Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 330 Recovering Cadia (for subscription)

  The reincarnation game is not a charity project.

  Its appearance is not to promote the great harmony of the universe.

  Anyone who thinks that reincarnation games can bring about evolution is just an ignorant, poor worm who doesn't understand the truth.

   Qiuchen looked around at the thousands of players beside the beach.

   There was a trace of pity in his scrutinizing eyes.

  The outcome of these players is already doomed.

   Island of Sacrifice, Island of Sacrifice.

  Who is enjoying the offering?

  Who will be the sacrifice?

  The biggest purpose of reincarnation games is to create people's misery and despair.

  The behind-the-scenes make a living out of it and draw strength from it.

  According to the sampling inspection of the empire, in the reincarnation game, it is often those who are extreme, full of hatred, sinister and cunning people will go a little further.

   It's not that some players are smarter than other players.

   It's those players who can bring better harvests to those behind the scenes.

   This is the sadness of it.

   No matter how hard the players try, they are in the palm of the hand, being fooled and having fun.

  They will never be able to resist and subvert each other's rule.

  The suffering of the creatures in the world created those immortal beings.

  Qiu Chen sighed slightly in his heart.

  Counting the universe where he was a traverser, he has traveled through two universes.

  The cruelty and corruption of the fog world, the original world also fell into the endless abyss after being pulled into the reincarnation game.

  Among the heavens and worlds, how many worlds are normal!

   How many worlds are able to enjoy peace and stability all the time!

   In the reincarnation game, are the sources of corruption such as fog creatures only found in these two worlds? ?

  How many worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds are controlled and enslaved? ?

   The road to confrontation is long and endless.

  Qiu Chen found it difficult to see the end of this battle.

  Seeing humans raise the flag of rebellion is already a rare thing.

  The crowd also quickly realized that the originally quiet beach with only the sound of waves became noisy.

   "1,400 B-level players, this is crazy!"

  Wearing ancient knight armor and holding a scarlet blood-like long sword, the man looked around with a terrified expression.

   Qiuchen glanced at the other party, it should be a player who took the ancient extraordinary route - knight.

   "We are dead." The player dressed as a magician ran to the distant ocean like crazy, and tried to escape using the flying technique, but was blocked by an invisible air wall.

   "Damn it, I heard that there were more than 2,000 A-level players who opened the thousand-player dungeon last time, and only four escaped."

   "The survival rate is less than two per thousand, it's too scary!"

   "Knowing about using immunity."

  The other players also looked gloomy.

  As B-level players, they are no longer newbies.

  Naturally know the massacres that happen every once in a while.

  When the number of players in a certain stage reaches a certain number, a large copy will be opened.

   Simultaneously pull in thousands of players for survival challenges.

  The survival rate is extremely low, only one or two per thousand.

   All players who fail to complete the trial will die.

   Bloody, cruel and inhumane.

  Everyone's watches vibrated.

  The information window appears in front of every player.

  Inside is the relevant information about the copy of the sacrifice island.

  [Sacrificial Island dungeon has been opened. ]

  [Background introduction: Sacrifice Island has the most beautiful beach in the world. The palms and vibrant natural ecology are loved by tourists from all over the world. The happiness index of tourists is extremely high, and the number of negative reviews is currently zero. The local area is as hospitable as ever, and plans to further introduce services such as zero-yuan accommodation and independent travel to enhance tourists' love for the sacrificial island. ]

  [Travel Daily: If it is said that the most beautiful beach in the world, it must be the beach belonging to the Sacrifice Island, with clear and transparent sea water and long and gentle sandy beaches. The temperature is just right all year round, and the clear water is a paradise for diving enthusiasts all over the world. There are strange chocolate mountains, the world's smallest miniature tarsier, underwater cliffs with a drop of nearly 3,000 feet, and a group of cute dolphins who are not afraid of people.

  In addition to the beautiful natural environment, the unique customs and habits left by the ancient nation also add a touch of mystery to this tourist attraction. The temples built by the sea people in the past are still preserved on this island, allowing tourists to fully experience the charm left by ancient customs.

