Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

  Chapter 226 Reinforcements (for subscription)

  Before Horus revealed his ambitions, he was still the highest ranking warlord of the Great Crusade.

   Responsible for leading the War Council.

   Command all the troops of the Great Crusade.

  Nominally all Primarchs must obey his orders.

   While planning the Purge of the Loyalists in the City of Songs and the massacre at the Landing Field.

   Horus sent Sanguinius to a planet called Signus.

  The task description given to him is to let him lead a team to expel the local alien forces.

  Liberate the local humans and let them join the empire.

  At that time, Horus's terrifying ambitions had not been noticed by others.

   Actually. At that time, Sanguinius admired Warmaster Horus very much.

  The two have fought side by side in many battles.

   Their relationship is so good that even the other Primarchs are jealous.

   Sanguinius also valued the friendship with Horus.

  He had longed for the chance to prove his bond with Horus. Far surpasses other Primarchs.

  The Blood Angels Legion headed for the Signus galaxy according to the instructions.

   Unaware that they were falling headlong into an evil trap.

  On the Signus galaxy, the power of chaos is raging.

   This is a trap specially set for the Blood Angels.

   Chaos is here to corrupt Sanguinius.

  By sacrificing the Astropath, the demons of Slaanesh and Kabandar of Khorne were summoned to the real universe.

   On Signus Prime, Kabanda and Sanguinius fought.

   Sanguinius severely wounded Kabanda, but his feet were crushed, and the huge spiritual impact caused by the tragic death of his son made him unconscious.

   It was precisely because of this crisis that the Blood Angels Legion fell into a frenzy of black anger.

  In Terra, the Khorne demon Kabanda was summoned again, but was defeated by Sanguinius and broke the opponent's spine.

  Since then, the son of Sanguinius and the Great Demon of Khorne, Kabanda, have had a sworn feud.

   This demon of Khorne swears that he will lead the Son of Sanguinius to corruption.

  All the sons of Sanguinius will become servants of the blood god, slaves of eternal rage.

   And the son of Sanguinius has been fighting.

   They understand the horror of chaos.

   is also very clear about those despicable demons who can fail countless times.

  But as long as the opponent succeeds once, the Son of Sanguinius is finished.

  They are always on the alert to avoid falling into that terrible abyss hell.


  With the help of many brothers, Mephiston, who entered the warp space, opened up a road to the blood **** realm.

   This behavior is extremely heretical.

   Mephiston didn't care much.

   In order to keep the heir of Sanguinius, there is no means that he cannot use.

   His body surged with the power of other brothers.

  Rely on the vital brotherhood and blood of the Father to hold the soul tightly and avoid being lost in the terrifying abyss of the Warp.

  Mephiston reveals his essence in the warp.

  A pair of huge blood-red wings grew from his back.

  Tiny blood vessels, clearly visible on the growing skin.

  His body was as black as the night.

  Those eyes exuded a blood-colored light.

   Mephiston watched the battlefield, where the final ending was about to come.

  The fiery Kabanda has an ape-like face and twisted horns.

  The scarlet wings on the back are huge, with bone spurs on them.

  Wearing a black iron-colored battle armor with golden edges.

  The armor is decorated with brass thorns.

   There are also skulls hanging on both sides.

  Holding an iron whip full of steel barbs in one hand, and a battle ax burning soul fire in the other.

  The bright red skin tightened with every swing of the axe.

   Kabanda chopped down the last black-skinned demon and crushed the opponent's head with a whip.

  He walked triumphantly to the gate, ready to pounce on Baal.

   Those cute little angels are going to be taken away by him.

   All the children of Sanguinius are his.

   However, the King of Wrath froze when he reached the gate, his long-legged face showing confusion.

   Reached out to the door, but found his way was blocked.

  He sprayed blood mist from his nostrils, peered down, and found Mephiston.

  Seeing the form of Mephiston growing wings, Kabanda grunted and laughed.

   There was joy on the angry face.

  Heavy brass-bound hair clattered against his breastplate, making a sound.

  Yellow eyes twinkle with joy.

   "What is this?? A cute little angel, tsk tsk, how brave, are you closing the door?" Kabanda stared at Mephiston.

   "Go back." Mephiston glared at Kabanda.

"It's not up to you, I've earned the right to pass this way, go away. Little angel we'll meet soon, when I'll call you, and you'll be Khorne's army a member of the

   A holy sword appeared in Mephiston's hand, and he made a fighting posture.

   "Go back, demon. In the name of the Son of the Archangel, no passage is allowed here."

   Kabanda snorted, "No, I will go through this door, you can't stop me. You are useless here, little angel."

   "You will never pass through, we will exile you. The devil, according to the will of the archangel, leave that door, otherwise, you will meet the wrath of the archangel."

   In answer, the demon threw back his head and howled angrily.

  The ground is shaking and the sky is rumbling.

   The world responded to Kabanda's wrath with thunder.

"Your archangel with broken wings has no right to order me." Kabanda pointed his whip at Mephiston, "Baal will fall, and the angels will awaken their nature in anger. On the eighth day of my manifestation , the Holy Blood Angel will join the army of the Blood God."

   Kabanda stared at Mephiston, and through the body of this legendary think tank, he saw the many think tanks holding hands, performing rituals, and working together to provide power for Mephiston.

   "Dream, my kind have resisted your temptation since the dawn of the empire." Mephiston said, "Get out of the way, this door is not for you to pass through."

Kabanda let out a savage and cruel laugh, "You don't have the ability, little angel. Since you are going to be my enemy, then I can only bestow death on you. Blood is the best sacrifice to Khorne, He never You don't care who bleeds, you only care about how much blood you bleed, you chose to die, then let's see if your death can please him."

