Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 354 The Immortal-Lucius was hacked to death (subscription required)

  It is undoubtedly a huge provocation to announce the death of the other party in front of a god.

  Being humiliated by mortals like this, if you remain indifferent, I am afraid that your majesty as a **** will be directly swept away.

  When Clovis said that he would exterminate the blood god.

  The blood **** let out a furious roar.

  The air is like a calm pool into which stones are thrown.

   Sound waves visible to the naked eye were released in front of the blood god.

  The terrifying power shook the entire space.

  Blood waves rolled, and endless divine power gushed out, pouring down like an endless sea of ​​blood bursting a dike, filling the entire **** space.

  Infinite power turned into a monstrous wave of blood and rushed towards Clovis and his party.

   Endless wailing sounds appeared in the blood wave.

  The **** waves turned into desperate and painful faces, all of which were the creatures and players who were sacrificed in the past.

   Tortured for eternity, trapped in the realm of the blood god, becoming his plaything and **** for entertainment.

   "I swear that I will take your soul and put it in eternal purgatory. You will not be free until the moment everything decays."

  The Blood God uttered vicious curses from that tusk-ridden mouth, venting his terrible rage enough to set the world ablaze.

  Clovis did not care.

  Even if the other party is a god, so what?

  He wholeheartedly serves the Holy Light, the all-knowing and omnipotent Emperor of the Empire.

  Strong faith makes him fearless.

  Even in the face of terrifying false gods, he can swing his sword firmly without any wavering.

  The wave of blood swept towards Clovis and his party.

  The Great Instructor raised his hand and recited the scriptures of prayer.

  Using the regular power of the heart of the empire to distort the raging blood wave, causing it to collapse into a misty blood mist.

   His teammates couldn't do that.

   They barely completed the three-generation upgrade, and they still have some difficulty facing a furious god.

  The two warriors were engulfed by the terrifying wave of blood, and their heavy bodies were sucked into the wave of blood.

  If it weren't for the strong power armor to remove the impact force, and the self-protection ability of Empire Heart's twisted rules.

   I'm afraid they will be crushed alive by the blood god.

  Blood waves layer upon layer, one wave stronger than the other.

  Clovis stood still like a rock in the sea, and those blood waves approached him, directly turning into blood mist that disintegrated.

  Clovis's comrades-in-arms were wrapped in blood waves and rushed to the distance, relying on the protection of the Empire's Heart and Power Armor to support them.

  Using waves of blood to separate Clovis' battle-brothers.

  The God of Blood no longer wasted his divine power, but rushed straight to the Great Teacher.

   As a god, the God of Blood knew very well that there was no way to defeat the opponent by relying on witchcraft or other tricks.

  The opponent has the ability to dispel the power of ether.

  Even if his divine power can crush the stars, he can't shake the opponent even a little bit.

  The waves can erase the sand castles on the beach, but not the stones on the beach.

   Only by using the most primitive way can it be possible to kill the opponent.

  The blood god's body became huge, and his tentacles became hard and thick as if they were covered with a layer of black scales.

  The tip was still shining with a strange blood light, and it danced in the air a few times at random, and then there was a whizzing sound of piercing the air.

  Several tentacles turned into spikes and slammed towards Clovis.

   Clovis dodges a few tentacles.

  Used the magic sword in his hand to block the terrorist attack of one of the tentacles.

  The collision of the two sputtered sparks.

  The power field intertwined with the weird blood light, making crackling noises.

  The servo system of the power armor emits a whining sound, and only when it is running at full strength can it release all the power and prevent it from collapsing.

   "I despise you, miserable false god." Clovis roared: "You will be purified under the wrath of the great emperor."

   The Blood God is much taller than the Gray Knight in full gear and four Primaris upgrades.

   Hearing Clovis' roar, the blood god's weird, smooth head bowed slightly, as if there were eyes on it.

   "Let your dog emperor die." The blood **** said angrily, his mouth full of fangs roaring.

  The God of Blood released a sound wave, and after being dodged by Clovis, he waved his tentacles again and slashed down with one blow.

   Clovis used his space ability to move himself away, avoiding the opponent's attack again.

  The **** space was shaken by the terrifying blow of the blood god.

  Clovis seized this opportunity, using the time ability to slow down the movement speed of the surrounding things, and then jumped up, slashing at the opponent's head with the magic sword in his hand.

   The blood **** was not affected by Clovis' time ability for long.

  As soon as it entered stagnation, the opponent got rid of the influence of the slow flow of time and regained normal mobility.

