Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 274 For justice (for subscription)

   Abaddon and his party easily seized control of the entire planet.

   When facing the empire, they were crushed by the empire.

  Facing monsters created by Fabius using genetic engineering.

  They can be said to be invincible, crushing any counterattack of the enemy.

   Huge numbers of flesh and blood monsters were knocked down by bombs and chainswords.

   Falling down in the laboratory and hallway with scarlet alarm lights flashing.

  The air is filled with the pungent smell of blood.

  Even if the ventilation system is running at full power, it is difficult to discharge all the **** smell.

  Hon Suo watched everything in the laboratory, and what he saw made him even more disgusted with that **** Fabius.

  The brackets on the walls are filled with processed human flesh.

  The jars storing organs and surgical tools were randomly placed in a dazzling array, all stained with terrible blood.

   This is a laboratory hidden between slaughterhouses.

  In every room, there are blood-stained operating tables, lined with nutrition tanks that store fallen lives.

   Servants and mindless slaves shuttled among the machines, taking care of everything with a gentleness that was totally unsuited to this filthy seedbed.

  This laboratory is not for those bitter losers who try to study the mysteries of the human body but cannot master the perfect technology.

   This is a sacred hall that stores the successful works of mad scholars.

  The Emperor's Children have been conducting research on the cloning of superhuman genes for an unknown number of years.

  They hold the dark knowledge.

  Fabius is the best among them, and no one knows how far that madman has gone.

  This lunatic once cloned Horus, and also cloned many copies of the original body.

  According to some unproven rumors, Fabius also cloned a copy of his genetic father-Fulgrim.

   Abaddon launched a blow to the Black Legion at the beginning of its creation, destroying the opposing clone Horus.

   And issued a warning to that guy, he is not allowed to do this kind of blasphemy against Horus again.

  The wizard Fabi, who obeyed the belief of chaos, obviously did not heed Abaddon's warning.

   Dark research is still going on, trying to replicate the Emperor's great achievements of the past.

  In the laboratory captured by Abaddon and others, there are still a huge number of replicas.

  In the innermost part of the laboratory, there are works of Fabius.

   Walked to a life support tank with a dirty appearance.

   Abaddon could see that the amniotic fluid inside had been completely replaced by the oxygen-rich culture fluid.

   A levitating human baby, staying inside.

  With hair as white as snow and pupils as dark as night, he stared at Abaddon and his party who broke into the laboratory with his all-knowing eyes.

  From the eyes of the other party and the soul fluctuations released, they can feel the identity of the other party.

  The Midnight Haunter who is a madman to both the Empire and Chaos.

   The baby is a copy of the other.

   Those eyes and thin lips are exactly the same.

  It's like copying and pasting on a computer.

   There is no slight difference between the two.

  If you don't notice its lower body, you will think it is perfect.

   But when they saw the baby's lower body, everyone felt disgusted.

  The baby's lower body turned into tissue like black tar.

   Wriggling, bubbles popped out one by one.

   A monstrous scene of blasphemous bone and flesh.

   Such things should not exist in the real rational world.

   In the center of the lab.

   Abaddon found the sacrifice he needed for this trip.

  In a half-flesh, half-mechanical womb device fed by numerous fleshy and mechanical channels, a flawless body lay within.

  Through the hardened glass above, you can see that the body conceived inside has become a boy.

  Strong and powerful, well-proportioned, with a perfect appearance that amazes the world.

   Abaddon, Huron, Hong Suo and others, even if their souls were distorted by the power of the gods, at this moment, they still have to marvel at the perfection of this body.

  Perfect to the point that it shouldn't exist in this world.

  The researchers who knelt and begged for mercy told the origin of the body.

  Fabius has been collecting various materials for ten thousand years.

  He wandered in the world of those spirit races, extracted the souls in those spiritual bone circuits, traded with demons, and looked for elements to create a perfect extraordinary body.

   With the help of the gods, consciously or unconsciously, Fabius succeeded.

  He created a creation comparable to, if not more perfect than, the Emperor's Primarch.

  After the Great Rift appeared, the gods needed a powerful container to contain their power in order to complete the final work.

  Drag the entire universe into the warp and become their domain.

