Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 281 The Fall of the Emperor (for subscription)

  Alpharius knows more about the security measures of the Imperial Palace than most people in the Empire.

   Before the palace was built, he was already wandering in it.

  The secret path he took is not known to the present Custodians.

   Only the first marshal of the imperial army, the prime minister of the empire - Malcador, and the emperor can know such a secret tunnel.

  The latecomers knew nothing about it.

   Never thought that there would be such a road that could lead directly to the most important place in the empire.

   When Alpharius was discovered, he was only the last door from where the Emperor was.

  A Custodian noticed the anomaly and found Alpharius sneaking in the dark.

   The eyes of the two met.

  No one expected to find each other in this situation.

  Alpharius moved quickly, flicking his hand violently, a throwing blade flew out.

  The forbidden soldier was hit directly on the forehead by the throwing blade he threw, and even the helmet was cut open like tofu.

   Throwing blades have some warp power added to them.

   Possesses the sharpness that can easily break through the armor of the imperial army.

   This is the killer blow.

   Alpharius hopes to use the fastest way to solve the opponent, otherwise he will be exposed and add unnecessary variables to his actions.

  The assassination of the Emperor must be successful.

   This is a gamble that has put everything on it.

   Ten thousand years ago, when Alpharius learned the truth of Chaos from those ancient races, there was no turning back.

  The Forbidden Army has a body and combat power that surpass the Astartes.

   Alpharius knew very well that if he attacked the opponent's throat, he would not be able to kill him immediately.

  The Custodian will still have enough time to fire warning shots and delay himself.

  The Custodians are very tenacious fighters, possessing almost crazy paranoia in protecting the Emperor.

  Strong willpower can even make them ignore the call of death.

   Ten thousand years ago, Alpharius knew this very well.

   But Alpharius missed one point, that is, the imperial army had accepted the upgrade not long ago.

  If the Forbidden Army thousands of years ago suffered a blow with subspace power, they would definitely be dead.

   After accepting the implantation of the Heart of the Empire, the upgraded Forbidden Army broke out with a powerful vitality beyond Alpharius' estimate.

  The throwing blade with subspace power didn't kill the Custodian in the first place.

  Under Alpharius' astonished gaze, the opponent raised the spear in his hand at the speed of an afterimage.

  The bolt launcher installed in the front screamed, and the bullets filled with high explosives were wrapped in flames and roared out.

   Alpharius leaned over to the right, and two explosive bombs passed by where his head was just now, and hit the wall behind, making an explosion sound.

  Hanging on the walls were ancient works of art that were reduced to ashes and fragments in the flames of the explosion.

   Realizing that he had no time, Alpharius drew closer to the Custodians.

   Must be quick.

  The power field of the spear was activated, and crackling blue arcs wrapped around the shining spear blade.

  The Forbidden Army swung a vicious and precise blow, trying to strangle the enemy who broke into this place.

  It's a pity that even after accepting the upgrade, the Forbidden Army is still too weak in the face of a rebellious Primarch with an awakened essence.

  Alpharius grabbed the spear thrust by the Custodian, hit him with his back and buttocks, and then used himself as a lever to knock him over his shoulder to the ground.

  Before the imperial army could react, they took away the spear, turned it upside down, and stabbed it into the opponent's chest.

  However, the other party has successfully prevented Alpharius from infiltrating.

   He has been exposed.

  The footsteps of the imperial guards echoed in the silent corridor.

   They are numerous and coming fast.

  Alpharius passed the last door with a bleeding spear, and rushed into the humming throne room.

  He was running, past those soul siphons, toward the Emperor's throne.

  Those siphons rumbled, spouting steam and rainbow light.

  They took the souls of psykers and used them to feed the Emperor.

  The sacrificed lives all showed expressions of extreme pain, scratching the thick and hard cabin.

  The existence of the empire is bloody, dark, and brutal.

   Every day, ten thousand psykers give their lives to keep the empire alive.

  Thousands of oil-stained servants maintain the machinery according to established procedures.

  The rapid sound of the siren did not make them leave their posts.

   Protecting machinery takes priority over dealing with intruders.

   These machines need to be kept running, drawing souls to feed the Emperor, ensuring that he can hold the Webway and keep Terra from becoming a demon world.