  The great demon swung his ax at Mephiston, and the fire of the soul was burning.

   The subspace energy exploded when the blade touched Mephiston.

   Generated a terrifying shock wave on the surface of Khorne Kingdom, setting off countless skulls and flying in all directions.

  Those skulls were in the air, making a hollow whistling sound.

   When exhausted, they rain on the sand and bones of false planets.

   On the side of the cave, the impact radiated from Murphyston.

  Every think tank exudes a strong light, sharing the impact of this force.

  The whole cave is also glowing.

  The red crystal melted into blood light, absorbing all that power.

  The mountain was shaking, but nothing happened, and all the forces were dispelled.

   This mysterious ritual can connect them to this cave.

   Kabanda cannot harm Mephiston.

   "Shameful means," Kabanda said.

  He looked at the people performing the ceremony with yellow eyes.

   If there is no way to break Mephiston's ritual, there is no way to defeat this guy.

  His soul is connected to the real universe, and the ancient rituals combined with the special characteristics of the cave allowed him to leverage huge power.

   Only by destroying the ritual can Mephiston be defeated.

   Otherwise, with the rituals and mysterious caves, Kabanda will be dragged for a long time.

   "If someone abandons his loyalty to your corpse emperor, he will be rewarded with eternal life. I, in the name of the blood god, swear."

   Kabanda stared at those think tanks, "The oath in the name of God is never false, little angels, I promise you that as long as you give up your loyalty to the corpse emperor, you will get eternal life."

   No one answered.

  However, Mephisto's face became a little ugly.

  He could feel a slight shake in the heat and anger.

   "Little angel, it seems that the situation is not good, they have been tempted." Kabanda slashed with the ax again, another powerful impact.

   This time, energy sprayed into the material world along tiny gaps.

   Their fit is no longer perfect.

  Someone's heart was shaken, and there was a flaw in the psychic network.

  A golden son flew out, his body hit the cave, and the huge force dented the armor.

  The think tanks filled the gap again. They chanted the hymn of Sanguinius in low voices and resisted the temptation of Kabanda.

   Mephiston raised his weapon and slashed at Kabanda.

  The weapons of both sides collided together.

   Kabanda was forced to retreat.

   But he was not defeated.

   Kabanda promises all sorts of things to those think tanks.

  Eternal life, the power to change destiny.

   Take revenge on those you once hated.

  Even if the opponent is dead, he can hunt the soul.

   On the other side, it is also attacking again and again, attacking Mephiston with its brutal strength.

  Mephiston is fighting very hard, and many think tanks are also working hard to resist temptation.

   But they still failed.

   Some think tanks have wavered.

   The ritual became disordered, and the power was not so strong.

  Crystals were shattered in battle and some Librarians were killed.

  Half of the people died, and no matter how hard the remaining people tried, they could not stop Kabanda from coming.

  He overturned the barrier formed by the Sons of Sanguinius and opened the gate.

   At the last moment, Mephiston reversed the direction of the gate and sent the other party to Bawei, not the main planet of Bawei.

   Dante and most of the Sons of Sanguinius are there.

  If Kabanda descends there, it will inevitably lead to a terrible turmoil.

   Consuming his last strength and repelling Kabanda again, Mephiston was forced to withdraw from the subspace.

  The survivors gathered, and Mephiston led them to flee the Bloodstone Mine.

  He knew that the final blow would not be able to stop Kabanda for long.

   have to leave.

  Leave Babas, go to the main planet of Babas,

  They have already failed, and the only way to make up for the failure to fight against the demons is to hunt the aliens.

  Mephiston's face showed a bit of bitterness.

   Stopping the demon failed.

   An already bad situation just got worse.

  The arrival of Kabanda will surely further stimulate the anger of the sons of Sanguinius, causing them to fall into endless rage.

   This will be a terrible end.

  The outer wall defense of the Castle of Angels.

  The sixth wave of attack was repelled.

  On the battlefield, burning war machines and broken Zerg bodies are everywhere.

   Gunfire roared day and night, and the sky was filled with the trails of continuous firing anti-aircraft and lasers.

  The major subgroups brought millions of tons of ammunition plus Baal's reserves, as well as strategic resources taken from various destructive galaxies.

  Dante doesn't skimp on ammo.

   It is much better for him to weaken the enemy as much as possible than to save ammo.

   Unclean energy spreads in the sky.

  The battle in the void continues.

   Ships of various chapters are still fighting hard against the Tyranid fleet.

  Those biological ships were emitting green light. They passed the defense of the void and hit the ground directly, trying to control the ground first.

   On the ground, Zergs kept gathering together, charging towards the human line of defense.

   They let out terrible screams.

   That is the will of the hive.

   Dante also entered the battlefield.

   All around him lay the broken limbs of creatures.

  The battle armor on his body is all the blood of the Zerg.

   With the sound of the biological horn, another wave of worms receded.

   Realizing that the will of the hive cannot open the way by sacrifice, he can only order the swarm to retreat, and prepare to optimize tactics and units before launching an attack.

  But this does not mean that the Zerg gave up their attack.

  They don't care how much they sacrificed.

  Retreat is just for a better breakthrough.

   They will attack again soon.

   But now, Dante and others have a rare chance to breathe.

  Dante opened the communication panel, and a message jumped out.

   is the news from the Star Language Hall that has been transferred to the Archangel Castle.

   "My lord, the situation in the subspace has changed." The director of astronomy said, "It seems that reinforcements are trying to enter the Baal galaxy."

  (end of this chapter)