Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 293 The fourth phase of the task (for subscription)

  As soon as Cha Hetai said this, the guards and soldiers of the Exorcism Squad were stunned.

  The abandoned rest station is extremely dangerous, and the interior space has been completely controlled by demons.

  Even if all the personnel in it are executed, the demon cannot be completely eradicated, and the anti-subspace device can only be used to trap the opponent inside and weaken it.

  The Primarch went in rashly like this, and if something happened, they would be blamed for death.

"That's too dangerous, my lord, let's wait for a while." The guard on the side said: "The demon inside has just been trapped, and the anti-subspace force field has not hurt the opponent's origin. It is in the area of ​​the rest station. The opponent is strong."

  Chagatai showed a smile, "It's okay, that demon is not my opponent."

  As the most perfect genetic creation of the Emperor, the Primarch is half made of the genetic technology of the material world, and the other half is composed of the special origin of the warp.

   Primarchs are both warp creatures and humans.

   This is why they are called demigods.

  Chagatai has fought in the depths of the subspace for many years, and has slain countless demons, so he is naturally very familiar with demons.

  The demons entrenched in the rest station are powerful, but they are also within his ability.

  He drew out his weapon, a long knife made of the most advanced technology of the empire.

  A faint halo emanates from the blade, and complicated electronic patterns and prayers of blessings spread across every corner.

   is the latest technological creation of the empire-arcane weapons.

  Arcane weapons are weapons specially created to kill demons.

   Has a strong restraint on subspace creatures.

  With this long knife, even if Chagatai is unable to kill the top demon under the command of the Four Gods, he is sure to be able to retreat unscathed.

   "My lord, it's really too risky to do that." Another guard said.

Chagatai showed a confident smile, "I'm sure of what I'm going to do, let me go in. Only by facing danger directly can you know their terrifying nature. No matter how powerful the prey is, as long as you understand their weaknesses and activities According to the law, the hunter can hunt it down."

   Watching Chagatai's determined expression, the exorcist warrior leading the team turned to look at his companion.

   "Get ready, we're going into the contaminated zone."

   "You don't need to do that, I am enough alone." Chagatai said, "You may lose your life in vain if you go in."

   "It is our mission to protect Master Jaghatai. The Exorcist Chapter will definitely not sit back and watch the protected person go into danger alone. Please don't let us do things that tarnish the honor of the Exorcist Chapter, Sir."

   Seeing the other party's insistence, Chagatai did not use his authority to demand the other party, but just nodded, "In that case, then you all follow me in, but you must be careful in everything, the strength of the demons inside cannot be underestimated."

  The leading exorcist warrior nodded.

   "Be careful." After receiving the authorization from above, a guard opened the way for them to enter.

  The sealed rest stop opened a side door, just enough to accommodate Primaris Warriors and Primarchs.

  The guards raised their weapons, wary of demons that might come out suddenly.

  Chagatai walked in with the team.

  The security measures at the sealed rest station are extremely strict.

   An entry passage with three sealed doors.

   Only by closing the airtight door at the back can the airtight door in front be opened.

  Each door has security measures, if it is opened without a security password, the protection device will be activated.

  The attack unleashed was enough to kill the original cast warrior on the spot.

   After the verification key is successful, the indicator light turns green.

  The sound of mechanical humming came from the door, and the sound of the killing force field and protective devices being disarmed traveled along the metal to the ears of the group of people.

   Wait until there is a pleasant voice.

  Two exorcist fighters walked up to a roulette, and together they opened the heavy hatch.

  With the opening of the hatch, a strong smell of blood came to the face.

   The interior of the rest stop is already a hellish scene.

  The lights flickered on and off, the walls were covered with blood, and the bodies of the executed staff members lay on the ground, emitting a stench.

  Chagatai shook his head and walked in.

  The exorcist fighters took out the scriptures and demon-killing weapons, and were alert to possible dangers.

  The inner corridors have changed beyond recognition, and those rooms and corridors are dominated by deep darkness.

  The swaying and flickering lights add a touch of weirdness to this hell.

  The corridors are littered with seats and bullet casings, as well as some dead laser gun batteries.

  Eerie whispers came from rooms that could not be illuminated by lights.

