Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 295 Ancient Artifact-Asuryan's Rod (Subscription required)

  The roars of the Hulks are deafening, making one's scalp numb.

   It moves like a tank, which is very shocking.

  Marvin holds a strong shield.

   At the first moment of the collision, he felt as if he had been hit by a Thunderbird that was tens of meters long and flying at high speed.

  The huge impact made him feel that his internal organs were impacted.

  Throat is sweet.

   Just barely vomited blood.

   After desperately resisting the first wave of the enemy's impact, Marvin drew out the power weapon at his waist.

   He seized the opportunity and stabbed the monster that hit his shield with a sharp blow.

   The cracking force field crackled, destroying the material structure of the target from the atomic level.

  The bodies of the Hulks are as hard as steel, and they can easily beat a heavy tank to scrap.

   Facing the damage from the cracking force field, the Hulk still roared in pain.

  The body that was strong enough to resist lasers and missiles was pierced by the power weapon, and blackened blood gushed out from the wound.

  Marvin held a power weapon and violently stirred in the opponent's body.

   When the monster roared even more horribly, it withdrew its strong shield and chopped off the opponent's head with a sword.

  Fetid blood spurted from the smooth cut, staining his armor.

  Other Hulks are also hit by the Wailer.

  Power weapons have a cracking force field that cuts through everything.

  Even Hulk, who claims to be able to hold missiles, is as fragile as paper in front of power weapons.

   Withstood the first wave of shock, the Wailers formed a tighter battle formation.

  They are all original cast warriors strengthened by the heart of the empire, with unimaginable physical recovery and combat effectiveness.

  Hulks are powerful, but it is difficult to break the battle formation formed by the Wailers.

  Relying on the courage to fear death, the Wailer not only resisted the attacks of the Hulks, but also launched a counterattack against them.

  The Hulks were knocked to the ground, mobbed by the Wailers.

  Long knives, battle axes, and giant swords all fell on them.

   With such an attack, even an iron-clad body would be cut to pieces.

   "Stick to the line of defense." Marvin roared: "We are the strong shield of mankind, we are the guards of the empire, we are the vanguard of His Majesty, and we will."

  Before he finished speaking, a burst of beams blew away the solid shield in Marvin's hand.

   Before he could react, several beams of light struck again.

  A beam of light pierced through the armor on his abdomen, leaving a huge wound on that strong body.

   There was also a beam that blew his arm off.

  The whole person was lifted up by the huge impact.

   After a while, he fell heavily on the ground again.

  The burst beam was so powerful that it made his head dizzy.

  The continuous blows were as fast as lightning, and he had no time to react, so there was nothing.

  Marvin wanted to stand up, but he couldn't.

  Some kind of special power prevents the heart of the empire from repairing his body.

   "How can mortals stop the footsteps of gods."

  A woman with several tentacles on her body was suspended in the air, looking down at the fighters who tried to resist her.

   It was she who shot Marvin into the air just now.

  Black flames hovered beside her, like a **** walking out of an ancient myth.

   Weird lines covered the twisted, disgusting body.

  The tentacles danced and circled in the air, releasing beams of destruction.

   Every beam of light released will take the lives of those soldiers.

  She is the Phoenix Girl from the cancerous universe, one of the most terrifying cancerous heroes.

  The power of the phoenix in Phoenix Woman is said to be one of the oldest forces that created the universe.

   Ability to span space, time, dimensions, dimensions, and manipulate objects from subatomic interfaces.

   Powerful and incredible.

   Several Wailers warriors protected Marvin.

  They raised their bolt guns and kept shooting at the Phoenix Girl who looked like a god.

  Blessed bullets have incredible magic-breaking effects and can cause huge damage to demons.

  But at this moment, it can only barely penetrate Phoenix Girl's weird protection, and cannot cause fatal injuries to her.


  Phoenix Girl released more attacks, and the berserk Phoenix Force distorted the space.

