Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 345 The so-called omniscience and omnipotence! (seeking subscription)

  The creation of the Old Ones - the unique WAAAAGH force field of the green-skinned orcs gave Guilliman a new inspiration.

  Using the same method, whether it is possible to create a special force field unique to human beings, so as to avoid the potential threats brought by subspace.

  Adds another insurance policy against the corruption of the Warp.

   On the one hand, it can add another powerful means to human beings, and on the other hand, it can also resist the threats brought by the gods.

   It's just a thought, a thought.

  If it is to be implemented, it is estimated that the price to be paid is extremely huge.

  The green-skinned orcs were created by the Old Ones, and their genes were edited from the beginning, just like a well-shaped weapon.

  Human beings are very different, they were not programmed from the beginning.

  It evolved from a complex and severe natural environment.

   There is no such condition as the green-skinned orc.

  To transform this race so that they have abilities similar to those of WAAAGH, it means that efforts must be made to shape both the genetic field and the spiritual field.

  The bigger problem is that this transformation also has potential risks.

   The madness of the green-skinned orcs is brought about by the WAAAAAGH force field.

  If you want to transform humans, you have to consider the side effects of WAAAAGH.

  Guilliman suppressed the thoughts in his mind, and just included this matter in his to-do list.

  After reporting the data, the mechanical sage retreated.

  In the center of the machine, the digital orcs were sent near the WAAAAAGH energy pool.

  Several robotic arms firmly fix them on the operating table.

  The mechanical priest wearing a red robe operates those interfaces and adjusts the parameters.

   With the roar of the machinery, WAAAAGH energy was injected into the orc's body.

  The orc who was used as an experiment let out a deafening roar.

  The loud sound made the technical priests' ears ache, and the sound wave receiving devices jumped out of the warning.

  WAAAAAGH energy is like fertilizer, allowing the bodies of those orcs to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   A few hours later.

   Those orcs were more than twice as big as before.

  The armor originally worn on them was abruptly cracked, revealing the muscular, green and strong body like cast iron.

   "The orc boy has been enhanced to the little orc boss." The technical priest next to Guilliman said: "Scanning the body data shows that all body data are in line with the data collected by the empire, and the second phase of testing is underway."

   Application experiment is a very boring thing.

   It is necessary to verify the results of previous calculations a little bit.

  Guilliman is very sure about the results of his calculations.

   But in order to avoid mistakes, application experiments still have to be done to avoid any possible mistakes.

   After staring at it for a while, Guilliman no longer paid attention to the operation of the huge machine.

   Instead, he looked at Selego who was standing aside and asked.

   "What do you think about this?"

   "Thoughts?" Selego hesitated for a moment before saying, "Naturally, I am overwhelmed by His Majesty's foresight and vision."

  "I never thought that a **** would talk like this. I'm asking about the WAAAAGH force field."

   Guilliman said with a smile on his face.

  Silego was slightly stunned, and said: "The WAAAGH force field generated by this majestic machine is no different from the WAAAGH of the green-skinned orc itself. As for the actual effect, you have to verify it yourself to know."

   "How can these idiots who play witchcraft objectively evaluate this kind of thing!"

  The miniature Nether Dragon on Guilliman's shoulder stood up and spread its wings. The silver body with sharp lines reflected dazzling silver light under the light.

"A fool who plays witchcraft?" Selego looked at the Nether Dragon and repeated it in disbelief. Such words are simply shameful slander, "You, a guy who can't even use the subspace and clearly perceive, have a great understanding of this world. How incomplete is your cognition, what qualifications do you have to say such words?"

   "Because I can trample you, idiot, on the ground and rub against it." The mini Void Dragon showed a defiant look, full of contempt and disdain.

"Then give it a try and see if you can do it! You crippled, metal trash betrayed by believers, come on, let you see how good I am." Selego was angry, his voice full of threaten.

  Such humiliation cannot be tolerated by a god.

   If he doesn't respond, he's basically not eligible anymore.

  The two god-level existences glared at each other, and if they disagreed, they would fight like a battle in heaven.

   "Enough." Guilliman said, shutting up both gods: "I'm not interested in witnessing your duel, and don't talk about these nonsense anymore."

