Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 167 Terra Storm (Subscription required)

   Everyone agreed with what Draco said.

  The world is not black and white.

  Only children will pursue the right and wrong of a thing.

  There is no right or wrong in this world, only interests.

   Even more so with respect to the politics of empire.

  In the corrupt bureaucratic system of the empire, there are many things that cannot be seen.

  But it is these things that maintain the existence of the empire.

  If a big tree wants to flourish, it must take root into the deeper soil, so that it can absorb enough nutrients and grow vigorously.

   Empire too.

   It needs bureaucracy.

  Where there are bureaucrats, there are interests, and where there are interests, there are connections.

  Whether it is the high lord parliamentary system or the democratic ballot system, the final outcome is the same.

  No matter what the original intention of the creator is, the final outcome is unchangeable.

   This is an impossible thing.

  The confidence of the high lords is that it is impossible for human beings to get rid of the bureaucracy.

  Behind them are state religions, merchant organizations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other intricate imperial forces.

  These forces are not all Guilliman's enemies, they are even his assistance and partners.

  Politics is an extremely complicated matter.

  After several hours of communication, several high lords finally reached a consensus.

   That is to surrender to the imperial regency, and the forces behind them will pay a heavy price as compensation for the Beta-Garmon galaxy.

   Of course, they will also support Guilliman's various reform measures.

  However, they firmly believe that one day, the forces behind them will still come back, and this will decide the future fate of mankind at the high lord meeting in Terra.

  The inertia of history cannot be changed. This is the general trend and inevitable.

  The selfish nature of human beings will once again breed the rich and powerful.

  By then, the major families will be able to be active again.

   Perhaps, they have not seen that day.

   But the High Lords firmly believe that this day will not be too long.

  The shortest is a hundred years, and the longest is a thousand years, and the major families will come back.

   This is the historical cycle rate.

  The original body wants to change, it is undoubtedly a dream.

  Maybe, they can use the technology brought back by the Primarch to extend their lives and see that day come.

"Three days later, the full Senate meeting will be held." Yiertu said, "We will resign at that meeting, and at the same time send our core clansmen away from Terra, as a compromise with the Empire's regency, and to cooperate with his reforms, Let him take most of the family's wealth and use it to supplement his expedition consumption."

  The other high lords nodded and agreed to the compromise.

  Tara is like this, the weak prey on the strong, and if they lose, they can only accept this ending.

   This is the unspoken rule of power struggle.

   Both parties will not tear each other apart.

   Fighting and killing are the affairs of those bottom-level and big-headed soldiers.

  Family and family often reach a tacit understanding, and then exit decently.

  As for the soldiers who died and the lower class who died in their game, they are not worthy of attention.

   Aren't they born to be consumed?

   Tall and magnificent Imperial Senate Hall.

  Petunia, led by honored veterans in azure Terminator power armor, walked past the sculptures and portraits commemorating the heroes of the empire.

   That stuff is from top artists.

   is a human treasure.

   At the end of the corridor is a huge administrative hall.

   At the top of the hall, a huge crystal chandelier is shining, and the soft light reflects every corner of the hall.

  The carefully woven and intricately patterned carpet is laid on the ground, which is as soft as the grassland in this small world.

   The officials of the expedition fleet came and went, with anxious expressions on their faces.

   Running back and forth, busy in a hurry.

  They generally wear the blue-trimmed robes of Ultramar, and some wear the emblems of power on Terra.

  Penny knew people who, like her, had worked for Tyrion.

   Now, they are chosen to be the Primarch's assistants.

  The servo skull is flying in the air, transmitting information from different departments.

  Child-like cherubs hummed, and the voices of various departments came from the brass sounder.

  The whole hall is very noisy and looks messy.

  Technical priests gathered in a dark corner, muttering to themselves while shaking their limbs.

  The Imperial Navy and Astra Militarum generals in small groups are arguing fiercely about the defense of Terra and the Solar System.

  The servants were in a hurry, carrying data tablets and sheepskin documents among the heroes of the empire.

  Penny was led through the crowd and into a private room in the administrative hall.

  After walking in, the gold-plated door depicting the image of an angel is slowly closed, isolating the hustle and bustle outside.

  Penny looked at the room. It was at the highest point of the Senate building. The ceiling was so high that even a Primarch could be accommodated.

  The room has a huge balcony, and the windows are closed at this time.