  The Primarch was once the best tool of the gods, they perfectly destroyed the emperor's plan.

   Allow the influence of the gods to expand throughout the universe.

   It's a pity to get the last job done.

   Primarch is not enough.

  The gods need a stronger container, a container that can hold more blessings.

  With the help of Fabius, a perfect creation was born.

  The perfect tool of the gods.

  A sharp sword that will subjugate human beings was sharpened with the help of that mad genetic scientist.

   Only waiting for resuscitation to finish the last job.

  If there is no Guilliman incident, Fabius will use this creation to become the favorite of the gods, and become the driving force behind the establishment of the empire and the destruction of the universe.

  The genetic creation in that nutrition jar is perfect.

  No one can pick out any faults, and there is a terrifying power in it, which is enough to make the world burn and the stars to perish.

  Everyone has already understood when they saw that perfect body.

  The real creator of this body is not Fabius.

   but the gods.

  The gods used his hands to create this perfect body.

  The gods are already preparing for the final battle of this universe.

  According to the original arrangement, the realm of the gods will enter the real universe after the Great Rift appears.

  With the blessing of this perfect body, reenact the duel between Horus and the Emperor.

   This time, the Emperor will never have the chance to sit on the Golden Throne.

  The gods will draw the final end to the war that lasted for thousands of years and reap their own victories.

   Abaddon stretched out his hand to caress the hardened glass of the nutrition cabin, watching the face of the young man inside.

   It was exactly the same as the face in memory.

   That is the face of Horus.

   Horus' body fell into the hands of Fabius, which was why Abaddon later hated him.

   During the last raid on the Emperor's Children, Abaddon felt that he should have killed Fabius.

  The opponent can clone the first Horus, which means that this guy has obtained a complete gene chain.

  As long as there is a first time, there will be a second time and a third time.

  This body must have used the genes of Horus, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a similar appearance.

  In addition to this, Fabius should have used all the high-quality genes he could get.

  The pair of white wings on the back are obviously from Sanguinius.

  Pale, bloodless face, thin lips, with the characteristics of a midnight ghost.

  Fabius put the advantages of each gene primarch on one body, which is not crazy.

  He probably has no idea what kind of monster he created.

   "What a lunatic." Huron stared at the body in the nutrition cabin, and he could feel a familiar feeling in his body.

  War Blacksmith - Hong Suo also felt a familiar atmosphere.

  This perfect creation is created by the genetic mixture of multiple Primarchs, possessing extraordinary power.

   Such a move is really crazy.

   Abaddon took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

  He cannot destroy the creation in front of him like he can kill the clone Horus.

   This body is the sacrifice that outsiders want.

   This is part of the original transaction agreement.

   "Get this out." Abaddon said to several followers of the Dark Mechanicus who followed the combat troops, "Put it in the life support device of the battleship and wait for my next instruction."

  The members of the Dark Mechanicus nodded, and ordered the machine slaves with mechanical arms to dismantle the device and take the uterus device away.

   Taking what he wanted, Abaddon gave the order to destroy the entire laboratory.

  Hundreds of bolters fired simultaneously, unleashing an explosive wave of fire.

  Terrifying firepower swept across the entire laboratory.

   After a few seconds, the glass shattered, the flesh exploded, and the metal melted and burst.

  The dying cries of things that should not have been born are mixed in.

  The machine slaves without intelligence were slaughtered, and the machines they served were also shattered under the fire.

   Huron and others shot with all their strength.

  Use cannons and flamethrowers to blast those mutated creatures into pieces and burn them into coke with absolute firepower.

   Wait until everything is destroyed.

   Abaddon and others withdrew from the laboratory.

   Before leaving, he also ordered the installation of melta bombs to completely destroy this terrible place.

   Fabius' madness ends here.

  Even if that **** has been captured by Guilliman and taken to Terra, he can only stay in the prison guarded by the Imperial Army for the rest of his life.

   It is also difficult for Abaddon and others to show tolerance for the profanity scenes seen in this laboratory.

   Everything here should be destroyed.

  Those things that desecrate life and former glory should all be destroyed in the flames.

  According to the sound of the explosion, Abaddon stood on the Thunderhawk gunship and watched the flames engulf the buildings.