  The Wailer warrior who was hit was decomposed from the atomic level and turned into black dust.

   "Take the Chapter Master down," shouted the Chapter Librarian, unleashing a massive psionic spell that used the warp rift to throw Phoenix Lady into the etheric turbulence, driving her from the battlefield.

  The next second, the think tank of the battle group was lifted up by a group of red light.

  The whole body is covered with eyes and tentacles, and the scarlet witch who drives chaos magic appears on the battlefield.

  With a wave of her hand, she used powerful chaos magic to turn the Warband Librarian into blood mist.

   At the same time, more and more cancerous heroes also appeared on the battlefield of the fortress.

  Each of them exudes a frightening aura and possesses terrifying combat power.

  The Supreme Mage who looked like a few corpses, the twisted Magneto, and the Wolverine who turned into a monster. These monsters who were once responsible for protecting the peace of the universe dimension all appeared one by one from the black fog that enveloped the entire fortress.

  They have the dual characteristics of reality and illusion.

  The weapons of the Wailers are all for destroying demons, and they don't have much restraint against these cancerous monsters.

   In addition, the number of monsters far exceeds them.

  The cancerous monsters joined the battlefield, slowly tilting the balance of victory to their side.

  Marvin felt unprecedented pain, which came from his strong body and his resolute soul.

  The Wailers are losing.

   And he can't do anything.

  Marvin could vaguely hear the voices of his brothers calling him.

   But it was already difficult for him to respond.

  A red alert was constantly flashing on his head-mounted display.

  Empireheart's attempts to repair his body have failed.

  His life is passing.

  The pained sounds of his battle-brothers falling kept ringing in his ears.

  The enemy's attack became more and more fierce, and the Wailers were isolated and helpless, dying alone in the battle.

  The knights have already failed, and their mechas have turned into broken copper and iron that burst into flames.

   Those fearless mortal soldiers also died tragically in the massacre of cancerous monsters.

  Marvin struggled to get up, he had to do something.

  He couldn't just die like this.

   Can't lie on the ground waiting to die.

  Marvin wanted to grab the bolter on his waist.

  Every movement hurts him, as if something inside him is tearing him apart.

   All kinds of noisy voices are constantly coming from the communicator.

  Marvin recognized Tracius' voice.

   "Brother, how is the battle situation on your side? There is a ship that can still operate, and the captain hopes that we can board the ship and leave. Can you hear me, Marvin?"

   "Brother." Marvin spat out a mouthful of blood and responded hoarsely.

   "No, why are you so weak?" There was fear in Tracius' voice, "Hold on, the Emperor's Scythe will come to support you, and we will take you out of the battlefield."

   "No need, Tracius." Marvin looked at the battlefield, the Weepers were fighting hard, and soon, this place would fall.

   "The Wailers are about to lose their defenses. If the Emperor's Scythe can survive, then leave the battlefield."

"Don't say such things, we are here." Tracius's voice was extremely anxious, "When we faced the Kraken Zerg fleet, we swore that the Emperor's Scythe and the Wailer would stand by and help each other. Never betray. I cannot abandon you, Malvin."

"Don't come, brother, please respect my last wish." Marvin managed to show a smile, "Tracius, if we can no longer live together to toast and drink, then I have a word that I want to let you know." You know, it's an honor to be your brother. Live, brother."

   Malvin cut off the communication.

  Exhausting his last strength, he struggled to stand up.

  He looked towards the battlefield.

  At this moment, a pair of scarlet eyes were also staring at him.

  The enemy wears a suit of rusty, fetid mold-covered armor, and holds a hammer in his hand, with black lightning bolts swirling around him.

  The combat strength of the opponent was extremely terrifying, and several Primordial Warriors were beaten to pieces by him.

  Of course, he also had wounds on his body.

  The explosive bomb shattered half of his face, revealing the thick white bones and squirming flesh and blood, looking like a ghost.

