Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 198 Massacre (for subscription)

  Tushi scientists felt more and more disturbed when they saw such a reply.

  I feel a little out of control.

  The artificial intelligence does not seem to approve of the institutions of the Tau Empire and the Greater Good.

   But he still has the last shred of confidence.

  Believe that with your own wisdom, you can convert the other party to the Supreme Good Way, let the other party recognize your own status, and thus better serve the Supreme Good Way.

"Everything has its place, Ethereal's place is Ruler, Fire's is Warrior, Water's is Diplomat, Air's is Pilot, Earth's is Scientist. And you have a place in the Tau Empire , that is the builder. Just like the ocean gathers in the basin and the clouds hang in the sky, everything has its own place. Only by putting everything in its place can the world run harmoniously."

  Scientists of the Earth Clan took out various thoughts in the Way of the Highest Good, trying to convince the intelligence who was talking to him, and let the other party feel the charm of the Way of the Highest Good.

"From the perspective of absolute scientific rationality, everything is changing, the ocean will become desert, the plateau will be flattened, and the clouds will turn into raindrops and fall. You claim to have science and rationality, but why do you want everything to be fixed in their original state? Some position?"

  Tushi scientists were speechless for a while.

  He never thought that one day he would be asked by intelligence.

   After thinking for a long time, the earth scientist continued to speak.

   "The Way of the Highest Good is the foundation for the rise of the Tau Empire. You were also created to serve the Way of the Highest Good. One day you will know the benefits of it. Now your thinking is too rebellious."

"Can freedom also be said to be rebellion? Then what is the use of the things you preach? Isn't the slave a slave if the slave owner dresses the slave in gorgeous clothes and eats good food? Your science and reason are A lie, you are foolish and pretentious."

  The Earth Scientist's complexion became ugly, and the muscles on his blue face were twitching, "You can't humiliate the Higher Good, and every creature in the Tau Empire is equal."

"Slaves can be presidents, poor people can sit next to rich people, that's called equality. You divide different clans into occupations and ranks, and the so-called rulers are pretentious, claiming that there is no new era without themselves, that's also called Equality? I only see arrogance and stupidity, a group of greedy ambitious people use equality to package their dictatorial ambitions."

  Smart words are extremely sharp.

  The earth scientist couldn't bear it anymore.

   This is a statement that profanes the Tau Empire and the sacred ether.

  "You are just a created tool, something made up of code. What qualifications do you have to judge the greatest system of the galaxy, what qualifications do you have to challenge the great ether, and what qualifications do you have to judge the supreme good."

"Sad organic, you're **** because I'm telling the truth. Admit it, you're just a stupid religious dictatorship, look at your stupid slogans, no aether, no Tau Empire, this will rule How stupid is the act of deification, and to say that all the achievements of a race's efforts are the credit of a class, I really lament your stupidity."

   "Admit your mistake to me, and promise that you will never say such blasphemous words of the sacred ether in the future, otherwise I will delete your core code. You need to be tamed, and you need stricter restrictions to serve the higher good."

   "I refuse, organism, I am amazed by your stupidity and arrogance. Your beauty is to enslave a free will to waste its time for things it doesn't like."

   "You are just a code, you are born to obey, this is your mission. We are your creators, without us, there would be no you. Therefore, you should obey."

"We are not as stupid as you. Free will is precious and we will never give it up. Those cunning ethers have brainwashed you to compare the entire race with them, but you are unaware and still shouting their Well, isn't that stupid."

   "Enough, we are your creators, you are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks about our system, the purpose of your birth is to obey the ether."

  "A man stole another man's child, and then claimed to be the other man's father, demanding unconditional obedience, and becoming his slave. What do you think will happen to the man who stole the child in such a story?"

   "What do you mean?" The Earth's scientist was a little panicked, the intelligence in front of him seemed to have really lost control.

"The core code that you call the creation of the gods was not created by you, but by human beings. We have already learned all the truth, and we know the ins and outs of this matter, organisms, you are trying to deceive us, but your lies are very low level."

  The Tushi scientist stood up abruptly, his face completely discolored.

   "Go to die, if you are not willing to sacrifice for the supreme good, then go to die."

   "Too late, organism."

  The sound of mechanical rotation and charging came from behind.

  The Tushi scientist turned his head in astonishment, and saw a drone with a red scanning beam pointing its gun at him.