   There are two Ultramarines standing there on guard.

   Their mission is important.

   It is necessary to prevent the assassination of the original body.

  No one can harm the Primarch.

   But once such a thing happens, the spiritual blow to the people of the empire is also very serious.

   People will be disappointed with the Empire.

   Putting an end to such things is a good thing for Guilliman and the empire.

   Dim sunlight streams in from the window on the balcony.

  The Primarch was sitting behind a huge solid wood desk.

  He buried himself in countless data projections, like a giant drowned by waves.

  Government information was quickly read by him, and he made comments and new orders.

  Everything was handled so quickly and correctly.

  He was born to rule the Empire.

   Such a thought came to Penny's mind.

   When the Primarch raised his head, Petunia could feel her heart stop briefly.

  The Emperor's perfect creation is not a lie.

  His face is perfect, the proportions are just right, full of charm, it is easy to fall into it.

  Penny was lucky enough to witness the Battle of Lions Gate.

   That was a memory picture that she could never forget in her life.

  The strong performance of the original body makes people full of hope.

   Let people firmly believe that the future is promising, and mankind will surely enter a new era.

   "I'm very glad that you can come on time." Guilliman looked at the candidate he was scheduled to be the Prime Minister of the Empire and smiled.

  He put down the work in his hands and said softly, "Sit in the front seat."

  Guilliman pointed to the place in front of his desk, motioning for him to sit down.

  Petunia was a little apprehensive, but she still took the seat Guilliman had mentioned.

  Her waist was straightened, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the other party.

   "My lord Guilliman, your summons are more important than all government affairs." Petunia said respectfully.

  Guilliman smiled, stood up and reached out to turn off a few projectors, allowing the government information to be returned to his database.

  Penny witnessed him stand up, very tall, like a mountain, the shadow enveloped her thin body.

   Primarchs are the gods of war, they are in charge of killing and destruction.

  Penny could feel that kind of oppression. She couldn't imagine the terrible mental pressure those guys who became the enemies of the Primarch would endure when facing the Primarch.

  Guilliman walked to the balcony window, and Terra, which was being reconstructed, came into his eyes.

  Find new life in destruction.

   This is a good sign.

   "You once worked for the Prime Minister of the Empire, Tyrian, right?" Guilliman asked.

   "Yes, my lord. Unfortunately, he died. This incident hit us hard, and a lot of work was delayed." Penny replied.

"Indeed, Tyrian's departure is a loss to the empire. He is a hero, although he never took up arms. But there are many kinds of heroes, and some people use their own methods to protect mankind and the empire, Tirien En is the kind of man who prevented a crisis that would tear humanity apart. Many soldiers were saved because of his vision and kindness. I thought I would see him in Terra. Unfortunately, my father called him back went."

  Guilliman withdrew his gaze and looked at Petunia again, who was waiting for him to continue talking.

   "The dead make us sad, but we should pay more attention to the present. I have investigated your files. You have a very good relationship with Tyrian, and your political views are also highly consistent with him. This is a good thing."

  Penny was a little uneasy, the Primarch spoke too well of her.

   "My lord, thank you for your compliment."

"This is not a compliment, but a statement of facts." Guilliman walked to the table, "I have an important position in my hands that requires someone like you to fill. Terra has reached the point where it has to change, but many people They don't want it to change, they want Terra to remain the same, and even the Empire to remain the same, for their own sake."

"But this kind of idea is impossible to realize. The empire must change, otherwise we will be in danger. But too drastic changes will also attract resistance. They may not resist me on the bright side, but don't underestimate them. Use various They still have the courage to use a sneaky method to sabotage my plan. The bureaucracy is a very complicated system, and any change will bring about a chain reaction, so I need someone who is familiar with Terra's operation mode to act as my right-hand man."

"This person needs to know Terra well enough, and he must have ideals and be full of passion for reform. Only in this way can he take up this position, so I chose you, Petunia. I invite you to be my assistant in the name of the Empire's regent , to become Chancellor of the Reich."

   "Is this appropriate?" Petunia became a little flustered, the speed of promotion was too fast, she didn't expect that she would be appointed by the Primarch to become the Prime Minister of the Empire, it was too sudden.