   Several priests of mechanical technology in red and black cloaks stared in horror at Alpharius who broke in.

   They have no weapons in their hands.

   This is to ensure that no one can harm the Emperor.

  The mechanical priests stood up bravely, trying to slow down the opponent's speed.

  Alpharius waved the spear in his hand, and with just a few breaths, he killed all those mechanical priests.

  Synthetic blood and motor oil flowed from the body of the fallen priest.

   Then the spear in his hand was thrown out, piercing through an imperial army guarding here.

   Its heavy body was taken away by its incomparable strength, and it was firmly nailed to a machine, bursting out a large number of sparks, and the gushing flames engulfed the imperial army.

  Alpharius did not check the opponent's life and death, but rushed to the golden throne where the emperor was at the fastest speed.

  A long sword exuding a cold aura appeared in his hand.

  The body of the sword is pitch black, as if forged from pure night.

   This is a special weapon.

   Only such weapons can harm the Emperor.

  The teleported flash lights up on the Golden Throne.

   Forms of Custodians emerge from the flash, weapons in hand, trying to stop Alpharius.

   It's a pity that the opponent's speed is too fast.

   They can't stop it at all.

  And they are also wary of fighting, and they can't let go of the battle, worrying about destroying the golden throne.

   "You are not allowed to move forward, rebellious." Valanor's roar sounded.

  Alpharius didn't care about the roar of the Marshal of the Forbidden Army, but sped up his speed instead.

   After knocking down two Custodians again, Alpharius stood beside the Emperor.

  Golden light reflected on his goggles.

  Through those lights, he saw the broken body of the Emperor.

  The horrific scars of the battle of Horus still linger on that immortal body.

   "All plans will come true today." Alpharius said in a deep voice: "You will return like a strong wind and rule this race again. Father, after today, your throne will be lifted up and turned into a realm of gods."

  Alpharius' eyes are so determined.

  Since 10,000 years ago, when he saw all the truth, this plan has been promoted.

   All he does is for the Emperor.

   This is also the reason why the Alpha Legion was so precise during the Great Rebellion.

  He must ensure that the power of the two factions is on the same level, so that the direction of things does not deviate from the future he has seen.

  The emperor was seriously injured and accepted the faith, thus completing the transformation from a mortal to a god.

  If the emperor had not been injured, the state religion would never have been able to rise, let alone accept faith.

  Alpharius knew of the Emperor's plans for the Webway.

  But he knew that the road was a dead end.

  The webways cannot save humanity.

  The Eldar have mastered the webway, and their end didn't end in a tragic end.

  Even if the emperor isolated those psykers and cut off the tentacles of the gods, it was only for a while.

   Chaos will not die.

   will only hibernate.

  After thousands of years, ten thousand years later, mankind will gradually forget the Emperor's warning.

  The arrogant people will regain the abandoned psychic power again.

  Take a path of depravity and indulgence similar to that of the Eldar.

   It's just that the history of human beings will be much shorter than that of the spirit race, and the ending will be much more tragic.

   Only when the emperor becomes a **** can the extinction of mankind be prevented, the chaotic subspace can be ended, and the two worlds can be kept in balance.

  Valano has been running wildly, but his speed is still a bit slower.

  Alpharius stared at the Emperor, the sharp blade in his hand piercing the heart.

  The black blade that sank into the Emperor's body turned red, shining as bright as lava.

  The sharp blade forged with the most terrifying witchcraft can completely cut off the emperor's anchor point in the real universe, that is, the broken body.

  The power of witchcraft exploded, and the shock wave spread outward in a circular shape.

  The surrounding machines sparked and exploded, and the flames engulfed the servants who maintained the machinery.

  The overloaded energy spewed out like a spring, causing even more terrifying explosions, and the terrifying sound echoed throughout the palace cheering for the return of the two Primarchs.

   Accompanied by human beings for ten thousand years, only when the big rift opened, the star torch light beam that was briefly extinguished flickered a few times, and then disappeared completely.

  The Emperor's Song, which had been echoing in the Warp for ten thousand years, slowly faded away.

   Throughout the galaxy, an indescribable sadness suddenly emerged in the hearts of countless people.

  In the entire solar system, the people who were still reveling just now suddenly became extremely sad.

  They feel like they've lost something important, something that held them together.

