Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 177 The Battle Between the Lion and the Tau Empire (Subscribe)

  Guilliman's words and eyes are full of truth.

  He just looked at Ryan like that, his eyes were firm and full of conviction, giving people a natural sense of convincing.

  Hearing these words, Ryan looked at Guilliman with complicated eyes.

  After the Battle of Terra, his Primarch brother has clearly grown considerably.

   He has his own unique understanding of the existence of the empire and the cause of the emperor.

  He's trying to fix everything wrong.

   Bringing the Imperium of Man back to the path they once wanted it to walk on.

   "Can we still do it?" Ryan was a little frustrated.

   It's not that Ryan poured cold water on him. Can things that he couldn't do at the beginning really be able to do now?

  During the period of the Great Crusade, the eighteen primarchs of the Empire, as well as the Emperor, Malcador and many other immortals, can be said to be full of talents, and the influence of the dark gods on the real universe can also be said to be negligible.

  The Great Crusade ended with the Horus rebellion and attacked Terra.

  Father and son fight, and finally one dies and one is seriously injured.

   Now, the Emperor sleeps, and many immortals have died in the Great Rebellion.

  Is there really hope for mankind?

   "It's not too late." Guilliman said with a smile, "With just a little help from you, humanity will regroup and launch a counterattack to the subspace."

"Ryan, we failed 10,000 years ago, but now we will definitely succeed." Guilliman's tone became serious, "This is not just to encourage you, it is also something I am determined to achieve. One day, human beings Point the sword at the gods, cross the stars, and shape the supreme empire."

   "Your arrogance is no different from his. I hope everything will go as smoothly as you said."

   "This is inevitable, you know, I never say anything without confidence."

  Lian returned to a strong and powerful adult appearance, fought against Luther, and fell asleep for so long.

  He became deeper, and the few scars on his face made him look very vicissitudes.

  In the great rebellion ten thousand years ago, he lost too much.

  Brother betrayed, the Empire came within a hair's breadth of falling into ruins.

   "Let's go, the empire urgently needs a commander who can share the burden for me." Guilliman said.

   "Then I hope to witness with my own eyes how you can do things that even He couldn't do in the past." Ryan said.

  Guilliman wanted to say something, but the sense of repulsion around his body suddenly increased, trying to send him out of this space.

  In just a few breaths, the scene in front of Guilliman's eyes became unreal.

   Then, everything fell apart.

  Guilliman stood again in the dimly lit secret room, and several dark watchers in robes stood beside him.

  Although he can easily crush big demons and punch traitors, Guilliman's psychic talent can be called rubbish.

  If you want to travel the subspace with spiritual consciousness, you can only use the power of the Dark Watcher.

  Guilliman wanted to ask why the other party pulled him out.

   Just after the conversation started, Guilliman also performed what is called an empty glove white wolf.

  Give him the name of the Empire's empty warlord, fool the Lord of the First Legion, and let him know what is dangerous in the universe.

   Guilliman is now the Regent of the Empire and the Supreme Military Consul.

  Even if Ryan got the position of War Commander, many troops just listened to him and kept announcing him.

   Compared with Horus, who was in charge of the military in the past, it is not a concept at all.

   "The subspace is rioting."

A dark watcher said weakly, "The essence of the Primarch is very powerful. Once it wakes up, it will bring an amazing storm. With Ryan's awakening, this storm is brewing. It will throw the megalithic fortress at will. The rest of the galaxy. If you don't leave in time, you will most likely be taken away. The Imperium of Man needs your helm, Thirteen. You can't leave with the Stone Fortress, it's too risky."

   Guilliman could only swallow the words, "Then what will happen to Ryan?"

  Damn, just advised me, don't go wrong again.

   The four gods are eyeing each other fiercely, Fulgen and Magnus are gnashing their teeth again, at least they come back to share the firepower.