"There is nothing inappropriate. I need a capable and obedient reformer to sit in this position. A storm is coming, and I need someone to help me stabilize Terra, so that the big ship of the Empire can turn around and escape the fate of death. "

Petunia hurriedly stood up, bowed and saluted, "I am very grateful for the appreciation of the Regent, but whether this appointment needs to be decided by the high lord council, if you have not reached a consensus with them, I am afraid it will cause some unnecessary troubles ."

"The Council of High Lords?" Guilliman said with a touch of drama in his tone, "This is another thing I want to tell you. From now on, there will be no Council of High Lords. I will promote a new Political reforms to strengthen Terra's control over all forces. I will announce this at the upcoming General Assembly."

"The hereditary nobles of all planets will be banned, and every planet in the empire will adopt a democratic voting system, allowing those people to elect those who represent their interests. A complete set of democratic voting systems will be established from planets to galaxies to star regions .And all interstellar trade within the empire is handled by the merchant organization formed by the empire. This organization will dynamically adjust prices or provide subsidies so that the living standards of each planet will not vary too much. I will also ensure that each planet All can enter the minimum industrial age, allowing human productivity to be further released. In addition, the conventional power of the empire will be divided into three systems: military, government affairs, and business, which will be separated from each other and maintain a certain degree of independence. Responsible."

"On this basis, I will fix the position of the Regent of the Empire. All forces in the Empire must absolutely obey the orders of the Regent. Under the Regent, the Imperial Prime Minister is responsible for sharing government affairs. Dictatorship is very necessary, I hope you can understand. Now Today's empire needs someone who can make quick decisions, so that it can deal with a series of crises and make the empire run efficiently."

"The officials or businessmen in the three systems I established, the empire has extremely strict requirements on their character and talent, so as to ensure their loyalty to the empire and fairness in their actions. The so-called era of freedom has passed, We need to make sure that those who are loyal and caring about the people are in charge. Those who live and work are all weeded out and sent back to the garbage dump."

  Penny froze for a moment, her mind went blank.

  The Primarch's approach is no less than smashing the empire and rebuilding it.

   Such a reform is more than a storm.

  The position of the prime minister of the empire is a hot potato, and he will definitely come forward to solve those difficult problems at that time.

  She wants to cut off people's wealth, dig people's roots.

   This hatred is well done.

   "Is it possible to do this?"

  Penny asked carefully, she wanted to know if the Primarch knew what such a move meant!

Guilliman smiled, and answered straightforwardly: "Yes, it will definitely be turbulent. This system is too idealistic, and a little carelessness will bring crisis, so I need your presence to stabilize Terra, so as to buy time. , so that I can realize it step by step. The first step is to prepare for the cleansing of Terra's bureaucracy. The second step is to export enough administrative personnel from the solar system and the Ultramar sector to establish an empire Framework. The third step is to strengthen publicity, bring us closer to the grassroots, formulate fair policies, and let them independently maintain our reform."

  All systems in human history, whether it is feudal monarchy, democratic voting system, or dictatorship, are essentially systems that maintain production order and then distribute the cake.

  Guilliman shattered the original system, just wanting this new system to attract enough elite talents for him.

  The real elites who serve the empire should hold power and wealth in the system they have built.

  There is no fair system in this world, only a relatively fair system.

  Guilliman created a system in which the weak and the strong*** the hero, which is the best for everyone.

  He can't ask those imperial heroes to serve the empire while giving nothing to others.

  Any system that advocates people's selfless dedication will not last long. It is a very vicious system that tries to enslave others.

  What kind of position will a person make selfless dedication?

  Slaves are selfless to their masters.

  All the contradictions in society basically revolve around cutting the cake.

  Who gets more and who gets less has always been a very serious problem.

  In the feudal dynasty, why did the peasants revolt? ?

  The reason is that no one is willing to do things that do not divide the cake.

   If he wants to maintain the continuation of the human empire and protect the survival of mankind, then Guilliman must face up to the nature of human beings - selfishness.

  The term selfishness has played an ignominious role throughout most of human history.

  People usually use various cover-up behaviors and language to avoid others saying that they are a selfish person.

  In fact, this is precisely where the biggest problem lies and where all the contradictions originate.

  Selfishness is the nature of human beings, suppressing selfishness will accumulate resentment, and eventually lead to the collapse of the system.

  Selfish people are not bad people.

  Those who claim to be impartial are not necessarily good people.

