Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 299 Imperial Citizenship System Version 1.0 (Subscription required)

  Such arrogant words shock the world.

   Such a terrible ambition that no one can match.

  The words to rule the entire world, uttered by a giant with angel wings and a perfect appearance, added a touch of beautiful cruelty.

   Sanguinius stared at the many representatives, his sharp eyes did not back down in the slightest.

  The pace of the empire will step out of the original universe.

  This is not only the expectation of his brother Guilliman, but also the key to the human empire's transcendence.

   The Empire never compromises.

  From the beginning of the Great Crusade, those lost civilizations had only two choices: surrender or destruction.

  Now, the same is true for this human civilization born in a different universe.

   They should be thankful they have options.

  If it is replaced by other aliens, only the brutal massacre of the imperial army.

  Sanguinius is sad about all the suffering in the world, but he also knows that only blood and violence can bring about the salvation that human beings long for.

  He calmly glanced at the many representatives in the venue.

   These people represent more than seven billion people on this planet.

   It's a pity that these people are just representatives, they can't make the final decision.

  Decisions are always in the hands of those with power.

  No matter how much the Justice League hides itself, it cannot change the fact that it is the most powerful organization on the planet

"Is he crazy?"

   "An angel should utter such cruel words."

   "Is Roboute Corporation going to rule the planet?"

   "Such crazy words are more terrifying than that lunatic during World War II."

   "Humanity should not be ruled by dictators."

  People in front of the TV were discussing with shock.

   They couldn't believe it was real.

  A series of questioning voices quickly appeared on the Internet.

  However, Roboute's work these years has not been in vain.

  The superior and affluent life has benefited countless bottom-level people. It is impossible to return to the chaotic and huge gap between the rich and the poor.

  The rich and powerful who lost their interests when Roboute Corporation reformed the world are only a small part of the human race.

  More bottom-level people have received real benefits due to the various measures of Roboute Company.

  There is no justice in this world, and there is no right or wrong.

  Whoever can give people more benefits, they will stand by their side.

   The forces supporting Roboute are much stronger than the forces against Roboute.

   "It is not difficult to choose between a dictator who will never be seen and a group of parliamentarians who are blood-sucking and controlled by capital."

   "There is always someone going to step on our heads, the emperor, the councilor or the president, the names are just different, why don't we choose a guy who can give us something more."

   "Haven't you had enough of being fooled by those guys? A dictator is better than a bunch of vampires who want to **** every drop of our blood for money."

  Robot's supporters do not resist the rule of the empire.

  Humans always need a social system to ensure its normal operation.

  What is the difference between a presidential system and an imperial system? ?

  I can enjoy enough benefits.

  What kind of system is not important.

   What matters is whether the distribution rules can make the world fairer.

   Accepting the dictatorship of the empire can enjoy equal education and medical care.

  Why should we lose these for the so-called freedom and democracy? ?

   It's not enough for two factions to fight online.

  There are also a large number of supporters of Roboute Company on the streets of the city.

  They held high the double-headed eagle flag, made all kinds of unqualified sky eagle salutes, and swore allegiance to the great emperor of the empire.

   "Long live the great empire, long live the unity of mankind."

   "Long live the great Emperor of the Empire, long live the unity of mankind."

  People shouted various slogans.

   Once caused a lot of confusion.

   Justice League Headquarters.

  Many superheroes have already gathered here.

  The Flash family that controls the speed force, Atlantis controlled by Aquaman, the female warriors of Paradise Island, the surviving Kryptonians assembled by Superwoman, etc.

   Both are powerful forces that can determine the direction of the battlefield.

   Even the Green Lantern - Hal was back in time.

  He will never allow his hometown to be controlled by these conspirators.

  He must protect his homeland and never allow those guys to get involved.

   "It's really a shocking statement, can the fox's tail finally hide?" Superwoman naturally also saw the screen broadcast by the United Nations General Assembly.

  "Their ambitions have never been hidden, but the world has been fooled by them."

   "Destroy them and protect the peace of this world."

  "Robert Company must not be allowed to continue."

   "Long live justice."

  Many superheroes spoke one after another, each with a firm tone.

  The so-called empire can never control the world.

  Even if they fight to the last person, they will never compromise.