   After quieting the two gods, Guilliman handed over the work to those technical experts.

  They will continue to test the WAAAAGH force field to make sure nothing goes wrong.

  Guilliman and the others went to another meeting room.

  A huge line box is suspended above the meeting room.

   It is the entrance of the small universe that is anchored here.

"The Cadia battlefield is very likely to be the last battle between the empire and those enemies. After the end, we will be able to completely control the entire galaxy except the Eye of Terror." Guilliman opened the interface of the galaxy, which has been represented by the empire. All the colors were dyed, except for the Eye of Terror and many areas around Cadia.

"The technical experts of the Empire have proposed a solution to the Eye of Terror and the Great Rift. At that time, we need to use the anti-subspace device to weaken the etheric power of the Eye of Terror, reshape the complex physical laws, and restore it to the original state of the universe. look."

"At this stage, our task is to assist that orc warlord to become the orc emperor. That machine can extract the WAAAAGH energy that transforms orcs, but that is not enough. We still need to create more green-skinned orcs for that orc warlord. , so that he has enough power and army to challenge the current orc emperor."

   "For this reason, several technical experts have proposed an idea, which is to use a small universe that can control the flow of time to breed orcs at a high speed."

  Guilliman walked towards the main seat, and at the same time introduced the small universe suspended above the conference hall.

   "The number of orcs that can give birth to an emperor is very large and terrifying." Eldrar, the great prophet of the spirit race, said in a low voice: "Will it bring a new crisis if we do that?"

   "The orcs are difficult to control. If the orc warlord gets the army but is killed by the orc emperor, those orcs are likely to be controlled by him and turn against us." Selego also spoke.

  He is the leader of many prophets of the Eldar, warriors, and leader of the surviving Eldar.

   After all, he is the only **** left in the entire Eldar who can move freely.

   Elderal and the Avatar of Death are far behind him in terms of prestige and power, so they are naturally unable to challenge his position.

   While Selego spoke, the Eldar remained silent.

"This matter is naturally somewhat difficult." Guilliman changed the subject: "But this is not the reason why we don't do it. The Mechanicus has already begun to compile the gene sequence of the green-skinned orcs and implant control instructions. , if there are no accidents, the results will be obtained soon."

  Guilliman has fully mastered the part of the biological knowledge that the Old Sage used to create the green-skinned orcs, and can use the underlying gene sequence to transform this brand new race.

  Actually, there are some things he didn't finish.

  The altered gene sequence will not only change the orcs, but also pollute the orcs' gene pool.

   Just like the Tyranids, they change the nature of creatures and switch to another camp.

  The transformed orcs will naturally obey the orders of humans and fight for the interests of humans.

  By then, human beings will thoroughly grasp the powerful biological weapon of green-skinned orcs.

  At that time, human beings will have endless cannon fodder.

  Using the small universe to breed orcs crazily, and releasing them all when the war comes, destroying all enemies within sight, coupled with the huge army of the empire, it is absolutely invincible.

   "The Cadia battlefield is resolved, the rest is the main event." Guilliman changed the subject, and he looked at the watcher who had always been accustomed to hiding in the dark shadows.

  People rarely see their bodies, only the pair of red eyes that seem to contain infinity and infinity.

   Everyone followed Guilliman's gaze.

  They also couldn't see the watcher in the dark clearly. The other party was protected by an invisible force, avoiding any form of prying eyes, and could only see the pair of red eyes.

  The eyes of Selego and Nether Dragon both showed vigilance.

  The Dark Watcher brought them a strong sense of oppression.

   This is a mysterious race that once climbed to the top and mastered the truth of the universe.

   It is said that it has come to an end and completed the final ascension.

   is a powerful existence that can fight against chaos.

   "According to the watcher, the gods have been snatching the inter-universe gate deep in the subspace, and want to use that portal to radiate their will to many universes, and truly control the multiverse."

  Guilliman sent relevant information about the Transverse Gate to everyone.

  The inter-universe tunnels that humans use today are just expansions of the trails left by the ancient civilizations.

   The Transverse Gate is different, it is a complete path.

  Can ignore the barriers and obstacles between universes, and send the army to any universe.