"He will wake up soon, there is no accident at all." The Dark Watcher said, "Now, on the thirteenth, you must leave the Stone Fortress as soon as possible. Otherwise, this place will lead you into the turbulence of time and space. "

  Guilliman glanced at the ritual platform that was still emitting psychic energy fluctuations, and could only leave some instructions before turning and leaving.

   Guilliman can still tell which is more important.

   If he loses contact for a year and a half, it is estimated that Terra will be turned upside down.

   Those conservatives still haven't shouted, once the regent dies, the emperor will be re-established, the power will be restored to the nobles, and the destiny will return.

  He can't take a chance.

   As long as Ryan can wake up, he will send someone to find him when the time comes.

  Leaving behind a group of technical priests who have absorbed the latest knowledge, Guilliman returned to the Glory of Markrag with Sicarius and others.

  When this huge flagship sailed to a safe place.

  The violent subspace energy turned into endless waves, layer by layer, tearing apart the space-time structure, forming a huge crack.

  The crack was like a slit in the starry sky, with a strange light flowing.

  The gap formed by the crack swallowed the huge megalithic fortress, and then disappeared.

  Guilliman stood on the observation deck platform of the Glory of Macragge.

  Through the porthole, watching the giant stone fortress being taken away by that force, it is the overflow of power brought about by Ryan's awakening.

  The power of the Primarch is extremely terrifying.

  Even if there is no blessing from the four gods, once awakened, it will be extremely powerful.

  The Demon Primarch did the stupidest thing possible.

  I bought myself and exchanged for something that belonged to me.

  However, if he had a normal mind, he wouldn't have followed Horus all the way to the dark.

   Sicarius and Caul stood beside him, accompanying their lord.

   The scene fell into silence for a while, until the voice of Breher, the captain of the Macragge's Glory, sounded.

   "Master Regent, what is our next mission?"

  Guilliman withdrew his mind from the vast starry sky.

   Now Ryan has awakened.

  The First Primarch has awakened.

   Time to get busy with other things.

   Nowadays, the situation in the empire is complicated.

  There is a strong enemy Abaddon outside, and there are conservative forces inside.

   It can be said that internal and external troubles are at stake.

   After such a long delay, it's time to continue my plan of the unyielding expedition.

   "Return to Terra," Guilliman said.

  Put Terra in place, and he will continue the Indomitable Crusade.

   Drive out the aliens and demons from the imperial sanctuary.

  Go to the home planets of different battle groups to see if you can get other prompts, and recall the original body first.

   The more Loyalist Primarchs come back, the less pressure he has.

   Of course, there are potential risks.

  The Primarch's appeal is very strong, and if you are not careful, there will be Horus rebellion in the past.

  Guilliman turned around and walked towards his own strategy room.

  Cauer followed closely behind, his heavy steel body advancing with the help of an anti-gravity suspension platform and mechanical legs.

   "Caule, how is the work on the gene seed of Aplasma going?" Guilliman asked as he walked.

"Before I set off for Terra, we had already completed the genetic chain required for super soldiers, abandoned the traditional method of using the Primarch as the anchor point, and used Guilliman's Heart as the anchor point instead. At most In five years, we will be able to complete quantitative production and mass-produce Astartes that do not require the original body."

Guilliman nodded, "This plan is kept strictly confidential, and no one but you and me can know about it. Wait until the Aplasma genetic warriors become mainstream, accounting for more than 80% of the empire's Astartes monks." , is when this secret is revealed."

   "Understood." Kaur said respectfully.

  Sicarius and the numerous honor guards remained silent, following their lord wordlessly.

  They know that sometimes, some things don't require them to speak.

  Guilliman does not doubt the loyalty of the other Primarchs.

   But many times, loyalty can be bad.

  The road to **** always begins well.

   Those who do not plan for the eternal life are not enough to seek for a moment.

  Far Eastern Frontier, Planet Havers.

  Afelan looked around the battle hall, his eyes became firm.

   There are no luxurious furnishings here.

   Its floors, walls, and ceilings are all made of dark bedrock.