  Batman looked around everyone, "This will be the most difficult battle for the Justice League. If even we can't win, then this world will really fall into the hands of those ambitious people."

"We have to respond to the guy with wings, let him know that the Justice League will never allow their evil conspiracy. In this battle, we must catch this birdman. He must be a high-level executive of the Roboute Company. Grab If you stop him, you can coerce him to let Clark back."

  Bruce announced the tactical arrangement directly without any nonsense.

  The incident in the Roboute Building made all the superheroes angry.

  In that battle, they suffered heavy losses, and many heroes died tragically.

   They harbor hatred and anger in their hearts.

   will never forgive Roboute for its crimes.

  The largest dispatch since the creation of the Justice League.

  In addition to Superman, the other founders of the Justice League all appeared.

  Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, Green Lantern, etc., all return.

  The combat power is strong enough to subvert everything.

  United Nations Building.

   "Are you threatening us?" The congresswoman stood up and said, "We never fear any threat, nor will we submit to the rule of any dictator."

   "Yes, never give in."

   "Don't think about using your arrogant ambition to rule the world."

   "The conspirators who tried to do that are all doomed."

   Sanguinius did not care about the complaints of these representatives.

  Robot Corporation already has the power to easily crush these secular regimes.

  The reason why he spoke here was not aimed at these people.


   There was a loud bang, gravel splashed, and smoke and dust filled the air.

  The huge movement caused many screams of panic. They fled in fright.

  They are just a group of ordinary people, and a piece of gravel the size of a thumb can easily take their lives.

   Sanguinius stood still. He stared at the location where the loud noise came from, and saw the comer through the smoke.

  There is a big hole in the United Nations building.

  A woman in armor with a fiery figure stood in the smoke and dust, holding a rope and a small shield on her wrist.

  Although the heroes of justice may be late, they will never be absent.

  Wonder Woman stood up, staring at the man in front of him who declared that he would rule the world, her eyes narrowed slightly.

  The other party's figure is much taller than her, like a perfect sculpture.

  The huge wings stretched slightly behind him, like an angel about to spread its wings and fly.

   "Unforgivable schemer," Wonder Woman yelled.

  The lasso of truth in her hand shone with fiery light, and it was pulled towards Sanguinius.

  The battle sword blessed by the gods was also swung out. It was extremely sharp, and it passed through the air without a sound.

  Wonder Woman has been trained as a warrior since she was a child, and her fighting skills cannot be faulted.

  First use the lasso of truth to control the enemy, and then attack with the short sword and shield.

  Unfortunately, the enemies she fights are different from before.

   Sanguinius was born for war, and it is a divine creation created by the Emperor using the peak genetic technology of the Golden Age and the power of the warp.

   When he was resurrected, Guilliman used the most advanced technology to create a body that could be called a realistic version of a god.

  Sanguinius grabs the lasso of truth.

  The mantra lasso made by the **** of fire and craftsman of Mount Olympus was torn off abruptly by him, and he broke away from the opponent's attempt to control himself.

   Subsequently, a counterattack was launched at a faster speed.

   After a few breaths, Wonder Woman also flew upside down from the big hole just now at a speed hundreds of times faster than before.

  The ultra-fast speed caused white waves to appear in the air.

  Sanguinius spread his powerful white wings and flew into the sky like an angel.

  A spear made of nanomaterials appeared in his hand, reflecting dazzling brilliance under the sunlight.

   "I know you will come, the game is over, heroes, this world belongs to the empire, the order of the empire, the justice of the heroes, people have to choose one of them."

   "Then they will never choose your so-called order." The bat fighter flew across the sky, and Batman wearing a cloak and armor descended from the sky and landed on the ground.

  Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and other powerful heroes also appeared one by one.

   They are fully armed and ready for battle.

   Sanguinius was suspended in the sky, his wings waved powerfully, making it seem like there was something under his feet that could keep him from falling.

  The teleported flash lighted up nearby, and Titus and the others who had already been prepared came out of the light.

   "A group of idiots who betrayed the glory of the empire." Titus activated the power weapon in his hand, and the heart of the empire, which received the third-stage upgrade code, was running at high speed, giving him extraordinary senses and fighting instincts.

