Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

340 You are really a group of demons. (seeking subscription)

  Creation Star can definitely be called the most beautiful utopian world in universe 052.

  It is the ideal paradise dreamed by countless beings.

   Full of hope.

  The starting point of every building and every decision is for people's happiness.

  The huge Celestial City is so beautiful that it is beyond the world's imagination of beauty.

  The pale golden sun shines on those gorgeous buildings, and once you take a look, you can't move your eyes away.

  Walls, temples, colonnades, and arch bridges are all made of marble with distinct textures.

   Wide squares and fragrant gardens are filled with gold and silver, and fountains that sprinkle colorful water columns.

  The wide streets are lined with elegant trees, flower beds and gleaming marble sculptures.

   In the city, there are one after another exquisite art buildings that surpass human aesthetics.

  Every building is so beautiful.

   Enough to drive those scholars who are immersed in architecture crazy.

  The buildings are connected by cobblestone paths dotted with green grass.

  The city is a place of revelry for the new gods.

   is a true paradise.

  The majestic horn sounded from the tall tower.

  The sound of beautiful and quiet music hits and collides noisily here.

  Following the request of the heavenly father, the new gods took up weapons, stood tall and straight on the city wall, and faced the empire with a fearless attitude.

  The protective cover rooted in the power of the gods has been raised.

  This protective shield can prevent the Empire from indiscriminate bombing and prevent the Empire from using artillery fire to cover blows.

   Standing on the battleship, Titus stared at the floating Celestial City.

   There was no expression on his face.

  He had already made psychological preparations for the rejection of the heavenly Father, and even wished that the other party would do that.

  "It is best for God to die."

   He whispered, "In the name of the Holy Emperor, this world will be punished with extinction."

  His order was sent down the comm channel to the ships.

  Teleportation flashes emerged from the ship.

   Those giants in heavy armor, armed with bolters and huge melee weapons fell on the majestic sky city.

   Tomahawks, spears, giant swords and so on, the only thing in common is the cold aura emanating from them.

  Each one is the elite of the empire selected from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. They exist only for killing, and they are the sharpest swords in the hands of the holy emperor.

  When they appeared in front of the new protoss warriors, a terrible killing began.

   Titus rushed to the front, holding a huge sword as big as a door in his hand.

  The body of a normal person may not be as big as his sword.

   The first new **** to fall was hacked to death by him.

  The new **** wore armor that shone like glass, and held a long-handled weapon. The blade also shone with a palpitating cold light.

  Titus used the huge hammer-like hilt to smash the crystal shield made of unknown material in the opponent's hand.

  The crackling power sword swung, and chopped off the opponent's arm, and then cut off the opponent's body with a sword.

  The duration of a sequence of actions is astonishingly short.

   In just a second or two, he had already shot many times, cutting the opponent into two pieces.

   Titus withdrew his weapon from the corpse.

  Blood smoked and crackled on the sharp blade.

  The new **** warrior fell to the ground, the dark red blood soaked the marble floor, and was illuminated by the golden light like the rising sun.

  He tried to reach out to grab Titus' steel boots, but Titus stepped on them, making a crisp bone cracking sound.

  The city wall of Sky City stands in front of Titus, majestic and shocking.

   More fighters emerge from the teleportation flash.

   They ran and rushed to the city of the new **** to reduce it to ruins.

  The new gods also lined up to meet the enemy, vowing to defend their city.

   Fifteen hundred warriors of the new protoss rushed towards Titus and the others.

  They were all wearing armor blessed with divine power.

  It looks elegant and luxurious, and looks very elegant.

   Titus showed an excited smile.

  The power arc of the weapon in his hand became brighter and brighter.

  Empireheart goes into overload mode, making him go berserk.

  The long sword in Titus' hand drew a trick in the air, cut off the enemy's halberd, and tore the opponent's throat.

  The desperate, hateful eyes were fixed on Titus.

   "This is the price you pay for resisting the Holy Emperor." Titus said in a low voice, flinging the dead man away.

  The sound of the bolt gun sounded, resounding throughout the battlefield.

  The bombs they use are specially made to restrain creatures with extraordinary power.

  Destroy their powerful regeneration ability from the root.

  The shell of the bullet is engraved with complicated and forbidden magic runes.

  The bullets also contain anti-magic materials that are specially used to destroy demons, extracted from the subspace, and combined with the soulless characteristics of the Silent Sisters.

  The body of a new Protoss soldier was shattered by a powerful explosive bomb, and half of his body was gone.

  He still tried to fight, but was beheaded by Titus' second-hand sword.

  While wielding scepters and unleashing berserk psionic spells, the Librarians charged at the new gods, using the melee skills they honed on the battlefield to fight.

   Titus rushed to the front.

  His sword cut off his arms all the way, slit his throat, and rushed into the flock of sheep like a wild beast, killing without restraint.

  There are wreckage and broken arms everywhere, and there are many casualties.

  The new gods wailed mournfully.

  Human weapons possess a certain cursed power, preventing them from using their repair ability to repair themselves.

  A large number of soldiers quickly fell under the human butcher's knife.

  Titus' men lost very little.

   Only a few were stabbed by those weapons with strange powers, and died in the opponent's hands.

  The fighters of the new protoss retreated steadily, trying to withdraw to the city.

  Titus and the others pressed on every step of the way, and followed them into the Celestial City as they retreated.

  Heavenly Father calls on all new protoss to act against the invasion of the empire.

  His charisma caused countless residents of Sky City to walk out of their homes and put on armor and weapons.

  However, they knew nothing about the power of the empire.

  If they could see how the warriors of the Empire slashed and killed those superheroes, they would definitely question whether the Heavenly Father's resistance to the Empire deliberately sent them to death.

  The inhabitants of Sky City were united and poured toward the invaders like a tide.

