Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

  Chapter 224 The Son of Baal (for subscription)

   Dante who heard the voice turned his head and looked over. It was Mephiston, the chief think tank of the Blood Angels.

  Mephiston is one of the most powerful mortal psykers in the human empire, and even in the entire galaxy.

   Known as the Lord of Death by the enemies of aliens and humans.

  Like many descendants of Sanguinius, he is plagued by blood thirst and black anger.

  During the Second War for Armageddon.

   Mephiston's Death Company is deployed in Hades Hive.

  They were ordered to launch an assault on a group of orcs entrenched in the state church building.

  He and his berserk lunatics and vampire comrades slaughtered on the orc front. At one point, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the scene was extremely brutal.

   It may be that they are too crazy.

   Eventually, the whole building collapsed, burying everyone.

   Mephiston is the only survivor.

   He was trapped in the ruins, pressed by a thousand-ton boulder, unable to move, tortured by blood thirst and black anger.

  He's like a madman.

   roared into the air for seven days and six nights.

   Thirst for blood and death all the time.

   But he didn't die, he was just trapped like that.

   Can't move.

   Constantly repeating the hallucination that Sanguinius was killed by Horus.

   Until midnight on the seventh day.

  Mephiston did something that no Blood Angel could ever do.

   That is to overcome black anger and blood thirst.

   It's not considered to be overcome, it's just that the flood is restrained into the river channel.

   He dug himself out of the space he was trapped in.

   slaughtered all the orcs who surrounded them at that time.

  Its madness made the fearless orcs panic and flee.

  After that, he gained powerful psionic powers and the ability to soar freely in the Warp Supreme.

   "How is the assembly going?" Dante asked, staring at Mephiston.

"At present, twenty-seven battle groups have arrived in the Baal galaxy. So far, a total of 15,000 holy blood children have been assembled. If it is estimated, the number of holy blood children that can be assembled in the end can reach 25,000. Every Holy Blood Warrior who comes here will be a cornerstone of our defense against the Leviathan."

  Dante rubbed the spear in his hand, turned his head to look at the cold void, "Do our astropaths have any latest news?"

Mephiston shook his head, his voice dry, "No, the shadow of the Zerg has enveloped the Baal galaxy, and the emergence of the Great Rift has blocked our connection with Terra. Those terrifying illusions are tormenting those with psychic potential with unprecedented intensity. People. Astropaths need to spend a lot of energy to ensure that they don't go crazy, even if they can send astronomical messages, they can't penetrate the terrifying darkness. Judging from the current situation, we are alone and helpless."

   Paused for a moment, Mephiston continued, "There is something very bad, I have to tell you."

   Dante stared at Mephiston, waiting for him to say what it was.

"The servants of the blood **** may also be eyeing us. The battle against the Leviathan Zerg fleet may be the battle where all the sons of Sanguinius were summoned after the Great Crusade of the sons of the Holy Blood Angels. This matter tempts them Too big. Our rage will draw the servants of the Throne of the Skull to the Baal system like flies to a dead body, and if they come, it will be disastrous."

   "Blood God is the lure of hunger, the catalyst of madness, if he manifests when we are focused on defending Baal, we will be at our angriest, most unrestrained state, and then we will go to the end."

   "If this is the case, the situation may be really bad." Dante under the mask of Sanguinius showed a bitter smile.

  The arrival of the Zerg fleet and the information from Mephiston made the legendary hero of the empire feel stressed and tired.

  The Great Devourer has devoured countless planets.

  The Blood God was staring at him again, which made him feel the crisis.

  Whether the sons of Sanguinius can defend the glory of their holy father.

   All this is still an unknown.

   The Zerg have proved their strength in countless battles.

   So far, the Empire has had few victories.

  The planets that encountered the Zerg fleet were either captured or destroyed by the extinction order.

   There are really no victories in the frontal battlefield.

   Murphyston did not respond, but remained silent, waiting for Dante to continue.

"I am very painful, Mephiston. I gave up going to the Cadian Fortress in order to protect the legacy of the lord. I missed the battle that could determine the future. There fell, and the chaotic power of the Eye of Terror gushed out. , tearing apart the entire galaxy, the torchlight of the sacred world can no longer guide us."

