Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 242 Plague War (for subscription)

   Calgar walked towards the study where Guilliman was with a heavy heart.

   That is the favorite place of the imperial regent, used to handle various important government affairs.

  The Victory Laurel is the flagship of Calgar, and there are also many artists on board.

   No artist is willing to be unknown.

   To gain recognition, they placed their work on both sides of the various corridors.

  The more important the corridor is, the more exquisite the works are.

  The corridor that Calgar walked was also the one that many high-level officials of the empire walked when they met him.

   For this reason, the corridors are full of sculptures or paintings by those artists.

  They hope that some high-ranking official or chapter master can understand their art, so that they can achieve great success.

   Calgar was a little displeased with this phenomenon, and thought it would be better to give each person a gun and let them go to war.

  Guilliman allowed this, and required all battlegroups to have narrators and artists.

  The former maintains a fair record of history, and the latter represents human beings' perceptual thinking about the universe.

  Art is a catalyst for technology.

  Humanities are the driving force behind technology.

   Calgar could only accept the request of his genetic father.

  Sicarius is in charge of Guilliman's security.

  When Calgar arrived, the other party stood guard at the door.

  The Honor Guards formed a perfect semicircle, forming a blue pottery wall with golden wings and skulls.

   They will stop everyone who tries to meet the Imperial Regent.

   Only through the strictest screening can they pass through the security defense line they built.

   "Chapter Master." Sicarius stepped out of the honor guard and saluted Calgar.

   Calgar nodded, looking at Sicarius with bitterness in his eyes.

  Sicarius is the Second Captain of the Ultramarines and the most serious contender for the title of Chapter Master.

   Now Agman doesn't know where he was sent by the Primarch!

   There is no doubt that if one wants to find someone who can replace him, it is Sicarius.

   Calgar was inspected by the personal guards of Glory. Even if he was the chapter leader, the safety of the Primarch was above all else.

   "Congratulations, Sicarius." Calgar said.

  Sicarius' handsome broad face showed confusion, "I don't know if there is any happy event?"

"You know." Calga said: "There is no need to hide it like this. I failed and the Red Earth Star was lost. This was a huge strategic mistake. Someone must be responsible for it, and I am the one responsible. Find someone to replace me, you are the most promising person."

  Hearing this, Sicarius looked Calga up and down, and from the eyes of the other party, it could be seen that he was not joking.

   Realizing that Calgar did not understand the overall strategy of the Empire Regency, Sicarius smiled, "It seems that we are all like simple fools in front of the Empire Regency."

Calga sighed, "With such a powerful force, I can lose the Red Earth Star. I am indeed a fool. I have already prepared for the Redemption Expedition, even if that can't make up for my fault, but It's the only thing I can do."

Sicarius smiled brighter, with a rare hint of evil, "Don't worry so much, I will see you off, Captain. Macragge will still keep your sculpture as your past achievements Go, admit your mistakes to the Primarch, and go like a warrior to the eternal battle, and when your corpse is brought back, all crimes will be abolished."

   "You look very happy." Calgar looked at Sicarius and clenched his fists. He felt that the other party was watching his joke.

"No, Chapter Commander, I'm sad. It's too sad. The great Calgar Commander is about to leave us. I'm worthless and I'm going to take over the position of Chapter Commander. It makes me nervous and confused. Go in, My lord, the regent is waiting for you. When you come out, please be sure to hand over the letter of appointment to me. Also, be humble, after all, the loss of the Chidi star is not a trivial matter." Sicarius' tone was very relaxed, He didn't care about the empire's plight after the loss of Chidixing.

   Calgar originally wanted to reprimand him, but when he realized that all of this was his own fault, he immediately lost his courage. He could only sigh and walked into the study.

  The heavy mechanical door opened with the hiss of the pressure device.

   The first time Calgar came in, he saw Guilliman next to the window.

   In front of the Primarch was a galaxy of stars.

   And the Primarch is like a **** who manipulates the entire galaxy.

  The dome and two walls of the study room are made of strengthened special glass, which has a very wide view.

   You can even see the entire ship in its entirety.

  Everything is clearly visible from the massive bow hammers of the ship to the outer edges of the city-sized engine stacks.

  Beside the Victory Laurel, there are many large ships.

   This is a majestic fleet.

  Even without firing a single shot, a world can be easily surrendered.

   At Guilliman's side, the projector was still working, outlining the broken Chidi star.

  The Nachmond Corridor is closing.

   Evacuation work has started.

  Humanity lost this vital lifeline, and Terra's connection to the dark side of the Empire was severed.

   Calgar, who was wearing heavy armor, made a difficult kneeling motion, and the servo system inside the armor hummed.

  He said guiltily, "Father, forgive me."

   There are many extra organs in Calgar's body, as well as coiled supplementary genetic code chains, as well as the warhead engine and Guilliman's heart that condense the latest technology of the empire, all of which are taken from the Primarch.