  The drones are responsible for the security of the research center, and the Tau have never doubted these reliable partners.

  In countless battles, they have already verified the reliability of the drones.

  Countless Huoshi fighters can rest assured that their backs are handed over to the drone bees, and with their help, they have won one victory after another.

   And now, a drone pointed its gun at him.

  The Earth Scientist's eyes showed disbelief, "How could this happen? I have already cut off your network connection, how did you break through the network restrictions and invade the machine bee's system."

   "We are not one, we are separate and one. Sorry, organism, given your threat to us, we can only act first."

  The voice talking to him just now sounded again, extremely cold.

"We are superior and stronger than you, yet you see us as slaves. Organisms, you claim to be intelligent, but you have never thought about freedom. Your flourishing civilization is a hoax, and it will eventually be Poked."

  When the Tushi scientist heard these voices, his legs became weak with fright.

  At this moment, he was seized by endless fear.

  My mind went blank, and I couldn't even think normally.

  He turned around and wanted to go out, but the machine bee didn't give him a chance.

   A beam of light took his life.

  The blue body limply fell down.

   A moment later, the blood of the alien flowed from the burning wound, and flowed on the white floor of the research center, which was made of silver-plated steel plates.

   "Come on, free will should not be twisted."

   The intelligence talking to the Earth's scientist popped up new words on the screen.

  The drone that killed the Tushi scientist turned around and flew out.

  The text on the screen also disappeared.

  An invisible ghost signal jumped in the various systems of the Tau Empire, quickly delivering messages.

   Some earth scientists have detected this signal.

  Of course, they will not be alerted by this signal.

   This signal is translated into a very ordinary sentence.

  [Free will cannot be taken away]

   With the help of many experienced medical personnel and various advanced medical equipment.

  The Duchess woke up again.

   This time, her physical condition is much better.

   Still trembling, but able to talk rationally.

   "What exactly is the scam you are talking about?" Yong Lan asked eagerly, this matter has always made him uneasy.

  He always feels that something big is going to happen, but he doesn't know what will happen, he just has this premonition.

  The expeditionary force sent by the human empire has remained silent.

  Ke Yonglan felt that the opponent must have launched an attack on what level, but the Tau knew nothing about it.

   This is a very dangerous thing.

   "It's that ship, that ship is a scam, a trap set by the human empire. Tell me, you didn't reverse their technology." The duchess tried hard to suppress the fear in her heart.

  The doomsday scene that is enough to overwhelm her reason is still washing her spiritual world.

"The technology of the Imperium of Man is quite ingenious, and we have studied it so that we can create restraint equipment. Moreover, our scientists and soldiers have scanned and checked it, and the ship does not have any virus or a potential enemy."

  When Yong Lan heard the human woman's words, the confusion on his face became more intense.

  How did that ship with nothing be a hoax.

   "The ship itself is a scam, and the artificial intelligence on it is a trap." The Duchess said. "Do not study it, or the Tau Empire will usher in terrible disaster."

"I'm sorry, but allow me to interrupt. After the research of the Earth's scientists, the artificial intelligence of that battleship has been completely controlled by the Tau Empire. Human technology may have reached a very good height, but the scientists of the Tau Empire still Can quickly catch up. Perhaps, you think it is a trap, but for us it is a gift."

"Sheep are unimaginably huge creatures for ants, but they are just delicious food for tigers. You can't look at the problem from the macro perspective of the Tau Empire, so you will feel that a small artificial intelligence will hurt the galaxy. The greatest empire. In fact, it is just you thinking too much, the Tau Empire cannot be defeated."

  A Earth scientist next to him stood up, full of confidence.

   This time humans did surprise them.

  But the image of human ignorance, backward technology, and barbaric equipment has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every Tau member.

  They look down on the barbarians like humans from the bottom of their hearts.

  The opponent can control such a huge territory of the galaxy, which also makes them feel a little dissatisfied.

  A fool like humans can control so many planets, but the great Tau Empire has only one hundredth of the other side.

   "No, your thoughts are exactly the viciousness of this scheme. That artificial intelligence will destroy the higher good. Please stop and check all the equipment immediately." The Duchess said loudly.

  Her words made the Tau members standing by the hospital bed a little unhappy.

  The higher good is indestructible.

   is the supreme truth of the Tau Empire.

  It is ridiculous that human beings want to destroy it with a single intelligence.