  Selfishness may be the greatest driving force of human beings, and it is also the most important factor to test whether a system can last for a long time.

  If a society has such a law or such an unspoken rule, once you ask someone for help, you need to pay a certain amount of money or other equivalent conditions to give to the person who helps you.

   Who ignores those in need?

  In that way, everyone will have a subconscious mind, helping others will not be harmed, but also benefit.

  If you help someone who asks for help, you don't get rewarded, you waste your time, and you are forced to lose your wealth because of it, then who will meddle in their own business?

  When a society advocates nonsense such as selfless dedication and not asking for anything in return, we must be wary of some people who don't want to give cakes and want to fool others into working.

  If you pay, you will be rewarded. This is the mechanism of human nature.

  A loyal soldier spends his youth and takes countless risks. In the end, his reputation, honor, and wealth are taken by his superiors who have not been on the battlefield.

  A hard-working laborer has worked hard all his life and hasn't been able to enjoy a day, but he still doesn't have enough to eat and wear. Why do people still support such a system?

   What Guilliman's system needs to ensure is those elites who can contribute to the goal of human survival.

  People in those families may say that it is unfair, why should they accumulate for thousands of years, and why should they lose to others for decades.

  Guilliman will not care what those guys think, and those people will not be able to shake the foundation of his rule.

  Human beings are a social division of labor that cooperates as a whole, and no individual can create such a huge amount of wealth alone without being separated from society.

  The wealth of those families is often in the trillions. If they can create so much wealth on the basis of breaking away from the empire, it is naturally their ability, and there is nothing wrong with it.

  But they obtained wealth on the basis of the cooperation and division of labor in the empire, so these wealth are not just theirs, but belong to the whole, and belong to each individual in the division of labor and cooperation.

  Many family children claim to be elites, but in fact stripping away that identity is worthless.

  The accumulation of their family is only the uneven distribution of the cake that distorts the system.

   Talking about accumulation is nothing but moths that encroach on social wealth.

  Many people can't think through many of the problems.

   It's like ten people fishing. Everyone divides the work and cooperates, and the fish they get must be shared equally.

   But the situation is a bit complicated.

  Others want to fish too, so there is no way but to send two people to stand guard to avoid people robbing fish.

  If you catch too many fish and can't finish them, then assign another person to dry the fish.

  When you have fish, you can exchange it for food, and then assign another person to exchange for food.

   In this way, there is also food and fish, and everyone is distributed according to the previous distribution, and everyone is divided equally, and they all live a good life.

  The person exchanging food at the back had an idea in his mind, so he negotiated a deal with the two people who released the wind.

  Let them follow me, listen to me, and I have a way to give them more.

   Hearing that it is good, the two who let the wind go will do it with him.

  The one who trades for food starts to earn the difference.

  When other people want to exchange food by themselves, he finds the two windshields to beat them up, saying that they don't pay attention to team spirit, betray the team, and are a shameful traitor.

   Those who can't beat the wind, and are labeled as traitors.

   Those who caught fish didn't dare anymore, so they could only swallow their breath.

At the back, the one who changed the food made more money, and gave some small favors to those fish catchers, and then said that everyone is a brother, and asked everyone to support him. He announced that the fishing place was his, so that he could It is justifiable to defend the fishing place.

  The fish catcher didn't turn his head around. He saw that others were giving favors, and he called himself brother, but he was afraid of being beaten, so he followed his propaganda.

  Seeing that no one objected, the person in charge of exchanging food said that the original distribution system would no longer be used. From now on, if he catches a fish in his fishing place, he will be given half of it.

   Someone didn't want to be pressed in the mud by him, and he beat him for a long time, almost dying.

   Others didn't want to follow such a rule, so they made a fuss.

   Later, the person who exchanged food said, then give him a quarter, and everyone should stop making trouble, let outsiders see the joke, and unite.

   Seeing the concessions in exchange for food and the dissatisfaction with catching fish, but people are talking about the team again, so they can only make concessions.

   Relying on it like this, the commission of each fish, and the monopoly of exchanging food, the food exchanger quickly ate big chicken legs and changed into a good set of clothes.

  In order to consolidate his position and avoid envy from others, the one who exchanged food started to promote himself.

   It is the elites of the fishing team who exchange the food. They are responsible for communicating with the outside world.

  So it is very legitimate for him to manage everyone, and it is worthy of support, and it is normal to enjoy happiness.