  Choosing to travel to Sacrifice Island is definitely the best choice not to be missed in life. Now Pinxixi and Sacrifice Island are launching an event, invite friends to chop a knife, travel for free and win big prizes. ]

[Metropolis Daily: On July 6th, a horrific massacre broke out in the famous tourist destination-Sacrifice Island. More than 1,700 tourists were killed, and their bodies were dismembered. A lot of cult blessings, this incident has caused great panic, and relevant departments have intervened. ]

  [Metropolis Daily: There has been no response to the Sacrificial Island case so far. According to clues provided by insiders, naval ships appeared in the waters of Sacrificial Island to expel all ships. ]

  [Metropolis Daily: The death incident that broke out on Sacrificial Island has so far not had any results. Relevant departments do not allow anyone involved in the investigation to talk about it, and sent people to block the island and nearby waters. There are many versions of speculation among the people, and many people are saying that those people were massacred by the army. ]

  [Military Bulletin: Sacrifice Island and the relevant sea areas with a radius of 500 nautical miles have been designated as military restricted areas, and ships without permits are prohibited from entering the relevant sea areas. ]

  [Military Bulletin: The military restricted area of ​​Sacrifice Island has been further expanded, and all people are not allowed to go to the restricted area. ]

  [Military Bulletin: All personnel staying on the Sacrificial Island have been infected by the deadly plague. If you find anyone who has escaped from the Sacrificial Island, please call the police immediately. ]

  [Task 1: Please assist the islanders to complete the sacrifice.

  Mission 2: Please escape from the Sacrifice Island. ]

  [Tip 1: Please don't offend the islanders and don't talk about them.

  Tip 2: Darkness is dangerous, don't let yourself be in the darkness without light.

  Tip 3: The words of the islanders are true and false, please be careful to distinguish.

  Tip 4: Stay in a house with light after the sun goes down.

  Tip 5: Don't go to raves after midnight.

  Hint 6: Some hints are wrong. ]

  [I wish you a happy game. ]

   After reading the relevant prompts and background, Qiu Chen directly started the dungeon analysis, released the proton detector, and collected relevant information.

  This kind of large dungeon with a low survival rate is an unimaginable crisis for other players.

   To Qiu Chen, it was not worth mentioning.

  There is a backer behind him, so he speaks so hard.


   Go to the Emperor of the Empire to single out.

  Qiu Chen just wanted to walk to the depths of the island, but found that there was a player who was faster than him.

   This made Qiu Chen take a few more glances.

  There are people behind me who dare to be so confident.

   This guy is even more arrogant than me!

   Could it be that there are people behind it? ?

   Qiuchen observed the other party with the help of a proton observer.

  It was a handsome, slightly feminine man.

  The corners of the other party's mouth are still slightly raised, with a vague arc.

   There is a domineering arrogance in the eyes that everyone is stupid except me.

  That pair of cold eyes reveals my cruelty and decisiveness all the time.

   Qiuchen smiled.

   It's been a long time since I've seen such an arrogant player.

  Reincarnation games, like time-traveling, can always give people some illusions.

  I think that I will be proud above all living beings and become the immortal existence.

  Many people will realize after several severe beatings that they are just an ordinary member of the crowd.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that some guys are lucky enough to pass the level all the time. In that case, it will naturally encourage arrogance.

  Qiu Chen walked towards the island while watching the other party.

   After walking for a while, I left the beach and saw a dilapidated concrete road.

  The road surface is dilapidated, and weeds have grown, showing desolation.

  Walking along the concrete road, you can see a reinforced concrete building on both sides of the road.

   Those buildings are also very dilapidated.

   Overgrown with weeds.

  The facilities and signboards are also rusty, and the words on them can't be read clearly. It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

  The only thing Qiuchen could see clearly was a Meijiayi convenience store that said it was open 24 hours a day.

  The signboard is placed inside the glass frame. Even after being desolate for so long, the words inside are just yellowed, not blurred to the point of being unclear.

   It was introduced in the background of the copy.

  Sacrifice Island used to be a tourist attraction, but because of a massacre, no one paid any attention to it, and it became a forbidden place that everyone avoids.