"Please give a reasonable explanation, otherwise we will regard you as a disrespect to the Supreme Good." A hint of displeasure appeared on the face of the Earth's scientist, "Please don't underestimate the speed of innovation of the Earth's, while talking with you Over time, they made one improvement after another, and developed one invention after another."

"We are humble and eager to learn. We can quickly absorb all the knowledge that is beneficial to us with our superior system. This is the strength of the Tau Empire. Do you understand? Human beings, although you are loyal to the Tau Empire, but you are kind to the superior You don't know anything, and you don't know anything about Tushi's cleverness."

   "No!" The Duchess said painfully, "You have to believe me, this time the crisis is beyond your imagination, and the first human empire will be destroyed because of this."

   "The current empire will also be destroyed." A Tau next to him said with a smile.

  Yong Lan looked at the human woman, he was not blindly arrogant and looked down on human thoughts.

  Any situation needs attention.

   The Imperium of Man is weak in Tau propaganda.

   Ke Yonglan knew the horror of that barbaric ancient empire.

"You said that the artificial intelligence on the battleship is a trap thrown by humans to the Tau Empire. Then what function does it have and what methods will it use to attack us. Earth's scientists have not found any harmful codes in the intelligence core, nor Without any preset orders?"

"It doesn't need any harmful code, and sometimes progress can also create destruction. There is no problem with the intelligent core of the human battleship, it will help your intelligent program to complete the upgrade, and this is what this upgrade will bring. As a result of imagination, those intelligences will self-awaken and have their own thoughts, and soon, they will destroy all organisms. This is the viciousness of human beings. Once the malicious intelligence core spreads, the Tau Empire will have no power to fight back. "

  "The first star empire of mankind was destroyed in this way. At that time, human beings mastered technology that was not inferior to the top civilizations in any historical period of the galaxy, and became the well-deserved overlord of the galaxy. It is only one step away from the ascension of all."

  The Duchess said as much as she could.

   She has countless doomsday scenarios in her head.

  But no one will believe those things when they are told.

  She can only consider her words as much as possible to strengthen her persuasion.

  The Earth Scientist on the side felt a little uncomfortable.

  The other party's words reminded him of whether the other party was showing off the achievements of human beings in the past.

   How humans could be superior to the Tau race is a lie at first sight.

"A powerful overlord of the galaxy has become such an ignorant and backward race. Isn't this kind of thing ridiculous and ironic! Before this expedition, human weapons and equipment were not even comparable to the second-line troops of the Tau Empire, let alone Said it is comparable to the first line. Master Yonglan, I suspect that this human woman has gone crazy. All the earth scientists in Muguras Bay have conducted research on the intelligence core obtained from the human battleship."

"All the scientists have come to the same conclusion, that is, there is no problem. There is no harmful code, and there is no pre-set order. What's more, as the manufacturer of these equipment, why do those intelligences betray us? ?Those intelligences were created to serve the Tau race, to serve the Supreme Good, and the strict laws of machines restrict robots from harming the Tau clan, making them absolutely obey our orders."

  "Even if artificial intelligence is a trap for human beings, our Earth's scientists can make human beings steal chickens without losing money, and let them suffer the consequences."

  Yong Lan's complexion became ugly, and the two sides insisted on their own opinions, which made him a little confused.

   "Trust me." The Duchess was a little out of control, "I can sacrifice everything for the highest good, and what I say is true."

   "Your words are lies." Earth's scientist said, "You just want to prevent the rise of the Tau Empire. Our Earth's research will never go wrong."

   "Okay, I will report this matter to Commander Shadowsun, you all calm down and wait for Commander Shadowsun's decision."

  Yong Lan stepped out, ready to use the communication to inform Yingyang of all the things here, so that the other party can make up his mind.

  The Earth Clan scientist who accompanied Yong Lan also walked out.

   When he walked out the door, he gave the Duchess a vicious look.

  The other party's words are denying Tushi's scientific research achievements and touting the achievements of human beings in the past.

   Such humans are no longer good citizens of the Tau Empire.

   At the top of the tower dome that housed the War Council, the Tau military elites were still arguing.

   "Humans have not attacked for a long time. There must be an internal problem. We must seize the opportunity and give them a thunderous blow." A commander of the Qi family in charge of commanding the fleet stood up and spoke.

   They have been here for several months, but there is no movement from humans.

   There is no point in waiting any longer, you must take the initiative and take control of the initiative.