  Some strange limbs fled hastily into the darkness under the eyes of the warriors.

   The decorations that hung on the walls were desecrated and vandalized, and a slimy mold grew.

   Some grounds have also become sticky and soft.

   It's like walking on some monster's tongue.

   Broken picture frames piled up like rotten wood.

   Bronze fragments scattered on the floor were covered by congealed grime.

  Marble walls are pitted.

  Black mucus slowly oozes from the wide cracks.

  The floor of the corridor is cracked in multiple places.

  The crack should have revealed the metal deck, but only a bottomless dark pit could be seen.

  Chagatai could feel that there was a malicious existence in the depths of the rest stop.

  The other side dragged this rest stop into their field.

  The interior space of the rest station at this moment not only belongs to the material world, but also belongs to that mysterious realm.

   "Be careful, don't act alone." Chagatai said: "Don't get separated, it has already noticed our intrusion."

   "The stench of the subspace reeks from here." The exorcist warrior in charge said in a deep voice.

  The minds of Primaris warriors are as firm as a rock.

  In their divine transformation from mortal to superhuman, they gained sublimation.

   Learned from years of training to overcome fear.

  But when they walked into the rest station, the faces under the helmets all became serious.

  The pace also reveals a little uneasiness.

  They set up a battle formation, erected thick force field shields, and formed a defensive formation.

  The disintegrating force field generated by the weapon in his hand emits a pale light in the darkness.

   Chagatai walked in the forefront, surveying the terrifying scenery along the way.

  There are traces of corruption everywhere.

  The power of the Warp is everywhere.

   Squirming flesh and monsters hiding in the dark.

  The tormented undead were whispering, howling their pain in life.

  Everything you see is profanity.

   Chagatai clenched the sword in his hand, adjusted his breathing, and was alert to possible enemies.

   "A Primarch." The strange voice echoed in the room, the source was hard to discern, like the neighing of a poisonous snake.

   Cha Hetai frowned slightly, his eyes showing vigilance.

   "Another demon?"

   "What do you call me, Zhanying, Chagatai. You are outstanding, once a supreme king, are you willing to be subordinate to your brother?" The voice was hoarse, as if he was panting.

   It trickles into people's ears, creating fear and doubt.

  The bodies of the exorcist fighters are turning, and the detection system is constantly trying to locate each other.

  Their vision-enhancing devices buzzed, but they didn't see anyone.

   It was as if the voice was coming from another dimension.

   "Your temptation is nothing new." Chagatai scanned the surroundings, looking for the source of the voice, "Can you change something new?? Don't always be so old, I really don't feel it after listening too much."

  The voice in the darkness was silent for a moment, as if Chagatai choked on a single word and was speechless.

   "Don't you want to gain the power to control the entire universe?? Don't you want to be the supreme monarch??" said the voice, "Being above all people, overlooking all beings, everyone can only kneel at your feet."

"I don't have that ability." Chagatai said, while clenching the long sword in his hand, he stepped forward, searching for the enemy's location with his extraordinary senses, "I have one advantage, that is, I have self-knowledge, unlike yours. These idiots always feel that they are omnipotent, and they are beaten up every time."

   Demon: ".."

   "We can help you. The gods of the subspace are the masters of all original forces in the real world, no matter what happens in the real universe. The subspace can be corrupted and destroyed."

"Guilliman is strong now, but he won't stay strong forever. When he is powerful, we will disappear quietly, and when he is weak, we will appear to strike from the shadows. Victory belongs to Ours is as predestined as the passage of time and the destruction of mortal bodies."

   "If you are willing to cooperate, then we will ensure that you can defeat all enemies. Pull your brother down from that supreme throne, and we can put the entire galaxy and even the entire universe in your hands."

   Cha Hetai was silent for a while, and then said: "The problem is that you can't beat him. If I cooperate with you, I would be too stupid."

   One sentence made the whispers disappear.

  The monster hidden in the shadows didn't know how to answer Chagatai's words for a while.

   Can you speak well!

  Now humans are getting more and more drifting, and the previous scripts are completely useless!

   "The power of the gods is unimaginable. Compared with them, Jaghatai and Guilliman are nothing worth mentioning."