   "For Your Majesty." Marvin stared at the monster holding the hammer, raised his bolter, and aimed at the monster.

  The enemy didn't speak, but raised its hammer. Black thunder gathered on the hammer, looking terrifying and strange.

  The sound of the bomb being excited mixed with the sound of thunder.

  Marvin fell, and the darkness covered him like a tide.

  He flashed back important images about his life.

  In the dim hall of the Wailer battleship, a row of fifteen and sixteen-year-old naked children lined up, accepting the inspection of the fortress masters.

   "You have a choice, child. Choose to die doing nothing, or give your all for the Emperor."

  The veteran in charge of conscription stared at Marvin, who was only sixteen years old at the time, and said.

   That day, he became the seed.

  After long training and painful genetic surgery, he became a weeper.

  His daily life is fighting and fighting.

  Marvin experienced the years when the Wailers were forgotten on the edge of the galaxy, also experienced the humiliation of the Badab War, and faced the helplessness of the Kraken Zerg fleet.

   When the Chapter was in dire straits, he accepted the position of Chapter Master as the last Captain.

  He accepted the order of the Regent of the Empire and went out to fight and restore the number of the warband.

   Got the qualification to go to Terra to participate in the enthronement ceremony of the second emperor of the empire.

   On Terra, Malvern witnessed the beginning of a good age.

   "One day, we will lay down our weapons and enjoy a peaceful life. At that time, we will be able to proudly tell everyone that we have fought for this life all our lives."

  Marvin once said this to his fighting brothers.

  Thinking of this, he smiled one last time.

  Unfortunately, I still couldn't do it after all.

  The battle banner flew in the flames, as the last wailer fell.

  The battle flag woven by the weeping nuns also burned in the flames and turned into ashes.

  The stronghold eventually fell.

  The Chapter Master of the Emperor's Scythe, Tracius, took the remaining fifty battle brothers to board the last starship.

   "I will definitely come back." Tracius made an oath as he watched the Celestial-class warship that had activated its self-destruct procedure and disintegrated silently in the void.

  Those **** cancerous monsters must pay.

  Only in this way can we comfort those brothers who died in battle.

  The head fortress made of the heads of the members of the Celestial Group is suspended in the icy void.

  The entire universe is cancerous at the will of Yogg-Sothoth.

   Not only mortals, but even those **** groups who claim to maintain the order of the universe cannot escape bad luck.

  After they were defeated, they cut off the heads containing the core strength and created huge war fortresses one after another.

  The headless corpse was made into a war puppet, and was regarded as the trump card of the cancerous army.

   Such a conquest war is not the first time.

   Marvel, at Yogg-Sothoth's will, waged countless wars of conquest, dragging those universes into eternal cancerous realms.

  For Marvell, the only pity is that he failed to capture the gods of his original universe.

   Otherwise, Yogg Sotos will definitely value him even more.

  The original universe in which he was born was artificially divided into a pseudo-multiverse.

   Of course, at the beginning, Marvell didn't know it until he accepted Yogg-Sothoth's blessing.

  Another **** named OAA uses the subspace to divide the entire universe, forming different subuniverses, and creating different batches of heroes to provide them with spiritual power.

  Although Marvell accepted the blessing of Yogg-Sothoth, he also retained his own wisdom and learned the truth of the multiverse.

  Represents the reality of the universe was born in the virtual subspace.

   As expressed in ancient Eastern philosophy.

  Wuji gives birth to Taiji, and Taiji gives birth to Liangyi.

  Everything in the world has two sides of yin and yang.

  The real universe has strict physical laws, which maintain the birth and death of all things.

  The illusory subspace exists based on the echoes of creatures.

  The two are interdependent and inseparable.

  If you want to have supreme power, you must control the emotions of real creatures, so as to leverage the power of the subspace and achieve the so-called omniscience and omnipotence.