  Facing a large number of superheroes, he has no fear at all.

  How can a group of idiots who only know how to fight street crimes with their wits and courage compare to a warrior honed in countless alien battlefields.

  Batman looked around. In addition to those huge fighters wearing armor, there were also a large part of soldiers wearing exoskeleton suits.

   It seems that the other party has long been prepared, and the speech at the UN Building is not just to lure them out.

   "Put down your weapons, you still have a chance to be punished lightly." Sanguinius looked at the many superheroes and said, "I don't want to use violence to make you submit."

   Batman stared at Sanguinius, hatred in his helmet's eyes.

  He just wants these guys to die.

  The destruction of the Bat family and the death of Catwoman filled his heart with hatred.

  These sinful people should disappear from this world.

   "If you want to rule the world, go ahead and dream."

   Batman shot out with an exploding bat dart.

   This move is like a signal.

  The two sides quickly fought together.

  Wonder Woman and Supergirl who were knocked into the air just now attacked again.

  Superwoman fired laser beams from her eyes, Wonder Woman also flew up, and the bracelets on her wrists touched together, bursting out powerful and terrifying divine power.

  Martian Manhunter also used his flying ability to launch an attack on Sanguinius.

  Aquaman, as well as some superheroes with the ability to fly.

  The ground also fought together.

   Titus let out a roar, and rushed towards the enemy.

  He knocked off the helmet of the superhero Blue Beetle who was trying to attack him with one punch.

  The heavy and powerful fist smashed the opponent's helmet to pieces, and the head was even more bloody.

  The alien blue beetle armor was like paper in front of Titus.

  His power armor contains the most advanced technology of the Empire.

   It is far from being comparable to the opponent's set of alien armor.

   Facing Titus, those superheroes can be said to be powerless to fight back.

  Titus has served the war wholeheartedly from the moment he was chosen by the Ultramarines Chapter.

  Any tiny movement has been tempered for hundreds of years.

  Superheroes have to take care of their own lives while punishing evil and promoting good.

   Only a very small number of superheroes can master excellent fighting skills.

  Many superheroes suppress criminals by virtue of their abilities.

  Once their abilities fail, what greets them is failure.

  Titus is like a **** demon, rushing to kill among superheroes.

  Power weapons crackle and flash with frightening arcs.

  Those superheroes who dared to challenge him were beheaded one by one by him.

  Having great strength, keen senses and quick self-healing abilities, Hawkman was cut in two.

  The opponent's artificial wings and anti-gravity belt have no defense against power weapons.

  The whole body was cut open by Titus with power weapons like cutting tofu.

   And his partner Atom was forcibly erased by Titus activating the rule-distorting ability of the heart of the empire.

  The heart of the empire has an operation ability beyond imagination.

  Able to mobilize the power of the warp to make limited interventions in reality.

  Like a program, it can delete data on some real-world targets, thereby erasing them.

  The Atom's ability to grow and shrink is no longer an ability at the level of reality, but a distortion ability in the subspace domain.

  The Heart of the Empire does not need to completely erase its real data, but only needs to destroy a few key points, so that the ability of the Atom can be disordered and self-destruct.

  The Primordial Warriors are overwhelmingly slaughtering superheroes.

  Under the blessing of the Heart of the Empire, it is difficult to destroy the Primaris Warrior unless a fatal physical blow is used.

  The superheroes who once overlooked the world were harvested by sharp sickles like rows of weeds in front of the original cast warriors.

  A Speed ​​Force owner of the Flash family uttered a shrill cry.

  A Primordial warrior chopped off half of his body with the battle ax in his hand.

  The Speed ​​Force comes from the origin wall of this universe, and it is an extremely powerful ability.

   can make people run at extreme speed.

   The Flash-Bal can even run at ten times the speed of light.

  The problem is that the concept of speed is only the displacement of objects in space coordinates.

   The faster you move, the faster you move in space.

  The empire's research on space and time is extremely in-depth.

   Now it is possible to create the prototype of the small universe.

  Guilliman has also heard about the existence of the DC Universe.

   In order to deal with these superheroes, a series of backhands have long been prepared.

  The Power Armor worn by Primordial Warriors will release a layer of strange protective force field.