  These buildings must have provided services for tourists at the beginning.

  After being blocked by the military, the buildings were abandoned.

  The end of the road is an open and abandoned square with three or four forks.

   At the end of the road in the middle, you can see a majestic temple.

   From the pictures sent back by the proton detector, it can be seen that there are some buildings along the way that look like houses of local residents.

  The road on the right goes all the way, with abandoned buildings along the way, and an abandoned circular green park at the end.

  It was run down and dirty.

  The road on the left leads to the once asphalt and masonry business district.

  There are many shops, and the prosperity of the past can be vaguely seen. At the end is an abandoned hotel.

  Qiuchen observed the situation of the entire island through the proton detector.

   There are some places that you can't see.

   The first one was built inside the military base northeast of the island, and the proton detectors could only see the periphery.

  There are scattered abandoned tanks and cars everywhere, as well as various dried and rotting corpses.

   The center of the base is blocked by some warp force, some of which cannot be seen.

  In addition to the military base being blocked, there are also temples filled with mysterious power.

   Can't see what's inside.

  Qiu Chen stood beside the fork in the road, thinking about where he should go.

   Obviously, there must be a lot of clues at the military base.

  After the homicide occurred on Sacrifice Island, the army moved in. Judging from the several notifications released later, it was obvious that something was discovered before it was blocked.

  If this information is not taken away in time, it should be in the military base.

  The problem is that the clue has something to do with him!

  Cheater players do not need to follow the game flow.

   Qiuchen walked in along the road where the islanders were, that is, the road leading to the temple.

  After the blockade, it stands to reason that the locals will also be resettled.

  Why there are still aborigines on the island is confusing!

  When approaching the buildings of the aborigines, Qiu Chen smelled the stench from the air.

   Seeing those aborigines for the first time, Qiu Chen felt uncomfortable in his heart.

  Those guys should no longer be human.

  They have strange, deep folds on both sides of their necks.

  The head is narrow and oblate, and the eyes are protruding, large, watery, and without eyelids.

  Nose flattened, forehead and chin receded.

  Ears look underdeveloped and small enough.

  Lips are long and thick.

  Rough and gray cheeks with thick and visible pores, and no beard, only some sparse yellow hairs curled irregularly.

  The hands that were exposed outside the clothing appeared to be very large, with obvious blue veins, and showed a blue-gray color like that of a dead person.

  These aborigines have a greasy feeling and a faint fishy smell.

  For the appearance of outsiders, the aborigines showed indifference.

  They are busy with their own affairs and don't care about outsiders.

  Qiu Chen didn't bother them either, but went straight to the temple.

  The temple is very old.

  Many bricks look very historical.

   There are murals on the inner walls of the temple, which seem to be well maintained and should be repaired by the islanders.

  The things depicted on the murals are very distorted and weird, as if they were stretched and rolled together.

   Each image has swirls, as if it were some kind of divine emblem.

  The statue in the deepest part of the temple is also very strange.

   It looks like a huge stone eye composed of countless spiral patterns.

   Mentioned in the background, is a relic left by an ancient people.

  However, it did not talk about what gods are enshrined.

  Qiuchen rummaged around in the temple, trying to pretend to be trying to pass the level.

  Footsteps came from the door.

  The player you saw just now also walked into the temple.

  As always, it was that cold face.

  When he saw Qiu Chen, his gaze turned cold, and then quickly retracted.

  He also looked at the murals and statues.

   Qiuchen evaluated the other party.

  Selfish, cold-blooded and cruel, in order to become stronger by any means, does not meet the recruitment standards of the empire.

   For this reason, he did not speak.

   "Do you have anything to gain?" The man asked: "I can exchange information with you, and it is absolutely worth the money."

No. "Qiu Chen shook his head.

  The man looked Qiu Chen up and down, and spoke again.

   "Equivalent exchange will help us pass the customs."

   "I'm not interested in making any deals." Qiu Chen walked out directly.

   Make deals with each other!

   How much leisure does he have to do such stupid things!