   At the end of the hall, the sculpture of Ryan stands here.

  As Afran of the Overwatch Chapter, here he pays tribute to the father of his blood for the last time.

  The Overwatch has a very long history of building an army, and it belongs to the subgroup of the Dark Angels.

  Each chapter is traceable, and their superhuman strength stems from a great Primarch loyal to humanity, loyal to the Imperium.

  After the formation of the Wardens, they moved away from the political center of Terra, and went to the Far East to guard and prevent aliens from invading the human world.

  They have experienced countless battles and guarded mankind for thousands of years.

  After the Great Rift appeared, the Warden Chapter also lost contact with other brother chapters.

  Under the bombardment of countless help messages from the subspace, Afelan could only send out the Astartes monks in his hands.

  He cannot sit back and watch other imperial worlds fall and remain indifferent.

  Afelan sent troops to those worlds that asked for help to help them tide over the difficulties.

   And those **** aliens, the Tau Empire, who claimed to be the future master of the galaxy, took the opportunity to launch an attack.

  It can be said to be despicable and shameless, taking advantage of others' danger.

   But Afelan also knew that it was pointless to condemn the enemy, the galaxy was so cruel.

  The only thing he can do is to prevent the Tau Empire from invading as much as possible, and ask for support from other brother troops of the Empire.

  However, the appearance of the big rift made all the astronomical messages for help disappear.

   At this point, Afran knew he was heading for failure.

  The Watcher Legion can only garrison monastic fortresses.

   "Forgive me." Afelan looked at Ryan's sculpture, and said with some pain, "My mission may have ended here, and I will die willingly."

  Heavy footsteps came from behind Afelan.

  The steel boots stepped on the floor made of bedrock, making a dull impact sound.

  A warrior wearing scarred armor came in, the sword on his waist and the decoration collided with each other, and the crisp sound echoed in the hall.

   "Andorra, Aldama lost contact, those damned blueskins are advancing to the monastery." The warrior said.

   Afelan turned his head to look at the warrior, and there was no undamaged area on the opponent's armor.

  The gloss of the surface has disappeared, the paint has been worn to reveal the exposed ceramic steel, and there are marks left by rapid welding in some places.

   Since the Tau Empire came to the surface, they have waged several wars.

   "How many are they?" Afran asked.

"An army." The soldier said, "the initial estimate is about 60,000 people. A large number of them are well-trained and have fierce firepower. The defenders on the planet Havers have been beaten and disabled, and we gathered some of the remnants. "

   "How many of us are there?"

   "There are still a hundred Astartes monks, and there are about 3,000 remnants of the defenders gathered."

   "Is this our last strength?" Afran said.

   "Yes, the last power, the message for help sent by the astropath has not received any response, and we are alone and helpless."

   "Then let's prepare for the final battle." Afelan put his hand on the warrior's shoulder armor, "Those damned blueskins will know that the price they paid to defeat the space warrior is unacceptable."

  Afelan walked out of the battle hall and walked out along the road in the center of the cathedral.

  The last warriors of the Watchmen gathered together, singing the song of the lion.

   They are the sons of the noble Lion.

   They never forgot that they came from Caliban, nor that they would belong to the Emperor's Throne.

  All warriors are black armor, many of the original spray paint has been worn out in battle, the blood and the flames of the battlefield reshape the color of their armor, making them black.

  Afelan stands on the cathedral's pulpit, the priest stands on his left.

   He gazed at the last of the Chapter Brothers.

   There are only a hundred people left.

   Which includes more than half of the new blood.

  They have not experienced any battles. Because of the emergency, they had to be forcibly awakened from the sublimation of blood in advance, put on the armor of their ancestors, and plunge into this war that will not win.

  Afelan didn't speak, he sang along with the other brothers, using his singing to strengthen the blood bond of the gene father in their bodies.

  They will fight side by side.

   Together they will go to death.

   This is the last singing.