  When the attacker's speed breaks through a certain critical point, he is pulled into the space of infinite nodes by the protective force field, creating disordered space coordinates.

  Like the Zeno Tortoise that can never be caught up in the mathematical paradox, the speedster can never really touch the original warrior.

  The speed the speedsters possess will only drive them to despair.

   In an infinitely stretched space, it doesn't make sense how fast you run.

  Without the blessing and crushing of superpowers, the fighting will of superheroes can be described as garbage.

  Faced with a massacre battle, many superheroes are so frightened that they can't even display half of their usual combat power.

  The battle at high altitude was even more tragic.

   Face off against these stubborn superheroes.

   Sanguinius has no mercy.

  He showed another side of himself.

   Killing and brutality.

  He slaughtered those superheroes who tried to besiege him with unparalleled combat skills and strength.

  The holy spear strikes like a phantom, swift as thunder, and cannot be avoided.

  Martian Manhunter's body was pierced, and even his head was cut off by Sanguinius.

  Death completely invalidated Martian Manhunter's disguise, revealing a green alien body.

   Sanguinius ruthlessly threw the opponent's body away, and launched an attack on several other superheroes.

  Wonder Woman's guardian bracelet was smashed by him, and even the armor blessed by the gods was easily pierced in front of Sanguinius like paper.

  The more he fought, the more frightened Wonder Woman became.

  The opponent's strength is far beyond her imagination.

  Perhaps only Zeus, the God King of Olympus, can barely fight against such a character.

  What is the background of that damned empire, and why is there such a powerful character?

   After just a few breaths, the second dead person appeared.

  Superwoman's iron body was ruthlessly cut open in front of the nano spear, like a sharp knife cutting through tofu.

  The bright red blood was mixed with splashed internal organs.

  Supergirl's beautiful face is full of disbelief.

   She never thought about what it was like to die.

  When she first came to this planet, she was just an ordinary person on Krypton, and she had a body of steel and the ability to fly.

  She can jump out of the height of the plane with a single hop.

   Those criminals' guns hit her like a tickle.

  Amidst the cheers of the people, she tasted the feeling of being admired.

   Soon, she became a superwoman who eliminates evil and promotes good.

  Flying high in the sky, when people are screaming, she will appear handsomely and defeat criminals to enjoy cheers and applause.

   It never occurred to her that she, too, would die.

  The iron body and self-healing ability all failed at this moment.

   She died like a normal person.

   He didn't even have time to scream.

   Sanguinius made another blow and chopped off the opponent's head.

   "No!" Wonder Woman couldn't help crying out in grief when she saw her companions fall one after another, and looked at Sanguinius with hatred.

  She took off the last unbroken silver bracelet and released all her divine power.

  You must know that she is the illegitimate daughter of Zeus and the Queen of Amazons, the head of the gods of Olympus. She also replaced Ares and became the God of War of Olympus.

  Remove the bracelet, and her divine power will explode.

   Violent power burst out from Wonder Woman's body, and the bright beam of divine power pierced the sky.

  The next second, she flew out.

   Sanguinius threw his spear and pinned her to the ground.

  Green Lantern tried to attack again, but Sanguinius just stretched out his hand.

  A weird force field strips Green Lantern of his ring power, reducing him to a mortal and falling to the ground.

  The siege of Sanguinius was declared a failure.

  Aquaman's trident was interrupted by Sanguinius and became two pieces.

   When he himself wanted to escape, he was also caught by Sanguinius.

   Sanguinius grabbed his body, lifted it high, and then slammed it into his knees.

  The crisp voice resounded throughout the battlefield.

  The king in the sea broke his spine abruptly and let out a shrill scream.

  The pain caused the superheroes who were already at a disadvantage to collapse.

  Batman was rescued by an amazing captain Shazam.

  Shazam is extremely powerful, but there is also a think tank in the Primordial Warrior.

  In the confrontation with witchcraft, he did not gain any advantage, and was almost beaten to death by the opponent with a scepter.

   Playing magic and fighting in melee, Shazam was almost beaten into doubting his life.

  Green Lantern, whose nose was bruised and swollen from the fall, was also recovering his ability, and hurried away with Wonder Woman.

  The Justice League's counterattack can be said to be a complete failure.