  The gunboat brought the group back to the cruiser No Worry.

  The members of the Dark Mechanicum have made preparations, and the womb device removed from the laboratory has been connected to the new energy pipeline.

   "Now, what should we do?" Hong Suo looked at the huge nutrition cabin, then turned to look at Abaddon, "What is your plan?"

   Abaddon didn't answer him, but walked towards the nutrition cabin under the gaze of everyone.

   "Open it." Abaddon said, looking at the followers of the Dark Mechanicus.

  The other party nodded, and stretched out a mechanical tentacle to operate on the nutrition cabin.

  The turning sound of mechanical gears and the hissing sound of hydraulic pipes echoed at the same time.

  The nutrient solution was slowly pumped out, making a beeping sound.

  Subsequently, the hatch opened.

  A thick, slightly foul smell gushes out of it.

   Abaddon stepped forward, staring at the perfect body created by genetic engineering.

  The ceremony has already been prepared.

   Accompanied by him chanting ancient, unknown spells.

   Subspace stirred faint ripples.

  With his voice, darkness poured out of the void like a tide.

  The flood of darkness floods space and pervades time.

  Huron, Hong Suo and others were all plunged into absolute darkness.

  This is not just darkness at the level of physical space, but a place of complete nothingness, and the concept of light has never appeared.

  They are stripped of their consciousness and thrown into a world of horrors recorded only in banned books and lurid works of fiction.

   Twisted flesh and blood covered the entire universe, and those crazy creations were making piercing laughter.

  Thousands of eyes are blinking, and laughter from no source fills everyone's ears. echoed in their minds.

  Everyone feels their souls melting, becoming part of something more terrifying.

   The vicissitudes of time permeate the darkness.

   Their consciousness entered a very mysterious state, and they experienced everything in a long time in an instant.

   Tossed to those ancient historical moments that have been buried by the years.

  The years have washed their souls, making them feel as if they have passed away.

  The power of time is the most terrifying thing.

  Steel is corroded by rust.

   Rocks turn to dust.

   Even if it is a god, it will be dragged off the altar by the godslayer, and then a new **** will appear.

   Only the years have not changed, it has been flowing, monotonous but unchangeable.

  The darkness faded quickly, submerging into the perfect body cultivated by the womb device, forming a special symbol.

  Hon Suo, Huron and others thought that a long time had passed.

   When they regained the light, they found that only a few seconds had passed.

  The built-in contemplator of the battle frame is connected to the battleship, and there is no difference in time between the two.

  The perfect body opened its eyes.

  The pitch-black eyes are like an abyss without light, deep and containing infinite changes.

  He stood up naked.

  Smooth skin reveals a crystal-clear color in the candlelight.

  The white wings on the back spread out, like a beautiful angel in mythology.


   Abaddon stared at the other party, eyes full of vigilance.

   Don't be fooled by this guy's good looks.

  He couldn't forget what he saw in the dream.

   Those cancerous, out-of-order universes are terrible.

  Thousands of eyes are the embodiment of chaos.

  Hidden in this perfect body is a terrifying soul that will drag the universe into the abyss.

   "The contract has been fulfilled, mortal." The man said, "You have lived up to my expectations. This body is perfect enough to carry my will and strength."

   "Who are you?" Abaddon asked, "Yug Sothoth? That outsider?"

  The man shook his head, nodded again, showing a half-smile expression.

"Yug Sothoth is the origin of all things, the embodiment of space and time, and the door to all worlds. I am him, but not him. I am just a part of Yogg Sothoth, an insignificant will incarnation .We will all be a part of him, with this universe. Be a part of him. Be the past, be the present, be the future. Without beginning or end, to be truly eternal."

   "Then what should we call you?" A wizard said: "Everything has a name."

   "I got a name from the memory of this body, Horus." The man said: "It's a good name."

   "You shouldn't use that name." Abaddon said angrily, "You're not him."

  The existence named Horus watched Abaddon.

  He is the mortal incarnation of Yogg-Sothoth.

  A humble mortal creature wants to teach him how to do things?

   "This is the memory obtained from this body. The blood and bones are inherited from the existence of that name. It is the best to adopt this name, and it can fit this universe more perfectly."