  Su Xiao comes from a world that has just been pulled into the reincarnation game.

  He is the first batch of players in that world, and also the top player.

  Relying on his ruthless character, he has already killed many opponents.

  Watching the strange man walk out of the temple, he evaluated the possibility of killing him to obtain information.

  Considering that today is the first day, he endured it and decided that if there is no breakthrough in other places, he will torture the other party.

  The other party was the first to enter the temple. Judging from the way he looked around just now, he must have gained something.

  He originally wanted to use the exchange method in exchange for the other party's information.

  The other party's tone was so arrogant.

   If you don't eat a toast, you will have to drink a fine bar.

  Su Xiao has absolute confidence in his own strength; apart from those powerful props, he has always hidden a trump card, the A-level talent - Dreamland.

   Activate this talent, you can pull all the targets in the area into the illusion dominated by him,

  If the player dies in the fantasy realm, he will die in reality as well.

   It can be said to be an extremely powerful talent.

  Su Xiao is confident that he can kill anyone in this dungeon with his own ability.

  In order to survive and become stronger, Su Xiao doesn't mind using any means.

   Those who stand in his way have only one fate, and that is death.

  He is the kind of person who admires the reincarnation game and even enjoys it.

  For those guys who want to resist and overthrow the reincarnation game, he just wants to comment on a fool, and wants to kill the other party.

  All kinds of props with mysterious power can restore the player's mortal injuries and allow the player to be sent to various dungeon worlds for trials, all of which reflect the power of the reincarnation game.

   If the reincarnation game wants to be unfavorable to ordinary people, it doesn't need to be so troublesome!

  Reincarnation game is a path of evolution, and players are a path of sublimation.

   Only those who are stupid will blindly resist the reincarnation game.

  Su Xiao has already decided that when he becomes an A-level player, he will clean the entire world.

   Those who oppose reincarnation games will be killed.

  Su Xiao rummaged in the temple for a while, turned and left without finding anything.

  Go to other places and look for clues to survive.

  He is the man who wants to become the strongest player.

   To grasp the power that transcends all, let all beings tremble under his feet.

  No matter what happens, he will do whatever it takes to pass the level.

  Never allow yourself to be dumped here and become a sacrifice like those weak garbage.

  He wants to live.

  Climb to the top of the player's pyramid step by step.

  He wants to go to the top.

  Qiu Chen was wandering around the houses of the aborigines.

  While observing the players, looking for objects that can be recruited, while looking at those weird buildings.

  The aborigines went about their work in silence.

  Qiuchen will try to talk to them.

   found that they didn't like to talk, but still answered his questions.

  From their scattered answers, Qiu Chen got some information.

  They came here to live under the guidance of God.

   Speaking of abandoned military bases, their faces will show disgust and anger.

  If you ask them to stay overnight, they will readily accept it.

  They called the giant eye enshrined in the temple the Spiral Eye, and occasionally went to repair and worship, but their tone obviously didn't like the temple.

   Qiuchen chatted while summarizing relevant information.

  Some Aboriginal people would invite him to participate in religious services at midnight.

  Qiu Chen also readily agreed.

  Relying on the protective means on his body, as long as he doesn't trigger the official reincarnation of the reincarnation game, other crises are nothing to him.

  After agreeing to participate in the ceremony, Qiuchen's favor among the aborigines increased dramatically.

  Many aborigines warmly invited Qiuchen to their home for dinner.

  Qiu Chen naturally agreed one by one, and promised to go there when he was free.

  The other players were stunned.

   What kind of social cow is this!

  In the horror copy of the reincarnation game, they can easily mingle!

   Those aborigines are not human at first sight.

  That guy can do this, talking to each other without changing his face, without beating his heart, and even hooking his shoulders.

  Many players feel that they are too cautious.

   Actually, this dungeon is not that dangerous.

  Su Xiao was also taken aback for a while.

  He was even more suspicious of what key props the opponent had obtained in the temple.

   Otherwise, how dare you communicate with those islanders like this, and dare to promise them to participate in the midnight ceremony.