   There was a uniform sound of explosive bombs, and the people of God who had a long lifespan fell down in rows, and some were even blown to pieces.

   When the distance was close enough, many Primordial warriors switched to melee weapons.

  If someone records the battle of Genesis Star, they will definitely write the word massacre without hesitation.

  Even the combination of Dr. Manhattan and Golden Superman only resulted in a bitter failure.

  It is impossible for the new Protoss to fight against the terrifying empire on their own.

   Many forces in the fourth dimension have suffered heavy casualties in the hands of the empire.

  The ancient old gods will either surrender to the human empire and be branded as the holy emperor, or they will be completely destroyed and wiped out from the root.

  When the high-rise buildings in the city were destroyed, gaps appeared in the protective shield covering Tiancheng.

  The warships of the empire also released bombing at the same time, widening the gap and turning Tiancheng into ruins.

  The New God Clan put up a tenacious resistance.

   However, in the face of the violent offensive of the empire, their persistence is meaningless.

   It serves no purpose other than bringing more despair.

  When Titus was slaughtering in the city, a team of five young new gods fell beside him.

   Except for those supreme beings who only exist in legends and transcend the universe, the new gods are already the strongest existence in this universe.

  Their power is enough to tear reality apart and shake the entire universe.

  Father's adopted son - Olean is one of the best.

  According to the existing record, he can withstand the combined attack of Darkseid, Superman and Wonder Woman without any serious problems.

  According to theoretical research, he can even move in the environment of a thousand nuclear explosions a minute.

  His body has the power of the stars bestowed by talent, capable of destroying planets and shaking the sun.

   Also has the power from his biological father - Darkseid, the fury of the beast.

  The addition of the two powers gave him power beyond other new gods.

   "Stop your evil deeds." Orion, who was wearing a dazzling armor and stepped on the star skateboard, slowly fell from the air, with the cloak fluttering on his body.

  Derived from the blood of Dakseid, he has the majesty of a king.

  The ring on the wrist exudes a faint light of stars.

  The two pieces of equipment were presented by his friends, which could allow him to better exert his own powerful power.

   Titus looked at the other party, and he showed a sneer under the helmet.

   "Another freak who calls himself a god?"

   "I am not a freak, I am the adopted son of the Heavenly Father, Orion. Intruders, lay down your weapons, stop your atrocities, and stop killing on this sacred utopian land."

  Hearing this, Titus provocatively slit the throat of the soldier he had captured bit by bit, allowing the bright, divine blood with a faint halo to spurt out.

  Olean looked at the soldier who died tragically in front of him.

  The anger in my heart suddenly came up.

  The other party didn't take him seriously at all.

   "Go to hell, thug," he growled.

   Raging power surged within his body, oppressing the surrounding space and distorting it.

  Starlight condensed on his fist, making it more crystal clear.

  His hair flew up, flying in the air.

   A beast-like roar emanated from his throat, strong and powerful, like snake-like muscles clinging to his body.

  His eyes shone with the utmost brilliance of divine power.

   With one punch, thousands of stars shone on the immortal body at the same time, as if billions of stars were hidden in his body.

  A terrifying aura of earth-shattering permeated the air.

  Countless new **** soldiers trembled.

  As the youngest and most powerful new **** of the new **** family, Orion's power is unimaginable.

  The power of one punch shakes the sky and the earth, is invincible, extremely overbearing, makes the world eclipse, and makes the sun and the moon darken.

  It seems that there are infinite stars burning.

   Horror beyond imagination, which makes all souls tremble.

  That terrifying scene seemed like the world would be smashed by his punch, and the universe would be restarted.

  The next second, Orion let out a miserable scream.

   Titus split his fist with the power sword in his hand.

  It was split in the true sense.

  The force field ruptured his immortal **** body from the subatomic level.

  The arm shining with divine power was split in two.

  It can be seen that the crystal bones are divided into two, and the crystal bone marrow flows.

   Titus hit the opponent's face with another elbow.

   There was a bone cracking sound.

  The bones on Olean's face were smashed to pieces, and one eyeball was blown out.

   A shrill scream sounded.

   Titus cut off the opponent's head from behind with a backhand sword.

  The headless corpse rolled a few times on the ground and landed on a flower bed. The only remaining eye was wide open, as if it didn't realize what happened.

   "At this level, how dare you go to the battlefield without a weapon." Titus couldn't help complaining, and he raised his foot and stomped Orion's head off.

   Skull fragments mixed with red blood and white brain matter splattered everywhere.

   When Titus raised his foot, there was only a little bit of Orion's scalp on the ground.

  A powerful new **** fell.

  On the other side, several friends of Olean roared.

   They are a small team.

  I wanted to work together to kill Titus.

   Who knew they had just landed, and before they could react, Olean was killed.

   Heads were chopped off and trampled to pieces.

   Roaring can't change any problems, it will only attract blows from other imperial soldiers.

   Several of Orion's friends were soon sent by the Primaris warriors to be with Orion.

  The new **** suffered heavy casualties, and it was difficult to resist the offensive of the empire.

  Whether it was the trained fighters or the agitated residents of Tiancheng, they all fell in front of the empire's butcher knife, and no one was spared.

  The corpses of the Protoss were piled up on the street, and the blood flowing with divine power gushed out from their corpses, flowed along the low-lying places, and finally gathered together, forming **** puddles.

   After killing the last palace guard, Titus walked into the main hall of the Celestial City, where he saw the master of the Genesis Star - the Heavenly Father.

   Heavenly Father stands in front of the large French windows.

  He didn't look back, but stared at the **** scene outside the window.

   "You are really a group of demons." He said, with despair and grief in his tone, feeling painful for what happened in Tiancheng.

  (end of this chapter)