  Some so-called creation gods have come up with a vicious method, which is to build a universe completely controlled by them.

  Mar-Vell's universe is such a deformed creation.

  All the heroes dance according to their preordained destiny, providing entertainment and strength to those behind the scenes.

   Marvell has seen the so-called Time Administration and Fateline firsthand.

  All lives are like puppets controlled by silk threads, operating according to each other's wishes.

   This is why Marvel will firmly follow Yogg-Sothoth and become a disgusting monster.

  Being a monster also has a little freedom.

  Become the so-called hero, but can only be manipulated to the end.

  Marvel stood on the giant tower of the Fortress of the Skull. He watched the only broken imperial warship rush out of the heavy encirclement of the cancerous fleet, and fled after opening the subspace channel on the edge of the galaxy.

  His eyes squirmed, and the corners of his mouth dripping with saliva rose slightly, and he didn't show any anger because the enemy fled.

  Brutal massacres of a ignorance cannot cause the greatest fear.

  He had to keep some alive.

  Let them go back to Imperial society to spread the terrible deeds of the Cancer Legion.

  The seeds of fear will be planted in the hearts of those people, and when the right opportunity comes, they will take root and sprout, crushing the morale of the enemy and causing internal turmoil.

  War is an art. Those who only know how to hit with a hammer are only worthy of going to the construction site.

   "Those natives have turned their backs on the great Yogg-Sothoth, and we are likely to face the human empire directly." Professor X-Charles, whose feet grew tentacles, walked behind Marvell.

"It's no big deal." Marvell's tone was hoarse and dry, like old tree trunks rubbing against each other, "Those guys are just consuming the resistance of this so-called empire for us, and soon, this universe will enter a perfect eternal state ."

   Marvell didn't care about Abaddon's cautiousness.

  Those guys are useless.

   Even if you leave, it won't affect the overall situation.

   "Those indigenous humans are approaching us." Charles continued. He has powerful brainwave abilities, can connect to the subspace, and see many things that ordinary people cannot see. "We have to prepare in advance."

  The warp is fluctuating at this moment.

  The huge imperial fleet is crossing the subspace, and will soon come to this starry sky.

"Let them come, here will be their burial place." Marvell showed a cruel smile, "Soon, they will realize that the empire will be destroyed, and the only way to embrace the great Yogg-Sothoth In order to avoid the ultimate fate of destruction."

   "They came prepared this time."

   "It doesn't matter, they will lose anyway."

   Marvel has no doubts about Yogg-Sothoth's power.

  What do those stupid natives have to fight against an omnipotent Chaos God? ?

   "Let all the cancerous people get ready." Marvell said: "We will defeat the crusade army organized by the natives head-on. It's time to let them know how weak and stupid they are."

   The Dark Eldar are the most evil branch of the Eldar.

  They possess ancient and advanced technology, maintaining their own immortality through the pain of other beings.

  As early as when humans first explored the stars beyond Terra, the ancestors of the Dark Eldar had ruled the entire star sea.

  During the glory days of the Eldar Empire, their ancestors were steeped in violence and depravity.

  After the fall of the Eldar, instead of restraining themselves, they intensified, nourishing their withered souls through cruel massacres, and bringing those terrified victims back to their terrifying base camp.

  Comoros is located in the depths of the Webway. Among the fearful whispers of many people, this city is called the City of Darkness.

  This city is so magnificent that several stars are imprisoned to provide it with light and heat.

  Although it is called a city, Comoros is more like an aggregation of countless satellite spaces.

  It consists of endless portals and hidden paths connected together.

  The entire webway is like a huge artery, with countless distant nodes all over it, like some kind of evil virus that is full of the webway.

  In the foggy space of the webway, these nodes are very close to each other, and they can be crossed in just one step.

  In real space, countless clusters of Comoros are scattered throughout the Milky Way, and some clusters are even thousands of light-years apart.