The gods who have been in the subspace for a long time have their own time force fields. When they enter the real universe, they only adjust their time flow rate to be consistent with the flow rate of the real universe, and will not be affected by the time flow of the main universe or other creatures. Force field effects.

  The time control ability is extremely lethal to those creatures that are surrounded by the time of the real universe, but it has little effect on these creatures that have their own time force field.

  It seems that the economic sanctions of a certain mangy dog ​​can cause a devastating blow to companies that rely on the global industrial chain, and have little damage to those companies that have the entire industrial chain.

  The restored blood **** dodged a blow from Clovis.

  However, his body is too large, even if he gets rid of the influence of the slow flow of time, it is difficult to completely avoid Clovis' sharp blow.

  The sword slashed into his scarlet-robed shoulder.

  The demon in the sword let out an excited howl, and bit the blood god's soul with one bite.

  The Blood God let out a painful growl.

  His tentacles waved wildly.

   One of them hit Clovis, sending him flying along the stone door. Breaking those ancient stone pillars stained with scarlet blood.

  The God of Blood entered the castle along the stone gate.

  Being severely injured by mortals made him even more angry. Only by crushing the other party to ashes can he relieve the depression in his heart.

  The tentacles slammed again at the downed Clovis, but again the Grand Master dodged the blow.

   While dodging, he pulled the trigger.

  The high-speed explosive bomb caught the blood **** by surprise.

  The special substance in it is extremely harmful to the spirit and divinity.

   Make the blood **** miserable. The bleeding didn't stop.

   Clovis seized the opportunity and cut off one of the opponent's tentacles.

  The shining blood of the gods splashed out from the wound and fell to the ground with a sizzle.

   "Mortal." The blood **** roared to the sky, and sound waves visible to the naked eye came out of his mouth.

  The entire giant castle shook.

  Buildings collapse like blocks.

   Clovis was sent flying again and crashed into the wall.

  Even with the protection of the heart of the empire, Clovis still felt that his internal organs seemed to be displaced, most of his bones were shattered, and even the servo system of the armor wailed in pain.

   "Go to hell, mortal, you will be cursed by me forever."

  The blood **** turned his tentacles into **** weapons and stabbed at Clovis.

   Bang! Bang!

  Psionic flames flickered in the air with the sound of bolters.

  The explosive bomb exploded on the blood god.

  Psionic flames set him on fire, too.

  The combat brothers who were knocked into the air just now climbed up again.

   The blood **** was beaten back again and again.

  Clovis managed to get up, raised the demon sword, and limped forward.

  Amidst the scream of the devil's excitement, he pierced the sharp sword into the back of the opponent's heart, piercing into the heart.

  The blood **** wailed in pain, his huge body trembling.

  The demon gnawed at his soul, and blood gushed out along the blade.

  The God of Blood swung his tentacles and knocked Clovis into the air.

  The other combat brothers fired one after another, and the bombs continued to explode on the blood god, making him howl again and again.

  The huge body swayed from side to side.

  The divine blood gushed out and sprinkled on the ground.

  His rationality was overwhelmed by pain, and he could only follow his instinctive attacks.

  Clovis dodged the attack of the tentacles, grabbed the hilt of the sword again, and slashed hard, splitting half of the blood god's body.

  Then the sword turned and slashed at the tentacles used by the opponent to support the body.

  Amidst the impotent and furious roars, the blood **** finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

  The other combat brothers all rushed up, hitting with explosive bombs, slashing, poking, and chopping with weapons, making the blood **** **** and bloody, screaming again and again.

   "Quick, kill him."

"kill him."

"kill him."

  The demon in the sword trembled with excitement, encouraging Clovis to kill the god.

"This is the fate of heretics." Clovis limped up, his body was in sharp pain, but he was suppressed by his strong will, he raised the magic sword and shouted : "This is the fate of being an enemy of the empire, and all false gods who dare to stop the great cause of the emperor of the empire will be like this."

   As he spoke, Clovis' sharp blade whizzed down, beheading the head of the blood god.

  Blood with radiant divine brilliance spewed out suddenly.

  The limbs of the blood **** struggled, as if they were fighting against the eternal nothingness.

   After a while, it stopped struggling and completely lost its life.

  The body was ignited with raging flames.

  Divinity, spiritual matter, soul, and flesh and blood were all turned into fuel for the fire of destruction, and turned into pieces of fly ash.

   A **** thus died.

   Mortals are mortal.

  Hurrying over, Grom, who hadn't had time to rest, stood in front of his aging friend.

  The other party has reached the moment of death.

  The natural aging of the body has reached an irreversible level.