   When it is over, they will embark on the road of sacrifice for the Primarch and the Emperor.

  A tall Dreadnought was mixed among them, and a disabled veteran was sleeping in the sarcophagus.

  He's roaring out the lyrics through a megaphone, and it's awful.

   But no one cares.

   Tears flowed down Afelan's face, the Watcher will be wiped out.

  The new blood is cut off, and the old soldiers die.

   This defeat was a fatal blow to the Warband from which they would never recover.

  When the song of the lion came to an end, Afelan put away his last sorrow.

   Never let the enemy see your weakness.

   When the last echoes faded from the cathedral's stele, Afelan regained its former peace.

  The voice he spoke was firm and clear, and all the brothers listened to him.

"The Lion's Fury flows in our blood. Even though the Primarch has been gone for countless years, his power still flows in our body. Maybe this battle will become our last battle, but the blood of Lion will never die." Not cut off."

"Those xenos thought they were going to win, no, we're going to tell them to defeat the Space Marines at a price they couldn't afford. Chaos spread throughout the Imperium, and all worlds fell into turmoil and darkness. Even Terra There is no more information, but we will never compromise, the darkness will be defeated, and the future belongs to mankind."

  Afelan raised the weapon in his hand, "We will be united, we will go hand in hand, let us go out together, embrace our common blood, the son of Ryan will never be cowardly."

   "Son of Llane, never cowardly."

   "Son of Llane, never cowardly."

   "Son of Llane, never cowardly."

  The last watchmen shouted slogans and made their final roar.

   Their voices shook the monastery.

   "Glorious death, the final battle." Afelan shouted.

   "We're about to win."

  Tiwa stared at the Huoshi warriors in front of him, they were full of energy and fighting spirit.

  No one doubts the veracity of Tivar's words.

  Humanity is retreating steadily, and those huge cities have surrendered, leaving only the last stronghold of resistance.

   "Let us spread the supreme goodness to this world and let them know that this era no longer belongs to them."

  The commander's voice sounded from the comm, inspiring the warriors of the Fire Clan.

  They all clenched their fists and beat their chests to show their loyalty to the ether, and issued an oath before the battle.

   will surely win.

   "Attack, complete the final hunt." Tiwa shouted, he activated the propulsion device on the battle suit, jumped into the sky, flew over the city, and flew towards the final battlefield.

  The Huo family who were in charge of the assault also followed his example, turned on the thrusters, and rushed to the last bastion of the empire.

  On the ground, the heavy bipedal walking tank is also taking heavy steps amidst the electromagnetic hiss.

   They are huge in size, one level larger than Dreadnought.

  The driver's nervous system is directly connected to the sensor and the operation center, so that each other can be well integrated.

  Huge electromagnetic and plasma cannons are installed under their shoulders, which looks full of technology.

  As they approached the majestic, unaesthetic fortress, the defensive artillery also began to attack the Tau Empire's Huoshi warriors.

  Tiwa activates the tactical module and sets the evasion value so that the combat suit can avoid the dense artillery.

  The monastery has set up its shield.

   Although the technology of the human empire is barbaric, it should not be underestimated.

  The shield can resist starship-level bombing. With the weapons in their hands, it is impossible to break the shield head-on.

  The only way is to slow down the speed of the combat suit to a low speed enough to pass through the shield.

  Reducing the speed also brings a certain crisis.

   After all, human artillery is not vegetarian.

  The anti-aircraft guns fired continuously, forming a covering firepower.

  Many Huo clan fighters suffered from the firepower of the human defenders, and their battle suits were torn apart by the huge explosion.

  Tiwa saw that the online signals of several of his comrades turned gray, and then disappeared from the display panel.

  He took a risky look twice, and the Huoshi warrior who was hit turned into thick smoke and an explosion in the sky, only fragmented limbs splashed with the power of the explosion.

   "Hateful," Tivar whispered, full of rage.

  These **** humans, the Tau Empire has brought salvation, but they still have to resist so stubbornly, they really don't know what to do.