  The whole battle was also recorded by the on-site equipment and broadcast to the whole world.

   Justice League is the last resort for those who want to say no to the Empire.

  Those congressmen took a gamble that the Justice League would continue to win as usual.

  At that time, those who say no to the empire can also become positive figures who have the courage to fight against the dictatorship, which will also be of great help in winning votes.

  It's a pity that fate played a huge joke with them.

  Facing the empire, the defeat of the Justice League is as unstoppable as a collapsed torrent.

   "Whoever of you supports the empire, who is against the empire." Sanguinius, suspended in the sky, looked down at the terrified representatives, and Aquaman was still in his hand, wailing like a dead dog.

  The corpses of Martian Manhunter and Supergirl are particularly conspicuous among the corpses of many superheroes.

  The female representative who just shouted that she would never accept the rule of the empire opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

   With the defeat of the Justice League, her courage disappeared without a trace.

   "Long live the empire." A fat man in a suit raised his hand and shouted tremblingly.

   "Long live the Empire."

   "Long live the Empire."

   Others also shouted.

   Even those who said they would never compromise just now shouted.

   Sanguinius waved his hand and opened a message window, "Lex, I'll leave the rest of the work to you."

   "I understand, Lord Sanguinius, I will integrate the countries as quickly as possible." Lex said: "I know their tricks, they can't play any tricks."

   Sanguinius nodded.

  He looked into the distance, showing dignity.

  Robot's fighter planes are roaring from all directions.

  The elites trained before will take over the military of each country, screen those human soldiers, and form the vanguard of the empire.

   This battle is just the beginning.

  The next step is to eradicate the remnants of the Justice League and conquer the entire solar system.

   When the legion of the empire can be launched into this universe, the expedition to another universe will officially begin.

   "This time, we will never make a mistake again." Sanguinius swore to himself.

  In the underground tunnel of Gotham City, the light from the flashlight flickered in the darkness.

   To be honest, if there is a choice, Constantine does not want to find Zatana.

  It's a pity that heaven and **** can't find anyone who has a good impression of him, which is very embarrassing.

  Constantine considered that he should also surrender to the empire when he thought about it.

   Maybe if you behave better, the other party will let you go to other universes.

  You can live a brand new life by yourself.

   "You should stop slandering Batman, Bruce is not as vulnerable as you think." Zatana didn't have a good tone for Constantine, a scumbag.

  The bastard's sweet words before entering the room are enough to move the goddess.

  Out of the room, you can forget about it as soon as you lift your pants.

  Zatana wished to immediately give this **** a few fireballs to blow him up to death.

   But seeing that rebellious and handsome face covered with stubble, she was always disappointed and always wanted to give the other party another chance.

  Zatana was born in a magical family, and her parents are well-known masters in the magic world.

  The collection of books at home is incredible.

  Konstantin thought for a long time and decided to seek Zatanna's help.

  Demon-Barbatos is not an ordinary demon, absorbing people's inner depravity and indulgent emotions to strengthen himself.

  The chaos in Gotham feeds it.

  The powerful force makes it plant the seeds of evil in the hearts of every super criminal and hero.

   Batman is just one of them.

   is also probably the most powerful one.

"Bruce is not fragile, he is twisted. In a place like Gotham, street crime is just the surface of the city's rot. He knows that the source of crime is there. Those super criminals are not the root of Gotham's turmoil. Those who cannot be punished by law Talent is. He knows this, but he continues to fight street crimes, maintain his name of justice, and use a false stability to establish his title of guardian of Gotham. Such a person is the best host for Barbatos , I can guarantee that Bruce must enjoy the pleasure of this kind of twisted justice, otherwise, he would not have been doing this for ten years."

  Konstantin's words, but Zatana did not believe it.

   "You just envy him for being rich and popular."

   "If you've ever played cards with Satan, you know that money is such a toilet paper thing, I wouldn't even bother to touch it if the girls didn't like it."

   Konstantin said while checking the paintings on the wall with a flashlight.

   "Those lunatics summoned a demon that does not belong to this world in order to establish this country."

   "Don't say that, it's blasphemy against them."

"This is a fact."

  The two made it to the end of the tunnel, and saw a bronze alloy door with complex patterns.