"My brother is in Terra. If the gods are really as powerful as you say, go for it. If you can succeed, I might consider cooperating with you." Chagatai said mockingly: "I hope not To see your head hung on the palace walls."

"The gods can't interfere with the real universe too much, you know it." Shadow said angrily, "They need helpers to exert their power. As long as you are willing to serve the gods, the whole universe will be destroyed by then." your."

  The exorcist fighter could hear the anger in the opponent's tone.

   Apparently, Jaghatai was displeased by saying that they were no match for the current Emperor of the Empire.

  The gods are suppressed by a life in the mortal world, such a thing is simply a humiliation.

"Admit it, your failure is inevitable. The gods you keep saying don't dare to confront Guilliman head-on." Chagatai's tone was tinged with mockery, "Apart from bluffing, what else can you do? Why don't you and I Cooperate, kill the gods, and I will give you the rule of the warp, how about this suggestion?"

  Chagatai jumped up, rushing towards the target like a hunting eagle, the arcane sword in his hand crackling.

  The blade plunged into the darkness, it was extremely sharp, and cut it directly.

  The exorcists saw an intertwined figure of an octopus and a skinned man emerging from the darkness.

   The monster howled, and Jaghatai's blade pierced its body.

  The powerful arcane force field is dismantling its demonic nature.

   "How did you find me!" The demon's voice was extremely painful.

"As long as everything has existed, there will be traces." Chagatai smiled, "A good hunter must learn to look for these traces. In the past, I thought you demons are very powerful, and your immortal nature plus various strange abilities is really amazing. It's a headache. But after hunting you many times, I no longer have such thoughts. You are not even in the forefront of my old prey. Excluding the power of the warp, your brains are really amazing Worried."

   "You once defeated my father, and you think you can defeat my brother by the same means. It is really arrogant and stupid. Whether it is mind or will, you will not be his opponent."

   "He won't succeed." The monster screamed. "Humanity is doomed not to get rid of us."

   "Unfortunately, you are doomed not to know the ending." Chagatai lifted it up suddenly, and the blade cut the demon like cutting tofu.

  The exorcist fighters pulled the trigger, and the blessed bomb hit the demon, making the opponent howl in the explosion.

   Moments later, the demon fell, a foul-smelling black pool of blood.

   The weird atmosphere of the rest stop has not been weakened by this.

  The flickering lights became more urgent, and the weird whispers became sharper. The distorted black image was a twisted combination of countless ghosts, dancing at the end and edge of sight.

   The abominable monster imprisoned at the rest stop is angry at Jaghatai's disrespect.

  They always think highly of themselves, and find it difficult to bear the offense of mortals.

   Unfortunately, humans are no longer the humans they used to be.

  The ape that came out of the prairie has opened its mouth full of fangs, looking forward to biting the throats of the gods and tasting the blood of the gods.

  The demon's rage did not arouse any fear in the squad.

  The exorcist fighters just raised their bolt guns to be wary of monsters that might rush out.

  Eerie howls sounded from the depths of the rest station.

   Those wandering monsters were driven by a certain will to rush towards Jaghatai and others who were deepening.

  The subspace created waves, scalding like a furnace, and monsters as black as ink rushed out of the darkness one by one.

  The smell of sulfur spread in the air, and those monsters turned into hounds and bowed and dragged giant swords.

  The lying corpses also writhed their rotten joints, and crawled up with hideous faces.

  The walls squirmed like internal organs.

  Scorched black arms protruded from it, frantically trying to grab something in the air.

  The exorcist fighters reacted extremely fast, the explosive bombs roared, and the corpses that got up were smashed to pieces on the spot.

  Ammunition and turbine mechanism into the shadows of the forest.

  The brass shell fell to the floor with a crisp sound.

  They formed a tight defensive formation at the fastest speed, fighting against places from all directions.

  A hand like coke protruded from the ground, slapping on the thick armor, leaving dirty marks.

  Monsters try to crawl out of the ground.

   Chagatai kicked a monster trying to crawl out of the ground with one kick.

  He stood at the forefront of the team, and those enemies who escaped the long-range attack were harvested by him one by one.

  Encountered such an accident, but Chagatai did not withdraw.

  He glanced at the demon tide, then stepped into the depths, preparing to deal with the demons entrenched here.