   It's just that the other party is still holding on, and it seems that there is still an unfulfilled wish, so it has been a long time since he accepted the embrace of the emperor, and went to sleep in the eternal kingdom.

  Grom's resolute face showed a trace of invisible sadness.

   That once beautiful woman has declined.

  The genetic technology of the empire can only extend the lifespan of those individuals with powerful souls.

   Those with fragile souls need to enter the emperor's domain to sleep until their souls are revived before they can reshape their bodies and be active in the real universe.

   This is a different kind of death.

   means that they may never meet again.

  Even if the empire has continued, the Holy Emperor has always led them.

   The time of sleeping and waking up will also be staggered.

  The memory of both parties will become blurred with the passage of time.

  Thousands of years, ten thousand years later, the emotional bond between them may be gone.

  Slumber is undoubtedly another form of farewell to the people of the empire.

  Forcibly living is also something that the empire does not allow.

   will bring crisis to the continuation of the entire race.

   Those demons are the best example.

  Not all the living beings in the subspace are born from the emotions of creatures, and some are races that have completed ascension and detachment.

   Now, they have all become abominable monsters eager to **** the pain and soul of others.

   Immortality is not difficult for races that have mastered genetic technology.

  Using genetic technology to modify the genetic material that controls cell division can resist aging and death.

   The question is whether the soul can bear it.

  The soul is a very special existence.

  The joint efforts of soul and flesh and blood create a complete person.

  Flesh and flesh need food, and the soul is also eager to be stimulated and filled with various emotions.

  A clear example is the Dark Eldar.

  The various horror instruments of torture and arenas in Comoros essentially fill their own emptiness by torturing other creatures, and the same is true for extending their own lifespan.

  The lifespan of a Haemonculi is often extremely astonishing, and the years lived are calculated in tens of thousands of years.

   It is to torture those guys through various extreme methods, so that their souls can get enough food to live forever.

  The longer one lives, the human nature of the creature will be gradually obliterated.

  Longing for all kinds of extreme, moral and ethical crazy entertainment.

   In order to fill the emptiness in my heart.

  In the end, it will become an existence like the inanimate.

   Possesses immortal life and terrifying power.

   was tortured by endless hunger, thirst and emptiness.

   At every moment, they are eager to torture those souls and devour flesh and blood for satisfaction.

  If all members of the empire live forever, the final outcome is to enter the subspace and become a demon.

  Guilliman became the new God of Chaos, and the people of the Empire became his devil minions, forming a new whole.

  In order to avoid that fate, it is to prevent individuals whose souls are not strong enough to live forever.

   When the time comes, let their bodies die naturally, and their souls will be sent to sleep in the firewall.

   This is a helpless choice.

   Prevent humans from going crazy and become a new race of demons.

  Grom is not opposed to such a system, but only mourns the loss of his friend.

   "I'm glad, Grom, you can still come to see me." The old man raised his head, his wrinkled face no longer had the fair look of the past.

  For a woman, the aging of her appearance is unbearable.

  The old man was very calm about this.

  Her expression carried a contempt for death and old age.

   "You are my friend." Grom said: "The enemy of the empire has been expelled to the Eye of Terror. I was ordered to return to my home planet to recruit a group of recruits to prepare for the final battle to unify the galaxy."

  Grom, who has completed his treatment, has already returned to the front line.

   Re-enter the Black Dragonflight service.

  When he left the battlefield, he received the news that the female doctor who had assisted him in his psychological treatment was dying.

  In these years, he has never cut off contact with the other party.

  The occasional exchange of letters between the two parties brought him great comfort.

  The friendship between a primordial warrior and a mortal female doctor, no matter how you look at it, the two will not become friends.

   But fate is so ingenious.

  The female doctor became Grom's bosom friend.

  Long-term research on human psychology, the female doctor can always point out Grom's confusion sharply, and guide him back to the right path again.

   Let him understand that the meaning of war is not to kill the enemy, but to protect those precious things.

  One should not derive any pleasure from such things as killing enemies and disrupting order.

   That way you will fall into the trap of your enemies and become a potential corrupter of the Chaos Gods.

  Happiness and joy should only come from those good emotions.

  Having such a good friend made Grom feel unprecedented peace.

  His heart is extremely strong, no amount of evil can shake him in the slightest.

  However, now this good friend has reached the limit of his life.

  The insight into the evil of human nature and the ambivalence of longing for beauty made her physically and mentally exhausted.

   prematurely drained her soul and made her exhausted. In the end, she was unable to pass the assessment of life extension surgery, and was required to die naturally and return to the embrace of the emperor.