  The space of the Dark City is self-contained, and people outside the webway cannot touch it at all.

  The Dark Eldar used this complex webway to roam around the galaxy, searching for enough prisoners and resources to ensure the prosperity of Comoros.

  They are the nightmares of living beings, the disasters that walk among the stars.

  The Dark Eldar are happy to torture the flesh of their captives and enjoy the process of destroying the spirit of their victims.

  Don't dream of being able to find final rest in their hands.

  Before they die, they will definitely torture every individual that falls into their hands, until their souls collapse, and they completely lose the fun of playing.

   In Comoros, there are also intricate forces maintaining an intricate and delicate balance.

   Voodoo sects, Pity the Blood, and the ruling Cabal.

  The Black Heart Cabal is the most powerful cabal in the Comoros.

  The supreme leader is Victor, the overlord who rules the entire Dark City.

  They also control the most powerful pirate fleet in Comoros.

   Maintains rule over the Comoros by taxing the souls of other Dark Eldar.

  Anyone who dares to challenge the black-hearted cabal and Victor will either be secretly murdered or dumped in the sewer.

  The military strength of the black-hearted cabal in Comoros is impeccable.

   Countless cabal warriors, Comoros mercenaries and deadly airships are waiting for Victor to point to the next target with a slight curl of his fingers.

  Victor possesses a powerful military force and has a close relationship with the blood pity.

  The overlord wields a power unmatched by other cabals.

  The complex intelligence network also ensures that Victor has absolute control over the cabal.

  No action of any force in Comoros can escape his eyes.

   No one can challenge Victor's rule, ever.

   Comoros has already attracted the attention of the empire.

  After the attack on the Desadrian star area, the La Prados massacre, the Kejobin incident and many other dark Eldar attacks, the Comoros extermination plan has been put on the journey of the imperial military war.

  The Dark Angels Chapter is responsible for this extermination plan.

   They are the best at eradicating the traces of the enemy.

  Compared with them, the other battle groups are always a bit worse.

  Guilliman has only one requirement for them, and that is to completely wipe out the dark elves.

  The most luxurious and exquisite castle in Comoros belongs to Lord Victor.

  At this moment, this luxurious castle is holding a grand banquet as always.

  The Dark Eldar inherited the extravagant ethos of the Eldar Empire.

   They pursue extraordinary sensory stimulation above all else.

  In the gorgeous hall, there is a long crystal table that is polished enough to reflect the light.

  That table was large enough for a hundred slender Dark Eldar to sit and eat.

  The table was filled with pots of food, among which were thousands of silver-skinned sea fish.

   From small finger-long catfish to pelagic sea monsters, there are various sizes and species.

  Each plate of food is carefully arranged, just like a work of art.

   Livelied servants stood around the walls at their beck and call.

  Victor sat at the main seat, looking down at the numerous subordinates who were dining.

  As the overlord, he possesses supreme authority.

  No one dared to offend him on this occasion.

   Otherwise, ushering in an ending that is definitely worse than death.

   There were piercing screams.

   Several selected unlucky ones are being dissected by blood pity people on the stage.

  In order to torture these guys better, the Dark Eldar will give them nerve-stimulating drugs before the banquet begins.

   This drug can magnify the sensory stimulation by thousands of times, even a small wound will make the tortured suffer.

  The dissection of the blood pity is a must-have program for the Dark Eldar banquet.

  Through all kinds of torture methods, these guys are made to die, and howls of soul-piercing pain.

  The screams of those unlucky ones are the most beautiful movement at the banquet.

  In such an environment, the Dark Eldars would even show intoxicated expressions.

  At this time, Victor didn't smile much. Not only did the screams of those unlucky beings being tortured no longer arouse any interest in him, but more importantly, another thing annoyed him.

  The empire is preparing to crusade against Comoros, and the crusade legion has already set off.

   Not long after, we will arrive in Comoros.