   "Solomon's seal of the spell." Constantine recognized the runes on the door at a glance, "This is not a good thing, check to see if the contents are still there."

   "I think it should be gone." Zatana's flashlight pointed to a position on the door. The runes on it were scratched by some sharp weapon, and a fist-sized opening was melted on the bronze door.

"The seal of the sealing spell was destroyed, and Barbatos escaped, but who did it?" Constantine looked at Zatana, "I thought Barbatos just affected Batman, but I didn't expect it to get rid of it. Sealed, escaped."

   "You may be right, Bruce may no longer be the Bruce we knew." Zatana was in a corner, picking up a dart.

  The unique bat mark, you can tell who it is at a glance.

"The situation is worse than we imagined. Batman has been dominated by Barbatos. That thing is weirder than the evil god, and it doesn't belong to our world." Constantine also put away his hippie smile, and rarely became serious , "I can already imagine the scene where Barbatos transforms those distorted and hate-filled superheroes into his subordinates one by one. I have to make a phone call and ask Satan to kowtow and admit his mistakes, can he forgive me for my previous mistakes, Establish a good relationship as soon as possible, so that you don't have to suffer after death."


  [Empire Citizen System Version 1.0]

[Personal information]

  [Imperial Information]




[personal property]

  Guilliman looked at the light curtain suspended in front of him, and really wanted to hug Ferrus and kiss him.

   Really deserves to be the Primarch of Iron Hands, the Primarch who likes to play with technology flow the most.

   This thing can be fiddled with.

   It's really worthy of my trust in him.

  The era of the universal system is just around the corner.

  The information interface in front of Guilliman is limited to personal viewing, because it is not a real information window.

   It is a scene processed by the brain, which makes people feel that it is a suspended light curtain window.

   Actually, it's just information in your head.

  The Imperial Citizen System version 1.0 is the terminal application of the subspace firewall network.

  The subspace firewall connects the entire human spirit together.

  This is equivalent to an alternative spiritual Internet.

  This system is equivalent to the terminal of the Internet, which can process various complex information into a form that people can understand.

   Otherwise, the chaotic spiritual information alone would drive many people crazy, and it would be impossible to find useful information.

  With this thing, the citizens of the empire can achieve true equality.

  The resources of the empire will be allocated according to the contribution of each citizen, as will the precious knowledge.

   "It's done very well." Guilliman clicked a few times, and then closed it. "You and Penny hand over the work like that, and leave the promotion work to them."

   "I see, but this is only a trial version. It is estimated that there are still some potential problems that have not been discovered. I hope that the follow-up of this project can continue to be entrusted to me."

Guilliman walked up to Ferrus, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder armor, "Who else can take on such an important task except you? Ferrus, you are my most capable assistant. The emergence of the imperial system, the symbol Human civilization has taken a big step toward true unity and the road of detachment."

   "It's an honor, Your Majesty." Ferrus said humbly: "The contributions of other brothers far exceed mine."

"The key factor that determines how far a civilization can go is how far the path of truth can be explored, and you are the one who can help me in this field. Just this makes me feel that fate is against me. What kind of favor is it that allows you to return to the empire, otherwise who can I seek to do this?"

   "I will definitely come up with better results." Ferrus said.

   "I believe in you, bro."

   Guilliman responded with a smile on his face.


   "I swear, there was no such thing in this world before I left." Qiu Chen swore, "There are no evolutionaries, and there are no reincarnation games. None of these things existed."

   The Mechanical Priest looked into Qiu Chen's eyes, making sure that the other party hadn't told a single lie, and then withdrew the servo skull connected to him.

  Two original cast warriors stood not far away, exchanging information about this world in a low voice.

  It is completely different from Qiu Chen's statement. The home planet he was born in has been dominated by another powerful mysterious force, which is the game of reincarnation.

  Everything he said is not available in this world, and for this reason, even the language is completely different.

   The first possibility is that Qiuchen lied.

  The second guess is that Qiu Chen has been away for too long, and the time has erased everything he is familiar with.

  Reincarnation games have become the mainstream of this world.

  Indigenous people who become evolutionaries will be screened into the game to experience all kinds of scary adventures and endowed with all kinds of weird abilities.

