Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 209 I will witness the rise of the terrorist empire with my own eyes (subscribe)

  Short half a year.

  The original small town has changed a lot, and it can't be seen that it is the small town at the beginning of the industrial age.

  The original houses and city walls are gone.

   Instead, there are various steel factories, as well as automatic guns and defensive arrays.

  Even the name of the town has changed.

   Now known as Empire 1 Exploration Outpost.

  Qiu Chen, who was captured and surrendered again, watched the changes in the town in the past few months.

  I feel like I am having a very unreal dream.

  All kinds of steel buildings rose from the ground visible to the naked eye.

  Especially the one in the center, it can be said to be tall and majestic, towering into the clouds.

  Qiu Chen had never seen such a magnificent building in his previous life.

   He was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

  In the core area of ​​the base, a refusion energy reactor was established.

  This kind of energy pile can be said to be the pinnacle of material energy in the real universe.

  It can allow heavy elements such as carbon, but elements that are not metal elements, to fuse for energy.

  In addition to providing sufficient and clean energy, this energy pile can also provide metal elements.

  The priority for nuclear fusion is hydrogen, helium, which has few electrons and is unstable, to carry out fusion reactions.

  Most stars also use this element for nuclear fusion.

  However, heavy element fusion can use relatively stable carbon elements.

  After the fusion of carbon elements, more stable metal elements will be formed, such as iron, silver or other small amounts of metal elements.

  A large amount of coal is used as fusion energy and is continuously fed into the huge fusion furnace.

  The light from the furnace formed a beam of light, piercing directly into the sky, like a lightsaber with the hilt facing down and the tip facing up.

  Heavy element fusion provides a nearly unlimited source of energy.

  Countless factories started working under the control of the thinker array.

  The roar of the factory shook the ground.

  The terrible sound is like a wild head, and the deep roar of a prehistoric beast that disappeared in the ancient past.

  The light of science and technology created by iron and fire shines again in this world.

   Apart from being shocked, Qiu Chen could see new changes every day.

  When he thought the empire could only do this.

  But they are often slapped in the face.

   Those imperial people can always come up with something that surprises him even more.

  The New Testament City plan failed.

   Far from killing these strangers, the demon hunters gave them an excuse to declare war on New Testament City.

  They took control of the town and nearby areas with ease, highly integrating and utilizing all resources.

   As time goes by, their strength becomes more and more terrifying.

  All kinds of advanced military equipment are born from the assembly line of the factory.

  Biological factories are lined with a large number of life-support cabins, cultivating machine slaves for combat.

  The empire is very advanced, the only drawback is that they don't like purely mechanical technology.

  They will clone the brains one by one, and then program the brains to be used as robots.

  Qiuchen didn't know why they did this!

  But the brains they cloned are very powerful, not inferior to chips.

  Feeling the firepower of those laser cannons and railguns, Qiuchen realized that the extraordinaryness of this world and the weirdness of the fog are not worth mentioning in front of the technological power of the empire.

   Only one outpost is needed to turn an unprotected planet into a place of death.

   Replaced by those troops from his previous life, they might be slaughtered in less than three days.

  The magnetic steel ball accelerated by the rail gun has a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

  Buildings without shields will be torn apart in an instant.

   Level a majestic mountain in minutes.

  A glowing spear can directly vaporize creatures hundreds of meters away, and the surface of the ground will be burned into glass at high temperature.

  In the face of such power, the extraordinary ability possessed by the demon hunter is a sad joke.

  Even spiritual extraordinary abilities are useless.

  Those imperial people have been transformed, strengthened their mental protection, and possessed incomparably tenacious willpower.

  Especially those of Titus who are known as Emperor's Angels.

   They are able to fight on, mutilated and tortured, until the enemy kills them.

   This will to fight alone is enough to make many spiritual manipulators helpless, force their shots, and even cause themselves to suffer backlash.

  The empire gave better treatment to those who surrendered.

   Enjoying abundant food and a safe enough environment, they can even enter the high-tech era and enjoy a life of convenience.

   Under the temptation of these conditions, the townspeople became confused from the initial humiliation and anger.

   Soon, they abandoned the Lord of Suffering and became loyal followers of the Emperor and devout supporters of the Regency.

  It usually only takes three days from hating foreigners to welcoming Wang Shi.

   It's not that they are not sincere enough to the Lord of Suffering, it is that the empire has given too much.

  They betrayed their faith without hesitation.

   fell into the embrace of the empire.

  The same goes for the witchers.