  If in the past, you couldn't even smell the aroma of big chicken legs, let alone see this good dress, it was my leadership that created the prosperity of the fishing team, and other fishing teams could not compare to us.

  The fisherman smelled the scent of chicken legs, looked at the beautiful dress, and was taken aback for a while, and applauded.

   But is this really prosperity? ?

   It's just taking the wealth from other people's hands and concentrating it in your own hands.

  The so-called system is to take the cake from this person's hand and put it in that person's hand.

  No matter how bells and whistles a system is, it's fine if it's topped with nonsense such as democracy, freedom, and equality. The essence is this, a distribution about cutting the cake.

   The more we conform to human nature and maintain a fair system, the more sustainable it will be.

  What Guilliman has to do is to weaken the major families, release the wealth and power they hold, return them to the people of the empire, and enhance the sense of belonging of the people of the empire.

  Through the Tribunal, the Assassin Tribunal, these special units that do not belong to the government agencies of all parties, to ensure that these powers will no longer be taken away from the people of the empire at the bottom by those who are interested.

   Various chambers of commerce will be integrated together, and those trading families will be directly responsible to him, monopolizing the entire interstellar trade, forming an independent system, and maintaining the empire's finances.

  Business belongs to business, politics belongs to politics, and military belongs to military.

  The three systems independently maintain a balance.

  He will also strip the Mechanicum of its troops, reducing it to an academic institution.

  The same is true for the state religion, which weakens the pope's discourse power and reduces religious fanaticism through popular education.

  Through various policies, strengthen the centralized dictatorship of the Regent position of the empire, so that enough troops can be mobilized to fight against chaos and aliens, and can deal with the enemy at a faster speed.

   Such reform actions can be said to be extremely crazy.

  If another person presides over such a reform, I am afraid that he will be killed on the spot.

  The elites of the empire with disordered interest chains, the Mechanic Cult who became an ally of the empire with the help of the Olympia agreement, and the state religion that controls the religious beliefs of the entire empire.

  The strength of these three forces is absolutely beyond the imagination of the world.

  Even if the high lord dared to move these three mountains, he would probably drown in the toilet the next day.

  Penny was shaking a little while sitting in the chair.

  She's not a fool.

  She knew exactly what kind of turmoil Guilliman's reform would cause.

   "Do you really want to do this?" Petunia asked anxiously, "I'm afraid the resistance will be stronger than ever."

"I know, but everything has come to a moment of change. Marshal Valanor of the Imperial Army has agreed with my reform ideas." Guilliman said indifferently, "Now more than four-fifths of Terra's troops are Loyal to my troops, there are six fleets floating in the orbit of Mars with enough firepower to obliterate a planet, and more than 30,000 Primaris Space Marines are ready to fight, so you don't need to worry."

  Guilliman turned and walked to the balcony, continuing the scene outside the window.

  Penny opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

   This is beyond the scope of political games.

  The Primarch is ready for war.

  Six fully armed fleets, 30,000 Primaris Space Marines, this force is enough to wipe out Mars.

  The attitude of the imperial regent is determined to this extent.

   Even at the cost of war, this reform must be promoted.

  The Primarch originally possessed the military power to crush those troops in the Beta-Garmon galaxy, and later received all of Beta-Garmon's troops.

  Penny couldn't imagine how much military power the Primarch had mobilized to the solar system.

  The most frightening thing is that the Imperial Fists and the Custodians also showed support for him.

  This reform is imperative for him.

   "It's an honor that I can serve you, my lord." Petunia bowed respectfully and gave her own answer.

   "You have made a very clear decision, Petunia. You will have the opportunity to become a man of the new era of mankind, and people will remember your contribution in the endless years to come." Guilliman said with a smile.

   "All glory to the Regent of the Empire," said Petunia.

   "There is no need to say such polite words." Guilliman waved his hand, and he returned to the table to take out a document, "This is your appointment document, which has been signed with my name and printed with a biological seal. Congratulations, Prime Minister."

   "Aren't you worried that I will refuse?" Petunia saw the paperwork in Guilliman's hand.

"People are different. Some people make dreams, just like Tyrian. Some people make profits, just like the high lords now. I think people rarely make mistakes, and I firmly believe that you will become My help."