   Guilliman is not his real father.

   But Guilliman was as close as Calgar could get.

   Their blood is connected.

  Guilliman turned his head to look at Calga, who was kneeling on one knee, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, how could he kneel down and admit his mistake even if he didn't agree with each other!

   But before he could speak, Calgar spoke again.

   "I thought that the tight defense would be enough to block Chaos' attack. Who would have thought that the enemy would be so crazy."

   Guilliman stared at Calgar, and after a while, he smiled.

"I have already guessed the result, you don't have to feel guilty, everything is within the tolerance of the plan. Stand up, Calga, I don't like people kneeling in front of me, you have completed your task very well, The Black Legion has suffered heavy losses, and without a thousand years, it will be difficult for them to recover."

   "But we lost the Nachmond corridor, and the connection between Terra and the dark side of the empire was also cut off." Calgar said guiltily.

"It was just a doomed field. Its mission was to lure more enemies to crash into the walls we built. Its mission was well done. The Black Legion dropped enough corpses to cover the entire world. Arise, Calgar , the loss of Chidi Star is irrelevant, we have other ways to pass through the Great Rift."

   Calgar's face showed surprise, he stood up, the sound of the servo system in the armor echoed in the room and mixed with the sound of the projector.

Guilliman stared at Calgar, and said slowly: "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about the Nachmond Corridor. The cunning of the Black Legion is beyond our imagination. Abaddon is cautious, and the gods and With the assistance of those cunning wizards, as long as they see anything wrong, we will fail. For this reason, I cannot tell you the truth, only if you also use your power, can you deceive them and make them think that the empire cares about the Nachmond Corridor They will continue to invest their troops here, trying to completely jam our throats."

   "But without the Nachmond corridor, how should we maintain the relationship between Terra and the dark side of the empire?" Calgar asked.

"The research on lighthouses has matured. With the lighthouses built all over the galaxy, the empire's ships can locate coordinates in real time, so that they can accurately appear in all parts of the galaxy. Without the Nachmond Corridor, we will not be cut off. said Guilliman.

   "Then why is there such a big fanfare to start a war on Chidi?" Calgar asked puzzled.

"Both Chidi Star and Vigilance Star are just to consume the enemy. The empire has been in a passive defensive position for a long time. The enemy has the initiative to attack. They can attack us at any time. They control any time and any place. We Can only be exhausted. The Nachmond Corridor is a good bait for them to throw in a lot of troops and wear them down. They think they have won the victory, and soon, they will know one thing , that is, they did nothing, except sacrifice a large number of troops and slaves, nothing."

Guilliman stared at Calgar, and continued: "Not only did you lead the Empire's troops to complete this strategic mission, you also took the Spirit of Vengeance from Abaddon, took back the soul fragment of Sanguinius, and sent the The traitor of the Eye of Terror has been exhausted to the weakest level in history, and you have contributed a lot, Calgar. You did not have any defeat, but a victory that changed the future of the empire."

   Calgar was stunned. He stared at his genetic father. Judging from the other party's serious expression, this was not a joke.

  The sincerity of the Primarch's words swept away his guilt, and a strong sense of pride burned in his body.

Guilliman patted his shoulder armor, "Calgar, you will get the corresponding medal, and then you will be thrown into another battle non-stop. The human counterattack is about to begin, and the ferocity of the gods will far exceed Come on, are you ready?"

   "Yes, father, I have already prepared everything." Calga said excitedly, "I am ready to sacrifice everything for your will."

   "Very good." Guilliman smiled brighter, "The Indomitable Crusade is still going on, and we still have many great enemies to deal with. Get ready, Calgar, new challenges are coming."

   "I'm ready to destroy all enemies of mankind, father." Calgar said firmly.

  Guilliman nodded in satisfaction, and then let Calgar go out. After returning to the main force, a new round of war meetings will start.

   The galaxy will open up a new battlefield, and there are still many things they need to deal with.

   Calgar walked out of the study, while Sicarius was still performing his duties outside.

  The other party smiled. Obviously, he already knew that Calgar would not be punished.

  The words just now were just ridicule.

  Calgar didn't have the slightest bit of resentment.

  He himself couldn't see the overall layout of the regency, so he made this kind of joke.

   "It seems that the date of my becoming the commander of the chapter will be moved back." Sicarius said with a smile as he watched Calga come out.

   Calgar couldn't help sighing, "Our wisdom is insignificant compared to the regent. Everything is under his control, and he has planned strategies. Even my mistakes have long been foreseen by him."

   "Every second I get along with adults, I have the illusion that my wisdom is like an ant." Sicarius said with a smile.

   "He is the sun that guides everything, and we are just fireflies in the dark." Calgar said with self-deprecation.

   "Then we should unite closely with him, trust him, and fight for him." Sicarius said.

   "It is true." Calgar said: "We should not have any doubts about the regent, we just need to have absolute trust."

  The minions of the gods will never give up poisoning humans.