  After witnessing all kinds of inferiority and meanness of human nature, it is more difficult than killing the enemy to remain passionate about one's original intention.

  The female doctor has reached the limit.

   If you keep going, you may go into darkness.

   For this reason, the best choice is to end life and sleep until the wound of the soul is healed.

   "It's really good news. The galaxy will eventually be unified, and the glory of the Holy Emperor will shine on every world." The old man smiled, and she stretched out her hand.

  Grom chose to kneel in front of her, allowing the old hand to touch his scarred face.

"Grom" caressed the other person's face, and the old man shed crystal tears. She paused for a moment before continuing: "Actually, there is one thing I have never been able to say, and that is that I love you, your steadfast soul and your strength." Unyielding belief. I thought about failing your evaluation form to keep you."

   "Then why didn't you do that?" Grom asked softly.

"I can't be so selfish. The final destination of a great warrior belongs to the battlefield, to his monarch, and to the people he protects. I can't keep you for my own selfish feelings." The old man said softly: "Ge Roma, the one I fell in love with, I bless you, and may the Holy Emperor protect you forever, so that you will never be harmed again."

   Grom didn't speak.

  After the old man said the words that had been accumulated in his heart for many years, the old hand hung down feebly, accepted the embrace of the holy emperor, and went to the eternal kingdom.

  The automatic sensing equipment in the room sensed the departure of the old man, and made a low buzzing sound, like an invisible machine soul mourning the departure of the master who had been with him for many years.

  Grom laid the old man's body flat on the bed, stared at the peaceful face, and sighed softly in his heart.

  He didn't speak, nor did he make any response.

   Instead, he turned and left.

  The home planet is not too close to this place, so he has to save time from other places to come here to see his friend for the last time.

  Several Black Dragon Warriors were waiting for Grom outside.

   "My lord, I don't understand why you waste so much time to see an old man who is about to die." A battle brother of the Black Dragon Chapter asked puzzledly.

   Grom walked between them and turned to look at the room.

   Several social agency personnel have entered the room, preparing to dispose of the body in accordance with standard procedures.

   "Fight so that you don't forget why." Grom whispered, "To tell yourself that you are human. Emotion is not a weakness, it makes us stronger."

   "Let's go, the Chapter Master is waiting for us."

   Grom turned and left.

   Just like when he left after getting the certificate of passing the assessment.

   Several battle brothers of the Black Dragon Squadron looked at each other.

   "Master Grom, doesn't he like that woman?" A recruit asked in a low voice.

   "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Grom is a veteran who has served for several centuries. I heard that he was also a fearless soldier. How could he like an ordinary person with a short lifespan."

  A veteran rebutted the recruit with a stern tone.

   "Don't you like running thousands of light years just to see one last time?"

   The recruit muttered in a low voice, and finally chose to shut up under the stern gaze of the veteran.

   "We serve the great emperor with all our hearts, remember this. Mortal **** is of no use to us." The veteran whispered.

  In a warship covered with traces of blasphemy.

  The booming gunshots can be heard endlessly.

   With a distorted face, the terrifying Lucius was directly knocked out by the powerful and tyrannical force.

  The heavy body hit the flesh-and-blood bulkhead, making a deafening sound.

  The gorgeous long sword in his hand came out.

  There were several gaps in the sword, and it was only one blow away from breaking.

   Even his demon whip was broken.

  The howling soul armor that imprisoned thousands of souls on his body was also in tatters, with several dents punched out by brute force.

  Lucius has been killed by the empire several times.

  But relying on his own strange blessing, he was reborn and escaped from the pursuit of the empire.

  As long as the person who participated in the killing of Lucius feels a little satisfaction in killing the other party, Lucius can be resurrected on the other party's body.

  The key is that this range is also very large.

  Even if he was bombarded to death by a battleship without self-will.

  Every cheering sailor in the battleship will be regarded as the target of his resurrection.

   Regarding the ability of this BUG, ​​the Imperial Inquisition also felt somewhat at a loss.

   It is easy to kill the opponent, the problem lies in the resurrection of the opponent.

  Using soulless people to kill each other has the same outcome.

   There is nothing wrong with the soulless, but the one who ordered it suffered.

  Lucius is also quite proud of this.

  Relying on the blessing of Prince Joy, he has not been captured by the empire since he has been active.

   Only this time, there was no perverted smile on his face.

   Instead, deep fear.

  A huge figure came step by step from the darkness.

  The face covered with wounds made Lucius make a sound of fear and pain.

   "Why do you want to do this?" Lucius shouted: "As our father, why do you want to bring destruction on our heads."

  (end of this chapter)