  When they were captured from elsewhere and transported to Outpost 1.

   His face was full of anger and hatred, as if he would be hostile to those people for ten thousand years.

  But when they saw those advanced technological creations, modern life, and fog monsters that were smashed under the artillery.

  They will gradually waver.

   Fear and hatred were gone, replaced by consternation and longing.

  When the empire declares that it can counteract the impact of the contract of the Lord of Suffering, the traverser will not be affected.

   They knelt on the ground, shouting long live the emperor, long live the great regent.

  The tone is pious, like a devout believer who has been practicing penance for many years.

  All of this made the group of demon hunters who died look extremely stupid.

   But Qiuchen knew that these were all normal.

  People are born yearning for beauty.

  The Church of the Lord of Suffering built a shelter for humans in the mist, but the Holy Family also enslaved all the towns, allowing the already difficult world to support their luxurious lives.

  The challenge of the new order to the old order was so brutal that it took only a few months for the opponent to change from indestructible to crumbling.

  A large number of people poured in from all directions, eager to seek a safe shelter in the mist.

   Those imperial personnel are very tolerant of this, as long as they swear to the emperor's statue that they will always be loyal to the empire, they will be accepted.

   Of course, there are those who try to gain power in outposts established by the Empire.

  They agitated the people and asked the empire to openly elect several spokesmen in line with the development and popular sentiment.

  In order to achieve their goals, they also launched several demonstrations and riots, trying to intimidate the other party with the security of the base.

  If they were in a modern country, what they did might be successful.

   Those people were directly arrested, formatted memory, fitted with steel prosthetics, and built a loyal imperial servant.

  The servitors were released and displayed in front of the others.

   This kind of thing never happened again.

  The Empire never backs down from this kind of thing.

   Unconditional loyalty to the empire is unconditional.

  In addition to these changes, what Qiu Chen felt most deeply was the changes in weapons.

  He dropped that handsome revolver.

   Replaced with a pulse carbine ray gun and a laser knife.

   Also got a new set of exoskeleton armor that covers the entire body.

   Equipped like a handsome interstellar special forces.

  These devices are not only the envy of the natives of this world, even those who travel through.

   Travelers have traveled from other worlds and have seen more.

  But in the world where many traversers live, civilization is basically in the information age and the preliminary interstellar age.

   Cannot reach this level of technology.

  Qiu Chen managed to talk to Titus, and learned all the information from him.

  Titus said that their technology has reached the Star Sea Age.

   Established an empire with millions of worlds.

  With the awakening of the Great Regent, many prohibitions were lifted.

  Technology is back on track again, making rapid progress again.

   Soon, they will master the mature subspace shuttle, control the entire galaxy, and even the universe.

  These words made Qiu Chen swallow his saliva.

  Such a terrifying empire, just hearing about it makes me feel horrible.

  Qiu Chen comes from a universe that just got rid of the shadow of nuclear power, and all countries formed an alliance to establish a pan-human government.

  The two natural satellites closest to the parent star have already been boarded, and they are planned to be developed within fifty years.

   It is estimated that it will take hundreds of years to go to other galaxies.

   It will take thousands of years to sail freely in the galaxy.

  The development of science and technology is different from Chaofan.

  Extraordinary development is a gradual rise. It took a thousand years for the foggy world to enter the early industrial age from the primitive era.

  This matter seems to be developing okay.

   But in essence, this speed is very slow.

  The Fog World has a large number of traversers, no need for research and development, and you can directly use the mature technology of the traversers.

  But this world still has no way to keep up with the development.

  The essential reason is that Transcendence has suppressed technology.

  The reason is also very simple, that is, it comes from the selfishness of human nature.

  In order to stabilize their position, extraordinary organizations will subconsciously suppress those organizations that may surpass themselves.

  Porters resist cars, craftsmen resist mechanization, and traditional energy resists new energy.

   These are examples.

  The development of science and technology is accelerating. As the population base becomes larger and larger, the development of science and technology will be faster.

  The empire has established a galaxy-level civilization with more than a million worlds.

   What's even more frightening is that they already have the idea of ​​marching into other universes, and have released many prohibitions that restrict the development of science and technology.

   "Are you expanding to other universes?" Qiu Chen once asked Titus such a question, "Do you want to control all the universes in your hands?"

   "Eggs cannot be put in one basket. The invasion of Chaos on our world is accelerating." Titus did not hide anything. After the imperial regent took charge of Terra, many secret files were unsealed. "We need to fight against them at the multi-dimensional level in order to win. Otherwise, even if we defeat Chaos in my universe and enter the realm of those evil gods to kill them, the problem cannot be completely solved. Only by uprooting their roots can we win." Win the final victory. If we drive them out of this world, they will lose a territory and believers who follow them."