  The exorcist fighters followed closely behind, and the radar in their helmets kept beeping.

  Monsters are coming from all directions, trying to contain them.

  A hound that looked like it had been skinned and its head turned into three petals escaped the barrage of bullets and jumped away, trying to bite the head of an exorcist warrior, but was pierced by a spear in the sky.

  The team formed a battle formation and went deep into the rest station base.

  The more you enter inside, the more terrifying the scene becomes.

  There are skinned corpses everywhere, hanging from the ceiling, and there are piles of stumps and broken arms.

  The wall was smeared with blood and many profane sentences.

  Mortals would be driven mad by this situation.

  In the depths of the rest station, Jaghatai also saw the twisted monster.

  The fragmented corpses were piled up, and bone spurs were used to fix them, forming a throne of corpses.

   A naked, smooth body with horns growing out of its head, a pair of huge gorgeous wings behind it, black lines all over its face, completely black eyes, and a monster with extreme malice and hatred sitting on it.

  There are still strips of work uniform left on the other party's body. Obviously, it is the first staff member who was bewitched.

  The demon fashioned his own body out of the body of that hapless bastard.

   "It's disgusting to build such a twisted throne," Jaghatai said.

"Don't think that the entire universe must be based on your human aesthetics." The devil said, "Human beings are not the center of the universe, you are just a wave in the eternal time and space, do you think you can change the whole world? No, You will just disappear in the long river of history, no one will remember."

   "Whether human beings will dissipate or not is still uncertain. However, you will definitely dissipate." Chagatai said: "Today is your death day, you can say some last words or something."

   "Are you always so arrogant?" The demon's yellow eyes stared at Jagatai.

   It's hard to imagine a Primarch speaking so viciously and arrogantly.

   "In the face of ants, it is difficult for me to maintain a normal mind and vigilance." Chagatai said calmly.

   "You will pay for your arrogance."

  The demon pounced on Chagatai, but the eagle disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   "Speed ​​is always the only way to win." Chagatai's voice came from behind the demon.

  The demon looked at his tentacles, and a scratch slowly became clear.

   With a snap, the tentacles fell down.

   Wriggling on the ground, turning into pus and blood.

  The devil lowered its head with seven or eight eyes, and saw that there was also a scratch on its chest, which was slowly becoming clear.

   "How could it be so fast?" The demon's eyes showed fear and disbelief.

  [Extreme speed mode off]

   Chagatai glanced at the light curtain that he could only see, then turned to look at the demon, whose body was cut into several pieces by his sword.

   He was reinforced before he came.

   Implanted the heart of the empire into his body, and loaded the speed mode.

  Using this mode, there will be a difference between his time flow rate and the surrounding time flow rate.

   That is to say, relatively speaking, the time flow of Jaghatai itself has become faster, while the time flow of the enemy remains normal, thus showing the extreme speed that the enemy cannot react to.

   Unless the opponent also has the ability to control time, it is impossible to escape.

  The exorcist fighters raised the explosive bombs in their hands and carried out a saturation attack on it, tearing its limbs apart.

  A warrior drew out a weapon of nirvana. To the final head.

   This is a weapon made using the soulless characteristics of the Silent Nun, which can kill demons forever.

   "You can't do this!" The demon who had roared just now, vowing to take revenge, became terrified at the moment.

  It dragged the remaining body and tried to escape, trying to commit suicide with a weapon that fell from the side.

   But the speed of the exorcist fighter is much faster than him.

   Before he could commit suicide, he was stabbed into the body by the nirvana weapon.

  Accompanied by ear-piercing screams, the demon's soul also returned to nothingness.

  Chagatai did not feel any joy because he purified the rest station.

   There are so many troubles just connecting a universe.

   To truly connect every universe that can be discovered, as Guilliman envisioned.

   Demon attacks will definitely continue to increase.

  The method of sealing those polluted rest stops, when the number of tunnels is not enough, naturally there is no problem.

  With more tunnels, there will be more rest stops.

   At that time, it will not be so easy to close.

  Chagatai gathered the information he had obtained.

  These information will be used when forming the mobile force of the different universe tunnel.

  The rest of the rest stops, he plans to use them to train the formed mobile units.