  After thinking for a while, Su Xiao took out a silver bug from his bosom, whispered a few words, and let it fly.

  The bug hovered not far from Qiuchen, synchronizing what it saw to its master.

  The proton detector sent an alarm to Qiu Chen.

  Qiu Chen just secretly included the other party in the clean-up list, and did not expose the other party.

  After chatting with the locals, Qiu Chen planned to go to the commercial area of ​​Sacrifice Island.

  The performance must be sufficient.

  Otherwise, you will be forced to pass the customs when you come up, and it is easy to be noticed by the officials.

   There are also some players active there.

  He is going to contact those guys in the name of gathering intelligence to see if there is any suitable candidate.

  The business district has been completely abandoned.

  The collapsed mansard roofs are connected together to form a jagged and wonderful skyline.

  The doors and windows of most houses are open, even if it is still daylight at this time, the scenes inside those houses cannot be seen, filled with darkness.

  Many houses are leaning dangerously or even unbelievably due to the sinking of the foundation.

  Those dark windows, people have a sense of fear, no one would like to enter those houses.

  When the abandoned houses are connected together to form an entire abandoned city.

  The feeling of terror will explode exponentially.

  [Abnormal subspace fluctuations detected. ]

  [Abnormal subspace fluctuations detected. ]

   The reminder sounded continuously.

  Qiu Chen frowned, and the whole abandoned business district was enveloped in the atmosphere of subspace, which was not a good thing.

   A booming explosion sounded, blowing up several houses.

   "The silent cry."

   "The Bloody Flute."

  The two players called out the names of their props in turn and launched an attack.

  Their battle spread to a large area.

  The other players either avoid it, or wait aside, waiting for the two players to exhaust their physical strength, and stage a play of fisherman's gain.

  Qiuchen also had to avoid the fight between the two.

   After observing the players in the business district, Qiu Chen had nothing to gain.

  All are a group of players with the jungle concept that weakness is original sin.

  There is no need to recruit those players.

  The ideological consciousness is too low, and it is easy to betray for profit.

   Qiuchen set off for the abandoned military base.

  The military base has been damaged by players.

  They broke open the gate of the base with violence and went in to search for clues.

  However, what happened next made Qiu Chen realize the pity of reincarnation game players again.

  The military base has a huge database.

  The problem is that this database has more than 16,000 random keys.

   Every minute, the key is reset, randomized again.

   It is impossible to guess the password of the database even by using the exhaustive method.

   Only after the input is correct can it be unlocked and the data in it can be read.

  If you destroy it violently, you will only damage the data files inside, and you will get nothing.

  Many Samsara players looked at each other.

  Looking at the password input interface displayed on the illuminated central control screen, everyone was dumbfounded.

   There are quite a few players who take the technological route, but their battle armor and aircraft are exchanged for everything, and they have not been systematically studied.

  How could such a complicated random key be hacked.

  In addition to having powerful props, reincarnation players are pitifully incompetent in other aspects.

  Qiuchen also knew very well that this was the purpose of the reincarnation game.

  In this way, the science of all the worlds is abolished, and those guys are willingly kept in captivity and become fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

   "How about, let me try it." An abrupt voice sounded, causing a trace of surprise in Qiu Chen's heart.

  A thin and tall boy stood up. He didn't look very old, only about twenty years old.

   Protruding finger bones, messy hair and emerald green eyes.

   Also wears a pair of round glasses, giving people a nerdy look.

  The boy took out a data tablet that looked like he assembled it himself, and inserted the plug into the socket under the screen.

  Ten minutes later, the unlocking progress on the platform reached 100%.

  The screen also pops up a prompt that the password is entered correctly.

   This scene made the players excited, and they rushed over to check various information.

   Qiu Chen walked towards the thin-looking boy.

  A scholar who can become a B-rank player!

  To be honest, Qiu Chen thought it was a miracle.

   "Your ability is outstanding." Qiu Chen said.

"You are the second person to compliment me like this. Many people think I am a reincarnation freak. I prefer to study the principles behind something." The boy pointed to those who rushed to the computer, vying for control, thinking Players who want to be the first to read the data, "They prefer simple and direct violence."