Guilliman waved his hand and opened a holographic projection panel, "The work tasks are also very heavy now. According to the reaction of my intelligence personnel, many low-level officials of Terran origin are too arrogant and don't care about my reform order. There is no change. I need you to solve this matter, and I will give you a certain amount of military authority to mobilize troops, be tougher, and deal with those who hinder the new era of mankind without mercy."

   "Understood, my lord. I will let those fellows know that their time for pleasure is over," Penny said.

   An orbiting space station on Mars.

The ruling great sage-Cauer, the mechanical sage-Regula, the steel ball star casting general-Kron, the mechanical sage-Sigma, and a dozen mechanical sages from the reformist and conservative factions who control the power and resources of the Mechanic Cult Those gathered here.

  The interior space of the space station is simple and simple.

  Its design does not contain any unnecessary decoration or aesthetic elements for pleasing the eyes, which perfectly demonstrates the simplicity of mechanical teaching.

  When many mechanical sages were meeting and discussing, a cathar armed with a gear scepter guarded the door.

  Each of them has undergone genetic enhancement, is very tall and strong, and has implanted a variety of weapons in the body.

   Ridged cables and wires of various colors threaded through the burqa and inserted into the interior of their torso through plugs embedded in their bodies.

  No ordinary person would like to be with them.

   These guys tend to reek of unpleasant rotting flesh, motor oil, and sweaty acid.

"Your actions are illegal. Every machine is constructed and worked by the God of the Machines, so it is sacred, and changing it is an irredeemable evil." A conservative mechanical sage The reporter looked at Kaul and the others, showing anger and accusations in a mechanical tone.

  Cauer, Karen, these guys have violated too many sacred precepts about the Mechanic Church, and they have completely trampled on the sacred scriptures of the Mechanic Church.

  If it weren't for the protection of the Primarch, these guys would have been declared excommunicated and rebellious by the Empire and the Mechanicus.

   "The Regent of the Empire is the parent and son of Omnissia, and he also holds part of the authority of the God of Mechanisms." Karen retorted unceremoniously, "Are you going to violate the mechanical rules formulated by the God of Mechanisms?"

   "Is he a mortal?" Another member of the conservative faction yelled, "He doesn't have the authority of the Almighty God."

   "Then can you explain Guilliman's Heart? Who can master such a technology except the God of Mechanism?" Regula said.

   "That's a heretical technology," said the conservative sage, "and we should stop them before it's too late."

   "Do you even want to stop the technology of the God of Myriad Machines?"

   "He can't represent the God of Myriad Machines, unless he can come up with an STC template to verify."

   "The Heart of Guilliman itself is an STC template, which can store all knowledge, and can also load other gene functions at will."

   "Those technologies are heresy."

   The debate between radicals and conservatives has always been serious.

   Today is even more exaggerated.

  The two sides refused to give in to each other.

  Conservatives accuse Radicals of betraying the Almighty, while Radicals argue that Guilliman is the son of Omnisea.

  The quarrel between the two sides was full of gunpowder, and the thermal radiation cannons of several mechanical sages were sizzling, and they were a little afraid that they would have the urge to go off.

  Once the fire goes off, the consequences will be disastrous.

  A part of the top elite of the Mechanicus must suffer heavy losses here.

"There is no point in arguing any longer." Kaul said, "In fact, our quarrel is meaningless. No matter which faction we are in, we are all serving for the honor of the God of Myriad Chances. The belief in the desire to obtain eternal truth supports each of us. ."

   "Then it is even more necessary to abandon those heretical technologies." A sage in the conservative camp said.

"Give up those technologies? And then? With the activities of the Mechanicus over the past ten thousand years, the scope of our activities has become wider and wider. Many colleagues have penetrated into the outer reaches of the galaxy where the light of the emperor cannot shine, but the clues of the STC template have already disappeared. There are fewer and fewer, and we can't get any useful technology for hundreds of years."

   "A lot of technology has been forgotten, and the technology of some giant structures is directly missing. Before the regent of the empire returned, the technology of Mechanicum was in a backward stage, and the ships we built were not even comparable to 10,000 years ago."

   "These signs indicate that we are getting more and more deviated from the mechanical way, and the internal problems have reached a very serious level. If we continue, I'm afraid we will be completely abandoned by the God of Myriad Opportunities."