   "We will fight one universe, one universe, to erase the influence of the gods and weaken their power."

  Qiuchen could feel that Titus' words were not lies.

  It's a pity that Qiuchen is not from the empire, and Titus only told him some information that the public can know.

   This information is not enough to give him a glimpse of the overall strategy of the empire.

  I don't know anything about the strength of the empire and the chaos they are fighting against.

  He felt like he was in a huge storm.

  The storm didn't come for him, but it engulfed him, making him an insignificant member of the storm.

  This storm is manipulated by the imperial regents respected by the imperial people like Titus, and by the evil gods in chaos.

  They are competing, laying out like chess players, laying the foundation for their own victory.

  For this kind of macroscopic war that may involve multiple universes, even if he is a traverser, Qiu Chen feels a sense of powerlessness.

   What's more, traversers are nothing unusual.

  Those who connect the machinery with their own flesh and blood, and call themselves mechanical priests, put forward a theory of traversers.

  Theory describes the connection between the real universe and the so-called Warp.

   Countless universes are wrapped and connected by subspaces.

  Like an island in the sea.

   Humans are creatures that live on islands.

   Demons and monsters are creatures that live in the sea.

   Travelers are unlucky people who are sent from one island to another.

  This kind of remarks made the traversers a little unhappy.

  After all, they have always believed that they are the masters of destiny, and the future is limitless.

  Now, he is equipped with mechanical appendages all over his body. He doesn't know if he is human or not. It is explained as an unlucky guy who accidentally fell into the sea and was sent to other islands by waves or some sea creatures.

  The sense of superiority of the traverser collapsed in an instant.

   But this theory is supported by a lot of data.

  The empire has conducted memory scans on all traversers, thus establishing a model of the traverser theory.

  In the face of science, idealism is untenable.

   The sacred aura of the traveler faded away.

   They are not special, just a normal phenomenon in the world.

   There are so many traversers wandering to other worlds that it is hard to count.

  Qiu Chen has already understood this truth from this long time travel career.

  People always think they are the chosen one.

  Actually, everyone is just a mortal being.

  In this torrent that is rolling forward, even if you are the most sought-after confidante, you are just an insignificant little wave in this vast world.

  Standing on the high platform of the base, Qiu Chen overlooked the rumbling steel factories.

  People work in it, forging weapons and equipment, and arming those warriors who are about to go out.

  The Empire has declared New Testament City as an enemy.

  The army trained by townspeople and defected traversers has been armed.

  They will become the sharp swords of conquest, suppressing all forces unwilling to submit to the empire.

   will spread the glory of the empire, and turn every place that the tentacles can touch into the territory of the empire.

  Qiuchen knew that he would witness the rise of an incomparably magnificent human force that spanned countless universes.

  He wondered if such a force existed before.

  All he knew was that this would be a feat beyond his imagination.

   Beyond what any ruler he has ever known could achieve.

   No one has ever been so ambitious, and I have never seen anyone so arrogant.

  If he lived long enough to grow old, he would tell the story to the world.

   "When the empire that ruled thousands of worlds and the endless universe first set foot in a different universe and expanded, I was there and witnessed it with my own eyes."

   experienced a long fight.

  Guilliman's army entered the Eye of Terror, and under the guidance of Natas, he easily found the planet that hides countless knowledge.

  That planet had already fallen during the Great Fall of the Spirit Race, and was scoured by endless etheric power into a distorted, terrifying and demonic planet that is difficult to tell and describe.

   Numerous hateful, disgusting, and fearful plants have covered the planet.

  Those twisted and weird creatures shuttled among them, sometimes making shrill and desperate howls.

  They suffer from eternal pain and cannot be relieved.

  Hate and hate all outsiders.

  They yearn to vent their anger and hatred.

  Desire to tear everything apart and drag you into the bottomless abyss of terror.

  When Slaanesh was born, he devoured all the Eldar who failed to escape.

  The Eldar gods and all the people of the Eldar Empire became the food of Slaanesh.

  The remnants of those poor people contain the resentment of the dead, and under the power of the weird warp, they become entities active everywhere.

  Guilliman stood on the Glory of Macragge and watched the planet.

   With a wave of his hand.

   "Fight in the air and kill all the demons and monsters that stand in your way."

   There are a few things to do today, even less.

  (end of this chapter)