  This ability is enough to make those so-called omniscient and omnipotent be moved.

  Yug-Sothos was able to send cancerous legions across the universe, but the price he paid was also heart-wrenching.

  After the income could not cover the cost, the cancerous army had to change its original strategy and chose to cooperate with local forces to fight against humans.

  Omniscient and omnipotent know how to build the inter-universe gate, and also have the ability to build it.

  However, in order to complete such a project, what is needed is a super civilization with a complex division of labor system and an innumerable population.

  The power of the omniscient and omnipotent is beyond doubt.

   It is not impossible for them to destroy a universe when necessary.

   To build such a project, you need more than just strength.

   Warriors are stronger than artisans.

  Shapeable worlds need artisans, not warriors.

  They can destroy a universe, but it doesn't mean they can organize their people to complete such a majestic project.

  Even if it is omniscient and omnipotent, it is impossible to reshape and modify the parameters of hundreds of millions of universes at the same time by its own will.

   Omniscient and omnipotent in the eyes of mortals also has its own limitations for the level of infinity and infinity.

  If mortals live in a barren, closed village.

  A down-and-out alien drove a spaceship and entered the village from the outside.

  Relying on the spaceship, the aliens can easily identify the ore, know all kinds of gorgeous magic tricks, and know how to make fertilizer to increase the output of agricultural products.

   Such an alien is omniscient and omnipotent in the eyes of mortals.


  Everyone's question, he knows the answer.

   He can easily solve the troubles of ordinary people.

  He can also predict tomorrow's weather.

   It also possesses powerful force, which can easily deal with the terrifying beasts that the villagers feel weak when they see them.

  Omnipotence is a relative concept.

  The reason why mortals think that those powerful beings are all-knowing and omnipotent is because their vision and limitations are there.

  People's understanding of the world is very shallow.

  The questions they can ask are also very shallow.

  A mortal asks his **** how the world was created.

   Just ask a farmer what the engineer used to build this house.

  Mortals feel that their question involves the creation of the universe, which is an unimaginable question. Only an omniscient and omnipotent God can answer such a question.

   To God, such questions are very shallow.

   No details, no detailed parts.

  As the farmer's question is to the engineer, how is the house built.

  Because of their own limitations, ordinary people and farmers asked seemingly profound questions, but they were actually superficial.

  If you ask a little deeper, why do you want this thing to work like that instead of like this.

  God might be a little caught off guard, saying that this is His will, so it must operate like this.

  The farmer asked the engineer why the foundation should be laid instead of letting it hang in the air.

  The engineer will certainly not say that this is his will, so it should be built like this.

   That will only make him get sprayed with blood

  The engineer will explain that he built the house according to the theory in the textbook to ensure that the house will not collapse.

  There is no way to support this house without a foundation.

   For suspension, there is no such technology.

  He does not know how to create such a technology.

   Such a house will only be built according to the textbook method.

  Is there any difference between an engineer and a god? ?


  Maybe the engineer is more truthful. After all, there are other people who understand architecture, so they can't tell any lies.

  God monopolizes the discourse power of explanation, and can only cover up the mistakes and omissions by saying that everything is his own will.

   So are the omniscient and omnipotent.

   They may have mastered all the knowledge left over from ancient times.

  But they can only build things according to the knowledge left by the "textbook", and cannot create new knowledge.

  Almighty as well.

  Guilliman is also omnipotent to some extent.

   Send him to some industrial age planet.

  Any question posed by mortals with limitations is a breeze for Guilliman, who controls a vast empire.

   Let the stars go out, let the moon explode, let the time go back, make the space upside down, let everything grow against the season, modify a person's cognition, and change a person's appearance.

   It is even possible to predict what will happen to the planet in the future through psionic energy and data models, and even push those things to develop in the direction predicted.

  Everything those people can think of, Guilliman can do.

   Is Guilliman omniscient and omnipotent?

  The answer is self-evident.

  The gods of Chaos were unable to build those grand projects.

   Snatching the trans-universe gates left by ancient civilizations is the only way for them to expand their power.

  The importance of the inter-universe gate to the gods is reflected here.

  ps: I slept all day, alas, no more updates. Sorry.

  (end of this chapter)