Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 314 Anti-espionage work in different universes (subscription required)

  The words were flat, but there was a kind of cruelty that chilled the heart.

  The fate of a dynasty is decided in these few words.

  An ancient dynasty that lasted for hundreds of millions of years will be overthrown by a young civilization that has existed for less than a fraction of the history of the dynasty.

  The ancient king who has been sleeping for tens of millions of years, I am afraid that he never thought that he would end in this way.

  The Endless One-Tarasin stood beside Ryan, silent.

  If he took a narrowly racist standpoint, what he did was tantamount to betrayal.

  Tarasin showed no guilt.

  After waking up, seeing those companions who had lost their minds, Traasin knew that the Necrontyr had been torn apart, existing in name only.

   Necrons are just a memory of the past.

  Many dynasties only exist as a piece of past memory data, with no future.

  The real self was already devoured by the star **** during the transformation of the living body.

   As a scholar, he chose to do what he likes.

  Even though it cost some dignity, he didn't care about it.

  Continuing to improve the museum is far more precious than that poor dignity.

  The museum that records all the historical events of the galaxy has always been a dream of Tralassin.

  No matter what race they are, he will reserve a place for them in the museum without discrimination.

   During the ten thousand years of waking up, he has been busy with this matter.

   Run around and use the dimensional maze to catch creatures.

  Fix those historical moments.

   This is Traasin's only hobby.

  For this hobby, he has repeatedly stolen treasures from other dynasties.

   Wage war on those races that are unwilling to provide him with precious samples.

  Sneaking and abducting, burning, killing and looting, just to get those things he thinks worthy of being remembered by history, and expand his museum.

  Tarasin also actively joined in the empire's attack on the Sotek dynasty.

   It was not out of loyalty to the empire, nor out of hatred for the Sautek dynasty.

  He just took a fancy to the innumerable collections of the Sautek dynasty.

  Before the Sotek dynasty underwent biological transformation, it was already the third-ranked dynasty among the Necrontyr race.

  This dynasty has many things that can be remembered by history.

  Tarasin felt that his trip would definitely be rewarding.

   For those precious collections, showing weakness to humans is not an unbearable thing.

   "Do you have any suggestions?" Ryan looked at Traasin aside and asked casually.

"Imotek lives in the past, trapped by his former glory and dignity, he will not surrender. He will even resist until the last moment, but I believe that under the leadership of your great commander, victory is not difficult The demise of the Sotek dynasty is a foregone conclusion, even if they master the time technology, it will not help." Traasin's metal face showed a smiling expression, and after adjusting the vocal system, he said in a flattering tone, "In the omniscient and omnipotent Under the gaze of the Holy Emperor, the Sautek Dynasty is like an ant, completely ignorant of the power of the empire."

   Ryan smiled, and then refocused his gaze on the information window in front of him.

   It can be seen that the lion doesn't care what the Endless One said.

  The military force under the opponent's command has been emptied, and the control agreement has been taken away by the empire.

   Warriors and ships have been reprogrammed and are no longer controlled by Trazyn.

  Even if you still have an immortal active metal body.

   There is no way to pose any major threat to the empire.

  Lian naturally wouldn't deliberately set up something.

   Simply a question.

  The order for war was issued, and the army of the empire began to operate like a sophisticated machine.

   Huge battleship groups are located in different coordinates.

   formed a huge encirclement circle on the Mandela galaxy.

  As the order to go to war came, the silent battleship restarted its thrusters.

  Brilliant jets of plasma gushed out, forming a huge thrust and pushing the huge hull towards the Mandela galaxy.

  The war between the two sides started on the outskirts of the Mandela galaxy.

  As an existence capable of competing with the Silent King for the position of supreme ruler, the Sautek Dynasty possesses considerable military power.

  When the Outer Systems fell, the defenders of the Sotek Dynasty had already begun to strengthen the defenses of the Mandela System.