   "You are not suitable for this game, you should be a scholar and do all kinds of research quietly."

   "There are no scholars anymore, all professions are dead, only players are left. People rely on reincarnation games, who will do these researches!"

   "So do you want to be a player who can do whatever you want, or do you prefer to stay in a quiet laboratory and explore the secrets of the world?"

   "This is naturally"

  The boy hasn't finished speaking yet.

   was interrupted by a rude voice.

   "Don't talk to him, Leeteuk, I've said it many times, don't always use your pure head to think about those guys."

  A strong, **** boy came over.

   From the upper body of the other party, you can see the terrifying muscles like a tower, and the whole person looks like it is made of molten iron.

  Hideous, centipede-like scars can be seen everywhere on the body.

  Even if he didn't become a player, his body could kill a cow with one punch.

  The boy pushed Qiu Chen away, "Don't make plans with him, he is covered by me. If you touch a hair on him, I will make your life worse than death."

"He didn't threaten me, Si." The boy called Lite stopped his companion's behavior and apologized to Qiu Chen, "I'm sorry, he is my good friend. I can live until now, largely because of Si's help."

"I see."

  It is really a miracle that a scholar and nerd like Lite can survive to the B level.

  Among them, the guy named Si probably made a lot of effort.

   After chatting for a few words, Lite and Si turned and left.

   Qiuchen watched them.

   Finally found two players who don't believe in the law of the jungle.

   Not succumbing to the values ​​imposed by the reincarnation game, this is actually a kind of resistance.

  Qiu Chen listed the two as recruitable targets in the intelligence system interface that only he could see.

   At night, Qiu Chen decided to send out recruitment to the two.

  The loyalty of the Natal galaxy to the Holy Emperor is something that the entire galaxy knows.

  When the people of the Empire talk about who is the most outstanding Astra Militarum regiment in the Empire, Natal will definitely appear on the list of arguments.

  Before the children of Natal learned to walk, they had already learned their loyalty to the Empire, to the Holy Emperor.

  Fighting and dying for the emperor's great cause is what they consider the highest honor.

   The Natal galaxy, which has always been busy, ushered in a big vacation today.

  Factories chose to shut down, and shops also chose to close.

   Only the port is still in operation, receiving far more ships than usual.

   Many people came from all over the galaxy and gathered in the Natal galaxy.

  The reason why they travel so hard is simply for one thing.

   That is to witness the birth of the heroic blood.

  As the empire continues to promote artificial wombs, more and more men and women choose pure love and leave matters of reproduction to the empire.

  The development of science and technology will inevitably bring about the awakening of human nature. People will pay more attention to their spiritual life and weigh the burden and benefits their children bring to them.

  Empire provides lifelong education, medical care, pension and other guarantees.

  People are becoming less and less dependent on their families.

  Birth and starting a family have become a burden that hinders oneself from improving the quality of life.

   Under such circumstances, the fertility rate plummets.

  However population is extremely important to a civilization.

  In addition, the colonization of other universes by the empire also requires a large population.

  Artificial wombs and social upbringing out of the mother's body have become the basic state policy of the empire.

   Of course, there is nothing prohibiting people from having their own children.

  But today's birth is very different from the previous birth.

  Becoming a parent requires more than just a passing passion.

   Becoming a parent is no longer as easy as it used to be.

   Rather, it requires a complex certification assessment process.

   A pair of parents cannot be qualified to raise a child until the eligibility is confirmed.

  It is a felony to raise a child without passing the examination.

  In the Imperial Code, children are the inheritors of civilized society and belong to the entire civilized society, not individual individuals.

  Children do not belong to their parents, but to the entire civilized society.

  The empire's protection of individual human rights is extremely perfect.

  From the moment the hatchling is detected, it has full civil rights.

  The empire has laws banning abortion.

   Except for the great emperor who has the power to deprive others of their lives, any institution that has not been authorized and approved by the emperor of the empire does not have the power to deprive others of their lives.

   Even if a mother conceives a child, she is not entitled to deprive the child of her life.