  A terrible plague has swept the fringe world of Ultramar.

   A cursed name rings in the ears of the people of the Empire, making them weep and fear, making them scream in their sleep.

  Mortarion, the Demon Primarch who betrayed the Emperor, the executor of Nurgle's will, the vile and shameless traitor, the sower of the plague.

  Andy stood knee-high in the sewage, staring at the plague walking corpses coming out of the broken forest, and ordered to fire.

  Behind her is the only remaining hive city in the world of Pandor.

  Many areas of the hive capital have been reduced to ruins.

  The sudden plague attack caused heavy casualties in the world of Pandor.

  The local defenders were wiped out within the first month of the invasion.

   Tens of billions of residents were tortured by the plague and became walking corpses.

  Andy watched as the walking corpses were pierced by lasers, making a hissing sound.

   But her expression didn't change at all.

  Cold, no fear, no message to repel enemies, just like a cold robot.

  She leads the Sara 001 Corps.

  Sara galaxy, like Natal galaxy, belongs to Ultramar, and belongs to that great man.

   The fate of the Sara galaxy is much more bumpy.

  When the imperial regency just woke up, the whole of Ultramar was in chaos, with invading enemies everywhere, and people were struggling in despair and darkness.

  Andy's Sara galaxy was invaded by a plague lord.

  At that time, she was just a naive little girl.

  Facing those ferocious enemies, she would only cuddle in her grandma's arms and cry in fear.

  All her relatives died in that invasion.

  Including the grandma who took her to escape all the way and the younger brother who depended on each other.

   They are all dead.

  Andy never forgot those scenes.

   "Andy, you have grown up, take care of your grandmother and brother." The father with the weapon gave her one last hug, then turned and left.

   "Sister, I am a little man, I will protect you." The younger brother said with his chest straightened out.

"Run, Andy, run like before, run like the wind." The younger brother fell into a pool of blood, his head was smashed by the cultist like a watermelon, and the elderly grandma hugged the cultist's feet tightly. she yelled.

   Andy never forgets those hate moments.

  She witnessed her parents leave.

  Witnessed the death of the only relative.

  Watch heroic Commander Jayan pray for final mercy, freeing him from the plague.

  Son of Sarah will never forget those hatreds.

   Now, she is the commander of the first regiment formed by the restored Sara galaxy.

   An excellent general of the Empire.

  A warrior who would sacrifice everything for the Regent of the Empire.

  After Sara was rescued by the Regent of the Empire, the orphans were gathered together for training and learning to fight against the enemy of Chaos.

  Sara No. 1 Corps is a pure regiment composed of orphans.

  This regiment also has another nickname, that is the Revenge of the Son of Sarah.

   Andy will never forget the terrible crimes committed by the dark gods.

   Those horrible memories still haunt all survivors of that battle.

   She has made a vow.

   She will never stop fighting until the Chaos Gods fall.

  The well-trained sons of Sarah opened fire one after another, and the dense laser beams pierced through the walking corpses, followed by another round of shelling.

  The defenders frantically poured artillery fire, completely erasing everything.

   After the artillery fire subsided, there were only stumps and broken arms on the battlefield.

  Andy didn't have joy on her face, she knew very well that the walking dead were just a way for those traitors to torture the defenders.

  The sound of buzzing sounded.

  The overwhelming swarm of flies rolled over like black clouds.

  The fire-breathing soldiers of the empire also took out their weapons and sprayed out one after another scorching flames. Pieces of flies were scorched and gave off a foul smell, covering the ground in a short while.

  Andy tidied up his protective mask.

   Those fly swarms carry terrible diseases, as long as they are bitten by them, the consequences will be disastrous.

  Green acid rain fell from the sky, and wriggling bugs dripped down with the raindrops.

  The acidity of rain is not enough to burn the skin, but it is enough to destroy the protective clothing during the accumulated erosion.

  The fog rolled up as the acid rain fell.

   "How's the situation? Andy." The voice of the superior commander rang through the communication.

  "The enemy has retreated, and they seem to be testing us." Andy said.

   "Don't underestimate those guys, as lackeys of the gods, they are much more cunning than we imagined."

   "I understand." Andy said.

   "Be prepared to deal with high-intensity wars at any time. The enemy fleet has entered the Pandor galaxy, and the situation is not very good. It is estimated that they will soon find a chance to airborne. Those chaos fighters and cultists are not good people."

   After chatting for a few words, the communication was hung up again.

  Andy saw a corner of the Tianyu battlefield from the public military channel.

  A large number of animated warships jumped out of the subspace, and intensive artillery fire bombarded the empire's void defense line.

  A large number of beams, torpedoes, missiles, and shells are all over the void.

   Among them, the largest living chaos warship is the Fortitude listed on the hunting list by the Imperial Navy.

   "The cursed person." Andy whispered: "You will definitely pay the price for that abyssal crime."

  (end of this chapter)