  They have deployed a large number of Gaussian beam silos, doomsday obelisks, matrix annihilators and other defensive firepower turrets in the outer space of the galaxy.

   In addition to this, there are satellite-level pyramid fortresses.

   They fashioned the entire Mandela galaxy into a deadly turtle shell.

  By harnessing the energy of the vacuum rift that surrounds the crown world, the Sautec Dynasty possesses a near-infinite source of energy, and if they fight a protracted war, they can consume it forever.

  In order to defend against the empire, the top military officials of the Sautek dynasty also used the deadly radiation released by those vacuum rifts to form powerful harmful radiation in the Mandela galaxy through amplification and refraction.

  These radiations incapacitate, sicken, and eventually kill life in close proximity.

   Those radiations are so intense that they can be observed tens of light-years away.

  The brilliant radiation can be seen with the naked eye.

  The Sautek dynasty also laid out a large number of obelisks in the exorcism death zone.

  Suppressed subspace activities in the surrounding ten light years.

  Not even demons can enter this area.

  Individuals with soul and flesh and blood entering this area will also weaken visibly to the naked eye.

   Necrons are different from the hodgepodge of human empires.

  They are more inclined to use energy Gauss weapons.

  Gauss weapons are far more powerful than pulse beams and burst beams.

  Once it hits the target, the Gaussian beam will form a pulsed magnetic field at the subatomic level, stripping off the atoms that make up the target.

   Because of this, it is common to see slain Imperial soldiers turn into steam, or a cloud of dust on the battlefield.

   It is because their molecular structure is reorganized by Gaussian beams.

  Gaussian beams are able to peel away anything with ease, even the highly squeezed neutron star materials and strong interaction materials currently commonly used by the Empire. are also stripped by Gaussian beams.

   Emerald green light shone in the void, and the defense system of the Sotec dynasty fired at full force, preventing the invasion of the empire.

  The void shields of the imperial ships are flickering, and every time they turn from dark to bright, they will transfer those Gaussian beams into the subspace, and annihilate them with the help of the strange characteristics of the etheric ocean.

  The empire is also launching a counterattack.

  Projected force fields propelled titan-sized cannonballs to ninety-nine percent the speed of light, firing into the Sotec dynasty's defensive positions.

  The core of the projectile is filled with antimatter bound by a magnetic field. When they are hit, the magnetic field will be invalidated.

  Pros and antimatter will collide, releasing the power and light of a nascent star, enough to destroy all protective shields.

  Those towering obelisks and Gauss weapon platforms suspended in space were annihilated in the explosion, broken down into the most basic atoms.

  The resistance of the Sotek Dynasty was extremely fierce.

  However, the technology displayed by the empire made many commanders of the Sotek Dynasty despair.

  An imperial ship was destroyed in the intensive bombing, the energy pile exploded, and the hull drifted around.

  After just a few seconds, the burning flames disappeared, and the flying hulls also disappeared without a trace.

  The destroyed ship was restored to its original appearance again.

  At the request of Guilliman, the Mechanicus has already mastered part of the time technology.

   In a lab setting, go back in time up to three days.

  Moved to the battleship, it can go back twelve hours or sixteen hours.

  The backtracking of the battleship is not aimed at the background of the big universe, but only at the original anchor object.

  It is similar to the reset function of a computer.

  Set a certain node.

   Wait until something goes wrong, then you can restore to the state of the set node.

   This is the ability of the backtracking device.

   Give the warships of the Empire a chance to start all over again.

  In the past, the empire watched the Necrons show off their technology with a look of despair.

  When the Necromancer ships encountered a war, were besieged by the Empire, and fell into a disadvantage.

  They often use pocket dimension technology to escape the battlefield.

   Enter an unknown space, after the repair is completed, it appears on the battlefield again.

   Such an approach is a very rogue tactic in the eyes of the empire.

  The Necrons always use this to tease the empire, calling the technologically backward empire an ape.

  Now the positions of the two sides have undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Many generals of the Sotek dynasty tasted the helpless despair of the old humans.

