Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 211 Are you guys playing tricks? (seeking subscription)

   Lorgar didn't speak, but the other party's expectations could be seen from his eyes.

  In the former perfect city, he and Guilliman have completely broken off.

  After the Battle of Calth, there was no brotherhood left between them.

  Even though they have the same blood and the same creator.

  They are also doomed to never reconcile.

   Only when one side falls, will this protracted hatred end completely.

  Hearing the words of these demon primarchs, Ahriman also nodded.

  The plan is progressing smoothly as he envisioned.

  He successfully persuaded the three demon primarchs Fulgrim, Perturabo and Lorgar to participate in this incident.

  In addition to this, there are Fabius, Aishus and other famous characters in the Eye of Terror.

  The Eye of Terror belongs to the territory of Chaos forces, and they gain more blessings by fighting here.

   This time, Guilliman was destined to have nowhere to go.

   After confirming the details of the operation, the wizards under Ahriman stopped releasing their power.

  The projections of several demon primarchs disappeared, leaving only a shadow in the original place.

  Eerie whispers came from the shadows, as if some ghosts were whispering.

   Ahriman was not on the same battleship as those Daemon Primarchs.

   At this time, he was standing on his flagship.

  A mysterious ceremony is in preparation and will be completed soon.

  Those eerie whispers tell the ancient truth, tempting those wizards to sacrifice their souls and flesh, promising to give them endless knowledge.

   Ahriman was indifferent to this, he just scanned the shadows with his eyes.

  As the ceremony progressed, the power of the warp became stronger and began to distort the things inside the ship.

  The air became cold, and weird flesh and mucus adhered to the wall, growing like life.

  The shadows of the crew also came alive.

   They wriggle their limbs, terrorizing the hapless with weak minds.

   Ahriman resisted the urge to expel them by himself.

  Now, he needs the masters behind these creatures to assist him in this mission.

  Besides the most well-known Chaos Gods, there are many unknown and terrifying existences in the subspace.

   They are very ancient.

  The real name taboo has long been forgotten with the passage of time.

  Wizards who have dug out the opponent's real name and completed the sacrificial ceremony can summon them and use their power to achieve their goals.

   Ahriman turned his head to look at the altar behind him.

  The Wizard of the Thousand Sons has carved a huge chaotic rune on the floor.

   Several Word Bearers warriors in human skins brought up some weak mortals.

   The unprotected mortal stumbled to the altar.

  The Word Bearers drew their daggers, and one by one they slit their throats.

"don't want."


   "Leave us alone."

   Mortals wept and knelt on the ground begging for mercy, hoping to live.

   But the Word Bearers have no mercy.

   They killed the mortals one by one, turning their pleas for mercy into screams.

  Blood spilled on the floor carved with Chaos runes.

  The mortal fear of dying, and the hopeless death, made those hungry warp creatures utter excited cries.

  The Word Bearers delight these long-forgotten ones with blood and soul.

   They chant ancient spells.

  Vicious cold fills the shadowy corners.

  Things of the Warp worm their way into corpses, scrambling to devour the souls of the dead.

  The battleship is enveloped by whispers in the shadows.

  Ariman held a scepter and watched the sacrificial ceremony.

   Then, he looked to another place.

   Several thousand son wizards are channeling the power that was attracted by the sacrifice.

  In the very center of the hall, the outer orbit of the Chiki zodiac is rotating around the central sphere.

   Chiji zodiac is like a huge armillary sphere, the original heliocentric model.

  The orbits made of metal represent the orbits of stars.

  The first round of sacrifices will end soon.

  The Chiki zodiac apparatus began to spin, and Ahriman could feel a mysterious and powerful force coming.

  The zodiac signs match, the singing stars, the blood sacrifices, the mighty power of the gods will appear in the world.

  Ahriman's scepter released light, and he whispered the ancient incantations from the Book of Magnus, prying the mysterious power of the subspace.

  The Word Bearers conducted a second round of sacrifices, this time on a larger scale.

  The sacrifices were escorted up.

  A total of 1,248 mortals.

   Each of them is a spark related to the Warp.

  The identities of these captives from the empire's plunder vary.

   There are descendants of planetary rulers.

   There are penniless beggars.

  There are good men and women.

  There are vicious and adulterers.

   And the hopeless and depraved.

   Silent Word Bearers walk among the trembling and weeping mortals, armed with **** weapons.

  They recite ancient prayers, and use their hands to smear blessed ashes on the bodies of those sacrifices.

   Cries resounded through the ancient hall.

   Make those warp creatures laugh wildly

  Ariman immersed his mind in the sea of ​​souls, guiding that terrifying force to achieve his goals.

   It feeds on war, fueled by fear and the blood of the dead.

   It is despair rooted in hope.

  It was once a legend of the end of a race.

  This existence is mysterious and powerful, nowhere to be found, but everywhere.