   Throne Room.

   "No!" Valanor yelled in pain as he saw the Emperor impaled by the vicious weapon in Alpharius' hands.

   He sprang to his feet and slashed at Alpharius with his spear, forcing him away from the Emperor.

  The advancing Custodians formed a shield wall around the Emperor.

  Alpharius didn't care.

   He has succeeded.

  Emperor possesses the characteristic of immortality, even if he is killed, he will be reborn again.

   But this time, he will not be reborn as a mortal, but as a god.

  The emperor is dead, and the **** emperor will appear.

   Alpharius blocked several attacks from Valanor, then turned around and rushed outside the throne room, forcing away the forbidden troops who were trying to stop him.

  The plan is done, it's time to leave.

  As long as he can escape into the maze, no matter how many people Guilliman sends, he will never be able to find him.

  Unfortunately, it was accompanied by a few flashes of teleportation.

  Alpharius' escape plan went bankrupt.

  He is no longer facing the Imperial Army, but the Primarch who has the name of a demigod like him.

  Vulkan, who came out of the light, waved the giant hammer in his hand, blocking his way.

   "What did you do??" Vulkan's eyes showed anger, and his extraordinary mind allowed him to analyze the truth from those panicked shouts.

   Alpharius assassinates the Emperor.

   "Did what I should do." Alpharius held the stolen spear of the imperial army and looked at Vulkan vigilantly.

   "Alpharius, you bastard." Russ also roared, and the angry wolf king stared at the brother who dared to kill his father.

   Sanguinius, Jaghatai, and Ryan also came out of the light.

  The shock on their faces was indescribable, followed by monstrous rage.

  Seeing the arrival of these brothers, Alpharius felt more and more heavy in his heart. It was impossible for him to escape.

   "It seems that I can't escape." Alpharius dropped the spear in his hand.

   Fighting will only make you lose face and end in embarrassment.

  It is impossible for him to defeat so many brothers.

   Furious Ruth raised his fist and punched Alpharius a few times.

  If there were no other Primarchs holding him back, I'm afraid he would beat this guy who dared to kill his father to death.

  The imperial guards who rushed over pressed the bleeding Alpharius to the ground and controlled him.

  However, everything is irreparable.

  The blade, imbued with the power of the Warp, pierced the Emperor's immortal body.

"Complete blockade. Immediately check the operation of the Golden Throne to ensure that the webway will not explode." Guilliman stepped out of the teleportation beam, saw the weapon on the Emperor's body, his heart sank, and he immediately issued an order .

  Penny, the Prime Minister of the Empire who came in a hurry, was trembling when she heard the news, but she still insisted on carrying out Guilliman's order.

  Many sages were dispatched urgently, and Guilliman asked them to ensure the operation of the Golden Throne.

   Several spiritual prophets who originally came to participate in the imperial regent's enthronement ceremony, including the old antique Eldrar, were also invited to find a way to treat the emperor.

   However, no matter how hard the Primarchs tried, the damage Alpharius had wrought could not be undone.

   "There is nothing we can do." Elder Prophet Elderal also shook his head, "That weapon is too vicious."

  Under the desperate eyes of the primarchs, the emperor's vitality slowly faded away, just like the evening sun being pulled towards the horizon little by little.

  No matter what they did, they could not save the Emperor's life.

   The legendary man who built the empire has come to the end of his life.

"The power of the Golden Throne is weakening, and more than 30% of its components have been destroyed." After checking, Kaul reported to Guilliman: "The subspace is making waves, and the minions of the gods are waiting for the power of the emperor." Collapse, if there is no Emperor's will to guard, those demons will pour directly into Terra, and the power in them will tear the solar system apart."

"Turn the Gray Knights here, guard the webway, and bring Magnus here." Guilliman said, "Also, to speed up the assembly of the Mechanical Throne, the Firewall must be established before the Emperor's power completely disappears." stand up."

  Guilliman kept making arrangements, blocked the news, and at the same time tried to make the astronomical torch light up to calm people's hearts.

   "My mission has come to an end, sons." Sitting in the stasis field on the golden throne, the emperor who hadn't spoken a word for ten thousand years opened his eyes and spoke again.

   It's just that there is an undisguised weakness in the voice.

  (end of this chapter)