  With the help of time technology, human warships can go back to before they were destroyed after being destroyed.

  In this way, even though the Necrons paid a huge price in the battle, the Empire can use this technology to reappear unscathed.

  As the chief prophet of the Sautek dynasty, Orikan did not like the rule of the Storm King.

  The former Pope of Sotek died in a deep sleep and failed to wake up.

  The awakened crowned general, the Storm King, took over the ruling power and became the new French emperor, preventing the Sotek dynasty from falling apart.

  Ourikan chose to serve the Storm King out of consideration for maintaining the unified Sotek Dynasty and continue to perform his duties as the chief prophet of the dynasty.

   Witnessing the powerful offensive of humans, Orikan was surrounded by despair simulated by the processor in his skull.

  The large-scale application of time technology has given humans an absolute advantage.

  When those magnificent ships are about to be destroyed, they will be backtracked by time to the time when they were intact.

   Such technical means are simply shameless.

  Orikan couldn't imagine what kind of power could destroy this human army.

  Today's human beings already have technological means that are even more terrifying than the old saints of the past.

  Unless the various dynasties can restore their previous unity and get the help of those star gods,

  Only by doing so, they have a slight possibility of defeating the human empire.

  Ourikan seemed to hear the death knell of the end of the Sotek Dynasty, which lasted for hundreds of millions of years.

  Failure is a foregone conclusion.

  Orikan possesses profound time technology, able to travel back to the past and change fate.

   But even if he travels to the past, what's the use?

  The all-out war between humans and space undead broke out within tens of thousands of light-years.

  One person's efforts are too small.

   In front of the rolling wheel of time, it seems extremely insignificant.

  The Storm King - Imotek was silent.

  He has a wealth of battlefield experience.

   Facing the decline of the Sautek dynasty, he naturally saw it clearly.

   Barring a miracle, his reign will soon be coming to an end.

  Imotek's face was calm, without any waves.

  He has long been bearish on death.

  He sat calmly on his throne, facing the final death.

  Humans want him, the overlord, to kneel down to them like other dynasties, then they think too much.

  The Storm King will never kneel.

  Several huge black pyramid fortresses are suspended next to Sautek's crown world.

  They orbit the crown world like satellites.

  Those pyramids are extremely old.

   Judging from the meteorite impact marks and frozen marks on them, the history of these pyramids is as old as the Sautek Dynasty.

  The size of the pyramid is comparable to that of a satellite, suspended in the void.

  Like a loyal guard, protecting the crown world.

  When the empire approached, the pyramid released a large number of fighters like a honeycomb to defend the crown world.

  In order to win the final victory, the Star Knights and several other wargroups launched a gang battle against these pyramid fortresses.

   A round of volleys paralyzed the outer defenses of those majestic pyramids.

  The powerful Primaris warriors used space teleportation to enter the fortress of the Sotec dynasty.

  Accompanied by flashes of teleportation, warriors in power armor etched with golden double-headed eagles rushed towards the enemy with battle roars.

   "For the great Emperor of the Empire." Lothar let out a deafening roar, as did the other fighters.

  The roar contains a majestic ability.

  Many fighters merged into an unstoppable torrent, destroying all enemies along the way.

  The team formed by Lothar and others cleaned up one by one from the outer area, sweeping away the defense force composed of the metal undead of the Sotek dynasty.

  Through the transparent outer tunnels, the fighters can see that the battle in the void is still going on fiercely.

  The continuous explosions illuminated the dark and cold vacuum world.

   Burning ships, blinding clouds of gas, shells and beam rays coming and going.

  Those lights illuminate the battle between the jumping gang troops and the pyramid defense troops.

  No matter where it is located, the battle is equally fierce.

  The Necrons charged at the Imperial troops from all directions, the Gaussian beams continuously lit up in the dim corridor, and the emerald green light shone on those energy lines.

  The fighting in the claustrophobic space is **** and cruel.