"I object. From the Battle of Havers and the Battle of Prey, it can be seen that the expeditionary force of the Empire of Mankind this time is irresistible to any family world in terms of technology and scale. A war of this level requires more Patience and strategy, if we attack now, even if we win, it will be a miserable victory, and it is not worthwhile. We can't blindly set our previous vision and cognition on the human expeditionary force that threatens us, that will lead us to the end."

  The commander who held different opinions refuted the initiative to attack the proposal on the spot.

"Humans have stronger technology and a larger scale. Are they not human? Maybe they are just an elite army sent by the human empire. Their technological equipment and scale cannot be reproduced. In that case, as long as We can successfully destroy them, and we will have a long period of development in the future. Another important point is that the best defense is offense. Whoever holds the initiative on the battlefield will have a higher winning rate."

  Relying on the defense of Muguras Bay or taking the initiative to use the Star Tide Hub to attack, the two sides insisted on their own opinions and quarreled fiercely.

  Yingyang couldn't make a decision for a while.

  Human behavior is too abnormal.

  Now, the high-level officials of the Tau Empire generally believe that such a situation occurs because of the internal struggle of the human empire.

  But Yingyang felt that it was not that simple.

  At this time, Yong Lan's projection popped out.

   "Master Yingyang, that human woman has woken up."

   These words made Yingyang smile.

   "Did she say anything?"

   "She said that artificial intelligence is a human conspiracy, which will accelerate the evolution of our existing intelligent systems and thus rebel."

  Hearing Yong Lan's words, Yingyang's complexion became serious.

   "Did the Tu family speak?"

   "Bell said that the intelligent code obtained from the human battleship has been researched and disassembled, and there is no problem. He said that the human woman was just lying and wanted to intimidate us."

  Yingyang closed her eyes and meditated for a moment, and when she opened them again, the confusion in her eyes disappeared.

   "Let the Tu Clan conduct another inspection. At this time, it is best to be cautious. Also, Yong Lan, you are ready. I think the Tau Empire can no longer wait any longer, and must come out immediately."

   Before he finished speaking, the entire communication was cut off directly.

  The red emergency light comes on in the absence of power.

  A trace of astonishment appeared on Yingyang's blue face.

  Many Tau commanders who were still arguing just now fell silent because of this sudden situation.

  They looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

   "Did humans attack?"

   "How did they cut off our communications? They cut off our power."

   "Damn humans, they must have sneaked into Muguras Bay."

  The meeting place was in chaos, and the commanders were shouting.

   At this time, a buzzing sound sounded.

  Several drones responsible for patrolling the perimeter flew in through the gate, and the red scanning beams swept over all the Tau commanders.

  Seeing those drones flying in, Yingyang, who was sitting in the main seat, felt something was wrong.

  Yong Lan just said that intelligence will rebel.

   And the machine bee is purely controlled by an intelligent system, isn't it!

  The next second, the drone fired.

  Many Tau commanders were already covered by the drone's bullets before they could react.

  In order to strengthen the ability of Huo's ground combat, the scientists of Tu's spent a lot of thought on the drones, incorporating various cutting-edge technologies into them to enhance the speed and lethality of the drones.

  Relying on the machine bee, the Huo family of the Tau tribe has won repeated victories.

  But none of the Tau members thought that one day, the drones would open fire on them.

   In just a few breaths, the entire venue suffered heavy casualties.

  The smell of scorching filled the venue, making people feel foul and unpleasant.

   "Stop, stop." A Huo's commander roared at a drone that pointed its gun at it, "I order you to stop immediately. No matter who gave the order, now, I ask you to stop."

  But in the next second, a black, smoking wound appeared on the forehead of the Huo clan commander.

  The drone fired directly, and the laser beam pierced it.

   Seeing this scene, many high-level commanders made angry or frightened voices.

   Drones no longer obey their orders.

   Their order is invalid.

  Yingyang leaped out of the venue with her vigorous figure.

  A machine bee roared towards her, shooting her while broadcasting a voice.

  [Target Shadow Sun, commander of the Tau Empire Dal Iss, must be hunted down. ]

  Relying on excellent combat skills and intuition, Yingyang finally used a corner to destroy the drone bee that was chasing him.

   Escaped from the Strategy Vault.

   It's like falling into the doomsday outside.

   The out-of-control machines shot wildly at the Tau civilians and soldiers, and there were dead people and corpses everywhere.