   Dehu 6 galaxy.

   War is an art, like matting.

  As long as the tone is determined, you can basically foresee the shape of the formation.

  The secret team sneaked into the rear of the Necrons, and used the geomagnetic converter to reverse the geography of the node planet.

  As a result, the original anti-subspace force field became a subspace augmentation force field, and the death zone of exorcism was weakened.

  The imperial army seized the opportunity and used the subspace to cross the outer defense line built by the Necrons with multiple galaxies, and directly attacked the crown world of the Norwalk dynasty.

  From the destruction of the important node planet in the Exorcism Death Zone to the large force rushing into the Dehu 6 galaxy, the time interval is very short.

  Many high-level officials of the Norwalk dynasty had no time to react, and were blocked by the imperial army in the crown world.

  Standing in front of the highest power pyramid representing Norwalk, Ryan cleaned up the stains left by the previous battle without haste.

  Beside him, a squad of Primaris warriors acted as his bodyguard.

  Lion obtained the position of Marshal of War, but the command of the Dark Angel was handed over to Azrael, and the highest authority was in the hands of the Military Affairs Department.

   It is an unwritten rule that the Primarchs will no longer lead their original offspring.

  Without the Dark Angel, Ryan selected a group of elites from various battle groups as his guards.

   Naturally, no one would refuse such an honor.

  The guards held bolt guns and stood beside Ryan, scanning the surrounding situation.

  The entire crown world has been reduced to ruins.

  Those huge obelisks, towers and pyramids were blown up, and everywhere there were metal wreckage bursting with electric flashes and imperial soldiers who died in battle.

  The air was covered with dirty and thick dust, which quietly drilled into the filter and poured into the mouths of the soldiers.

  The tall buildings that stood upright have been turned into rubble.

  Under the intensive artillery bombardment of the empire, there are bomb craters of various sizes everywhere.

  The roar of the titan's weapons still echoed in the air.

  The knights searched for the remaining enemies in the ruins and crushed them thoroughly.

  The rumbling heavy tanks crushed the rubble and bombarded everything built by the Norwalk Dynasty until it was wiped out.

   Lane turned a deaf ear to this, his contemptuous manner making it difficult to perceive that he was in a brutal battlefield.

   When the last stain was removed, a message window popped up.

"The battle is over, Lord Ryan. The overlord of the Norwalk dynasty - the Crimson King has surrendered. Its only request is to see the commander this time. Only in this way will it hand over control of the Crimson God Fragment ."

   "I really should see you." Ryan gestured lightly, and the guards changed their formation and surrounded him.

   The inside of the pyramid is a mess, with traces of battle everywhere.

  Scattered bullet casings were mixed with broken mechanical limbs, and occasionally one or two corpses of original cast warriors could be seen.

  The statues and works of art inherited from ancient times have been toppled and smashed.

  Even the stasis force field devices protecting them showed signs of bullet craters and knives and axes.

  The artillery installations along the way have been destroyed.

  Ryan walked unimpeded all the way, stepped on the wreckage of those undead structures, and walked in.

  In the interior of the pyramid, in an extremely wide hall.

  A group of high-level space undead with complicated golden patterns on their bodies have been brought under control.

   And sitting at the top is the overlord of the Norwalk dynasty, the Crimson King.

   This guy is famous for enslaving the shards of the C'tan-Crimson God.

  At this moment, the king has lost all its soldiers.

   Its generals, except those who died, surrendered with it.

  The eyes of the Crimson King radiated green light, and it watched Ryan's arrival.

  The closer you get, the clearer people will see the Overlord.

  Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of humans, and its entire body is made of active metal.

  The body is based on white, and the golden lines outline the complex dynasty emblem.

   Without any flesh and blood, the built-in processor is responsible for its thinking and memory functions.

   "A primarch? It seems that my failure is not a shame." The voice of the Scarlet King was extremely indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

   For a metallic life like it, emotion is not necessary.

   "You can call me Ryan." Ryan stared at each other, and his voice echoed in the hall.

   "I know your name. When the dynasty was revived, we investigated human beings. Your history is very short. It is really incredible. We will be defeated by a young race that has only risen for tens of thousands of years."