  The team is constantly scattered, rushing to different goals.

  The rumbling explosion sound from the new type of explosive bomb shook the metal corridors covered with electromagnetic lines.

  Considering that the enemies the empire has to face are getting stronger and stronger, the weapons used by the empire have also been upgrading.

  The same goes for the bolters used by Primaris warriors.

   Today's explosive bombs are not just as simple as using high explosives.

   There are different types for different enemies.

  Anti-matter bombs, gravitational field bombs, high-enrichment nuclear bombs, and sacred bombs blessed by the state religion, etc. There are many types.

   Primal Warriors continue the image of extreme violence as always.

  Anti-matter bombs were used to attack the Sautek dynasty.

  In addition to the original propelling gunpowder part, this explosive bomb uses a brand new warhead.

  The shell of the bullet is made of brass as always.

   There is no gunpowder filled inside, and the warhead is completely vacuum.

  The warhead has a small but powerful magnetic confinement field.

   This force field anchors a few milligrams of nearly invisible particles of antimatter in the very center of the vacuum warhead, preventing it from coming into contact with the shell.

  Once the antimatter particles contact the shell, an annihilation explosion of positive and antimatter will occur.

   Such an annihilation explosion is enough to tear apart the solid active metal body of the Necrons, and it has a miraculous effect on dealing with the Necrons.

   The pyramid was soon filled with sounds of destruction and death.

  The active metal shell was shattered, scarabs emitting electric sparks were everywhere, the undead warriors were turned into pieces, and huge metal structures were paralyzed in the corridor, making the sound of electric currents.

  The fallen metal body and the dead are piled up together.

  The Necromancer general in charge of defense quickly fell into despair.

  Imperial warriors stormed every vital hub and shut it down.

  Humans have the help of star gods and traitors, and they have mastered the weaknesses of various military facilities of the dynasty.

   They tried their best, but it was difficult to defend the pyramid.

   Can only watch one area after another fall, and eventually humans will take control of the entire pyramid.

  The senior officials of the Sautek dynasty are watching all this.

  They fell into despair, destruction was approaching little by little, but they could do nothing.

   They watched the pyramidal fortresses of the void fall one after the other.

   It's like a crab's feet are peeled off one by one, leaving a bare body to be slaughtered.

   The symbol representing the fleet keeps dimming.

  The siren of the data processor never stops.

   It took a lot of time to completely destroy the void defense of the Sotec dynasty.

   Mainly because it is too large.

  A pyramid fortress is as huge as a satellite, and it takes a lot of time just to travel.

  The fortress fell, leaving gaps in the undead's space defense system.

   This gap was quickly expanded by the empire until the entire defense system was torn apart.

  Defending ships are either disabled or destroyed.

  The sky is full of burning wreckage, shining like stars.

  The empire got the air supremacy of the Sautek dynasty.

  When the flames of war fade to silence, the embers fall into darkness.

  The densely packed warships are suspended in the low-earth orbit of the planet just like that.

  The Storm King saw everything in the sky through the observation matrix set up around the world.

  Many high-level officials of the dynasty were beside him, waiting for the final judgment of fate.

"They won." A high-ranking dynasty said: "The void defense system has been declared to have fallen. My suggestion is to give up resistance. At least for the continuation of the Sautek dynasty, even if everything is lost, at least it can be left for the future." seed."

   "Seed?" General Zandrek, wearing the crown, said in a slightly absurd and mocking tone: "Are you joking??"

   "We have failed." The high-ranking dynasty said: "Do you think we can block those humans with surface defenses? We are alone and helpless, and there is only a dead end if we persist. Save the useful body and save it for later."

Zandrek laughed, "Do you think humans will give us this chance? Do you think that surrender means that we will return to the tomb world?? Humans are not the ancient saints, and they are not so benevolent. We are no longer the Necrophobes of the past, biological After transformation, we no longer have the ability to reproduce."

  Orikan stood aside and did not speak.

  Zandrek, who usually looks demented, was right.