   Abaddon's hands clenched into fists, his gaze became dangerous.

  The Marauder has been trying to escape the influence of his genetic father.

   Even at the expense of changing the Sons of Horus into the Black Legion.

   Even so, Abaddon would never allow anyone to humiliate his genetic father and use his name to walk in this universe.

   "You can change your name, outsider." Abaddon said word by word: "I have completed the contract with you, don't force me to attack you. Gods also have limits, you will bleed, outsider."

   Horus stared at Abaddon, "You shouldn't say such a thing, threatening an omniscient and omnipotent is a very dangerous thing."

   Abaddon, which weighed several tons, was lifted up by an invisible force, and then slammed into the distant wall, making a deafening sound.

   "I am Horus, a mortal." Horus said in a low voice, "Are you going to resist me? A mortal creature."

   Abaddon, who was once regarded as the biggest threat by the empire, was knocked out of his feet by a single blow.

  He stared at the guy who pretended to be his genetic father, his eyes were full of anger.

   But the other party just raised his hand slightly, and he was suspended, and was smashed against the wall again.

   Two such terrifying impacts in a row.

   pained Abaddon, the ceramic armor shattered under the impact.

  Sharp shards pierced his chest.

   When facing each other, it is as powerless as facing Guilliman.

  They are existences of the same level.

  The controller and competitor of this vast universe.

"Respect me, mortal creature. This time, I allow you to continue living in the state of body and soul. If there is another time, you will know how terrible my anger is. I will give this universe Bring blessings and future, thank me, mortal beings, you will gain true eternity."

   Abaddon glared at the other party, but he also knew that the other party could easily take his life.

  Even if everyone here goes forward together, it will be difficult to stop the opponent's strength.

   Abaddon got up, suppressing his anger.


   Spit out the blood and broken bones together.

   This matter will not end here.

  Even if the opponent is a god.

   Nothing is indestructible.

  If there is, it just means that there is no right way to find it.

   "Horus, what are you going to do?" Seeing that the strongest Abaddon had no ability to fight back in the opponent's hands, Huron had no intention of challenging the opponent.

  Even if the opponent takes the name of Horus in the past, it does not mean that the opponent is Horus.

   But a real outsider, holding infinite power like the gods.

"You don't need to know, creatures of the mortal world. Your race is simple-minded and cannot understand the complexity of the universe." Horus said: "This universe will become a part of eternity, and there will be no destruction and death. Of course, before that, We have to deal with that arrogant little guy first. Who does he think he is challenging, but he is challenging an omniscient existence."

  Such words are full of arrogance, but the other party's expression does not have a trace of arrogance.

   As if such a statement is taken for granted.

  In front of those ancient beings with a nearly eternal lifespan, enough to watch the birth and destruction of the universe, human beings are extremely small.

  Guilliman's arrogant speech in the past made the other party very angry.

  A race with only hundreds of millions of years of evolution history including the single-cell period.

  In the eyes of Yogg Sotos, it is almost the same as plankton.

  The other party dared to say such big words.

   I don't know how to live or die.

  For those sad races, what happens in the future will determine the rise and fall of their race.

  For the great Yogg Sothoth, it was just an insignificant game, a short-lived entertainment in the never-ending dream gap.

  He will let Guilliman know what it means to be small.

  The entire human race will be mercilessly destroyed.

   That idiot will continue to pay dearly in his desperate struggle.

   Till all creation is reduced to dust and ashes.

   No one dared to contradict Horus' words.

  The power that permeates the perfect body escapes into the material world.

  Let Hong Suo, Huron, and Abaddon all be able to feel the boundless will of darkness like an abyss.

   Standing up again, Abaddon felt that the strength of Horus was rising, as if there was no upper limit.

  Such a terrifying power, even Horus, who was blessed by the four gods in the past, could not match it at all.

   When looking at each other, it feels like watching a real god.

   He couldn't help but have the urge to kneel down.

"I know who you are talking about, but he has a terrifying army beyond the imagination of the world. It is impossible for us to win the war with him. We have lost everything. Now, only this special place is left to let We survived." Abaddon resisted the urge to kneel to the other party, trying to let the other party know the current predicament.