"At this moment, I am facing a battle that has no chance of winning. If I fail in Barr, then I should face Sanguinius head-on, and face the heroic spirits who have already died. I want to ask them Confess my failure and selfishness? I have failed both, the Emperor and Sanguinius."

   At the end of the Hades galaxy campaign, Dante met the herald of Sanguinius-Sanguinuo.

  Every Holy Blood Warrior has heard the story of Sanguinor.

   Sanguinor is a stand-in for Sanguinius.

   is a symbol of hope and courage.

  When the descendants of Sanguinius were in crisis, the herald appeared in golden armor, bringing hope to desperate humans.

  Of course, many people don't know that there is a dark background behind this legendary character.

   Dante has a unique identity.

  He knew the origin of Sanguinor from ancient documents.

  The terrible battle launched at Horus.

   Several Primarchs who lost contact with Terra formed a brand new empire in Ultramar.

   Sanguinius was chosen as the emperor of this new empire.

   That was a helpless move.

  The loyal Primarchs consider the survival of humanity, and their great cause.

  If Terra falls and the Emperor dies, they need a base where they can continue to fight.

  Those traitors who betrayed mankind will do anything to destroy this last hope of mankind.

  The Primarch of the Night Lords, Curze, vowed to kill Sanguinius and destroy this small empire.

  In order to protect their noble father, the emperor of this small human empire, the Holy Blood Guard selected two warriors who could act as Sanguinius' substitutes.

  The two soldiers walked into the secret room.

   They choose who is the double through ancient rituals.

  When the result comes out, the chosen one kills the loser.

  The corpses were also burned in the flames.

   No one knows who became Sanguinius' stand-in.

  Because the chosen one also gave up his original name, named Sanguinuo Nuo, and disguised himself as Sanguinius.

  Then, the loyal Primarchs who received the news that the Emperor had not yet fallen chose to support Terra.

  They tried their best to cross the destruction storm and came to Horus's fallen Devon planet.

   Planet Devon is the source of that terrifying warp space storm.

  In order to solve this storm, the three Primarchs went through different tests.

   Sanguinius faces the temptation and threat of the Eightfold Path and the Four Gods.

  In order to allow his genetic father to escape, Sanguinor ran into the demon, and the demon disappeared into the subspace.

  There was no news of Sanguinor in the subsequent campaign.

   It was not until much later that this legendary figure was active throughout the empire like those living saints.

  Whenever the Blood Angels' Brood suffered heavy losses in battle.

  The mysterious warrior Sanguinor, known as the model of the Eucharist, will fall from the sky like a golden meteor and save the brothers from the fire and water.

  Dante has served as the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels for thousands of years, and he is one of the few people who has seen Sanguinor more than once.

   After the Battle of Hades, he met Sanguinor again.

   "Can we still save Baal?" Dante, who witnessed the destruction of the Hades galaxy, asked in pain the golden Sanguinor.

  This perfect hero with bright wings of light disappeared after leaving only one sentence.

   "There is hope."

   But now, Dante can't see any hope.

   The Zerg race is advancing, and the blood **** is watching.

  Where will the Son of Blood go? ?

   Mephiston did not speak.

  He didn't show any pity or sorrow, but he could still feel the despair, and he understood the plight that the lord he served was facing.

   There was an eerie silence between the two, except for the voice of the power armor.

   "What's your suggestion?" Dante withdrew his gaze and no longer paid attention to the work of void defense. He looked at Mephisto and asked.

   "I will try to stop them. The blood god's servants have tried to tempt us countless times, but they have never succeeded." Mephiston said.

   "How far can you do it?" Dante got up and walked towards the bridge.

   Void Defense has nothing to focus on.

  Perhaps, he should leave here.

   Go where he is needed more.

   Mephiston also followed Dante's pace and started walking.

   "I will try my best to stop them, but the power of the blood **** is unbelievable. I am not sure, but they will not succeed before I die."

   "May you be spared by Sanguinius, Mephiston." Dante sent his last blessing.

   Mephiston stopped and performed a holy blood ritual.

   Then, he stepped in the opposite direction to Dante.

  He has to prepare for the ceremony.

   We must try our best to prevent the blood god's servant from descending into this world.

  Children of the Blood will never yield.

  They only roar and attack the enemy.

  Whether it is Zerg or Blood God, they will fight to the last moment.

  Bayer II.