  Depriving the life of an unformed child without reason is considered a crime of betraying humanity.

   People can choose not to have children, but they have no right to decide whether a child should come into this world.

  With the implementation of these bills, the proportion of children born naturally has decreased year by year, but some people still choose to raise a child that belongs to them because of love.

  Natal's abnormal behavior today is simply that the child born is the blood of a hero.

  Natal's loyalty to the emperor is known to everyone and has been sung all over the world.

   Among them, the greatest achievement is Hawke, who has become the commander-in-chief of the empire.

  From an ordinary worker to a high-ranking imperial commander who is qualified to stand beside the emperor, Hawke's experience is legendary.

   And her wife is another legend, a female general from Sara.

  The little girl who had witnessed the murder of her relatives and the destruction of her homeland, and was finally saved by the emperor of the empire.

  The girl who stood shoulder to shoulder with the great Primarch of the Empire, Jaghatai, and declared war on the traitors.

  Her achievements are not inferior to Hawke, and she is also a person who is qualified to erect a statue in Terra.

  The combination of two heroes and the raising of a child is enough to shake the entire empire.

  Countless blessings came overwhelmingly.

   Even the Holy Emperor himself expressed his blessing.

  When the cry of the child was heard in various loudspeakers through the communication network, the people who had been waiting for a long time gave out cheers, and they celebrated the birth of the heroic blood.

   "This child is the son of Natal and Sara. His soul and loyalty belong to the Emperor. May his glory shine on this child forever."

  Hawk's voice came out through the loudspeaker.

  This sentence made the cheering people even more excited.

  The voice of the planetary governor suddenly came from the loudspeaker, interrupting the cheers of the people.

  [The Emperor of the Holy Empire has come to Natal. ]

  [The Emperor of the Holy Empire has come to Natal. ]

  [The Emperor of the Holy Empire has come to Natal. ]

  The news of the arrival of the most respected and holy emperor in the empire caused people to look at each other in blank dismay, and the original fanatical cheers suddenly became silent.

   All the screens broadcasting the children were switched to scenes in the universe.

   Like a sharp knife cutting through the void, a gap suddenly appeared on the surface of the physical universe.

  Golden-blue rays of light overflowed from the cracks in the subspace, brighter than a thousand suns, impacting people's perceptions.

  A majestic, celestial-like giant battleship flew out of the gap.

  The majestic flapping double-headed eagle forms its prow, and the hull is inlaid with a huge city composed of statues and temples.

   This is a celestial-class battleship beyond the limit of the world's imagination, far beyond the comparison of other similar ships.

  In the vast universe, there is only one unparalleled hero worthy of this battleship.

  The Holy Emperor's own ship, the Emperor Supreme, has arrived at the Natal galaxy at this moment.

   Countless people who fell silent from the carnival burst into cheers again.

  Being able to witness the flagship of the Holy Emperor is already an honor that most people can't imagine.

   Behind him, groups of warships filed out.

  Any ship can easily destroy the world, destroy the stars, and bring countless deaths.

  At this moment, they turned into loyal guards, only to protect the safety of the Lord of Humanity.

  Guilliman sat on the Mechanical Throne.

  Below his throne, there are Natal officials who were sent over.

  There is also Hawke and Andy who just gave birth, and the baby they are holding.

  Guilliman did not show the majesty of the past, but showed a rare smile. He got up from the throne, walked down the steps, and walked in front of Hawk.

   "It looks like I've caught up and I'm not late."

   "No matter when His Majesty arrives, it is an unimaginable honor for the people of Natal, and there is no such thing as being late." Hawke said excitedly, unable to hide his excited tone.

  The emperor came for his son, what an unimaginable honor.

   Enough to go down in the family history.

  If he still has a family.

   Guilliman smiled without saying a word, turned to look at Andy, his other general.

  Andy is very smart, she understands her master's thoughts.

  Put her newly born child on the other's broad palm.

  The skin of the newly born baby will look wrinkled due to the long-term waiting in the amniotic fluid, which is not good-looking.

  The eyes have been able to open.

   Those ignorant eyes stared at the giant in front of him.