  He suppressed his hatred deep in his heart, but it didn't mean he would give in to the other party.

   Do not expect the sons of Corthonia to submit.

  The Sons of Corsonia will endure, develop, and finally turn their fangs on those who claim to be gods and masters again.

   "The power of the empire is extremely powerful, and the gods are involved again. We don't have enough troops to fight against Guilliman." Hon Suo also said: "If it is to recuperate, Guilliman may not give this opportunity."

  The gods are haunted by the Emperor.

  Guilliman's army has been blessed with technology again.

  The Eye of Terror is also at stake.

  Even if it has the power to destroy stars, it is impossible to contend with the entire human empire.

"I am a part of Yogg Sothoth, there is nothing I cannot do." Horus said: "He is not the only one who has an army, a new army will come to this universe, and the stars will burn , until they become part of Yog-Sothoth."

   Wriggling flesh and blood covered the entire void, and terrifying tentacles wriggled on countless planets.

   Huge stars floating in the void, dim, like apples eaten by moths.

  Huge black holes emerged one after another.

  Everything here is rotten.

   Monsters roam around.

   Among them, the most terrifying is the monster once called the **** of heaven.

   Their bodies are huge, and they walk in the void of the universe covered with flesh and blood.

  The slimy tentacles with mouthparts squirmed on the surface of the huge body like a planet.

   Foul-smelling saliva dripped from a mouth full of sharp teeth.

  They wander around the galaxy, looking for food hungrily to satisfy the twisted gluttonous soul.

  In a giant destruction fortress named Devouring Star, hungry monsters entrenched here, making low-pitched roars, longing for more flesh and blood.

   And in the center of the fortress, Marvell, who has become a distorted monster beyond recognition, is still trying to maintain his remaining mind.

   He sat alone on his throne in the fortress.

  By his side are those who once fought for justice.

   They were heroes, and now, they're total monsters.

   All of this is the masterpiece of the superhero of yesteryear, Marvel.

  In the few remaining memories, you can glimpse some broken past.

   Marvel was once a superhero.

  At that time, he was respectfully called Captain Marvel-Marvel.

   Maintain the tranquility of the universe and protect the peace of the world.

   But one day, Marvell faced a death crisis.

  He was seriously injured by his old enemy, and he was only one step away from dying.

  Death is an inevitable existence, and it is an important part of maintaining order and rationality.

  Only when old things disappear can new things be born.

  The path of truth can develop continuously and never end.

   Eternity represents stagnation.

   represents the collapse of rationality and disorder.

  Without death, there is no new life.

  Old things squeeze new things.

  As a superhero who protects the peace of the universe, Marvel Captain Marvel never thought there would be such a day.

  He is so powerful that he can swim alone in the void, can release powerful rays, can easily destroy warships, and repel the enemy's thousands of troops.

   He has defeated bullies who tried to dominate others countless times.

   maintains the peace and happiness of the entire universe.

   And he was going to die like a mortal.

  When he saw the smug smile on his old enemy's face.

   Unreconciled, many emotions such as anger came to my heart.

  He is so righteous and has done so many good deeds, why should he die.

  This **** fate.

  Why do this!

   He deserves to live, his old enemy deserves to die.

  Why is it upside down?

  Why should I die like this even though I am a good person.

   Fate is unfair!

  Mar-Vell's resentment is so great that it attracts the gaze of an outsider, pulling him into the realm of eternity as he draws his last breath.

  Here, the other party promised that he would give eternity as long as he became his follower.

  In the endless ages, death itself will die.

   Only the eternal existence can continue forever.

  The Outsider promised Marvell the power to overthrow that damned fate.

   Let him live forever, take charge of justice, and protect the peace of the universe forever.

   Marvell is moved, in order to continue to fight side by side with his comrades in arms, in order to be able to protect his universe forever.

  He chose to accept the blessings of outsiders.

   In order to survive, for justice, and to continue to protect the universe.

   Marvel thinks he's right.

   Surviving from a mortal crisis, Marvel easily defeated his nemesis.

  In the following days, he brought "salvation" to his own universe in accordance with the contract with the other party.

  Brought the truth of the universe, and brought the immortality of all things to those creatures who fear death.

  Everyone will live forever in the blessing of outsiders.