   This planet is a satellite of the planet Baal.

  It is full of dust that blocks the sky and ravages the sun.

   Covered in deserts made of red iron rust, it is a land that is difficult to live in.

   However, it can be seen from those ancient ruins.

  This moon was once a paradise for humans.

   On the surface, the ruins of ancient buildings are scattered everywhere.

   Tens of thousands of biological wars and nuclear wars broke out in the dark age of mankind, and finally turned this comfortable planet into a dead place.

   Once-prosperous residents turned scavengers.

  People suffered from decay and death in the mutated atmosphere.

   Those who have suffered are still living in the world their ancestors destroyed.

   Yogi is one of them.

  He is a very ordinary Barr.

   Throughout his life, he lived in the red rust storm and water-scarce Bawe.

  His wife is a girl from a desert tribe, and he became a water seller relying on a simple purification device.

  My wife suffered from cancer very early because of the harsh environment of Bayer II, and finally died in pain.

  His son participated in the selection of angels.

  Not only did he fail, but he became dumbfounded.

   Whenever Yogi thinks of this, he will curse everything angrily.

  His life was so miserable and humble.

   Can do nothing but incompetent invective.

   "Father, father." The cowardly son on the side wanted to get close to him, to get a little warmth in the dark night.

   "Stay away from me." Yuji pushed him away angrily, "You **** fool, can't you learn to be independent?"

  His words were full of hatred, which scared the cowardly son to tears.

   "Be lenient with him, he is your son and inherits your blood." The man on the side said, he pulled the boy over and gave him half of the blanket.

"Why did fate torture me like this? It took away my wife and my life, and left behind a fool. We were still treated as cannon fodder by them." Yuji said angrily, "I handed over a smart child to They, they threw back a fool to me, I shouldn't let him participate in the selection of angels, why am I so stupid??"

  The man on the side watched him, did not speak, but comforted the boy to sleep.

  He could tell Yogi was going crazy.

   Many people are like this, nightmares plague everyone.

  When everyone sleeps, they will see that terrible shadow.

   They growled in nightmares.

  Exudes enough desire to overwhelm everyone.

  They long for the protein, gene sequence and rich biological nature of all living things in the Baal galaxy.

   Those angels called them Zerg.

  A terrifying creature that devours everything.

  Yuji lowered his head in pain.

  He wanted to end his life with the laser gun in his hand.

  Pain, corruption, silly son, just living in this world has exhausted him.

  He never imagined that after death he would find the Emperor's care and a happy afterlife.

  He just wanted to end the suffering in this life.

  Gene's subconscious forced him to live.

  He didn't have the courage to commit suicide, so he could only wait for death to harvest his life like a coward.

   There are not many people like Yogi, they are all drafted.

  The legendary hero named Dante came before them one day and threw them weapons to fight for Baal.

  Yuji fell asleep in despair and crying.

   Until he was woken by the servitor's whip.

  [Obey, citizens of Baal, make sacrifices for the great emperor, and make sacrifices for the holy Sanguinius is the duty of every son of Baal. ]

  [You need to build enough ravines and fortifications, which will allow you to survive the upcoming war. ]

   The lower body of the servitor has been cut off and replaced with crawlers.

   A huge loudspeaker is hung on the muscular body, constantly broadcasting the same words.

  The whip in the hand will fall on those laborers who do not wake up in time.

  Yuji was whipped, and his face flushed with pain.

  The servitor will only follow the established procedures, and it quickly took the second whip.

  Silly, the kind son protected him and blocked the second falling whip with his strong body.

  Otherwise Yugi will suffer even more.

  He got up, but he was still very unhappy with his stupid son.

   After eating something.

  Their father and son followed other laborers to dig ditches and carry sandbags to build a defense line

  Dante returned to the Castle of Angels, where many Chapter Masters were already waiting for him.

  They responded to the call of the mother group and gathered in Baal to defend the world where Sanguinius first spread his wings.

  The loyalty of these Chapters to the Empire and to Sanguinius is unquestionable.

  But they may not recognize Dante's order.

   What's more, there are flesh tearers and bloodletters among them, which seem to be deviant battle groups.

  Dante needs to run them in so that they can fight in the name of Sanguinius.

   Otherwise, confronting Tyron would be a dream.

  (end of this chapter)