  Several crystals are suspended in the air, releasing strands of light, forming a series of light curtains.

  The light curtain shows the appearance of Eldar, the great prophet of the Elder Race.

  This means of communication across long distances is also a very burdensome spell for the Eldar who are good at psionics.

  Through the light curtain, you can see the tired look on Elderal's face.

  The Great Prophet who once determined to fight against Chaos and protect the Eldar, at this juncture, still wants to make a final effort.

   Eldraar wanted to persuade the dark elves to surrender. In that case, he would meet with Guilliman again to talk, and perhaps save some of the dark elves.

  If the imperial troops are allowed to rush in, I'm afraid the situation will be bad.

"You must stop all your absurd actions. The upper echelons of the Human Empire have clearly shown their anger. If you provoke them again, Comoros will pay a heavy price. Surrender is your best ending, Vic Te, lay down your weapons, and I will present the pros and cons to Guilliman and keep you."

   Elderal's voice came from the light curtain.

  Victor dismissed it.


  For him, the overlord of the Comoros, it is not a joke to surrender to human beings and entrust his fate to a human being? ?

   "Are the bones of the cousins ​​in the Ark World so soft that they want to kneel to humans?" Victor said unceremoniously: "If it's about this kind of thing, please don't bother us anymore."

  The guests at the banquet can also hear the conversation between the two.

  Victor didn't mean to hide anything.

   This gloomy overlord is clearly planning something, otherwise he would never have put his conversation with Eldrar in front of everyone.

   Perhaps it was to appease his men and make them realize that the Comoros were capable of dealing with all threats.

   It may also be for some more sinister purpose.

  The guests sat in their seats, and they didn't care about Eldrar's warning.

  They are deep in the webway now.

  What about the anger of the human empire?

  Humans have not entered the Comoros,

  What is the ending like? Presumably humans have not forgotten it.

  During the struggle for the hegemony of Comoros, in order to win the **** of Comoros, Victor secretly ushered in the troops of the Empire, causing the largest invasion in history.

The three major families of the Comoros were destroyed in that battle, and the final outcome of the empire was that they withdrew from the Comoros in embarrassment. A group of warriors became slaves of the Dark Eldar, and they are still fighting in the Comoros arena. , pleasing them.

   Today's Comoros has improved to a higher level under the leadership of Victor.

  The empire came in, so there was no back and forth.

  Those Astartes monks who want to kill the Dark Eldar will all become playthings, gladiators and slaves in the hands of the Dark Eldar.

  Seeing Victor's reaction and the appearance of those guests who are not afraid of humans, Elderal, the great prophet of the spirit race, was completely desperate.

  The Dark Eldar are hopeless.

  In order to survive, they constantly use all kinds of torture to extract their souls, so as to replace the sucking of the Prince of Pleasure.

   They have been lost in the path of depraved indulgence for so long that there is no cure for it.

  These fallen cousins ​​are still so arrogant, ignorant of the horrors of the Empire.

  The wrath of the empire is destined to destroy Comoros.

   All he can do is turn a blind eye.

  The involvement of the Ark Eldar and the Harlequin Troupe will only make things more complicated.

  Guilliman is not stingy with a little kindness to his allies, but he will never let go of the Dark Eldar who have repeatedly caused massacres.

   "You can do it for yourself." After leaving this sentence wearily, Eldrar cut off his spell.

  The suspended crystals also slowly fell and returned to their original positions.

  Victor sat in his seat without any expression change.

  He glanced at his subordinates sitting on the banquet table, and said slowly: "What do you think about the invasion of the human empire?"

"Those savage monkeys can't do anything, Mr. Victor, as long as our defenses are tight enough, they won't even be able to come in." Tahrir, the consul of the Black Heart Conspiracy Group, was the first to speak, "Humans are against the webway. I don't know, they still use the simplest method to travel faster than the speed of light. Without the cooperation of the insiders, I doubt whether they will be able to find Comoros."