   Those who tried to resist him were defeated.

  The Celestial Group, the Avengers, the Transcendence, and those superheroes, as well as those creation gods who claimed to have all the secrets in the world, were all defeated.

   Defeated in the desire for eternal life, defeated in the inner greed.

  The entire universe was conquered by those who longed for immortality.

  Every star, every civilization was dedicated by Marvell and his followers to the outsider who called himself Yogg-Sothoth, so that the eternal kingdom would come.

   Here, there is no more death.

  Every life has been given eternity.

   Here they can party till the end of time.

  If there is an end to time.

   Marvell stared at the dark void, waiting for Yogg Sothos to call.

  Waiting for the call of the being who represents the trinity of time, space and life.

  He has an army strong enough to conquer everything for the opponent and bring salvation to those ignorant mortal creatures.

  Every life that fears death will be redeemed.

   The All-to-One never rejects those who desire to join His arms.

   There is no death, no decaying world, and time loses its meaning.

  Mar-Vell waited, and continued the boring and long wait amidst the howls of many corrupted superheroes.

  Suddenly, a strange wave sounded.

   Near the majestic Star Swallowing Fortress.

   The squirming tentacles are knotted together, forming a huge and incomparable portal.

  Malicious rays of light projected from it.

  Bursts of singing came from inside.

   This is Yogg-Sothoth's call.

   This is the call of the aliens longing for salvation.

  Marville smiled, and countless twisted partners also screamed, eager for a new war, eager to get more attention from the one who returns everything.

"Let's go, new world, new enemy. We will fight for the great Yogg-Sothoth, and give eternity to those ignorant mortal beings." Marvell's voice, full of cruelty and tyranny, scarlet Eyes express desire and excitement.

  He can't wait to conquer more worlds.

   Tremble, cry.

   The dreaded Captain Marvel - Marvel is coming.

   As always, he will bring redemption.

   Gotham City.

  The chaotic night of the past has become extremely peaceful now.

   No shootings, no contraband smuggling, no robberies, and no murders.

  After a company named Roboute Group was born, the crime rate in Gotham City plummeted.

  I don't know who is behind this company, and it quickly opened up the situation with its excellent products.

  The industries involved in the Wayne Group, they are all involved.

  Wayne Group is not involved in the industry, they are also involved.

   This company claims to be a beacon for humanity.

   Within 20 years, human beings will become a civilization capable of interstellar navigation.

  If it is another company, such a declaration is naturally just a hoax.

   But the Luobaote Group is different, they really have this strength.

   First, it promoted the research and development of nuclear fusion energy reactors.

   It is planned to build ten super-large energy reactors within one year.

  Used to ensure the energy supply of all mankind.

  The space program was launched again, and several spaceships were created like magic.

   It is planned to establish human colonies on every planet in the solar system within ten years.

  This group is good at everything, but they have special religious beliefs.

   All employees who are required to join the job believe in an existence called the Emperor.

  As long as the partners believe in the emperor, they can immediately get a discounted price.

  It is said that this existence will redeem the entire human society.

  With the blessing of so many advanced technologies, the emperor's belief promoted by the Roboute Group quickly became popular and became one of the most popular beliefs.

  Whether God will let you go to heaven or not, you will not know until you die.

  Emperor can make people enjoy benefits immediately.

  Believe in the emperor, enjoy discounts, and get subsidies.

  After the first large space station capable of cultivating plants and with gravity devices appeared in low-Earth orbit.

  The presidents of all countries have believed in the emperor.

   God and God cannot send a man into space.

  The emperor can do it.

   If you want not to fall behind in the future space field, you can only keep up with the pace of Roboute Group.

  The future of mankind lies in the Roboute Group.

  Bruce stood on the top floor of the Wayne Building shrouded in darkness, and he stared at the Roboute Building, which was more magnificent than the Wayne Building.

   slightly frowned.

  After the rise of Roboute Group, Wayne Group quickly lost its original market share.

  Even if he has Krypton, Mother Box and other alien technologies, it will be difficult to restore the decline of Wayne Building.

  The opponent has fully blossomed from the field of basic physics to the field of application.

   Wayne Group was defeated.