  How could humans give them a chance to make a comeback.

  Once surrendered, the empire will definitely take various restrictive measures.

   Necrons can no longer reproduce.

   So what if he survived? ?

  It's just lingering in humiliation.

  One faction of high-level officials wanted to resist until the last moment, to welcome the death of the dynasty and themselves calmly.

  The other faction thinks that as long as they live, there are other possibilities.

   It is not unacceptable to bow the knee to humans.

  Ourikan couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong.

  Both have their own considerations.

  Some things cannot be simply attributed to greed for life and fear of death.

  Sometimes, it takes more courage to live than to choose death.

  He looked at the Storm King on the throne, waiting for the final verdict.

"We have no chance." Looking at the dispute between the two factions, Imotek said: "The cunning and cruelty of human beings are far beyond the old saints of the past. Even if they choose to surrender, they will guard us strictly and treat them as expendable used by the armies."

   "I understand the thoughts of some of you, thinking that we voted for the star gods in exchange for victory in the battle against the ancient saints. Why can't we vote for humans now, and when the time is ripe, we will betray the empire again."

"But do you think that idea is realistic?? The human empire is backed by the assistance of the star gods. I don't know what kind of agreement the two have reached, but I know that the star gods will never make us stronger again. I don't want to either. Deprive you of the right to choose, if you are willing to defend the honor of the Sotek Dynasty, you can choose to stay. If you choose to surrender, you can leave now."

   Imotek's words silenced the surrender faction.

   After a while, the two senior executives turned around and walked out.

  The other senior executives hesitated for a moment, then turned and left.

  Fear of death is not unique to human beings. Creatures of every race have an instinctive fear of complete extinction.

  These upper echelons have been around for a long time, from the far-off Battle of Paradise to the present.

  Long career makes them feel boring and uninteresting.

   But in the face of real death, they still have fear.

  Imotek was expressionless and didn't care about those guys leaving.

   Under other circumstances, he would have executed those guys without hesitation, to let them know what the consequences of betrayal would be.

   This time is different.

  The victory of mankind is already doomed.

  Even if the Silent King brings other dynasties to the rescue, the Sotek Dynasty is doomed to collapse.

  Choosing to live or die generously is a personal choice.

  Orikan hesitated for a moment, but still chose to turn around and leave.

  He still has his own work to do.

   It would be somewhat reconciled to die here.

  He has been conducting research on reverse biotransition.

   Now there are some eyebrows.

  If he dies here, the Necrons are truly hopeless.

  Imotek and a group of generals eager to defend the Sotek Dynasty chose to resist to the end.

   They launched the last defense, fighting the last desperate battle.

  Millions of metal undead are activated.

  They walked out of the ground with neat steps, and the dim green will-o'-the-wisps shone in their eyeballs.

  Countless turrets, doomsday obelisks, and giant war vehicles are all activated.

  When humans tried to land, dense light beams filled the entire sky, intertwined into a deadly trap.

   But even so, the Sautek Dynasty was defeated and fell to the ground.

  The commander of the empire patiently peeled off the shell of the Sotek Dynasty, revealing the fragility inside.

   After that, it was a concise and powerful attack.

  A primordial cast team, led by Ryan, penetrated into the core of the Sautek Dynasty.

  They knocked down the French emperor's guards who were more sophisticated than ordinary metal undead, and walked into the metal hall where the Storm King-Imotek and many high-level Sotek dynasty were located.

  With the fall of the last personal guard, the resistance of the Sautek dynasty is also declared over.

  The Sotek dynasty holds several fragments of the Star God.

   But these fragments can't change the situation of the battle.

  The French emperor of the Norwalk dynasty once did that, but was easily taken away by the empire in the end.

   Imotek watched as the human warriors slaughtered his men.

  Human commander, one of the most honorable primarch figures in the empire, Ryan followed the ladder step by step towards himself.

  The heavy armored boots collided with the metal steps, making a crisp sound.