   After crossing the shield, the titanium tile reduced the power of the propeller and fell directly from a high altitude, with the rail gun in its hand shooting continuously.

  The bodies of those human defenders were instantly blown to pieces under the attack of supersonic bullets.

  Titanium tiles fell to the ground, and within a short while, at least ten corpses had fallen near him.

  A look of horror appeared on the faces of the defenders. Fleeing back in a panic.

   Their equipment is nothing compared to the Tau Empire.

  Tivar tasted the fear of these foolish humans, and he continued to shoot without mercy.

   Didn't surrender to the Highest Good Dao immediately, these guys should all be executed.

  Tiwa uses the mobility of the battle suit to shuttle across the battlefield.

  Using the guidance of the tactical system of the combat uniform, a group of drones flew past according to Tiwa's wishes.

  Heavy machine guns and machine bees acted as attacking firepower units, sweeping up those heavy weapon strongholds for him, and suppressing them.

  Scout drones provide him with battlefield intelligence.

  Comprehensive battlefield information and superior firepower suppression allow Tiwa to take all the advantages in fighting on the battlefield.

   Before the enemy found him, he had already locked on the opponent.

  Many enemies are ignorant of this.

  Until the moment of death, they also looked blank, ignorant of the enemies who hunted and killed them.

  Relying on the crushing of technology, Titanium tile easily harvests those idiots who don't know how to surrender to the best way.

  Another shot blasted the heads of the human defenders, and the outer defense line of humans announced a breakthrough.

  Tiwa and several other Huoshi fighters restarted their propulsion engines and flew up to a high place.

  The Emperor's Angels in black armor began to appear.

  They raised their bolters and fired at the Fire Warriors.

   This is much more dangerous than those puny mortal troops whose shots never miss.

  A bolter hit Tiwa's body, shaking him.

   Immediately after, more bombs hit him.

   Fortunately, a heavy shield drone helped him block the fire.

  The heavy shield drone exploded at a high altitude, and the power of the explosion made the flight of the titanium tile shake violently.

  The Emperor's Angels formed their respective ranges, leaving the Fire Warriors in chaos.

   "Don't panic, fight back, and ask for fire support." Tiwa comforted, and asked the rear to fire.

  Ten seconds later, dozens of drones swarmed in, and dense lasers shot at those emperor angels overwhelmingly.

  In the sky, several missiles whizzed towards the opponent's defensive stronghold dragging their flame tails.

  The two Emperor Angels were directly blown away, and their fragmented bodies fell from the high wall.

  Others also hid, greatly reducing the pressure on the flying Huoshi warriors.

  The advantage of the Tau Empire lies in its firepower and highly integrated combat system.

  Titanium knows this very well.

  He will never waste the strengths of the Tau and fight against the Empire.

   What you want is fire suppression, what you want is crushing.

   Wearing a battle suit, the titanium tiles used propellers to fly high into the sky, then fell from the sky like a heavy bone crusher, and fell heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.

   "Your time has come, stupid savage creatures."

   Titanium tile shouted.

  His voice rose above the billowing smoke, cheering up the other Fire's warriors.

  Titanium tile kept pulling the trigger, and the rail gun in his hand kept firing.

  The Rail Assault Rifle is a powerful weapon capable of piercing enemy armor and shields with ease.

  Even the armor of the Emperor Angel can be easily broken.

  Other Huo clans also rushed up one after another, forming a firepower suppression on the emperor's angels.

   These guys are formidable opponents.

  According to the research of the Tau Empire and the information provided by those humans, these guys were built by the corpse emperor who has become a skeleton, endowed with terrible power, and are the strongest fighters of the empire.

   These guys are also some of the most fearsome warriors in the galaxy.

  Wherever they went, no planet dared to stand against them.

  Many planets wanted to be independent, but were scared by these terrible dictator thugs and forced to continue to submit to Terra.

  Fire will end their myth.