   In less than half a year, Wayne Group fell from the world's number one throne.

  The longevity technology promised by the other party made the Wayne Group consortium forces betray their capitalist status.

  Even if there is no betrayal, it will be difficult to stop the rise of the Roboute Group.

  In addition to using longevity technology to confuse the division of consortium forces.

  The Roboute Group also promised to cover the whole human society.

  Promise that a life will have the most basic guarantee from birth to death, to ensure that it will not die from hunger, freeze to death, and ensure the most basic survival and shelter.

   Promise that you only need to work forty hours a week to enjoy a life without worrying about food and clothing, have an independent residence, and enjoy a healthy life.

  Robot Group also promises to work hard to establish a fair and transparent social system, eliminate the exaggerated gap between the rich and the poor, and realize fair competition in the true sense.

   Such a promise is simply the gospel of angels when the unemployment rate is soaring.

  The people chose to vote with their feet.

  Whether it is realized or not, in addition, the slogan alone makes people feel yearning.

  In this era of skyrocketing unemployment, corrupt officials, chaotic law and order, and rampant gangsters, how bad can it be?

  The public's choice quickly paid off.

  Wherever the Roboute Group went, the unemployment rate dropped sharply, food, medical care, etc. all dropped.

  The slums ushered in reconstruction.

  The other party is like a sophisticated machine, perfectly returning every penny earned to the local area.

  If there are no corrupt officials, it will be 100% perfect.

  Wayne Group can be said to have suffered from all aspects of dimensionality reduction.

  Price competition does not have any advantages, and it has been defeated all the way in public opinion.

  The image of the Playboy deliberately created by Brewster is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

   It is the first time for everyone to be human.

  Why are you born with rich clothes and good food, go out like a supermodel with luxury cars, sing and sing every night, and rely on the wealth of your parents' connections to become a so-called elite.

   Others have to work day and night, with little clothes and food, afraid to go to the hospital, afraid to spend money, even have to think twice about adding chicken legs to a work meal with clear soup and little water? ?

   Questioning the uneven distribution of wealth in society, but also using the power of the media to promote others' hatred of the rich, which is not good for others.

  Then why can't people choose a company that is more helpful to them.

  Wayne Group was slumped under the double blow.

  Of course, the Wayne Group is still the second largest group in the world.

  The rotten boat still has three catties of nails.

  The Roboute Group has risen too fast, and the Wayne Group can still rely on its foundation to resist for a while.

   It's just inevitable to be surpassed by the opponent.

   At that time, the Wayne Group will also completely decline and become a thing of the past.

  Bruce's life of spending money like water will also come to an end.

   "Master." The butler's voice sounded.

  Bruce withdrew his gaze, looked at the butler and frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

   "We lost 90% of the metropolitan medical market share." The steward said: "In addition, our market share continues to decline in ocean trade and arms transactions."

   "Is it all taken away by the so-called Roboute company?" Bruce asked.

  The steward nodded, "Yes, master."

   "I see." Bruce turned his head to look at the brightly lit Roboute Group again. He felt that this group was not that simple. How could the other party do good things? There must be a big conspiracy behind it.

  Suddenly, there was a ding-dong sound.

  The lights on the desk turned on, and the Wayne Group logo appeared on the screen on the wall.

"Bastard. I found what you want." The voice of Catwoman Selena came from the speaker. Bruce had a very early An investigation into this group has begun.

   It's a pity that the security of Roboute Group is too strict.

   There are also various high-tech equipment, even Batman can't sneak in.

  No way, he can only find the catwoman with magical abilities - Selena to cooperate with.

"Good guy, the ambitions of the Roboute Group are too terrifying. They are building coordinates, as if they are trying to guide something. Also, I found some evidence for you about their brainwashing. I have passed it on to you. Someone I'm coming, I have to retreat."

  Hearing what Selena said, Bruce smiled.

  He knew that there was no such thing as a pie in the sky in this world.

  A company that does not ask for anything in return and possesses various technologies far beyond this era jumped out to build a fair human society.

  There is no such saint in this world, they are pure liars.

   There must be hidden ambitions of invisible people behind.

  Bruce checked the documents that Catwoman sent to him, and found that the other party was building a huge device in various places, which should be one.