  Ariman talked with the other party with his soul, promised the other party benefits and sacrifices, and sought the assistance of that terrible power.

   "Dedicate your blood and soul to it." Ahriman's voice was extremely low.

   The Word Bearers and Wizard of the Thousand Sons who were shuttling among the sacrifices acted immediately after receiving his order.

  The speed is too fast to be seen.

   Slaughter those sacrifices like slaughtering cattle and sheep.

  The one thousand two hundred and forty-eight dead made the mysterious existence cry out in excitement.

  The dead are all potential psykers.

   is the archon's favorite food.

   Their deaths were exchanged for the cooperation between Ahriman and the other party.

   As the death screams of these mortals poured into the warp, a terrible force poured forth.

   The ether storm was rapidly brewing and stirring in the subspace.

  The Human Empire Fleet, which was bombarding the surface monsters in the low-earth orbit of the Learning Star, detected an unusually powerful psychic signal.

  The bird divination device made a harsh beeping sound, and the machine slaves howled in pain because of the sudden surge in data flow.

  The psyker shed tears of blood, and his frail body fell to the ground, howling in pain.

   That crazy force squeezed their brains, so fierce that it seemed to crush their brains.

  Bleher watched the energy level of the signal increase all the way, and the number changed so fast that it seemed to be out of control.

  He turned to where the communications director was and growled loudly.

   "Connect me to the Regent of the Empire immediately, fast."

   As soon as the voice fell, the Glory of Macragge shook violently, spinning at high speed like a top.

  Blhe held the throne tightly with his strong and powerful hands so as not to be thrown out.

  Others were not so lucky, they were thrown and smashed into other things.

  Connecting data cables clinging to them was a huge pain.

  Those cables are implanted directly in the cortex.

  There is the most vulnerable place of the human body.

  Even if there is an emergency device, it is difficult to escape the pain of the nerve being torn.

   Two crew members shed blood and tears. Their eyelids were torn off by the cable, and their eyes were dripping with blood.

   "My lord." A crew member raised his head from the control screen, his voice full of panic and uneasiness.

   "What happened?" Breher looked at the crew member and asked.

   "We, we were thrown away from the planet of lore, the warp storm threw us away from the star of lore, and the imperial regent was left there."

  The crew member even began to cry when he spoke later.

  They did not perform their duties well, leaving the Lord alone in a dangerous place.

   Breher, who had always been steady, lost his legs and almost fell to his knees.

  As an old captain who has served for many years, his military accomplishment is absolutely no less than any commander under Guilliman's command.

   That subspace storm must have been planned for a long time.

   is to separate them from the Imperial Regency.


  Breher couldn't imagine what the enemy was going to do.

  If the opponent succeeds, he will die.

  His voice was trembling, "Quick, check our location, we have to go back, no matter what the price is, we have to go back immediately."

   Brehe's voice was full of panic and crying.

  All the crew members realized the sinister intentions of being thrown into this place, and all of them couldn't help being afraid.

  Once something happens to the Regent of the Empire, what should humans do?

  Who will lead them?

  The dreadful storm tossed the ships of the Imperial fleet here and there.

  The originally dominant space was suddenly taken away by the enemy.

   On the ground, Guilliman has penetrated into the Eldar city.

  Natas walked in front of the team holding a staff.

  According to the guidance of Elder Prophet Eldral, he led Guilliman and others deep into the ruined city.

  See the remains and bones in the city, as well as various Eldar vehicles and war machines that have fallen to the ground.

   Seeing this scene of being turned into ruins, Natas felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

  Those days of suffering are something that many prophets of the Eldar do not want to recall.

   They took the wrong path, which led to that terrible disaster.

  The Eldar lost everything.

  In the days to come, they must be cautious.

   Otherwise the Eldar will usher in complete destruction.

  Guilliman held the Emperor's Sword and strode behind Natas, not paying attention to the prophet's thoughts.

  He looked around, guarding against possible threats.

  Guilliman is already very strong, those demons are no match for him.

   But Guilliman understood that nothing in this world is invincible.

  Arrogance will only lead to your own destruction.

  Do what you want, do what you want, and do what you want, that's the way to eat chicken.

  The ruins of the city are very magnificent, and a trace of the prosperity of the past can be seen from the remaining buildings.

  Sicarius and Grand Master Manjago led their respective troops, forming a defensive formation with Guilliman at the center.

   When they got deep into the center of the city, the beast-like howling sounded again.

  The devil is coming.

  They broke the original silence, gathered together howling and screaming, and rushed towards Guilliman and his party.

  Seeing the appearance of the demon, Sicarius was the first to rush up, smashing the monster running in front with his sword.

  Master Manjago did not dare to show weakness, and the warhammer in his hand quickly smashed a monster.

  Guilliman's personal guards and the Gray Knights cooperated while secretly competing.