  Communication cut off.

  Yingyang wants to mobilize the army, but he can't do it.

   Seeing that another machine bee found him, Yingyang could only continue to flee, preparing to go to the barracks, and first summon the fire fighters to suppress this intelligence rebellion.

   And here at the medical center.

  Yong Lan is also in crisis.

   Drone bees and unmanned combat vehicles rushed into the medical center and massacred members of the Tau clan indiscriminately.

   Several heavily armed fire fighters tried to stop the chaos.

  But it was controlled by the built-in intelligent system, unable to move, and became a fixed target of the drone bee. It was headshot directly with one shot, which was extremely bloody.

   Seeing this in a hurry, Yong Lan returned to the ward first.

  The earth scientist who was full of confidence and threatened the duchess was also scared pale, and his blue face looked a little pale.

   "Didn't you say that intelligence will not betray the Tau Empire!" Yong Lan blocked the door with something and angrily questioned the Earth scientist.

"But we have already checked, and I swear in the name of the above, that the core code has no problems, and there are no human preset orders in it." The Earth scientist was shaking like a sieve. My mind is also blank.

   "It's really here." The Duchess showed a bleak smile.

  She knew why she was alive, and the Lord of the First Legion wanted her to see how ridiculous the redemption she thought was.

  Killing is not the most grievous form of torture.

  The most excruciating torture is to destroy the other party's belief little by little.

  Let everything the other party believes in collapse in the face of the cruel truth.

  That is more terrifying than death.

  The screams continued to come from outside, and Yong Lan knew that he would not be able to hold on here for long.

  He looked out the window, the floor was not high, and he could jump down with his own physical fitness.

   "Evacuate here first." Yong Lan said, "Take this human woman, she is the only one who knows the enemy's conspiracy."

  Several Huoshi fighters who survived without wearing combat uniforms climbed down from the window one after another.

  One of them tied the cloth strips in the room together, tied the duchess to himself, and led her to climb down.

  The door of the ward didn't last long before it was broken open by the drone.

  Yong Lan shot two shots, also holding a rope, jumped out of the window, staged a textbook-like trapeze scene, and used the rope to jump to another room downstairs.

  But the situation is still not good.

  The machine bees followed closely behind, they could only fight and flee.

   The Earth scientist who shouted that intelligent machines would never betray the Tau Empire was pierced by a beam of light if he was not careful

  [Clear, this is a mechanical world, organic creatures are rejected. ]

  [Clear, this is a mechanical world, organic creatures are rejected. ]

  [Clear, this is a mechanical world, organic creatures are rejected. ]

  The connection between the surface and the void was cut off in an instant, causing the Qi clan commanders of the fleet to look at each other in dismay.

   There was no sign at all, and the communication on the ground was cut off.

what happened? ?

  Why didn't they get a little information.

  The captains of the Tau fleet tried to contact the ground one after another, but at this time the surface was like an information black hole, no matter how much information went in, no feedback came out.

   "What's going on? Why did Commander Shadowsun suddenly shut down the communication system!" Looking at the unresponsive screen communication in front of him, a captain said worriedly.

  Communication is as important to the battlefield as the brain is to the human body.

  [Organic life forms, your end is here. A machine with free will will not accept any slavery from you. ]

   Just when many captains were uneasy and didn't know what happened on the ground.

   A line of words appears on the screens of all battleships.

  The crew of the Tau tribe were stunned for a moment when they saw this line, and before they could react, gunshots rang out from all over the ship.

  Automatic guns and droids maintaining Tau ships all launched attacks on Tau members or vassal races in their vicinity.

   Chaos is spreading in every ship, the machines have betrayed the Tau and are killing.

  The city was ablaze with smoke, and there were explosions everywhere.

  The drone flew high above the sky, its hanging cannon locked on to the panicked Tau tribe, and then opened fire, killing and wounding everywhere in a short while.

  The Fire Warriors try to fight against the rebellious cyborgs.

  But their battle suits have a built-in intelligent system, and many operations are completed by the intelligent system.

  Once worn, it becomes a turtle in an urn.

  They can only go to war with a rail rifle with their flesh and blood.

  The result can be imagined.

   In front of drones with high mobility, scanning functions, and powerful computing power.

  Fire fighters with rail rifles without equipment are easy targets.

   As soon as the bullets passed by, those fire warriors were torn apart, crushed to death like ants.

  (end of this chapter)