   Obviously, they want to use this huge device to achieve ulterior purposes.

   It is necessary for me to investigate this matter.

  Bruce went to his secret room.

   A moment later, the fully armed Batman jumped out of the Wayne Building, reflecting the reflection of the bat under the bright moonlight.

   It's time to act and expose this terrible conspiracy.

  Robert Group base on the outskirts of Gotham City.

   This base is the latest construction.

  All over the world, the rapidly rising Roboute Group is building bases and factories everywhere.

  This base can be regarded as a relatively confidential project.

  Away from human habitation, there are security guards outside.

   "Hurry up, don't waste time." James shouted with the walkie-talkie, "It's still two hours before it's time to change shifts, hurry up on patrol, and don't let nearby residents in, or we won't have good fruit to eat."

  The former local hooligan, but now he has turned into a beater.

   James' changes are not insignificant.

   It all stemmed from the accident that night.

  When the muzzle of the gun that could blow his head into pieces was aimed at his head, James once thought he was dead.

  Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he also saw his half-brother, Sam, who had been missing for many years.

  The other party is working for a huge organization called the Empire.

  When the two brothers met, their eyes were full of tears.

  Sam said that he was hit by a big truck, and then traveled to another world inexplicably.

  Spent many years there, experienced many dangers, monsters, evil gods, gods and so on.

  The empire went to that world and established a base.

   brought them back again.

   Prepare to spread the glory of the empire in this world and build outposts.

   Consider that the world is full of humans.

   intends to seize control of the entire world by means of economic penetration.

  James was also confused, but in order to survive, he also chose to join.

   From the movie, the blood on the streets, the gun fights, I feel very cool, awesome, and handsome.

  James didn't have that kind of thinking. He had seen many times that his companions were stabbed for thousands of dollars, and their intestines flowed out.

  Begging for a living in a gang, living a very depressed life, I don't know when I will die on the street.

  If there is a good way to survive, no one wants to live such a life of licking blood.

  The next thing was that those mysterious people established the Roboute Group, which made rapid progress and became the largest group in the world.

  Use various superior conditions to win over the hearts of the people, and gain the ruling power of the entire world without bloodshed.

   James doesn't have many ideas, which is pretty good.

  Anyway, I can't make a fortune. I work eight hours a day and get a good income. This allows me to have a house and a car, and I can meet my brothers and drink some wine when I'm free. It's a pretty good life.

  Compared with the previous life of licking blood on knife edge and going to prison at every turn, it is simply heaven.

   Bang, bang, bang.

   All the lights used for lighting suddenly went out.

   James didn't realize what happened, his neck hurt, and his eyes went dark.

  Before he passed out completely, his only thought was that someone had invaded.

  Bruce came out of the darkness, pulled the fallen security guard to a corner, and continued to sneak in.

  Using a virus to paralyze the camera of the base, and solve some of the security guards.

  Bruce entered the base.

  In the center of the base, he saw a terrifying scene.

  In the nutrition tank, there are huge heads connected by countless data lines.

   Not just one, but more than a dozen nutrition jars, all of which are heads severed from the neck.

  Every face has a look of pain.

   "What evil plan are these guys planning?" Bruce said in horror, looking at these things.

  Continuing to walk inside, Bruce also found a large number of cultivation tanks.

  Experimental body with terrifying muscles and a few rings larger than others.

  Bruce frowned slightly. Obviously, the Roboute Group intends to use these modified people to rule the entire world.

  After grasping the economic lifeline of the world, they mass-produced these modified people, combined with brainwashing technology.

  At that time, no one can stop them from wanting to rule the world.

  Bruce filmed these things, these are all incriminating evidence.

  The conspiracy behind the Roboute Group makes me dreaded just thinking about it.

  There are so many heads here.

  If they were allowed to control the world, their methods would be even more cruel.

   It is necessary to convene the members of the Justice League, formulate an emergency plan, collect more criminal evidence about the Roboute Group, and find a way to eliminate this cancer.

  For the sake of justice, this group cannot continue to develop in an orderly manner.

   It's been a long time since I thank you guys for your rewards.

   Thank you for your support, I hope you have a happy family and your wishes come true.

  (end of this chapter)