  He was never a hero, nor was he a traitor.

   He's just a ghost.

   A sad ghost.

  A specter longing for freedom, only to be forever enslaved by tyrants and gods.

   The real Angron is long dead.

  He died in Nukelia.

   Angron was dead when he dared not stand against the Emperor and was forced to take over the Dogs of War.

   Angron, who has no free soul, is nothing but a miserable slave.

   There is no difference whether it is an emperor or a blood god.

   Angron knew that he was just a slave.

  He came for revenge, but also to cut off the past completely.

  After today, the ghost of Nukelia will also die completely, only the eternal slave-King of Slaughter Angron.

  He stood in front of those great demons, and countless demon armies screamed for his arrival.

  All Terra shook, trembling at the return of the Sons of the Rebellion.

  Countless mortals are crying and howling, their desperate prayers and desperate cries.

  The end is coming.

   No one can deny this.

  Varerian jumped off the fighter plane and stood on the city wall, watching Angron and the great demons.

  They formed a torrent and swept towards the lion's gate.

  Varerian gripped his halberd tightly and asked all soldiers to guard their posts strictly to prevent these blasphemes from entering the emperor's sacred abode.

  But he overestimated the defense of the Lion's Gate.

  Because of the high lord's stupidity, a lot of Lion's Gate troops were taken away. Coupled with the loss during this period of time, the defensive troops were stretched.

  Eighty-eight Khorne demons plus one demon primarch, and countless demon armies.

  With such a huge force, the Lion's Gate, which has an empty defensive force, is completely powerless to resist.

   Within an hour, the Lion's Gate fell, and countless demons poured into the imperial court.

  (end of this chapter)