   "You are immersed in the past, forgetting that the universe is moving forward." Ryan said: "You are destined to be eliminated. You know this better than us."

   "I don't need your preaching." The Crimson King said: "Your life span is less than a fraction of mine, you won, that's all."

   "If you didn't ask to see me, maybe I wouldn't bother to preach." Ryan said: "Hand over the Star God fragment."

   "Can you tell me, why do you want Star God fragments?? Those guys are extremely vicious and will only bring you a curse." The Scarlet King said.

   "This has nothing to do with you, you just need to hand it over, maybe you can live." Ryan said: "The Sotai dynasty will take over the control agreement of the Norwalk dynasty."

"If you don't tell me, I can guess a little." The Scarlet King said: "They must have concluded a covenant with you. Those liars are always like this. They can use all kinds of rhetoric to deceive the people they want to deceive. You humans may think that you are the lucky one, that you can control the fragment of the star god, and in the end, you will find that you have lost nothing."

  "You just hand it over, you don't need to care about the fate of mankind." Ryan urged: "What you say is meaningless."

   "Go and get it if you want it, you shouldn't have come here." The Scarlet King's red eyes showed a trace of cruelty, "It's a big taboo for a commander to get so close to the enemy."

  The Crimson King opened his arms, and the entire pyramid shook.

"The fragment of the Crimson God has been imprisoned in the pyramid for energy use. It is full of resentment for its tens of millions of years of imprisonment. For this reason, I have never completely released it. Every time, it is a release A fraction of power is enough to change the course of battle, and you'll be the first to let me do that."

  "Although it is only a fragment, it is still a fragment of God. Feel the wrath of God, human."

  The wall was cracked, and rays of light burst out from it.

  A terrifying hatred spread out from the ground, pure and insane.

  Warning runes jumped out of the helmets of the warriors, and the energy index was soaring rapidly.

  The floor of the hall is constantly reorganized like a changing Rubik's cube, revealing the complicated mechanical structure underneath.

   Countless glowing pipes connect a cube.

  That is the energy core of the pyramid, the fragment of the Crimson God.

  In the answer given by the Nether Dragon, after the space necromancers betrayed, they imprisoned some of the star god's fragments in the cube maze to serve as weapons and energy cores.

  Lian stared at the cube, and there was nothing in it.

  The star **** has no form.

  The Necrons once forged bodies for them, but destroyed them when they betrayed.

  The fragments of the star gods are just tumbling mist of light, and that image fits their star vampire status.

   "If you release it, you will die too. The Star God hates you the most." Ryan looked at the Scarlet King, as if the Scarlet God's awakening was not a fatal thing for him.

   "It doesn't matter, at least it can drag you to die together, that's the most important thing." The Scarlet King's mechanical tone was full of madness. Obviously, perishing with humans has become his last obsession.

   "But you can't do it." Ryan said: "There is news of the Crimson God in my information, do you think I will trust you completely?"

   "You can't fight a god." The Crimson King said in a cold tone.

   "But another **** can." Ryan took out a crystal clear ball, which was the capture device built by the Nether Dragon to imprison other star **** fragments.

  The Nether Dragon is a polymath among the star gods, who knows knowledge that other star gods do not know.

  Before being betrayed by the necrons, the star gods had already broken up and devoured each other.

  The Nether Dragon naturally has no plans to rescue other star gods, but plans to absorb other star gods with the help of humans.

  Guilliman has always been happy to see this kind of dog-eat-dog thing, so he naturally agreed to it.

  Ling activated it and threw it down.

  A black hole appeared out of thin air, swallowing the cube directly.

  The pyramid that was crumbling just now became stable again.

  The Crimson King also stayed where he was.

  If that pale metal face could make an expression, it would be extremely ugly.

   The ultimate move was cracked like this.

   If his complexion can be good, then it is really hell.

   Ryan glanced at the Crimson King, with a hint of sneer in his tone, "What a terrible conspiracy, it's almost over."

  The Scarlet King wanted to say something, but the Primaris warrior behind him chopped off its metal head with a single sword strike.

  The same is true for other high-level necromancers, who were executed one after another.

   Metal heads were cut off one by one, and the processing core inside was also destroyed.

  Rebirth protocol was previously shut down.

  These guys were destroyed by the CPU, and they were completely dead.