  The Titanium Empire will replace the Human Empire and become the overlord of the galaxy, bringing peace and a future to all races in the galaxy.

   "For the higher good." Tiwa hit an Emperor's Angel, and the helmeted head of the opponent was blown to pieces.

  Huo's fighters broke into the fortress with advanced technology and overwhelming numbers.

  The battle was fought hard.

   Those emperor angels are not something to mess with.

  Firing furiously, the savage weapons slew Tivar's comrades, leaving the dead torn apart and strewn with dismembered remains.

   Unfortunately, there are so few of them.

  The Tau Empire has tens of thousands of soldiers, and there is a steady stream of support.

  Tiwa and others finally won.

   The Emperor's Angels retreated, and their leader finally retreated into their halls.

  Fire warriors surrounded the hall, trying to capture the commander alive.

   "Give up, you have already failed." Tiwa stood outside, with the heavy shield machine bee in front of him.

  Emperor Angel is very stubborn, as long as there is a slight chance, he will not hesitate to drag his opponent to death.

  Tiwa must be prepared not to be dragged to death by the other party.

   "Dream, aliens. You will surely meet the wrath of the empire." Afelan held his battle ax and yelled at the aliens outside the door.

   At his feet lay the corpses of more than a dozen Huoshi warriors.

  They tried to capture Afelan by force, but he killed him and became his spoils before death.

   "Stupid, the highest good is superior to your beliefs. Under the leadership of the ether, you will get hope and a future." Tiwa said.

   "Bah." Afelan spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm, "Your promises make me sick. When you understand the cruelty of this universe, you will know that the so-called supreme good is nothing but a scam."

  Tiwa frowned.

  This guy's mind is extremely stubborn, and it seems that there is no need to continue to win him over.

   Don't waste any more time and the lives of Fire's warriors.

go to hell.

  Tiwa waved his hand and ordered all the troops to move forward.

  Since the opponent does not surrender, it can only be wiped out.

   Just a pathetic guy.

  Huo's fighters swarmed in, and the drones fired at the same time.

   Afelan uttered a battle cry, shouted Ryan's name, and launched the final attack.

   But he was facing hundreds of Huoshi fighters and a huge number of drones.

  Even if he showed fearless courage, it was difficult to change the final outcome.

   "A son of a lion, never a coward."

   Before being hit in the head by a magnetic rail bomb, Afran shouted the last slogan.

  The heavy body crashed down.

   fell on the bodies of those dead Fire warriors.

  He killed many enemies by himself.

  Unfortunately, he failed to win the final victory.

   "Stupid belief." Tiva walked to Afelan's side, and said disdainfully, "Stupid creature, the lion in your mouth can't save you, and the human empire is doomed."

  [Enter the physical space. ]

  The voice of the machine came from the mouth of the machine slave.

  Many crew members running back and forth.

  The controlling officers looked nervous.

  The subspace is very active, just like the waves of the sea are surging.

   They must be careful to ensure that this magnificent fortress will not be destroyed by the power of the warp.

  The power of the non-material world expands and tightens, and the space-time structure of the real universe is torn apart with a desperate scream.

   Accompanied by bursts of unclean light, the majestic and huge stone fortress broke free from the subspace and returned to the real universe.

  The wall suddenly opened the circulation pipe, spraying scalding steam.

  The air in the fortress was also released as the gravity device stabilized, and the shock wave swept across the huge fortress.

  The energy supply system stabilized with a crackling sound.

  The plasma energy stack supplies energy to each system to the greatest extent.

   The flickering lumen light became steady.

  All systems are running smoothly under the control of mechanical priests and technical sergeants.

   They escaped the terrible warp space storm, and escaped from that dangerous place, and came to a certain place in the galaxy.

In the vast hall of the Megalith Fortress, Azrael, Ezekiel, Boris and many other dark angels knelt on one knee, holding an unactivated weapon in one hand, and clenched one hand into a fist on their chest s position.