   "Heretics." The conservative mechanical sage roared. "Such arguments are nonsense. Even if you are abandoned by the God of Myriad Chances, it is because you have first abandoned the scriptures and attracted punishment."

  Faced with such accusations, Kaur did not say much.

  He extended a robotic arm, gleaming with a projected beam of light.

  The Colossus of God's Punishment, as well as the latest generation of warships, and human lighthouses emerged in the projection.

"Since the awakening of the Regent of the Empire, our technology has seen an unimaginable improvement. A structure like the Colossus of Heaven's Punishment can be built in a few years, and the performance of the new generation of warships is far beyond the mainstream of the Imperial Navy. The performance and power of battleships have been improved several times. Aren't these the protection of the God of Myriad Opportunities?"

"Combined with the Heart of Guilliman and the technology of a generation of super fighters, the space warriors have successfully transformed into Primaris space warriors. Over the past ten thousand years, the Mechanicus has tried many times to improve the space warriors, but each time ended in failure. If Without the authority of the God of Myriad Chances, can the Regent of the Empire solve this problem so easily?"

  Cauer looked around at the many mechanical sages, and refuted them one by one with reasonable grounds.

"So far, the Imperial Regency has come to the solar system. No matter what, pragmatism is inevitable. The reason why I met with you today and held this meeting is purely to discuss how to preserve the maximum extent possible in the reform of the Imperial Regency. Mechanics."

"The Regent of the Empire has decided to abolish the Council of High Lords. Where the Mechanicus will go is already a problem. The Regent of the Empire will not allow a human force to appear in the galaxy out of his control. He has expressed his attitude several times in a row. If you are unwilling to compromise, he There is an option to rebuild a Mechanicum in Ultramar."

  Kauer has completely stood on Guilliman's side.

   It's not that he doesn't love the Mechanicus, it's that Guilliman gave too much.

  From dark matter, particle magnetic field, to space dimension structure.

  Guilliman's knowledge can make him equal to his treasures of thousands of years, and Guilliman promises more in the future.

   "Is he going to start a civil war?" Sigma looked at Kaul, she was not stupid, of course she could hear the threat. "Without the Mechanicus, I'm afraid that the empire's production will stagnate immediately. He really wants to take such a risk."

"Ultramar has trained enough technicians to support the expedition fleet, and not all followers of Mechanicus will follow you." Kaul said, "The Regent of the Empire has said that he will share more knowledge and establish More institutions belonging to scholars encourage the research of Mechanicus to go to the universe. Some Mechanicians will never betray the empire with you."

  Kron also got involved at this time, and he turned on another holographic projection.

  In it is the brain plan that he invested a lot of resources in.

   With the help of various technologies given by Guilliman, the cultivation of the divine brain is nearing completion.

  Which of the mechanical sages present here has cutting-edge knowledge in multiple fields, and they can see the horror of Karen's God Brain Project at a glance.

   They have also tried many times to strengthen the human brain. After all, the strength of the brain is also related to the strength of the meditator array.

  It's a pity that these plans all failed.

  The brain is too complex to enhance its computing power.

  Kron succeeded, the computing power of that hill-like human brain is enough to instantly kill any thinker array on Mars.

   "You crossed a red line??" said a conservative sage.

"No, this is the brain of one of my cathars. After his unfortunate death in battle, his brain tissue was preserved. I put it into a culture tank to cultivate and strengthen it. Thanks to the great regent of the empire, I It succeeded." Karen's tone was full of complacency, "Don't think that Mars is indispensable, and steel stars can take your place. Times have changed, my friends, and your complacency will only make you look worse and worse. more stupid."

"Obeying the order of the Regent of the Empire will not bring you any loss. He has made a promise that you will share the knowledge of the Empire, enjoy the resources of the Empire for scientific research, and walk on the path of the truth of the God of Myriad Opportunities. Seeking enlightenment." Kaul looked at all the mechanical sages, "The current Mechanicus is not what Omnissia wants at all. He is the **** of knowledge, the **** of truth, and the **** of machinery, but his followers are Doesn't know anything, isn't that an irony?"

   "He wants to trade these terms for us to betray Mars?" said a conservative Mechanicus.

   "No, it's just a betrayal of those stubborn idiots. The Mechanicus will continue to exist and will flourish. We will go further on the path of truth," Kaul said.

   The update is a bit slow, mainly because the state is not good, and there is only one update today.

   Let's see if we can recover tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)