   "I have brought the final verdict. As you wish, I will step over your corpse." Ryan did not deliberately speak loudly, but his voice was still full of majesty, rumbling in the air.

   Imotek's expression remained unchanged, he stared at the other party.

  The other party has the surging vitality that he had given up in the battle of heaven.

   It made him a little jealous, everything that humans have that the Necrontyr has never had.

  The Sautec Dynasty is just cold metal carrying the past.

  Mankind has an infinite future.

   "Yes, you succeeded." Imotek said calmly: "The galaxy belongs to you, and human beings will be the new overlord of the galaxy."

   "You said it wrong." Ryan patiently pointed out the error in the other party's words, "Human beings will be the overlord of the universe."

  This correction made Imotek fall into a longer silence.

   Kelian is very patient, he is not in a hurry to solve the other party.

   "Your arrogance is amazing. A race that has only been on the starry sky for tens of thousands of years is trying to control the entire universe." Imotek stared at Ryan and said.

   "Arrogance also has enough strength to support it. You could have survived, but unfortunately you made the wrong choice." Ryan drew out the long sword, and the dancing arc flickered in the air, crackling.

"I've lived long enough, and I'm not interested in witnessing the arrogance of a race. You may succeed or you may fail, but what's the point of that?? Maybe your future will be the same as ours, lasting a long time After a period of time, it was destroyed by a stronger and more potential civilization."

"We used to think that if we defeated the Old Sage and the Star God, we would be able to survive forever, but later the Spirit Race rose again, and then you, this universe will never lack challengers, the old and the new are changing, and there will always be in this way."

   Ryan waited for him to finish before speaking.

   "Your words are very philosophical, but unfortunately you are destined not to see the day when human civilization is replaced and destroyed. Now, you have a choice, be killed by me directly, or take out your weapons and choose the final battle."

  Imotek chose the latter and activated the phase weapon he used.

  The final ending has not changed.

  After the sound of weapons colliding, Imotek's head rolled from the high platform and rolled down the steps one by one.

   The headless metal body fell to the ground, and some coolant flowed out.

   "There is one last one." The lion withdrew his weapon and stood on a high platform overlooking the hall controlled by humans.

  The Sotek Dynasty was declared destroyed.

   Now, there is only one Silent King left of the Necrons.

  After the opponent is eliminated, the threat of the Necrons can be said to be resolved for the most part.

   This matter is not difficult, after such a long period of frontal attrition and raids.

  The military power controlled by the Silent King has also been weakened a lot. Many high-level military officials were killed by the raid squad, and a large number of troops were dispersed by the empire.

   After weakening the Necrons to a certain extent, Ryan chose to attack the Storm King.

  Even if the Silent King unified many dynasties of the Necrons without a competitor, it would be useless.

  The Necrons have been weakened too much, and a large part of them surrendered and were controlled by King Suotai.

  Even if the Silent King is unified, facing the army of the empire, it will be just a mantis arm and a cart, and it will be easily crushed to death.

   Ryan thought about how to completely resolve this long-lasting war.

  Mordo galaxy.

   This is the military forbidden area of ​​the empire, the degree of defense is second only to Terra.

   Only with the permission of Terra can one enter it.

  The Men in Black organization has been active on various planets, choosing various identities, and becoming the eyes and ears of the emperor of the empire, assisting him in ruling the vast territory.

  With the expansion of the empire to the different universe, some evil beings want to use the different universe to develop their careers.

Infiltrated the different universe project of the empire, taking advantage of the fact that the road connecting the different universe is located deep in the subspace, stuffed those corrupted individuals into the exploration team without anyone noticing, and let them go to different places. The universe spreads those heresies.

  With the vigorous development of the development project of different universes, the anti-infiltration of humans in other universes, and the work of anti-cult spies are imminent, and have been put on the agenda by many high-level officials in the empire.

  Quinbys got off the transport ship and followed the crowd towards the huge tunnel entrance.

  (end of this chapter)