Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 235 Imperial Reactionaries (for subscription)

  Guilliman withdrew his gaze from the many stars outside.

  He turned to look at Sicarius.

  Sicarius lowered his head when he saw that noble face.

  Looking directly at each other is an offense and disrespect.

  Guilliman felt helpless at Sicarius' behavior of honoring him so much. ,

  He has publicly stated many times not to engage in a personality cult.

  We must make every effort to develop science and technology and civilization.

   Pay attention to the equality of everyone, don't believe in God, let alone create God.

  Don't put yourself on the throne either.

  As a result, the more he talked, the more fanatical he became.

  Guilliman was a little tired.

  But he still explained what Pinduoduo strategy is for Sicarius.

"This is a very vicious strategy. I also found it from some ancient books. It is said that the person who created this strategy did not end well." Guilliman said: "The test of this strategy is Human nature is always only a little bit short. When the other party thinks of their own sunk costs and their desire for final victory, they will prompt them to invest more resources and let those chaos traitors shed the last drop of blood. The subtlety of this strategy lies in Create the illusion that you just need to work a little harder to succeed."

"Of course, this strategy has great limitations, and it can only be used when we have an absolute advantage. We don't care about Chidixing, but Abaddon and the others do. This is our advantage. We have the ability to provide long-distance support. A constant stream of replacement units to wear them down and give them the feeling that they just need to try a little bit more to be successful."

  Sicarius felt a chill down his spine, how could he have such a vicious strategy?

   Playing with human nature.

  Create an illusory illusion of imminent victory for the other party, and always tempt the other party to invest.

  How could there be such a conscienceless strategy!

  What kind of vicious person must be to come up with such a strategy.

  Sicarius also wanted to ask the Primarch for the details of this vicious strategy, so that it could be used against the traitors in the future.

  At this time, with the sound of air pressure, the heavy hatch slowly opened.

  The Eldar prophet Natas walked in.

  After Guilliman took over Terra, Eldar, the great prophet of the Eldar race, invested more and more in Guilliman.

   There are constantly Eldar prophets from various craft worlds joining Guilliman's team.

  Sometimes, they will bring a group of Eldar warriors with them.

   Many expeditionary forces now have an Eldar presence.

  In view of Guilliman's order, although the commanders of the various units were a little dissatisfied, they still tolerated the existence of these aliens.

   Obviously, Eldlar also has his own little thoughts.

  The decline of the Eldar is already certain.

  If the Prince of Joy is not eliminated for a day, the Eldar will not have a chance to stand up.

  Nowadays, humanity is thriving under the leadership of Guilliman.

  Look at the trend of this push.

   It is just around the corner that this chick, Galaxy, will be conquered by humans.

   Take advantage of the fact that you spend more time in the empire now, and take the opportunity to increase your favorability, and avoid future cleaning storms.

  Both master and servant looked at Natas who walked in.

  Guilliman asked: "Is there anything? Natas."

   "The Great Prophet has information for you, Lord Primarch. He hopes to meet with you, and has some important matters to discuss with you." Natas saluted Guilliman and said respectfully.

  As the prophet of the Elder Race, Natas naturally has his own arrogance.

   But he also knew how terrifying Guilliman was.

   Being able to fight all the way from the webway to the depths of the Eye of Terror, and then come out, is enough to prove its strength.

   What's more, Guilliman is also the true son of God.

   It is only one step away from the so-called gods.

   It is also possible that the last step has already been taken, but it is still active in a mortal body.

   "It's not a difficult task. But I have to wait until I finish dealing with Chidi, and the battle here is about to begin." Guilliman did not refuse. In name, they are still allies.

  In addition, Alderal has also helped him a lot in these years.

   There is no reason to refuse the other party's request.

   "On behalf of the Great Prophet, I would like to express my gratitude to you, Lord Guilliman." Natas said.

Guilliman shook his head, "There is no need to thank you for this kind of thing, Natas. Your spirit race's help to the empire is obvious to all. Without your allies who help you, the great cause of the empire would not have progressed so smoothly. What's more, I also have something to consult with the Great Prophet."

  Natas smiled, "May the friendship between our two races last forever."

   "Of course, Natas." Guilliman laughed.


   "Data update." Admiral Merida said to the console in front of her. Every fifteen minutes, she would update the data to check whether there were any traces of chaos forces.

  In order to protect Chidixing, Calgar mobilized most of the troops to guard here.

   There are too many troops assembled on Chidixing's attack orbit.

   There are on all sides, large strategic ships and heavy cruisers, like the queen in the nest of swarming insects, among them.

  A large number of small ships are like hardworking worker ants, traveling between the airport and the void of the defense fortress.

   Mieshi-class celestial-class battleships are also arranged in the void, and the dim starlight is reflected on their mottled surfaces.

  Booming machinery and jumping gauges all indicate that these terrifying warships with the power to destroy stars are all in a semi-activated state.

  Even though there were such terrifying troops guarding, many commanders did not relax at all.

   They knew that a great test awaited them.

   Calgar has already set off with an elite force, going to the location agreed by Abaddon.

   If the Chaos traitors want to completely destroy the Nachmond Corridor, this will be their best chance.

   Once missed, there will never be such an opportunity again.

  The card game has been played, and no one knows how the Chaos Traitor will play the cards.

  The only thing they can do is to stand ready.

  The central building of Styx Hive.

  Many believers of Mechanicus are wearing scarlet robes and maintaining the continuous machines.

  A shield that is enough to cover the entire planet, it is naturally impossible to have only one generator.

  In every hive of Chidi Star, there is a shield generator, which is huge and maintained by a large number of mechanical priests to ensure that there will be no problems.

   With this shield alone, Chidixing is enough to withstand the attack of the world-killing level.

  However, the strongest city wall cannot stop the internal destruction.

  Those crazy cultists hide among the crowd, spreading their heretical ideas.

   Whenever someone is disgruntled, they will go up and whisper. "Brothers and sisters, are you interested in learning about Christianity? That great **** will redeem our suffering souls. As long as you sincerely pray to him, you will be able to obtain salvation."

  These people will also regularly hold some gatherings in the name of psychotherapy and family mutual aid, and promote various anti-imperial speeches.

  "The gods are the destination of mankind. When I embrace the gods, every cell resounds with a cry of freedom."

   "No air is free without the gods."

  "All the sufferings of those poor wretches under the corpse emperor's rule are their own fault, and they don't deserve any sympathy."

   "Embrace the age of the gods, in a wonderful age, even the air will be sweet."

  In addition to these reactionary remarks, these guys are also planning to conduct a major worship activity in accordance with the oracle.

  The place of worship is at the bottom of Styx Hive.

"For the gods, we will give everything." In the meeting place, a girl about seventeen or eighteen raised her arms and shouted, "For a free and equal world, down with the empire, down with the dictator, embrace the gods ."

  (end of this chapter)