   Even the heavy Dauntless raised his weapon, expressing the greatest respect.

  On the throne in the hall, a tall, giant-like man sat on the throne.

  He rested his elbows on the arm of the carved chair, his fingers folded in front of him, barely touching his lips.

   Blonde hair cascaded back, unblinking savage green eyes unique to the Caliban Forest.

  He stared at the holographic projection in front of him, and the picture recorded for him with an optical device.

  Every Dark Angel expresses absolute surrender and allegiance to him.

  Because this man is the Lord of the First Legion, the Primarch of the Dark Angels, the Emperor's eldest son, the First Eldar, the Lion King, and the Emperor's Keeper of Secrets.

  In the empire, only the regent of the empire who holds an important position can overwhelm him in name.

   "Where have we been?" Ryan looked at Azrael, the great mentor of the Dark Angel, and asked casually.

   "Now we are in a remote galaxy, my lord. According to the analysis of the thinker's database, this is the Far East Frontier, Planet Havers, a secondary industrial planet."

  His eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

  Even the tone of his speech was a little uncontrollable excitement.

  A technical sergeant hurried in.

   "My lord, Planet Havers didn't respond to our inquiry, but instead sent a signal from a strange shape. They declared that we had invaded their territory and asked us to disarm immediately and accept their inspection."

   "Alien?" Ryan frowned slightly.

   "Yes, a signal of a different shape. After preliminary analysis by the technical sergeant, it is believed that the signal belongs to the Tau Empire." The technical sergeant nodded a few times, and answered Ryan's words.

   "This belongs to the Empire, no matter what happened before, it belongs to the Empire now. Let them go, or shoot them all down."

   Ryan stood up.

  During the Great Crusade, he traveled to the edge of the galaxy, strangling the aliens.

  He knew those aliens were abominable.

   They are the minions of Chaos, or part of it.

   The Empire has never been kind to the aliens.

  As the executioner of the alien, it is even more impossible for Ryan to compromise on the alien.

   Regardless of whether this planet has fallen, or has never been controlled by humans.

   Now, it's all part of the empire.

  Those opposing races and forces will be turned into dust in the universe, and no one will remember them.

   Standing in the control room of the main battleship of the fortress, Commander Xia looked at the display screen in front of him, his blue face became ugly.

  A gigantic fortress came to this starry sky with a huge fleet.

  The golden double-headed eagle above is very clear.

   This symbol tells the many Tau fleets which side this sudden fleet belongs to.


   This mysterious, sudden arrival of the fleet belongs to the Imperium of Man.

   That corrupt, cruel, but extremely terrifying empire.

   "How could they be so fast?" Commander Xia's tone became serious, "Outside, it often takes decades, or even hundreds of years for them to react."

  The Titanium Empire's research on the human empire can be said to be very thorough.

  The human empire is powerful.

   But the huge size makes them extremely inefficient in everything they do.

  A counterattack may take decades, hundreds of years to prepare.

   But now, they have just captured the Havers galaxy, and the punishment of the human empire has come.

  It was so fast that people were caught off guard.

   Of course, he will not be afraid.

"Issuing an order to the Tau Empire troops near Havers, let them support us as quickly as possible. The size of this fleet far exceeds the human fleet in the old Damocles battle. Control, and we risk losing a string of newly acquired worlds."

  Commander Xia has great confidence in the Tau Empire, thinking that this fleet might bring some trouble.

   But the final outcome must be the final victory of the Tau Empire.

   You know, the human empire is too corrupt.

  In the past, in the battle of Damocles with troops several times larger than that of the Tau Empire, they were all forced to leave in embarrassment.

  The Tau Empire suffered heavy casualties only after leaving 50% of the troops and using the method of dying together.

  Nowadays, the Tau Empire's military strength is getting stronger and stronger, and it has also created a star tide hub, a giant technology that can quickly jump stars.

  They were able to give the human empire a head-on blow on Havers planet, letting them know that this galaxy no longer belongs to them.