   Tahrir's words resonated with the other guests.

   A group of savage monkeys also want to destroy Comoros. Isn't this just a dream? ?

  Victor did not speak, but stared at Tahrir, judging from the tone and expression of the other party, whether the other party was flattering or sincere.

   Don't trust any Dark Eldar, not even one who professes loyalty.

  They are used to backstabbing.

  Any slack shown by Victor may allow others to see an opportunity.

  Humans are repairing the webway, and Victor knows this through his own intelligence channels.

   Obviously, other forces in Comoros did not know about this.

   Few people are willing to exchange information with the Dark Eldar.

  No one wants to watch themselves being cut into pieces the next second just after providing information.

  The news channels of the Dark Eldar are very poor.

   Unlike the Ark Eldar, the Dark Eldar are forbidden to use psionic powers.

  The psychic energy used will glow in the subspace, and the glow in the subspace is undoubtedly calling the prince of joy to enjoy delicious desserts.

   For this reason, the Dark Eldar banned psychic powers in the Comoros.

   There is no psychic prophecy, and there are no external information channels.

   For many major events in the universe, the Comoros are blindfolded.

  The Comoros have not heard of major events such as the construction of Internet channels and the establishment of firewalls by humans.

  Many Dark Eldar still stubbornly believe that humans are still the wild monkeys they once were.

  The return of the original body?

  80% of them are wild monkeys dreaming.

  The original body of human beings returns, and the God of War on the side of the Eldar - Kane cannot be revived in place.

  Victor withdrew his gaze. His subordinates should be ignorant and stupid, and they have not yet challenged his position.

  "Humanity said so much to attack Comoros, and they must have assembled a strong enough army. We have to prepare for a fierce battle."

  The crystal glowed again, outlining an image above the banquet table.

  The image shows a crystal scepter.

  The whole body is crystal clear, depicting complicated mantras.

   There is a huge gem at the top of the scepter.

  Seeing the image of the scepter, many Dark Eldars discussed in low voices.

   "Asuryan's Rod." Someone read out the name of the scepter.

  Asuryan is also known as the Phoenix King, the leader of the gods of the spirit race, and the father of the gods.

  He has a twin brother who is the God of War - Bloody Kane.

   There are some rumors that his wife - Gea is the joint wife of their brothers.

  The rod of Asuryan was passed down in ancient times.

   It is said that during the Battle of Heaven, Asuryan ordered the forge **** Vaal to forge a powerful weapon against the star **** Nightbringer.

  Val forged the staff of Asuryan.

  A mighty weapon capable of aligning stars and unleashing the fire of the Phoenix.

  Using the scepter to manipulate the stars, Asuryan unleashed a deadly solar flare that severely damaged the C'tan-Nightbringer.

"An unimaginable artifact." Valosian, the highest consul of the black-hearted conspiracy group, showed his intoxicated eyes, "I have witnessed the power of Asuryan's staff once, and the stars must obey the will of the staff's owner and be mobilized at will. unleashes an attack capable of destroying the world."

   "It needs psionic energy to activate, how can we activate it?" Another Dark Eldar asked a key question.

  As soon as this question came up, many Dark Eldars immediately showed embarrassment.

   Comoros prohibits the use of psionic powers.

   What's more, the crisis brought about by the use of psionic energy is probably more terrifying than the crisis brought about by the human empire.

   Before the crazy offensive of the empire, the Comoros still had a chance to survive.

  If they encounter the Prince of Pleasure, they will die without a place to bury them.

   "Blood sacrifice is also available." Victor said the solution, "By using blood sacrifice, we can activate the power of this artifact without using psionic power."

   "Is it really possible?" Tahrir's tone was puzzled.

  Victor looked at Tahrir with a hint of danger in his eyes.

  Dare to question yourself, this is not something a smart person should do.

  (end of this chapter)