   Young minds don't know what this moment represents.

   "Lovely child." Guilliman kissed the child's forehead as his blessing.

  He is not stingy with rewarding his subordinates.

   Of course, there are many types of rewards.

  One is material and the other is emotional.

  The former is easier, a document that does not require the person to present, can give the other party money or land.

  The bond established like that will not be very strong, and the problems it brings will be left behind for future generations.

   With the rise of fiefdom families, the empire reproduces a complex chain of interests.

  The latter requires Guilliman's excellent political talent and interpersonal skills, which is more troublesome. For example, as it is now, he needs to come to the Natal galaxy in person.

  The relationship established in this way is very strong.

   Rewards are based on emotion and will not have any impact on the real world.

   "I wish him not to be harmed by any evil, and I wish him the courage to face the terrible enemy." Guilliman's voice was full of majesty, and the place where he kissed showed a faint golden blue mark, which disappeared again.

  The people of Natal and those who came from all over the galaxy to witness the birth of the child all cheered.

  The sound was deafening, sweeping through every corner of Natal.

   "What's his name?" Guilliman asked.

   "I haven't named it yet, Your Majesty." Andy's tone was weak. In order to give birth to this child, she removed the previous mechanical prosthesis and used the empire's cutting-edge technology to restore her flesh and blood.

   "Your Majesty, please give him a name." Hawke said.

  Guilliman stared at the child and said with a smile: "Then it's called Assas. In ancient Gothic, it means a person who has the courage to face everything."

   "That's Assas." Hawke said.

  The people were also very excited, shouting together the name the emperor gave the child.

  They shouted the name of Assas, and gave the eagle salute to the great emperor.

   Hawke took his child back from his lord.

  He stared at the child's ignorant eyes, showing love.

   "The whole world is cheering for your name, Arthas. One day, we will die, and you will inherit our will and continue to fight for His Majesty and the Empire."

  Guilliman smiled.

  The imperial guards stood behind him, silent, watching this scene.

   Valyrian's enthusiasm for the people is a bit unimaginable.

   But he still controlled his emotions very well, and did not make any criticism.

"May I take the liberty to ask, why did Your Majesty leave the sacred homeland?" After the broadcast of the emperor's blessing was cut and switched to the universe, Hawke carefully handed the child to his wife, and asked that he could not be seen in public. The question asked in front of him, "If His Majesty wants to bless the child, he can declare that we will go to the sacred home, and there is no need to visit in person."

  Guilliman also had no habit of lying to his loyal subordinates.

   "The Cadia Fortress has fallen for too long, and it should return to the embrace of the empire. Calgar has mobilized an army to prepare for a decisive battle with the traitors in Cadia. As the lord of mankind, I naturally have to sit in the fortress myself."

"Your Majesty is going to march in person? Why isn't there any news?" Hawke was shocked. He had never heard the news that the emperor of the empire was going to march. If he knew, he would only be in the army at the moment. How could he Stay here and wait for his wife to give birth.

   "The expedition is not worth publicizing, but the victory is worth publicizing." Guilliman said: "When the victory comes, the news will naturally spread."

   "Please allow me to walk with His Majesty, the Natalians are willing to be the vanguard in the battle to regain Cadia." Hawke said.

"Relevant military arrangements have been made a long time ago. It is a taboo to tamper with the layout of the front-line commander. There are still many opportunities in the future. Spend time with your wife and children. You will not have much time in the future. The enemies of the empire are countless. You'll have to fight more battles than you can imagine."

Hawke put his hand at the position of his heart and made a sky eagle salute, saying like an oath: "The people of Natal are fearless, as long as the edge of your majesty's sword points, it is the place where the people of Natal fight, Natal I will definitely sweep away all enemies for His Majesty."

  "The Natalians will definitely sweep away all enemies for His Majesty."

  "The Natalians will definitely sweep away all enemies for His Majesty."

  Many officials in front of the Mechanical Throne also roared loudly and gave the Skyhawk salute on their chests.

  PS: Sorry, it's a lot late today. There will be a little chapter later

  (end of this chapter)