  The human empire has fallen into unprecedented chaos, and this is the best time for the rise of the Tau Empire.

   It is absolutely impossible for Havers Planet to be returned to humans.

   "Send an alarm to all the troops and tell them that the battle is not over yet, and those human reinforcements are coming."

  The harsh siren sounded.

   Echoed in every corner of the entire Haversian planet.

  Tianwa, who had just conquered the Watchmen Chapter, looked confused.

  He looked up to the sky, and the commander's voice came through the communication.

  "The battle is not over yet, human reinforcements are coming, get ready and give them a head-on blow."

  Hearing this, Tiwa clicked the button on the side of the helmet, revealing a blue face.

  He looked up into the sky and smiled.

  Those stupid, inefficient humans react so quickly this time, it's really surprising.

   "Another wonderful hunt." Tiwa whispered, "I don't know what kind of prey I will get this time."

  In the various hives of the planet Havers, the personnel of the Tau Empire who were accepting the surrender of the dignitaries of humans also heard the sirens.

  These Tushi in charge of diplomacy did not panic in the slightest.

  After many battles, they have understood that the Human Empire is a paper tiger.

   Backward technology, ignorant personnel, inefficient administration, and old-fashioned tactics.

  The only way for them to win the Tau Empire is to use their huge size to crush them, otherwise there is no chance of winning.

  In the past, the Tau Empire would still be terrified of the huge size of the human empire, and would not dare to be too radical to stimulate this decaying ancient force.

  But now, the human empire has encountered unprecedented changes, and the entire empire has been torn apart.

  Their main force was fighting fires everywhere, unable to take care of the frontier affairs at all.

   The Imperial forces without numerical superiority are no match for the Tau Empire at all.

  Even if reinforcements came, it would be death, not a problem.

"We swear our allegiance to the supreme good and the great ether forever. You have saved us, please don't let us return to that terrible dictatorial empire." A dignitary carefully made a promise in front of the Tushi diplomats, The same goes for other nobles.

   "Don't worry, everything will be safe." The earth's diplomats said in standard Gothic language, "The best way will defeat that decaying empire."

   "Please be careful, the troops of the Human Empire are very fanatical, and they will do whatever it takes to regain the territory of the corpse emperor." The dignitary said.

"There is no need to worry." The earth's diplomat comforted: "We have made all preparations, and the fleets of other worlds are waiting to support us at any time. The Tau Empire has complete industrial capabilities, and the potential for war is not rotten humans. Empires are comparable."

   "Long live the ether, the glory of the supreme good is immortal, and it will surely shine on the galaxy."

  The dignitary said piously, making the Tushi diplomats smile with satisfaction.

   After the other party left, another dignitary came over.

   "Is it really okay for us to do this?"

   "There is a good saying in Gutera, which is that those who know the current affairs are the best."

   "But now, the empire's support has arrived, what if these blue skins lose?"

   "Losing? How did you lose? You didn't see that the Zombie Empire was defeated by the Tau Empire before. We can gain more trust from them by expressing our position in advance."

   "I always feel that this is not good. We should be safe and wait until they defeat the imperial reinforcements."

"It will be too late, and you have to surrender as soon as possible. You can't even drink the soup. Now, immediately go and push all the sculptures in the emperor's churches to pave the road, and immediately let the craftsmen begin to carve the great Lord Ethereal." ."

   "Is it really necessary to go too far?"

   "What is this too much? We are already planning to mess with the Tau Empire. Why keep those things? It's all ruined."

  The radical words of that dignitary have been supported by others, and they have already surrendered, so it is better to do it thoroughly.

   In this way, they can also show their determination to the Tau Empire.

  Those who opposed it finally agreed.

   After all, with so many conflicts, the Tau Empire basically had the last laugh.

   This time, it seems that there will be no exception.

  The emperor is dead, the ether shall stand.

   Chapter name is wrong again, sorry

  (end of this chapter)