  Ryan didn't pay much attention to these guys, but turned and left with the ball.

  "Give the master control agreement to the people of the Suotai Dynasty, and hand over these metal heads to them by the way, and beat King Suotai."

   Walked out of the pyramid, the teleportation device on the battleship had already locked the coordinates of him and the guards.

   The light flickered a few times, and he was sent back to his flagship-the Invincible Truth.

   The ball that imprisoned the fragments of the Crimson God was being toyed in his hands.

  "I am the **** of the stars, as long as you let me go, I can give you supreme power and the knowledge to shake the world."

  A voice echoed in Ryan's mind.

   It came from the will of the crimson god.

   Being imprisoned by the Necrons for so long, the Crimson God yearns for freedom all the time.

   This time, it thought it was free.

   To make the Necron pay, and to kill every living being to satisfy its hunger.

  But who would have thought that freedom would be choked to death just as it sprouted.

  Lian stared at the ball in his hand.

  Every **** declares its own strength, and it will always be those promises when facing the world.

   Knowledge, Power, Wealth, Status and Power.

  The weak will be attracted by these promises.

  The strong will not take a second look.

  He placed the ball in the large imprisoning force field that had been activated earlier.

  The sphere is bound by the light beam, suspended in the field of mechanical manufacturing, isolating possible pollution from the will of the star god.

   It will be returned safely to Mars for either Guilliman or Caul to dispose of.

  Lian turned and walked out.

  His task is not yet complete.

  The most powerful overlords of the Necrons, the Silent King, and the Storm King have not been dealt with yet.

  The destruction of the Norwalk Dynasty will inevitably cause a chain reaction.

  Other dynasties are likely to join forces to fight against the human army.

  The next battle may be a tough one.

   "Guilliman, you are a scumbag."

   Imprisoned on the golden throne, Magnus roared in the sea of ​​souls, hysterical and crazy to the extreme.

   It's a pity that no one can hear him.

  His body had become scorched black, and he sat on the throne just like that, with a painful expression on his face.

  Guilliman could hear it, but he just ignored him.

  With the power of Magnus, the Empire's Astrotorch and Webway Seal can last for a while.

   In order to show the new emperor's benevolence, Guilliman has stopped the ritual of sacrificing ten thousand psykers to the Astronomical Torch.

  The current Golden Throne is Magnus' hard resistance.

  In order to avoid problems with the webway seal, Guilliman is also preparing a plan to fight back from the webway.

   Otherwise, Magnus was blown up that day, and Terra was also blown up, which would be troublesome.

  A large-scale anti-subspace force field has also been built in the underground palace.

  The webway connecting the Beta Garmon galaxy to Terra will soon be repaired. At that time, it will be able to pinch back and forth, blasting the subspace demons of the webway.

   When Dawn is ready, he will open the webway seal and enter.

  After ascending the throne, Guilliman spent most of his time dealing with government affairs, accelerating the development of the empire, optimizing the distribution of wealth, and making people more motivated to work.

  Sitting on the Mechanical Throne, one of Guilliman's daily tasks is to review the work of other officials to ensure that they are acting fairly.

  [The fourth-stage certification task has started, please host to explore five different universes and five galaxies, and the fourth-stage database will be automatically opened after the goal is achieved]

   Just flipping through the list of government affairs handled by the Imperial Chancellor-Penny, the system prompt sounded in Guilliman's mind.

   Guilliman was delighted.

  The database in the third stage has already involved time, space, and dimensions.

  What kind of knowledge must be involved in the database in the fourth stage!

   "Auxiliary elf this time, why did the fourth stage mission come so quickly this time??" Guilliman remembered that he had waited a long time for the third stage certification mission.

[(*▽*), this is because the system only judges whether to open the next stage of certification tasks based on the industrial strength of the civilization possessed by the host. Four stages. ]

  [The opening of stage tasks has nothing to do with the time, as long as the industry meets the requirements, the tasks can be activated. ]

  [It is recommended that the host should not forget to promote the development of industry while completing the task. A strong industry can transform those cutting-edge technological knowledge and be used by the host. ]

   I had a fever some time ago, and it was a little less, thank you brothers for not abandoning me.

  (end of this chapter)