  The entire society also relies on reincarnation games to exist, and even school courses teach courses related to reincarnation games.

  The evolutionary named player has the highest social status.

  Of course, the reincarnation game is also extremely cruel, and there are very few players who can survive each time, but the rewards will also be extremely rich.

  The meaning of ordinary people's existence is to have children, improve the seeds of evolution, and provide various social services for players.

"He may not have lied. After he left, this world should be kept in captivity." Another mechanical priest walked over, "The subspace needs the emotions of real creatures to stir up, and the reincarnation game is likely to allow those players to contribute Express their fear, panic, betrayal and many other emotions."

   "After integrating these data, we found some key evidence to support this argument. Reincarnation games tend to make players suspect and fight each other. Under such circumstances, the games played by these players are like sacrifices."

   "Then what should we do now?" Qiu Chen asked, "Find out the real culprit behind the game, defeat it, and dedicate this world to the empire?"

"No, that's too dangerous. We are facing unknown enemies. To be able to create such a realistic game, its abilities must be extremely terrifying. If alien civilizations participate in it, I'm afraid they will also have extremely terrifying technological strength." The priest said: "The best way is to watch from the sidelines, collect information, and hand it over to the higher-ups of the empire to make a decision."

   "Do you want to leave it to Master Celestine to make a decision?" Qiu Chen asked.

   "No, this matter can only be decided by Terra. The problem we face is very complicated. If we don't handle it well, it may involve the empire's development of different universes."

   "Thinking that when I entered seven times and exited seven times, those Skavens were defeated and fled in embarrassment."

  Varerian resisted the urge to kill the traverser in front of him with a halberd.

   This guy is a talker, he will repeat his own **** things from beginning to end.

  If it wasn't for the Emperor's Fragment guiding him to this procession, he would have turned his head and left.

  After a long journey through the subspace, the exploration team followed the chatterer named Dax and entered a world that was still at the level of civilization in the Middle Ages.

  From the first second they entered this world, Valyrian and the others felt the breath of the four gods.

   The corruption of chaos is everywhere, and this world may only be one step away from the final collapse.

  For their arrival, the ragged villagers were very frightened.

   This may also be caused by their inadvertent display of strength.

   After all, anyone who sees a few people who can blow up those monsters and thousand-year-old trees with a single punch, and who are also wearing strange armor, will be terrified.

  A local noble scholar received them very warmly.

  Relying on their keen eyesight and profound knowledge, the noble scholars directly guessed that they were not residents of this world, but came from other worlds.

  The noble scholar arranged a banquet for the group.

  Before the meal, he raised a glass full of red wine and said.

"The supreme sky is connected to countless worlds. In the past, this was just a guess, but now it seems that it is not a lie. Maybe the stories about the Old Sage told by those lizardmen are right. The Old Sage came to this world, and then It left in a hurry, leaving only countless mysteries and those miraculous buildings. Welcome to this world, travelers from other worlds."

"They are travelers from other worlds. I'm different. I'm just a soldier returning home. I remember when I fought in Roaring Mountain, I entered seven times and exited seven times. I killed the Skaven ratmen and fled in embarrassment." After drinking a glass of red wine, Si recalled his glorious past, and couldn't help bragging.

   "If I hadn't been shot in the knee with an arrow, I would have killed that damned Ratman general. It's a pity that the good thing was missed."

   "Battle of Roaring Mountain?" The noble scholar's expression became strange, "You look like you are only in your thirties, how could you have participated in the Battle of Roaring Mountain?"

"I joined the army at the age of fifteen, and I followed Master Manred to fight against the Ratmen at the age of twenty. Isn't it normal to be in my thirties?" Dax laughed, "I know you are so unreasonable for me at such a young age." People who have made great achievements are always envious and want to be sarcastic, I understand."

   "It's been a thousand years since the Battle of Roaring Mountain." The noble scholar said, "Emperor Manred has long since passed away."

ps: I almost forgot to thank Elegant Chinese Cabbage for her support. His book friend value has reached the leader level, and I would also like to thank all the friends who subscribed. Seeing that I have written more than 1.6 million words, I don't want to explode the update. I don't know why it can't explode 20,000, and the mentality is not good.

  (end of this chapter)