  You kill one demon, then I will kill two.

   In front of the lord, the personal guards naturally cannot show weakness. They want to prove that as the imperial regent's personal guards, they are the strongest.

  The Gray Knights did not admit defeat, hunting demons was their full-time job.

  The professional field has been compared by you, will you still be confused in the future? ?

  Will the Gray Knights be replaced by blue?

  Guilliman didn't do anything, and he didn't care about the competition between the two sides.

  He followed Natas to the city's greatest secret.

   Soon, they came to an altar in front of a sculpture of the Eldar Goddess of Life.

  The altar has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is covered with a thin layer of strange flesh and blood.

  Guilliman asked the accompanying gray knights to raise their flamethrowers to burn the flesh and blood, revealing the original appearance of the altar.

  Natas stepped forward, cut his palm, smeared on those runes, and chanted ancient prayers.

   Accompanied by the booming sound from the altar.

  An underground secret passage appeared in front of everyone.

  Guilliman walked in with Natas.

   Their pace was fast, they crossed the huge stone arch, and went deeper.

  The Eldar use unique crystals and spirit bones to record their knowledge.

  Now, many of those crystals are broken, and those spiritual bones are scattered all over the place.

   These are the valuable knowledge and technology of the Eldar.

   They were just lost.

  The Eldar may never get them back.

  The road to the underground knowledge base is very complicated. The only good thing is that there are many runes that restrain the subspace here. Even after so long, these runes still play a role.

  The demon doesn't like to be in this place.

  Guilliman and his party found a hexagonal room easily under the guidance of Natas.

  The room is very hidden, and it also depicts various hidden runes.

  Natas smeared blood on a small statue of a god, opening a hidden miniature space.

   A delicate box was taken out of it.

  A piece of crystal slightly exuded a halo, floating in the box just like that.

  The crystal contains the webway technology of the Eldar race.

   This kind of technology was once considered lost by the Eldar Empire, but they didn't realize that there were prophets who had recorded the ancient knowledge and hid the crystal here, waiting for the day when the Eldar fell, and they could quickly revive with these technologies.

  The crystal is beautiful, exuding the brilliance like moonlight.

   Hazy, pure.

  Natas took a few glances, then closed the box, and handed it to Guilliman.

   "Give this to you first, and then return it to the Eldar after you have mastered the knowledge."

  The Eldar have been fragmented, the major ark worlds are lingering, the dark Eldar have gone crazy, and they are still continuing the indulgence and madness before the fall of the Eldar empire.

  Even if they master the webway technology, the Eldar have no way to build it.

  They don't have enough resources and manpower to do it.

   Guilliman just took the box.

  The voice of his communication officer came from the communication, very terrified, as if the whole person was frightened.

   "My lord, a traitor army appeared out of nowhere. They took control of the low-earth orbit. Our fleet disappeared for unknown reasons."

  Guilliman hadn't had time to make arrangements yet.

   Sicarius, who stayed on the ground, also received news.

   "My lord, it is the Primarch of Demons. They have been teleported to the city with the help of evil witchcraft."

   Guilliman frowned at these words, handed the box to the guard beside him, then turned around and walked towards the exit.

   Obviously the other party came prepared.

  The disappearance of the fleet is probably related to those guys.

  Guilliman's speed is very fast, much faster than when he came in.

   When he came out of the tunnel, he heard the voices of those demon primarchs.

  The ground troops suffered heavy casualties under the terrorist attack of the Demon Primarch.

  Even Sicarius was knocked into the air several times in a row, smashing many buildings.

   "Where's that cowardly Guilliman?? Tell him to come over to me." Fulgrim pierced a gray knight with his sword, smirked, and provoked him directly.

   "He should have escaped!" Lorgar also spoke.

   "A bunch of **** rats." Guilliman strode forward, the Emperor's Sword activated in his hand.

   Seeing Guilliman's appearance, Fulgrim, who was killing other fighters, swam over with his snake-like body.

"It's been a long time, Guilliman, I didn't expect you to be alive. Do you miss the battle of Sesara! You are just like today, so stupid that you fell into the trap and made yourself embarrassed. It's a pity that , this time, you are not so lucky, you will die here today?"

   "Only you?" Guilliman said.

"No, I know that you have gained a brand new power. Maybe you have been able to defeat me, but unfortunately, this time you are not fighting alone, but you are facing the three of us alone." Fulgrim held all four arms Holding a sharp sword, he said mockingly, "Three against one, do you think you can win?"

  Guilliman just wanted to ridicule the other party.

   Another voice came to the battlefield one step ahead of him.

   "You are wrong, not three against one, but five against three, idiots, do you think you are the only ones who will play tricks and despicable tricks?"

  Countless crows are entrenched over the battlefield, their tone full of sarcasm.

   "I, Corax, Lord of the Ravens, am good at this too."

  (end of this chapter)